BCECE Question Papers 2015 - Chemistry

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B1IMC5 Test Booklet No. 22997 = = tan gfierer ste (This Test Booklet contains UNATTACHED OMR Answer-sheet inside.) TIME. : ‘T' Hour 30 Minutes (ge tere gfe Bs re arate SALLE. TAT TNH TAT STE) vere 1 der 30 fire No. of Gixéstforis : 100 ae: [” CHEMISTRY yore 100 1. Candidate’s Name (eter st T=) ‘2. Candidate’s Full Sig. < cathere er FeTETT) 3. Roll No. (Fill in digits and words as shown in the Example) : ‘hee frrcon (Prk esr 2) cee aegre e ee seet aa aE e INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES (erdtenferet & fora Pre) (A) General (ara) : 1. This Booklet contains 24 Pages (apart from the OMR answer-sheet). As soon as the booklet is distributed, Examines ae directed to confirm the number of pages, legibility of printing etc. They must also confirm thatthe Bar Ga sped such ya is ne pron pnd on rt of he any remaining ‘portion is printed on part-I of the answer-sheet. No complaints will be entertained for eichimge of booklet later than 10 minutes after distribution. earthen aan. ae ae 24 SE 1 RY ee err fer te re eter eet at ata fis ae ea yet at der att oat at aT aa at wea oe aT A Lares ete de ah Pir ee Ser ee Ferrers ae Te RS er TC wT Ra Eee HRT TTT TET AC we RT ST TT SELL TE 1 et a a fe Be are egret cert Hera a Rrra et oa at cams coat y= @ Roll No, should be written in digits as well as in words in the appropriate Box provided at serial ‘upper portion of the front cover page of this Test Booklet as per the example given below : iba afer ye gee aad arr a en 3 Fad a eae alae a he Ra wd see age et ATT aeeet Te erat H fever: above on the Example (SUM): Roll No, (#h=4) : 179682 mz Of zadmals nznzle wom oe fev Sma & lo ofn|h Each Question is of four marks, which will be awarded for the correct answer. For each incorrect answer one mark will be deducted from the total marks obtained. Zero mark will be given for Questions not answered. More than one Answer indicated agsinet a Question will be declared as incorrect Answer. sarees et Bs fart are es Prater & fra adh sere Bs ford Rear tr eter re gee Pea Ue slew er ort Beare Fee et Aare re et Sere aT Rear nee ae re a kes ear ore 1 ale ee fed sa ‘aree fd ehh at a eh at ae er & fed ere Se eT TET Use of Calculator/Slide Rule/Log Table/Graph Paper/Charts or any electronic gadget eg. Mobile Phone et. is not allowed. ageev anes Belen 2qelre toverds or feet were & weg see we Aer Ge ane a TNT afr & 1 If there is any difference between English version and the corresponding translated version in Hindi’ of any ‘question, then the English version will be treated as authentic “aetna tte race fore ores Henk Freer eit itt A akon sre Hh aT eT 1 ‘Any candidate attempting or using unfair means or copying or detaching any page of question booklet or marking the answer on the question booklet will be expelled and his candidature will be rejected. cafe att aera sapere, mere aes area, whenever a Yes aR ar ae Ue ae fered rer dr at et AT 1B Prone ase fear ord atte saat setard vee a at Te | ‘Candidates must also follow the instructions, which may be given by the Centre Superintendent from time to time. ‘aha Si Serer ee we RA me Pasa ar ae hee at Te BAT BT | ADDITIONAL BOOKLET/ANSWER-SHEET WILL NOT BE PROVIDED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES OTHER THAN THAT MENTIONED IN 1 ABOVE. 1 A fire target Ue Sera & after orem a ait are ehegferer atte Seer Peet ot oR ‘Stadt fear sre | CANDIDATES MUST SUBMIT THE WHOLE BOOKLET ALONG WITH THE OMR ANSWER-SHEET AT ‘THE END OF EXAMINATION. veh ere ae et leer aT HE Process for Filing up Part- of Answer-Sheet (owt-oxe mE 8 we wi sft) : ANSWER-SHEET IS OF OMR TYPE TO RE READ RY COMPUTER SCANNER meee em, en Br ee eee wT AT Continued on the inside ofthe back cover page. 2 (Go orc ore ye HE RE) Space For Rough Work / sed err & fg ore BIMCS 3 CHEMISTRY Tn which of the following pair, each member produces the same gas ? (A) K, KO, (B)_Na,Na,0, © Ca, Catt, (D) Ba, Bad, The volume strength of 1.5 N H,0, solution is (A) 4.8 litres @) 5.2 litres (© 84 litres @) 8.8 litres In which of the following, the ratio of the sizes of cation to anion is smallest ? (A) NaCl (@) Kal (© Mgch ©) CaF, A solid ‘x’ on heating gives CO, and a residue, The residue with HO form *y’. On passing an excess of CO, through ‘y’ in H,0, a clear solution of ‘2’ is obtained. On bolling ‘2’, x’ is reformed. ‘vis: (A) Ca(Hico,), (B) Caco, © Na,co, @) K,co, Which is the most basic oxide ? (A) Za0 (B) MgO (© ALO, (D) N,05 10. ALO, becomes anhydrous AICI, upon heating (A) with Nacr (B) with dry Cl +C ©) with cL, (D) with dry HCI gas Which of the following is not formed ? (A) NCI, @) ASF, © Sect, ©) PF, The product of NH, - NH, + H,0, ca is (a) 0) ® 4, © NH ©) N, The color of liquid O, is (A) pale yellow (B) pale biue (© green @) red * The basicity of H,PO, is (1 @) 2 ©3 () None of these C10, dissolves in aqueous NaOH to give (A) cr,07- B) Coy © cKoH, ©) cron, BIMCS a Tare TET fret aa ew gue @ deh weer aa 6 SIRT TE? (A) K,KO, (B) Na, Na,O, (©) Ca, CoH ©) Ba, Ba, 1.5 NH,O, Paerar a array aft & (A) 48rter @) s2cter © 8.4cter ©) 8grier fer 3 a feet eae oe aoe mere aT STITT BAS HHT? (A) Nact @) Kel (©) MgCl, ©) CaF, ew dhe ‘x at re wet TCO, TET RTT sare ahem & 1 arate set @ aioe = ty’ tak 1 ty’ Hache ater HF antes FCO, efter aa oe er ere Paras ‘2’ fire Bias wy FTE ee (A) Ca(HCO,), 10. ®) Caco, (©): NaxCo, (©) K,CO, er aad ania sist? (&) Z20 (B) MgO © AL, () N,0, BIMCS 5 u ALO, WH We TH BT EH AICI, men (A) Nacras ara @) FeCl, +h aT, © Cha ©) Wace ea fra 8 ate vet a we? (A) NCly och (B) ASF, © SbCl, (©) PFs NH, — NH, +H,0, Cy wr zeaet (A) 0, . ®) H, (©) NH, ©) N, waO, arin (A) erent @) trent on ©) we HPO, 3 erdtaa wi @) 2 ©3 (D) Baa at C10, 7th NeOH eer a (A) cr,07 @®) cro} © cKon, ©) CKOH), 12, The following ion in its aqueous solution is colorless : (At. no. : Se = 21, Fe = 26, Ti = 22, ‘Mn =25) (A) Sc (B) Fe © 1 (D) Mn* 13. The oxidation number of Ni in INiC,0,) I ie A 3 @) 4 ©2 @) 6 14. Which of the following is an optically active compound ? (A) butanol (B) 1-propanol (©) 2chlorobutane (D) 4hydroxy heptane 15. In sodium fusion test of organic compounds, N is converted 10 (A) NaNH, (B) Nacn (©) NaNo, (©) NaNO, 16. Which one of the following is called inorganic graphite? @) B : ®) BC © BH (D) BN uw. 18, a. Glass + HF? (A) SiFy (B) H,SiF, © H,SiO, ©) NasAlFe How many Chiral C are there in B-D - (+) — glucose ? @ 5 @) 6 ©) 3 O4 Which is the strongest acid ? (A) Cl-CH,-CH,-OH OH “oO OH “O ‘NO? OH “& CH This compound forms a sodium salt ‘upon reacting with NaNH (A) Coty @) CH.NH, ©) Cols @) Ce What is the electrophile when RCI + AICI, are used in Friedel Craft reaction ? (a) cit (B) AIC, OR () AICI; BIMcS 13. 14, is. 16. ‘Bro saree ome rete era det aT (eR BHI: Se = 21, Fe = 26, Ti= 22, Mn = 25) (A) So (B) Fe* © 7 (D) Mant Ni @ [Ni(C,0,),1* 4 ater Her t A 3 @4 O©2 @) 6 Bren 8 aha er weer ais aha 2 (A) Leapaiet (B) Latter (©) 22RIeRT (D) 4eregint te conifer aired 2 aifisert ert wert FN, wet oftaftet et stent: (A) NaNH,, (B) NaCN (© Nano, (D) NaNO, Pra a a a arent dongs weer & 7 AB B) BC © Ble ©) BN BIMCS 18. 19. 21. wis +HP->? (A) SiF, ®) HSiF, © HSi0, ©) ‘Na AlFe B-D- (4) Tar a fem Peer CE? (A) 5 ® 6 ©3 @ 4 ae ween are (A) Cl-CH, - CH, ~ OH OH ® (oy OH “Ol ‘NO; ‘OH » OX cH “aE ARE NaNHL & a bar a Se ifort ream tes (A) GH, ® cay, © Ce @) GH, wide ave sifiiea 4 RCI + AICI, wim art ow owe mais (wrEetees tr? a) cit ®) Aict; © R* @) alciy Nylon-6 is made from (A) Isoprene (B) Adipic acid (© Caprotactam (D) Styrene Which polymer has different type of oud between monomers from the other three ? (A) Cellulose @) Woot © Silk @) Nylon In Buna-S, S stands for (A) Sulphur (B) Soft © Styrene (©) Sodium ‘Which one is incorrect name ? (A) Propyne (B) But-2-yne (© Pent-3-yne (D) But-l-yne Lewisite, a war gas, is made by reacting CH=CH with ° (A) HCN (B) HCI © Ascl, @) 0, CH,COOH The product of CH= CHF is (A) CH, = CHCI (B) CH,CH(OOCCH,), (© CH,CHO (©) CH,CH,CHO 31. 32, (C,H,),Pb is an example of (A) Negative Catalyst (B) Positive Catalyst © Solvent (D) Fuel Which metal is used as a part of catalyst in Fischer - Tropsch method ? (A) Ma @B) Go (©) Fe @) Pt The octane number of this alkane is 100 : (A) 2,2, 4-Trimethylpentane B) Hexane (C) Heptane @) Butane Identify organometalic compound(s). (A) CH,ONa ®) CHSNa (© CH,Mgt ©) all ‘Which one is called Westrosol ? (A) CCl, (B) CCl, = CHCI (© CHC, (®) CHCICHCI, OH HL CH,C! CHLCHLOH + HI. — > CH,CH,L +Sn 2S, y SZ) CH,CHOH, xis (A) NaHS @) NaNO, (©) AgNO, @) AgNO, BIMCS 22, aren 6 Bae TET SAT = (A) areata (B) vfs at © ite ©) er 23, Pass mere erst arate Re ate (a) aeaRisT ® * (©) face ©) Ara 24. BES HS TET Wee: . (A) Feet @) FRR © wate ©) afar 28, trae? (A) sie @) FR 2aRA © 3.9 ©) AR-1-sr 26, ARAN, UH ar He wT IME CH = CHS are eaat aiffioar ae aera (A) HCN (B) HCI (© AsCl, @) 0, CH,COOH 21, CH=CH, IRE Hg* (A) CH =CHCI (8) CH,CH(OOCCH,), (© cH,CHO @®) CH,CH,CHO BIMCS 31. 32. (CH), Po Ber Sere E : (A) TRE Sa B) HERE sR © Freres ©) Rew — gon fair & ate aft eng seer at fer a & 2 (A) Mo B) Co © Fe Or Wa war at sees oT 1008: (A) 2,2, 4greafrer @) ter © ©) RT attics corbatas) afre a Tera | (A) CH,ONa @) CyH,SNa © CMe © wt ae agit seer 87 @ ccl, ®) CCl,=CHCI © CHC, (D) CHCLCHCL, CH,CH,OH + HI ——>CH,CHI x +X +Sn SY Fa CHsCHOH. xt (A) NaHS. (B) NaNO, (© AgNO, ©) Agno, 3. X + Br) ~ CH,CH,Br + a gas +a salt, Xis (A) CH,CH,OH (B) CH,COONa (© CH,CH,SH ©) CH,CH,COOAg Wich is hygroscopic, sweet in ste and. non-poisonous ? (A) CH,OH (B) CHOH - CHOH- CH,OH (©) CH,OcH, ©) CH,CH,OH Which is used as a solvent during reactions with Grignard reagent ? (A) CHOC Hs ®) cH,0H © Cine, ©) cel, This is added to ether to test its purity : (A) C,H,ONa @®) KI © Ka CH,CO\, ” cH, co/? This is oxidized to prepare methyl ethyl ketone : (A) 2-Propanol @) 1-botanol (©) 2-butanol (D) t-butyl alcohol This does not convert a ketone to an alcohol : (A) Zaltg + HCI @) N © LAM, ©) Nallig+H,0 10 41. ‘The number of isomeric aldehydes for CyH jie (A) 2 @3 Os @) 4 Which is a mixed ketone ? (A) Propan-2-one _(B) Butan-2-one (©) Peatan-3-one @) None This does not react with Febling’s solution : (A) CH,CHO ®) (CH,),CO (©) HCHO (@®) HCOOH This does not undergo aldol condensation : (A) HCHO @) CH,CHO (©) CH,CocH, @®) CH,CH,CH,CHO Acrolein is (A) Ketone (B) Aldehyde (© Polymer ©) Protein FeSO, +H,0, is called (A) Febling’s solution B) Benedict's solution (©) Schiff's reagent (D) Fenton's reagent BIMCS 37. X+ Br, > CH,CH,Br + Wer he + Te IT xt: (A) CH,CH,OH (B) CH,COONa (© CH,CHSH @) CH,CH,COOAg a aontcmdt, Hs eae a site aia e 7 (A) CH,OH (8) CH,OH- CHOH cHon (© CH,OCH, (©) CH,CH,OH aa fers afters at aftiieansit fee & wa F eater fiver sen 7 (A) CyHsOCaH, ®) C,H,0H (© GHNH (D) CCL, Pea tar Ft creat der at vat adhe sont te “= (A) C)H,ONa @®) KI © Kcr CH, CO\, ® cy co/ See tector Ae ete er o vate @®) aR (© 2p Aer (@) eaRrT Uae ae we ach at ww wattle F ofa at eer: 0 (A) ZalHg + HCI @) Ni © Liam, () Nalig+H,0 BIMCS n 41. C,H,,0 & fae we den & wrt verre ina (A) 2 @®) 3 ©s5 M4 ‘air or aw fifa aie? (A) 32-307 ® B23 © 3-37 (D) Besta ‘ag Safer feerert ere free et TAT (A) CH,CHO ®B) (CH,),CO (©) HCHO (D) HCOOH ae Erste Serr at eT: (A) HCHO (8) CH,CHO (© CH,CocH, @) CH,CH,CH,CHO Watt & (a) er @®) vesres © we ©) ter FeSO, + 1,0, 58eren (A) Sefer ferret (B) Pier rer © fae ate ©) Fea afer 46, CH;CN ty Y ‘The compounds X and ¥ are respectively (A) CH,CH,NH,, CH,CUC! @®) CH,CONH,, CH,CH,CI (©) CH,COOH, CH,CONH, ©) CH,CONH,, CH;COOH Dry distillation “of |(CH,COO),Ca produces (A) CH,COOH ®) CH,CHO () (CH,),CO (©) CH,COocH, Electrolysis of a concentrated aqueous solution of a compound gave CH, on anode. The compound is (A) CH,COOK (®) CH,CH,COOK (©) CH,Cooc,Hs ©) CH,OCH, 210°C The’ of CO + NaQH product of CO + fom * (A) Co, (8) CH,COONa (©) HCOONa ©) CH, ‘The compound insoluble in acetic acid is (A) CaO @) Caco, © ?\ca @) cxOH, 2 Si. 52. Alkaline hydrolysis of an ester is called (A) Neutralization (B) Esterification (© Polymerization (©) Saponification What is biuret 2, (A) CH,CONH,CH, (8) NH,CONHCONH, (©) NH,CoNH, (D) NH,OH What is grape-sugar ? (A) Starch (B) Glucose (C) Fructose ©) Sucrose How many Stereoisomers glucose has ? (A) 10 @) 13 © 15 @) 6 What is the bond ‘monosaccharides in starch ? (A) Glycosidic ) Peptide © Phosphodiester ©) Ester between Glucose reacts with (A) Schiff's reagent (B) Phenyl hydrazine (© Natiso, ©) Br, +H,0 ‘Which one is an aldoketose ? (A) Fructose (B) Glucose (©) Maltose @) Starch BIMCS 41. 49, (A) CH,CH,NH,, CH,COCI (B) CH,CONH,, CI,CH,Ct (© CH,COOH. CH,CONH, () CH,CONH,, CH,COOH (CH,COO),Ca & EW aH A TTT wat (A) CH,COOH 8) CH,CHO ©) (CH),CO (D) CH,COOCH, we tiie & are wete fer & fae. SHEA HGS CH, A ares (a) CH,COOK @) CH,CH,COOK (© cH,cO0C,H, ©) CH,OCH, 21 co+ NH 22S, ar araet Tain (A) CO, (B) CH,COONa (©) HCOONa ©) cH, ae airs eee ater adh ye: (A) CaO ®) CaCO, C00 \ bo0/* @) CxO, © BIMCS 51. weet or eter reser aoe (A) sereteseor @) wie © aRetemt (D) wept aegic ear 2 (A) CH,CONH,CH, (8) NH,CONHCONH, (©) NH,CONH, (0) NHLOH ear 2 (a) ee : ®) Fe (©) wae © wr Tepete & Peers fan aoe 2 (A) 10 ® 3 © 15 ©) 6 ‘oblihiadiahdcbelibabil 2 (A) Torerteretoa @) tens (©) WetteeeeT @O) ‘ Testa eae are fee See (A) fare afters B) SFr reese (© Naso, ©) Br, +H,0 oh ww eestaicle 2 (a) wR ®) TARE (© Aree ©) ert 6. ‘The formula of Vitamin (A) CoHy705N @®) CHO, (© CgH,NO, @) CigHygNOg ‘This is not water soluble vitanin : (A) D @c © B (@) Folic acid The deficiency of this vitamin makes it difficult to see in dim light : A ®) B oc @) D This vitamin vegetarians : (A) A ® By © B () Cc is less available to In the benzene sulphonation, the active specie is (A) HSO; ®) 80, © 50, @) sor Benzene has (A) 3 delocalized electrons (B) 4 delocalized electrons (C) 6 delocalized electrons (D) 12 delocalized electrons 14 o. This is a meta directing group in mono- substituted benzene during substitution (A) -C=N () -NH, (© -OH ©) -O The empirical formula of the compound is (A) CHO (8) CHO © CHO, (D) CH,OH Paper chromatography has following mobile and stationary phases respectively : (A) liquid, solid (B) solid, liquid © es, liquid (©) iguia,tigquia In Lassaigne’s test, the following reagent is used for testing the presence of both N&S: (A) AgNO, B) FeCl, t’ Naaayif the concentrations of two reactants A and B are @ [Al=.B) ) [A]>[B] © [AlB) © TAl* (B) decrease in Pe* Feet (©) ear Fomains unchanged (D) Fe decreases Which will have highest number of isomers ? (A) [Co(NH,),Ci)] ©) [NiC,0,),(en),7? © WNilen\NH,),?* ) [CxSCN),(NH,),I* The rate SB) for reaction 3A > 2B is equal to aA) dt -1d(A) © -}%4 w -3 o 2 ‘Which one has p,~d, bond ? (A) NO; ®) so; © Bo, @) co? Serpeck’s process is used for bauxite ‘which has following main impurity : (A) Sid, (B) Fe,0, © Fe,0, @) C20 BIMCS 81. aa ar aa een rey (A) Nz, CO,,CN- () N.H,S,CO (©) Nz, CO, CN- (D) Ca, Mg, Cl we dite aw fee afer arate areca Param : (A) Ky{Fe(CN)g] B) [Co(NH,)ICl, © [CunH))Cl, @) INi(CO),) Rider apeint? [ea] WHE Cr = 24, Fe =26] (A) [Cr(CO)g] 8) [Fe(CO),} (©) (Fe(CN)gI*~ @) [Cr(NH,)g]* - aha aqgaatat? (A) CLO ®) clo, © 0, @) C10, ‘aff Ba(OH), % digat rere a pH = 12 SateK, want: (A) 4x 10° M3 B) 4x 10-7 MS (© 5x10-M> @) 5x10-7M3 wept er Spe er FAR eT Prat oT wort @ eer (®) atomic (© fea sitet ©) deter BIMCS pt) aren Erte fer Fe iF, E° =— 0.44, Fe /Fe™, E=0.77 af Fe, Fe atte Fe & ais Uw aa TE ae Te (A) Feet apm | (B) Fe aem | © Be afte ter Fe ©) Few | fred 8 Rats othr aera a 2 (A) [Co(NH,),Cl,] ®) [Ni(C,0,),(en),t? (©) (Ni(en(NH,),)* *(D) [CHSCN),(NH,),I* 3A + 2p athe ot ar SB) are oe @ 32 © jag © aif ‘ante fais ga ateemee & whe rie at Seat et Frm ar (A) SiO, @) Fe,0, (©) Fe,0, @) Cad a1, 95, ‘An ideal solution is formed when its components : (A) upon mixing show no change in volume. (B) upon mixing show no change in enthalpy. (©) upon mixing show neither change in volume nor enthalpy. (D) show high solubility. Which one of the following “have same Van't Hoff factor as that of K,{Fe(CN),]? (A) Al(S0,), (B) NaCl (©) AUNO,), ©) Naso, How many kg of O, will be required for complete combustion of 28 kg of ethylene ? (A) 28 (B) 64 © 96 @) 96 The number of moles of KMnO, needed to react with 1 mole of SO} in widic solution is. . (A) @) © @) 3/5 une oe ‘Acetylene has following’bonds between the Carbon atoms : (A) 16,2" @B) 36 © 3x @) 26,1" 100. At CMC, surfactant molecules : (A) Hydrolyse B) Dissociate (©) Associate () Dissolve completely For the reaction CO(g) + Cly(g) = COCK{g), Ky/Ke is equal to (a) VRT @) RT or @) 10 ‘The conjugate base of OH” is (a) o& ® oO © #0 @) 0, ‘The precipitate of CaF, (K,, = 1.7 x 107!) is obtained when equal volumes of the following are mixed : (A) 10-4M Ca? + 10-4 (B) 10°M Ca? + 109M (© 10°MCa*+ 10M ) 10°M Ca?* + 10M ‘Washing Soda is (A) Na,CO, - 7H,0 (B) Na,CO, - 10H,0 (©) Na,CO, - 3H,0 (D) Na,CO, BIMCS a. 92. 95, ee saree Pere & Praion a aay wen a) Fert oc sere ait en = 1 (B) Premt we weed Fae after set 1 (© fret we araet att wed Fag ‘feats agi git ) ates Paco wr wees eet 1 fr HS fee are ete fee K, [Fe(CN)¢] % wart ei? (A) AL{S0,), (B) Nact (©) AKNO,); ©) Na,SO, 2.8 fom ofc 3 aot xe & fee Pat fem 0, wt arene tht 2 (A) 2.8 ® 64 © 96 ©) 96 SO & we aier & are sftiinar wet a fet KMnO, @& fae ster wafer aft attra seca Prema 4 atone 2 (A) ho Ue @B) © @) IS arte (A) 10, 20 (8) 30 © 3n + @) 26, In 4 ar wens & tte Fer wae: BIMCS 100. aurea gd oy A) ameter atom é 1 (B) Praftaa st one & 1 (© dafar tate (D) Phe: qerreter at ore F 1 sfifisan CO(g) + Cl,(g) a2 COCI,(g) SKK, wee eR: (a) VRT (®) RT © @) 10 On apt are (a) oF 8) oO © #0 ©) 0, CaF, (Ky, = 1.7 x 10-19) oor sera ae, air ae ‘Feear omg: (A) 10-4M Ca? + 10-4M (B) 107M Ca* + 10°M (©) 10°5M Ca? + 10-3M @) 10M Ca? + 105M & war arent wr fret errr ater t (A) Na,CO, - 7H,0 (B) NaC," 10H,0 (©) Na,CO,-3H,0 (P) Na,CO, ‘Space For Rough Work / ea ert ® fry 1g 2 BIMcs 2. Roll No., Examination Centre and its Code and Test Booklet No. should be written on the Part-I of the Answer ‘Sheet in Computerised format. The Digits should be written in topmost boxes in Blue/Black ball point pen and the circles corresponding to the digits be blackened with Blue / Black ball point pen only. aera EB Pee eet ae ater eae / ter Sa a ats / adegfierer at ee sat at See see ae acer SSE | gare ae shat art A far ster ame ers at cee / ret amet A it athe cea tt et feeds eft / ore ater ange & SE ‘Example: If Roll No. is 179682, and the Question Booklet No. is 14390, then sae: ‘ay et AT 179682 & we ‘er-afecent eT 14390 &, a 117] 916] 8] 2 f1[4]3 [97°] @/SSTSlOlo oo o O|o/ololole oo ® O]o]o]/o]o]o ololelolo 9]9]O/0]0]0 @|e/o]o/o O|9/0/0/0]0 0/0/@]o]o @|ololelo]o @|o|e/o]o Q/@/O/O/O/0O Q|O/O/O)O e|0|o/o/e]o @|e|o]o]o O/O/@)/O/O/O O|O/O/e/o o|o|o|olo]o olololole (C) Process for Filling up OMR Answer-Sheet (we-a7e5 w7é-II wt wet ai nifeer) + 1. , The questions are multiple choice type. Each question is provided with a number of choices of Answers, out of which ONLY ONE is MOST APPROPRIATE. The candidate must blacken the appropriate circle provided in front of the question number, using Blue / Black Ball Point Pen only. Ifa candidate uses the pencil for darkening the circles on the answer-sheet hisher answer-sheet will be rejected. we age Pesee aepte aE 1 ueden sae & Reg Ra 1a Peeper sel a a Sherer ew Ot aetftew suger & 1 adhere st eT Wen & efi saga Prewer & Bert wea ate at ett / are alot nde te | Hot a a sate Tt Sherer & ter & at See eRe at ee we fer oT | ‘Example: If correct answer for question no. 7 is the choice ‘B’, then darken the circle in front of question no. 7 as shown below : weer: ae rer ae 7 fore farmed “B’ wet gee, at er de 7 aes eae a wt Ae ard ea aE tert: Qx.1 OOOO Qx.2 OOOO QN.7 OOO 2. (a) The circles, as described in C-1 above, are to be darkened by using Blue / Black Ball Point Pen only. (ewes a Coa Hert rt segere Tht ot eh / ad tr fe de re TE () The shading should be dark and should completely fill the circle. (wate at per te i do at ae Continued on the next page. o 23 (are ye wee) (©) Only one circle corresponding to the correct answer should be darkened as shown below : Ce) eh ae eae ager a oh et at or rT ang aT aa Rae aT: Conect at "OD" O© © cones 7™ OOOO” OPGOO « OGOO «= O©HOO Inconect/™ @ ORO” OOOO * ©OSO * OMRO (@) The candidates must fully satisfy themselves shont the accuracy of the answer before darkening the -Appropriate circle using Blue/Black ball points pen as no change in answer once marked is allowed. Use of ‘eraser or white correction fluid on the answer-sheet is not permissible as the answer-sheets are machine -gfBdable and it may lead to wrong evaluation. “Seige vic a rt / et ser ears core eS seMt ee a Et er rw Fr ee Fe melee att mht at or oe, Bee Tie at oF Ft ofa en afer bse a ree ST ‘abe ee B fer ah agar set ah neh, aes seca St etter pair flea oer & atte ter et oe captor a gfe a oat (© TRinote than one cirleis darkened using Blue / Black ball point pen orf the response is marked in any other ~ -thdsinée ora shown in “Incorrect method” above, it shall be treated as wrong way of marking. -€5) ie een 8 ates tht at tt / re ater ede were a tr ode a Se Rah ar MeO rT eT faa Te eased et evar once at 3 ere woe Fe aT | Rooifirork must not be done on the OMR answer-sheet. Free space provided in the question booklet should only he uae fo this porpase. Reset opener area aT Se TE a RT HET Wei fer 3a ere Rea, sate reat “mE 4. “Biar‘Cide” printed on the Answer Sheet must not be tampered or In any Way marked; otherwise the candidature ‘will betejected. aetna ee wt cre ate” oe Pet ae a Prem anf a are oT ve Reet ae Perper tate frp OS are «acer A cee ee a re 5... Candidiaté-must not leave any mark of identification on any part of the Answer Sheet except Part-I of the OMR “paiswet Sheet as this may lead to disqualification, ‘aes re eafee aete Faeeh er ear float rere ar Frere sere ar BAS re aE see a fore stetrte ere St om wet & | 6. Forvetftation of your handwriting, itis necessary to write the prescribed Text completely which is printed on the back side Uf Ue Par-T of OMR answer-sheet aud also put your signature on specified space in Hindi & English otherwise your answer-sheet/ candidature will be rejected. BREE. SANT B TEL Be SH sie ie wt Pree eer eae a yet eS eee STOTT TT ed er afi Prefer ear et 1 ef ater ere ae ae 1 erat ee we arts ses / see averferorit 7... In caée'yon do not follow the instructions as given on the backside of OMR answer-sheet, your answer-sheet is linbe te telcted for which you yourself willbe fully responsible. UTC ae: S.A, Be THR TS TT RN Pa ar Ter aE er at ree ST Ta PT TT ‘bie fc are eae pt we a re AA o 2 BIMC5

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