When I Feel I Need To Scream: A Social Story

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When I Feel I Need to Scream

A social story.
Nobody likes loud noises.
Shouting is a loud noise.
Screaming is a loud noise.
Screaming around others can frighten them.
Screaming also hurts peoples ears. This is not a nice feeling.
Others won’t want to be around me if I scream all the time.
Everyone screams and everybody shouts. People do this for many reasons.
Sometimes I feel like I need to scream because,

I am angry or, I am feeling upset.

Other feelings may cause me to scream loudly,
some of those may be,

being scared, being excited,

being in pain, or being surprised.

I need to remember to speak in my quiet
voice. This is also called my ‘inside voice’.

Anything louder than an inside voice is


An outside voice is a very loud voice.

When I am outside, I can use my outside
Screaming in my classroom is not OK.
Screaming in my classroom is an unexpected behaviour.
Screaming when I don’t get what I want is not OK.
This is an unexpected behaviour.
If I am feeling angry there are things I can do instead of
screaming, they are,

take deep breaths count to 10 sit and take a break talk to an adult

go for a walk fiddle with fidget toys have a drink look at the size of the problem
There are times it can be OK to scream or shout, those times may be,

seeing a spider cheering a sports team watching a scary movie

Calling “Help” in an emergency feeling hurt playing outside

I must remember to use my
inside voice in the classroom.

If I am angry or a little upset

I must tell an adult using words
or pictures.
Using an inside voice will make my friends and teachers happy.

Using my inside voice is the right thing to do.

outside voice

inside voice

whisper voice

no talking

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