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_ _0 - - - - - - "'' me should 1n some


inologl .. In
Genetic Algorithm ~ ch
,0,11050 ,
11ogcnes1~ function as;ioc1a1cs each tOn about SOiution that

ID Introduction to Basic Tertn ' fli'"'orr 111110 1110 the given problem BCllolyp,c_,,thitt~llt A~ 1 ~ t s .
.-,iit 111 chS<' ~IS

DIJ Genetic Algorithm• .• __. opemi.zauon 10-chn1q11c based 011 the Pri
, ., 1< a -esrdi ("l&><V • d · lle1p1.
Genetic Ah:onthm (u"' t1 ucntb u,cd 10 1111 0p11111al 0r lli:'ar "l 1O'
nfl •
. I,nc clement position of a chrom050me Th
• l«tlOII II 1s reQ . . "'<lNll!iaJ IS is 1111 cfenien
0 f Gc-nct,cs nnd 1-atuntl ~ ....,_ !-C wNtld 1,~c a l1lc1tmc 10 s0I\C. h is frc 1 ge11C Ii 11
1 , the has1c "instruction5" for building 1 ,:__. ••~
I h-"lcms \\hl<h vu~•·· ·h anJ in machine lcammg.
solu110n, 10 d1 ffi rot ,,.w . quein~ (,;enc> arc -i<ne: A t ~
IIOO problem, tn l"\.'<('31\: , ol gene,. Genes may describe a J>Ossib~ lut · --&""nruns A chnimoso.oc
used tosol\-r opttmlZ3 finding the ,alu,·s of inputs in such a "a)
~ucnce so 1011 lo a ll'Qb'- na
. e solution. A gene 1s a bit strtng of arb1tn~ ,_ ~•~ •itbout IIClllall)
Optiminition - Opt1m1z.atK'CI ref~ 10 11tat !be
i,c,ng 11, . bcl .,_ ·--, ...,gila 111d can be
•n the F1g. 4. 1.3 ow. r ne locatton of.,__ •"--- _ ~u
"bcSI- output , alucs an- rttti,-rd ;1101>11 I .,...~ Ill I - • - . . - II called locus
EIIJ Terminology
11 o , o 11 , , o
I I J -
1. Individuals . Gene 1 Gene? Gone3
The !WO dlSIJJICI .,...,.ulS ID u..
..__ G" are mdi, iduals and populations. An individual
. IS I
L-:- .._.,_ .L- la!ion 15 the set of mdi, iduals current I} mvolved in these, ..... Fig. 4 1. 3 R • ~ of gone
single so,""'-., ""'"' """ popu - ...
roocss. Eadt mdhidual m die popubtion iscalled a string or chromosome, in analog) to , In 8 GA, potential h) pothese, are made up of chromosomes. 1>1uch ~ tum, tnadc ap of
~romos= ir. nawral S)~- ~ chromo>0me. \\hich is the raw 'genetic' info~tlOD genes. Practicall). in a GA, chromosomes are generally ~
IS bmai,
Iha! the (,A deals. . d . - llnllgS. 1
series of Is and Os. \\h1ch enotc mclu,1on or ndusKlll of partlcular llcllls lqlmCn1rd b)
0 0101 1 1010110 position in the string. A gene is a single bit \\ithin such a chromosome

Fi9. 4.1.1 Representabon of chromosome I Trait

ScU,on set phenotyp. , Trail is possible aspect (Features) of an indi,idual.

fa::aor I Factor N I.Allele
' his the value a gene takes for a particular chromosome
Gene1 Gene2 GeneN I. Population
' For each and eve') problem. the population size \\tll depend 011 the complc.~ of die
Fig. 4.12 Rer>reaenlation of genotype and phenotype problem. It is often a random initinliZlltion of population IS carried- In the case of I billll)'
lndn idual groups together n.o forms of solutions as given below :
'oded chromosome thi, mean,, that each bit is tn tialized 10 • random
be instances \\ here the initialization of populanon

The chromosome, "ilich 15 lhe ra" 'genetic' information (Genotype) thut the GA d~ Illa) ts out . . . .
2. The phenol)pc "h1ch is the- • ode' IOod solutions.
-~presme oflhc chromosome in the term\ of the 111
2. Chromosomes ' 1hepo pu Iat1011
· i, the ,ct of ind1\
. idual, current>
I m•\l
· hedinthe~h.
• A chromosome is subdivided tnlO d !lel:t; of population used in gcncti~ nlgonthms m
factor for a control f: genes. A gene is the GA•~ representation of 1 ~ I I he i • rL • ..-,tation sue
actor. Each factor tn the I . c11CS ID nuial population gcncrnti0n. 2. ''"' 1"'1""'
chromosome 50 ut1on set corresponds to S

... "P-lflfusl t o , ~
• 5

~~. •. A particular PfO\IO\cd sohnlOn ~~

.#"c¥•"' ••""' . nal rcpr<sentauon of a partu:ular 11Cm I .._. pr,-.......
...,_ -
, P<>""o . 1111d tts Inc'-'-
' {,·,••·
µ,arsa'~ 0 r part1cul•r sol1111on lo the knai,.ack """"- - -
'"' d ,,arch 1trateglM
••• ,n f .. . 1· •
'" •P
s,i•· (()CC-'
consi,ts o 1011,a
11mg the popu!at.,. Mid••-
...,, br:td.,.
' ,e,r<h P . condition,. met. 1hen: can be 'C\-ttal _,_, • -llld"wloals
11" r,11in8llOn . ...... ,or111c-.,,
\ ~ p.,p.tlalN."lfl ~<1n~1-. ' ' 11h•" fi d the global optima. Tlus can lle\tr be __ __, ~ ...
__,.1 11100010 ,,., I s 10 '" . - -... "itb the l)pcs of
' ,h1,h 1th There is al"B)S a poss1bilit) that the llOl .,_,_ """1th
'~2 011' 101 1 ,t' .,. 0 rl."- · ·--mlllt~-ld
·• a/\s . lution. In some cases, the search proceu COllld ft-,
~ - c,,,cmosome 3 101O101 0 ..- belier so . . . .... •or Yan and don
~c,voo,osomo• 110 0 110 0
,.i•'' • t,eUcr solution than II did m the first httlc: nem.,. 1101

Fig. _._ 1., Population

....Ju,e an)
~,odl•' g
oal is faster converl!cnce.
\"lh the ob'
en ~=•fllllCtlon lS ex~"'• lo run, li>1<r
. d sirablc. ho\\c,cr, the chance of co,wcrgmg 011 local and..,..,,..,
oI o IoI 11 ° I 1 I Chromoso.,,,
;<11••rll d optima are mcreased.
I. od
I 0 1 IC 1 0 ' e 1 I
--1 111 111 ~ from Ihcse. _ >et another goa
. IS to pr . ucc
. • range
. of divcm, ti.a 11, 1p>d solo!-.
, .11"'1 ,he so1uu·on space conlams se,eral d1stmct oplllll3, 111hicb are Dlllllar • fllnCU. q,.

s!<NI 10 be a
ble 10 select ben,een them, smce somc comb111111011S offatn ,a1uc, 11 the
Gene p..Jd ma). be more feasible than others. Also, some sohn1011S ffll) bc 11101t robm1 than
) !Set of chromosomes)

lfl!IISS function . _ .
0 Allele , n is the evaluation function that ,s used to dCICllllmc the fitness of dCh
' The fimc» ,unc1,0 . . - cakulatm
.trocno;ome The fimess funcuon ,s problem spccifa and IISCI' defined. For ~
f:nrn ' the chromosome
. has to be first dctoded
c and the obJCCII\C funct100 h:l.s 10 bc
, · The fitnes~ not onl) .md1cate,
nilua1cd. . _hO\\ good the sol111oon is, but also ccrm.,..- 10
lioo close the chromosome is to the optimal one
Fig. ,.,.5 Chromoeomn, Gene, Allele, Population 1 . algont· hm is the ,aluc of an r.obJCCI"" timcuon 1 °'
'1oc fitness of an indi, idual in a genetic •-oded and 1hc
II phenotype. For calculatmg lime». the c·hromo<Orne has 10 be 111Sl bo\s good the ;olutJOO =
lhe lldlo World of genetic algonlhms is often considered to be the knapsac k problem. 1~ ttj,cti,e· function
• has to be e,aluatc d. rhc litI nrunocooh• ind1C1
this problem. thcR "0Uk! be a sei of N items "h,ch ma} or may not be includc:J in• thotf• 'I. but also corre,pond, to ho" close the chromosomc ts 10 the oi-una
1i "'IIIOlt diif!CUlt"' *
knapsack and these ,_ •kins "ould be rcprc~ntcd a, a binary strong (the chromosome)\ ' . . funcuon as de mite,,
~ lh, case of multi-criterion op11m11auon, the litnCSS
chanicters long. "llh each pos1110n in the siring repr~nting 8 particular 11cm and di<
posi1ional bit ( I or O. the gene) denoting "hethcr the item is included in the pt111oeubt 4'1crmine. ho" 10 det~rminc ,f
h} pothcsis or not. ' Ii lllul IH:rnenon
·,· · • • bl there is ot'\c!t • dilctnllll as . ..... 'r for oot
opt11n1za11on pro cm,. ,fa s0IUll(lll ,s "'"''
Ill: 11\ion is b..'ttcr than another \\'bat should be done PIOR £ton, the definouQn of a
• Population - All of the proposed solutions 10 the knnpsad, problem of the airrcd
generation (Iteration 01 the algorithm/ llttrion but \\o~ for another? Rut here, -~- u.-. uouble C01DCS
GA to resol,e rt. 1f someurncs •
'btticr• SOiution rather than from ho\\ to ,mph:mcnt 1

'-------------=~-=~~~ TECHNICAL PUBLICAr,ON59 ,_,

_,.,~- ___ .1_
/ . , narurot evolution and Genetic al9ortthm - - --
~ 1 ,.,.,g tohle give< 11 h<t of d11Tcrtnt nprn
,l. <l' ~,11° qu,-alcnt ,n the framc..Oflc of( AJ """'- h1<:b are
~ t~c1r C
,,,.,, ' "'1nloa Ill .....
t Natural e,,olullon a..-......,,,,
9. Genotype
• ~ p c as the p.lpU!atJOn Ill th~ "OOlf'UtJtitJO sp.1('.C, In 1hc c1..llllf'luta1inn \P4te

IUhM~ &IC rcpn.~1L" •n. ,,.~ "h, \. h 1.--an ~~ ca,11) understood i.llld rnanipul•t" d 'th,
C U.sing I

~ S)-slem

• l'bcnocypc •• the popubllon m !he actual real ""'Id solutio_n space in "hich ,olutions ~
rcpr=ed ,n 1 ,.~ me, an, r,pr,;cnttd in real \\orld s11uauons.

11 OecodJnt and encoding
For simple prob!=. the phrnocypc and genol) pe spaces are the same. Ho"ever,'" mo;i~
Oil Advantages of GAs •
a,e ,arious advantages \\h1ch ha,c made them 111UDC11Selv _._
the case,. cbe phenotype and gcnol)pc spaces are different. Decoding is a process~ , GAS h • ,-,...- Thtie 111tmdc.
transfomung a sotuuon from lhe g.-nol)pe to the phenotype space, ,-hile encoding ()oes 001 require an) deri'8ti,e informauon (\\hich Ill&) DOt bt" lable for....,.. IUl-
111 0
proccs> oftransfonwng from lhe phcnol)pe to genotype space. Decoding should be fast~ •orld problems). •
11 is earned out repeated!) ma GA during the fitness value calculation. Is faster and more efficient as compared to the tradiliortil IIlC!hals.
• For example, consider the O I Knapsac~ problem. The phenol) pe space consist> ,r Has vel) good parallel capabilities
solutions "1uch JUSI cont:1in the uern number.. of the items lo be picked. Ho\\e,er. in tho Optimizes both continuous and dtscn:tc functions and also mullHlbjccu,c proble,m.
gcnot)pc spaced can be represented as a bin"') string of length n (where n is the number of
o Pro, ides a list of "good" solutions and not just a smglc !OIUllal.
11CimJ. AO at pos111on" represents that x• item is picked \\hile a I represents the re1e"'
O Ah,a)S gets an anS\\CrtO the problem. "h!<:h gets bcuct O\Cf the tune
T1us 1s • case ,.bcre gt'IIOl)pc and phenocypc spaces are different.
o Lseful "hen the ,can:h ,pace i, ,el') large and tllCR arc a 1artc nlll!lbtt of pmmtttn
o It ha,, excellent parallel capabilities.
0 It can optimi,e , ari,,u, probkms ,uch a s ~ functlOIIS. multi-objcctl\C problems,
Genotype apace
(Computaban apace) and continuou, fun,tton,

1°1n 111 I riH ~ h pro, idc, ans\\crs that impro,e o,cr time
0 \ genetic algorithm doe, n,,t need Jeri,ati,e infonnatton.
tllJ Lhrtltations of GAs

' 1•le an,, t cc hntquc, • • · Tocse mcludc •
G,\s also suffer from a fe" ltmnauons. .
G'\ . .h simple and [or "htch
flt. 4 1.8 EIICOcllng llld o.cocSlng procn1 .' arc not ,u1tcJ for all problems. especiall~ problcmS "htc arc
111,rl\ati,. · r . .
----.__ < "'"innntton "a,a,lablc.
'"""'-.., urHhtwl kx knoo.fedge TECHNICAL PU8UCA~-#lup"'11«1Df.....-
.,.._~-- -- cg
~~-- 4_;!_ ~ Ro
~,.;-- ,Algorithm • lnlUalizatlon ~
- OJ r ,toe., .. ,-.Jue ,, 1,,.akulattd f'"('J'Cttnth \\ht1,.h 1111ght t,..• c,101p111,,ta(lfl;1fl) ' " - ~ ; ( ' / nt!IC ' P••-n~lio
..d G• integer, Permutation), Population ilAOd ,.. l81nary. Flootin
,..:,me- probl('ffl-<,. lrit IP potn 1, •la Q
o o~m,F st<,--taa.<lit,~ th..Yf' are net tz:ua,a;nfC'C' ,,nth~ optnnaht) ,,r the qua lit) of U1e
.J .-m'!r'llTh ihc G \ ma~ n0t c<lO\~r'Bc 10 the <'Pllnrnl 501
If nor amp.Jc:-rnenh;u ,... - r - ~
' ~ 1n al~ori1hm ,tans by gcneratms an inttial
o (Jk-, •~ [)\.,t cf'fc.'Cll'~ in ,,oh mg s,mpk problems. , 11" i'":';".u
th< probable S<>luttoM to the s,,cn pro:,':""' Th,. lllltial \lOl>lllat..,
· J:fllcnt:u.on ma, ino~c: the algorithm comcrgc 10 8 "1"'''" . is the use of random binary
r,,,,oo . stnngs. - P<l\lUlar ~ " ' 1
o L,t.:L, l°'f pn,pcr unp c.: • \olu1inn 1
,,.,iop11m&I ,..__ ifl1ttJ . dividual is the solution to the gnen ,_.__s.,_
each ,n ,..,.,..,,,_ An iod",..__,
j,. not ~uarante..."'!t,
1I<" . db} a set of parameters called Genn r___ ...., ...,,..., ., ,.
c The qualtl) of the final ..,,Juuon ' ,wriLe . . • ~~ 1ft: combined
,ltJI' h mosomcs . ..,h,ch ,. the sohnion to the problcn, """• 1111n, 11111
o RepdrhH' cakulanon of fimc.· .. -. , alues ma) make some problems lo " ~
computational .hallcn!!<'
r'"erste' ro
A, lolololol®) Geno
ffJ GA Requirements
• In order to appl) a gcneuc al~rithm, belo" aspects are required to be studi<d and ct.,,rltd
A:z II I , I I , I ,I ,11
1 1
tnd" !dual is rcpre,,ented
Jl,c "ll) A1I, I 11 1°1 1 1•I
o Process and mtthod of tndi, ,dual's fitness calculation.
o S.,lt'\.'"IKlD and critena applied for indi, iduals breeding. ~ I ,1 1 1°1 1 1,1°1 Poca-.
o Pr>..:essofindi,,duals crossed--0,er
Fig. 4.3. 1 lnttiallzation
c Process c,f indi, ,dual mutauon.
0 Inc SIU of the popuW1on , Th<ie are two primal') methods to miuali,c a population in a GA The) IR_

o Th<, '1errnmauon crndiuons" 0

Random initialization • Populate the initial popuhttioo 'llith ccmplclcl) tmlon,

• ~f<>St of these aspects h»e problem-specific solutions. The population size and ,arw.ico, solutions..
aspecu are d,scu<Sed funher 0 Heuristic initialization - Populate the innial populaoon IISID& a \no,>n hcurtuic fo, die
• The sir• oftht population ,s h1ghl) ,ariablc. The larger the population. the more possi!lr problem.
so!uuons there are, "hich muns that there 1s more ,ariation in the population \anatcJ • 11 has bten obsc" cd that the en11re population should not be millalized USIDg a heul151lC as
means that d 1s mon: !rlel) that good S(llutions \\ill be created. Therefore, ncan result in the populauon ha, ing similar solutioos and \tty lin!t dl\'mR). h has been
- The populauon 5hould be as large as possible. "ptrimcntall) ob,e" s-d that 1he random solutions are I.he ooes 10 dri\c the poi,ulat

• The limmng factor is, of course. the running time of the algorithm.
"!'11malil). Therefore, "ilh heuristic initialilation- ooc JUSI seeds lhc poi,ulatioa ,.,lh •
couple of good ,olution,. filling up 1he rest 'Aith random soluuons rather than filling the
· lhe larger the population, the longer the algorithm takes to run.
"'""' population "ith heuri,1i, based solu1JOM
• l1 •- I . . . ••- onh affects the initial
'""' a so been obsc" cd th al heuristic 1mt1ahn111on in some c-~ •
lftn · · . • • d' 0 f the solutlOIIS 'Ahich lead Ill
'" of the population but in the end. 11 1s 1he i\C!5tt)

TECHNICAL PVBLJCA n~. _, l,J>-/1ltV$I t o , ~

Computst,onai ~

EIIJ Representation
, . ,o
,.,.ir~ -
~pmplc of th,. rcprcscntatJon ,. "~
h•• 10 take a lour of all lhc
• 11

- - -- ~
mg Sa'°1rnan Pr
am Blnaty Rep-,,tatlonl , 1 1~m•" . ••lie>.
rl" <' h. , 18 r11ng c oty I he t<Jlal distance uf the
•11n Cobian (l\p
"'I tath tll) <'<let~- l In th,.
~10' • . ., lourha,1o 'J . . . . Ind
• Th,, i~ one l,fthc simplest and nwst ""td) u,cJ rcprc~cnt.ltion,; 111 (,A,. 1"' f'P ,,. naiurolly an orucrrng or J)Cnntrtu be"''"""""' <otne
rep"""'11Allon the E"''"'''J>C ronsosts ,,f hit string,.
In h11 ~
1011 cf au Ibo
n repre<entalron makes sc:nsc for th
IS J)rObta,,
1110 t<Jlut
<Ille$ Ind 1""' IOI\ tu
Ion, °"Ilg
• hlr '!()me pn:ml"'"'lll" "hen rhc sc.,lutton ~rac~ \'.,1n!-!1s1s of Bo(>lcon decision \I nr1ab1c
""· lhc hin•I) reprcsrnllll""' 1, naru111I 1•kc for c,amplc lhc 011 Knnpsacl Pro ni,
I 1je\ej,1,,., I I G .
the!~ are n n~m,. \\"t" ~an rern:..cnl a -.olulll"in h) a binal) siring of n element ~
.di population
1,.•k9fftt.-nr fC'II~ "bt1h1.-r the item , ,, p1i:h-d (I) or not (0). '· "here the,'
IP'" . n is a sub"'t of solution, rn lhe current
popu1•110 . ~1011 It can .,••
' mosomc,. There an: =•ml lhi""" to .._ • - ..,., be rltf'llled as
/ojol jol 1111 jojol 1j of chrO_
pOP"1811on •
••.,.. "" ...,,. ID IIUnd """" • lid
dQ!rng "'llh Cu\
Th• diversit) of the population should be lll3l!ltained
• for other problems. ,pcc,ticall~ tho~ dealing" ith numbers. "e can represeni lhe n 0
aiure convergence .t! n mig!u lead 10
"llh their brllAI) n,pm;cnr:ition. The problem "ilh 1his kind of encoding is ihe din; U!nbo, pre m
ha,,, different ,ign,ticance and therefore mutation and crosso, er operator, : bt Th• papula1ion size sho_uld not be kept \CT) 1_
0 -~~ as II am - •GA
undesired consequences. Thrs can ~ re,-ol,ed to some exlenl by using Gray Codia Ii,,, "hile a smaller population might not be enough for I gOOd to sio.. do,,,11,

change m one bu does no1 ha,e a ma»ive efTec1 on the solu1ion. g,., 1 opiimal popula1ion size needs to be decided bi, tnal and errorlalllg pool Thcftfoct 111
The papulation is usual!) defined as a t"o dtmensiona) of
' . lln3) • •ae l)<)l)Ubtion. me
chromosome size. 1.

• I or problems \\here one wanls 10 define the genes using continuous rather ihan discm,
► population models
, ariables. the real ,alued representauon o; the most natural. The precision of lh<1e"'
, There are two population models" idtl) in use,
us-d or floaung pornt numbers 1s ho"e1er limiled to the computer,
I. Steady state
j os / 02 / 06 / oa / 01 / 04 ! ! I ! oe I
03 02 01 • In s1eady state GA. one can generate one or l\\o off-5pnllgS mC3Cb llttlllOll and the)
replace one or t\\ o indi, iduab from lhe popubtioa. A 11cad) state GA is also ll10\\n as
Incremental GA.
ulued genes, "c cannot al,.11ys limit the solution space to binal') ')es' no ..,
t Generational
le:, if "e \\ant to encode the four distances - North, South, East and West. ~,c,
' In a generational model, one can generate "n" off-spnngs. "here n is the: populat101l
em as /0. I. 2, J). In such cases, rntegcrreprcsentation is desirable.
me. and the entire population is ~placed b) thc nc" 1lllC II lht end ofthc itmiion.
' l'he titne,~ Function ,impl) defined is a function "hich a candidale sollllion to
th e problem a, mput anJ produce, as outpUI ho" "frt" the. ho-. "good" the: solution is
iiiih re,pcct to the pr~,blcm in consilkralion.
· Permutation RepreNlfalion
' Calculation of fitness ,aluc is done repeated!) in• GA and thcRfOl'C it should be
is represented by an order of clement>. In such ell' sumc · . I can 111>ersely affect • GA
tent 1) fa,1. A ,lo\\ computauon of the fi111C$S w ue
pcnnutation representation is the mos1 5Uited
a maJ..c it e,ccptionall) slo".

TECHNICAL PUBUCA TIONs'J - en up-1/JnJsf /or lcncJwl,dpt TECHNICALPUBUCAnoNS9· 111 ~tor,,_...

ComputstJonal Intel/ nee 4 12
,,,,- ◄ fl -----.
• In mo:o-t C8'Jot.~ the fitnc-,s tun(tion 11nJ the \.lbJ"-~tive funcllon
~ nt and mn... 1cor1 ---- r-.
•- m:1,:1rn1Tc
obJccti\c.~ 1s to c1lln.:r • • · •
or mmmu.l'c '• th t ""'-
th~ g1\cn ohjc~ll\,c f ..,;nr11• . . ~~
~•. c~.. fund 1,,n 1s u~ todctcrrn 1nc~ fit an
more complex prot,Jcm, '"'" multiple obJCCII\ cs and co unction 11.,,. "\
~ - n,trnints., "'tr ' ,..-,i,, 1•1"
compete "11h other individuals I llldr.odua1 Is• It
dc,,.1gncr might choo._.• IO ha,c a d1tlercnt htnc,s function. .. ll~. "•' 10 n ~ry • - ...._ 111< ah
·-"'' Jf,tnc,s function lhc fitness funct, IClll, lfldn,Jd ._ ''Yer
• A ficne~, fuoction ~hould p.lSSC"" the follcm ing charactcn,tics.. ,,. th''' I r determines the prohab,hl) ofbe;"'°'Ides·-•1 ..r,ltJJe>,sc,,
- ·~ ,· ....1•" °" ........ t\-.l
.,- ~ fur1 1,c ng selected I Clth •lld"id 1
o l"hc tit=s function should be sullicicntl} fast to compute. , ..:•
more chances nf getting scleclecl ~ o r ~ ,..__ ""
.. . """'' I ,c 0T ~OductJoa. ""' lugb Ibo
o Jt must quan1ttathcl~ mca~ure ho\\ tit a given solution is or hov. fii in
produced from the gi,cn solution. di,1dllll,~ •'' tJon and Fitness Proportionate S •·-·'I seiec •-.-.Ion
• 111 some ca.,c,. calculating the titnc" function directly might not be . ~ ~ .
n phase invoh~-s the sclcc11on of Ind ,_.._
. . "'""'"!J for the ~cf...,-,...,__
inherent complc,ities of the problem at ha.nd. In such cases O "°'"hie d11ei., .._ , fll'I th• s• 1ected ind1v1duals are then .
a pair of "'-o lo
appro,imation to ,uit the needs. The folio\\ ing image shows the ti
. necanha ~
'• the r..._
ltncsscal ~
f1,efl these
indi, iduals transfer
. .
their genes to the-,
-• &tntnlton
- •..,. ...g.
IIICrCasc: ~ I \ .
a solution of the 0. I J..nap;.1<J... It is a simple fitness function wh· h • •u~,- rtionate selccuon 1s one of the most.,._,,.._
,c JU'I SU"1 st "' ·u,<sS pro Po
f1 ,-,-...- '"'I)' of Plttltl
,aluc, of the item., bemg pided (\\ hich have a I). scannino the I hc Pr0fc • <I) .JO d·,I idual can become a parent ,.,th a nrobabil"'-
.., "'•~111 \IIOponional
!election In lh1S
~ e emeni. fr 10
nght till the l..nap,.,icl,. is full. oa, kf\~ '' , re fitter individuals ha\C a higher chance of tu r11nm
n,ere,o · 11134ngllldprcpag;u;
' ext generation. 1 here fore, such a selcctJOn .,,.._ lies ng tltcu feat=
jo/ t/2/3/4/sjsl llemnumber 10th< n · . . _ . . _ --.., 'Ill>
ore fit indl\ 1duab tn the population. C\Ohtngbcntr...., ,.._ __,_
a selection
P<nSwt ID
(he nt '""" """°' °''flllDC
sider a circular "heel. The "heel is divided mto p•- •-
c.:...i..:..L.:..'-"""!'-t'"j._o:.JIT~I Chromosome • Con . . • . . O
_,,;duals in the populauon. Each md1\ldual - . 1 """- of lhc
'"'' ..-- r-•-· t11tle "hi-h IS
I ! /8 ! !4 j !2l
2 O Profit values proportional to its fitness ,alue.
, There are three t)pes of selection methods available, \\Uttb are
I 7( f I5 !9 m
( 3 1 Weight values
I) Roulette \\heel selection
2) Tournament selection
Knapsack capacity • 15 J) Rank-based selection
Total assoeiated profit• 18
Last 4em not picked as ,t exceeds knapsacl< capac,ty
!!Joperators in Genetic Algorithm and Reproduction for GA Flow
Fig. 4.3.2 Fitness calculation using knapsack mJ Operators in GA
r,·111 ~election 1s rhc process of sck-cting pan:nts "hich mate and recombine to C1tt: After the selection proce,s. the crcatmn of a child occurs in the repioducttOD step In thts
rin!(S for the ncxr general ton. Parent sek-ction is vcl) crucial to the con,crgence $"1 ~ the genetic algorithm uses t\\O ,anation operators that are applied to the pamn
li \ a, good parent, dri>e indi, iduals to a better and fitter solutions. I lo\\e,cr. cm sfto:.l iqlulation. The l\,o op.:rators nwol\ed in the reproduction phase and related processes~
"., ·,,_,-ken ro preH~nt one extreme I)· fit solution from taking o, er the entire populatton in I fco
'-u,,._"(j below .
1 1Cross
crations. as this lead, lo the solutions being close 10 one another in the solut,oo spt- over (Combination) .
1,·reb) leading ro a los, of di,eNI)', Maintaining good di,crsiry in the popublt • Th 1h roducllOtl phase of the gcnctlt
• cro,so,cr pla)s a most significant role JR e rep .
c,trcmcl) crucial for tJ1e success of a GA. I his taking up of the entire populatJOO b) ~ al .
gonthm. In this proces,, a crosso,er pomt 15 St
lcctcd at random ,.,thm the genes
,.._ th
c,tremel} fit solution is known as premature com c:rgcncc and is an undesirable condilrtil The • form,tiOII of lt.\O parents ""'" c
n the ~rosso\ er o~rutor swaps the geottic m .
(),\ turre I enting the offsprtn!-
'-----.:'. generation to produce II nc" indi\idua rq,m

TECHNICAL PUBUCA~•anc.p-tbtUs/ fer~ TECHMCAL. PIJflUCAT~ •f/l ~o~

no- • ,,
Computat,onal lnteH,gBnCB •=·:;'•:-------------0.,,.,., n llC 1crm1nated according IO
• The genes ofparcnrs arc ,-,hanged ainon1_1 thcmwl,c,, until the crossov.,Po 'IC\-er.1-...... ~~-
, f't" J nurnl,cr of genenn,om have~· -rr~
fhese nc" I} generated oflspnng att ndJ,-d "' !he populatmn. 11,,. Proe •n1, ,

,., (o•• -llrrtd
__ ,, 1vtdunls ,n the population conver ·
called crosso,c-r. Type, of ,-rosso,cr S1} les o,a,laMc, tis 11 , All ,nu • gc IO the lanJe
: . provcrnen11 m the lime,, value are fi '1liltg;
o One poinl crossover 1 r,10•"' . . OU!ldafta-1
o T" ~point ...-rosSO\ er 1he ,t<'PP'"S criterion Is mei llnd l!te <
, O~'~ . n can be discarded. ne,,, ~IOn 15 - ~
c; Lher) crossmer ,ncrn110 e..,,,cd. the old
o l11Mntable algonthms cross<l\cr
1 ,,,.,,i1ner ihc reproduction phase, a StOPPJ™' crn--
-o ·•-ouq IS lpp led
Parent 1 •
T)1e a
lgorithm terminates afier the threshold f,._.
•w- IS• base for lerminat
solution II
th• r,oal solution a, the best solution for the P0!)ubtion
rtached.11 ,., , Identify

Parent 2 In genetic algorithms

eons1taiO 15 .
I enetic algorithm there are three ~Ital facton
Fig. 4.4.1 Crossover operation , In g .. hi A. popn!atmct o1
·• considered problem; (11) An adaptatlO!l enL~-- IOI l0IIS
u,e . ,.......,.. tcdtnique of the md ..._,_
2. Mutation ···i An evolu11on process made up of ,_,..,_
-,-.•~, ...,,. ........ mg cl inatton

• The mutation openuor mS<.'rts random genes in the offspring (nc" child) 1 individuals (selection) and creation of nev. 011es from the of WIiie
oma~ . ~ Sllnl\an (Cl'OSSO\cr or
the dhers11) m the population. It can be done by flipping some b-,1, In ill, muta1ion). This laner ,cature bnngs to an lllCrQse ·•·
m ""' l\fflot quail!) ~ dtc
chromosomes solutions. To remo, e the unwnntcd reproductioo wlut~
. . ~ 'tnous teclunqun arc
• ".futat1on helps m sol, ing the issue of premature convergence and enhance, designed. Below are the constramt h:mdhng m:hruqut$,
di, ersificauon. The be Ion image shows the mutation process : ;, Elimination of infeasible indn iduab - This method. also ::d "death pctWI}'
• f")JX'S of mutation st) Jes a,ailable, method", consists in rejecting infeasible lndi•tdu:ils. The 111051 CCXMIO!l \\a, to
implement 1his stra1egy is to set their titness equal 10 O, -.bidl ire-= •nf~blc
o Flip b,1 mutation
solu1ions to pass the selection step.
o Gaussian mutation
ii. Penalization of the objectiu function -~consttamcdproblcmislllll5fonned ::10111
Lxcharge I Sup mutation
unconstrained one b) mtroductng the consuaints in the objcai\-c fttncticn.,. penal!)
terms. Then. it is pos,ibk to fom1ulatc 1h11 penalty tmn accccdmg IO a wide di,fflll) of
Befcwemwtioo 11111111 techniques. Fir.,th, it is of common kno"ledj;c 11m the pmaliD!lon "Ii be m~
efficient if its ex~ression is related to the amoont of comUaml ,10!ation than to the
1iolated constraint number. The idea of pen3!ty functions is to =form a conSlran~
opiimization problem into nn unconstrained one b) adding \or wbtraclinsl ,e1t11n
1aJ ••• ---of consuaml ,101J1wn present
Fig. 4.4.2 Mutation operation ue to/ from the objective function based on u" ....- -
in a cenain solution. . t.,ased on
Stopping condition and termination iii D traint ltandhng techn•~ is
· Omlnance conctpts • fh1s dass of cons . ht donunance
h t • . • • •d ... for termnlllll'f,
. od ·
• , \fl er t e repr u,uon p 1ase, a stoppmg criterion 1s app 11e as a = M
1nll r' . • . . and. In parucular. on \
P inciplc, dra--.n from multi-obJeclhe optimizntton . • ntimiza11on
"ncd lll()IIO-<>bjCCU\C Or-
The algorithm lcrminat~ after the threshold fitness solution i, reached It "ill id< COncept. J"he first idea is thus to trnnSform I consuai

____1,_1e_fi_m_a_1_so_i_u_1i_o_n_n_s_1h_e_be_s_1so_l_uu_·o_n_fo_r_rh_c_·_po_p_u_i_nt-io_n_._____~ - - - '---------------------;;:---::::;:~;;;-- - - - - -
TECHNICAL PUB~T~ • an up-lhru,t fol /cnOtllledf10 1ECHNICAL PUBUCA~ . _, up,j/WSI .,,,,,_,,,,,,,,.
o,mputat,OnBI ,,.""'98"£!~------!_4 ;_·_!!l!.----------

rob(cm in10 an unconstr111ncd multi.ol>jccti' e rroblcm, "here .::,ch COh\lralnt

"" th• parents to gcn~'fllte new off-sprm
· _,.,,co ,,;Ju•I• ,n the population and th
If".-• ,n•11 •
g_s. And final\y,1......
e process •-..c off ·
-~~ ~
·1 . n to ,~1•"• mim•• the human evoluhon to In lh "?nngs rq,1
a ne" en cno ,~
,nin1m1tcd, .._ort1ng P""'. edurcs t,ased on the dom1n•,~
. .
sense of Pareto(' domill31'"S ) if anJ ,,nl) if ,1 ,s belier thnn ) tor at ka,1 one "'llit
,,:1..-11) ll'Y 10
some extent. " "''> I« lhe
iltnct"' algonlh111,

· · . , h h ., , ,..,) teads to"arJ the ideal solutmn ,. tr11M. 8!a,,
anJ a., good.,) ,or I • Ol ' l <- 0
,. ·bTn • ,1ethods pre,erving • •
solut1on, • •
lea>ibility arc

i,, Pre<<" ation

on ,pcc1hc «~'
O r ,, . .er
. and
- muiauon ,:,f'<'ra1ors
that arc nhle to build fusuau )
• ro111 i
individuat1,). one or ,,-eral ,ndi,idua1' thal are f"'.'51ble 100. Equalit) cons,..,~
removed I>) ,u1>,1i1u1ion of an equal number_ of ,anables._ so that the feasible Ill> 'i
en a con,cx ,c.• ,.r,--' b) linear inequaht1es. Due 10 1h1s pro"""'- g• .
\A lK\.I . • . ,·-"J• ,netic ~
~ 1

consisting of lincM coml>inations can ensure the feas1b1hty of lhc created sot IIJI
\tamtairung w, f,"3-,ibilit) can also be earned out through the_ use of dct<>dcn, ~
instrUCtions cootamed in the chromosome that state rules for bu1ldmg a fea,,ible lt.
,. lnfea•ibl< indi• idual< repairing. A generalized repair method involves the f ~
(!e,-etopment of the cons11111nt violation ,cctor t. V, according to t.x. which rep Clrdo
· · · . bl . · rcsa:.,
tin) ,wa11on in the opum1zauon vana es ,n \
:,\' • '\',\'x6..x. so6.x V,Y X t.Y
. .
Where matrix'\' V is 1he constraint violation gradient according to variabl- x. S
. .
constraint ,,otation amount ,s kno" n and b) approx1maung numerical\) its i;TldiCN, 1
- '~
d,eoreticall) possible 10 determine the repair vector 6x
for the _considCTcd inf~
tndi-,dual. Smee '\', V 1s usually not a square matrix. pseudomverse COltlplllJllom
provide an approximate inverse that can be used in above equation.
Despi~ its genericit) ambition. it is predictable that such a method "ill Ollly 1'
applicable in some cases for "hich the functions and the nature of the involved ,-vit!o

are quite fa,ourable

, i. H) brid methods - Within this categ01'), methods that are coupled \\1th wt,,
technique (either ano1her heuristic or a mathematical programming approach) .,

considered. No
Ant s,~te01 (AS) - lhc main AS algorithm is a multi-agent s)stcm \\here Jowfr;tl
, .'-llf~ll,JI,,'. interactions bel\1een single agents
(i.e, artificial ants) result in a complex 1Jcfl3\1«
the ,,hole ant colon) Although mainl) used for combinatorial optimii.ation.ASlilli!'
been succ~siull) applied to nwnerical optimization.
Simulated Annuling (SA)· The tirsl part of the search is guided b) SA Aflcidlal-tl

bc,t soluuon is refined using a GA.

h Entl

~- Basic Structure and General Workflow of Simple Genetic Algorll rn
llo\\ ,tarts \\ith an iniual population (\\hich ma) be generated ot random or# Fig. 4.4.3 Geoetic algorithm now
.-,,her hcuri,tics). select parents from this population for mating. Appl) cro~,o,er and
TECHMCAL PUBUCA~ ... ~ / o f ~
4 - 18

A generalized pseudo-<:ode for• GA

mitiali7c population.
2. find fitnc,, of popula110n
J . \\hile (1crm111a11on critc'ria rs reached) d,,
parent selc-ction
cro"o' er \\1th probabrln~ Pc
pe mutation \\ 11h probabrlil) Pm
decode and fitnc,, calculation
sun i\ or ,election
find hcst
return be<;1
One of Ilic mo,t important deers ions 10 make "hile implementing a genetic algo
ccrding the representation that one can u,e to represent the solutions. It has been l'lfJim •
that improf><.-r representation can lead 10 poor performance of the GA. Therefore ch ~

proper representation, ha, ing a proper definition of the mappings be1ween the ph~ 00s,11g,
gcnot~ pe splices is essential for the success of a GA.
Fig. 4.5.2 Canonical QeMtic algorithm~
II) Genetic Algorithm Variants
I.Gene representation
!DJ Canonical- Genetic Algorithm (Holland Classifier System) , Parameter values are encoded into bU181) strings offc.ed and flltltc length.

The canonical gcnctrc algorithm refers to the GA proposed b) John llolland in 1965 0 Gene : Is each bit of the bin3r) string.
Belo\\ Fig 4.5.1 shows fundamental steps in canonical genetic algorithm. 0 Chromosome : Is a bin31') string.
0 Individual : Is a set of one or multiple chromOS0111C1, a prospect ,c solution to the gi,ro
o Population : Is a group of individuals.
• Longer string lengths impro, c the resolution but reqwrcs IIIOIC compuunon time

Binary representation
Suppose there is a need to mnxinme fl,).
here,e Q·• Q • [x dUft' x' ata.\]
Binal) representation :-.~ e [ b1 bH ,. bib. I
11\ap [x,.... -'.,.,] to (0, 2" -11
Fig. 4.5.1 Canonical genetic algorithm flow

TECHNICAL PUBUCA nONsfJ. 1111 up.thrust fot ~ -------------~:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;

0c:nputstkmfll lntelhgence 4-20

l'umplt I"" . , . , . ; ~ - - - - - - 4 21
Let/• 5, Q • [ 5, 20]
c,;o"•' crtl'lsover ,. as.~urned ---------~
~ . . __ -
"-., [O O O O O ) ~ x • - 5 I
(ii'~ tc-1"''" ,nJoviJu.1ls arc selected from m
, ..nren1 . at1ng P<IOl
Xi...,, • [I I l I I)-=>"• 20 l~(l ,- operation 11 CllCCUtcd 1'1llh thc, Pf(,w,b
, 44ll'°cr l ty p
I, (rt' ....,; 01 i1 nindomly chOScn and the
[IO I I I ) ⇒ x•- 5+(2'+i'+i•)~ So'cr ,.. llr'tlgs 111:
(r(IS en the '"" parents ...,19Ped "ilh ..._
2 - 1 IO )226 ' onl t,ct"C --.,...., 11,o ....,..,._

2. Fitness evaluation function

r' 101 cro••over
_,,,1.-P" C,OSIOV91 point
• Each indi, idual, is a,signcd "ith a fitnc,s, aluc f('\) as tiie measure or . .
I l
parent 1 [ 1 0 1 1O O I l 1l 1' 0)
• It is as,umcsd that the firnc" ,alue i, posui,c and the better ti . . . pcrtorm"'ltt
ie tnd1v1dua1 ~ o.i, CTicj 11 •iiififtu
fitness ,aluc is more posith c. as a SOlutl()Q_ 1
parenl 2( 1 I 1l O l O j 1' 0 I I 1)
• 1hcobJccti,e function can be the fitness function itself
. if it is properly defined lit I 0Mld 2 CH l§iojoj,j ,Ii]

Example Fig. 4.5.4 Single. po1r.t c,__

• Consider the problem
5_t,tuta!IOl1 . ,
maxg(x) = -/+4x, xe [I.SJ ,ation operator 1s applied gene--wbe, that ,s, each ....,. ......___
• ~1u .. . .,.,_ --•6U<> . . . . _ willl lllc
• A fitness function probab1hl) Pm·
flx) • -g(x)+ I00=-:,.2+4x+ 100 , When the mutation operation cxcurs to a gene, ns ~ ,-aluc 15 flii,ped.
3. Selectlon
Mutation poonts
• Chooses indi, iduals from the current population to constitute a mating pool fi
reproduction. i i
111no1011101,111 _ . 11 t,jo1otmj,111
• Fitness proportional selection methods.
Fig. 4.5.5 Mutation~
• Each tndl\idual x is selected and copied in the mating pool \\ith th~ prooob •

proportional to fitness (£;xJ I. Termination of GA

The generational pro.:ess i, repeated until a tenninatioo cooditica ha beca iw:hell. e.g.

Roulette ,,heel ,election • A solution is found that ha, optimal fitness (or is suff'teicnll) c\OIC ID 1hc IJIIODIIII).

' Fitness indicates n ,ullicient impro,emcnt o,er ahcmlli~c algoridlms.

1nchviCuafs wilh
r,tneu values -"'

' Fixed number of generation, reached \onl) for safd)i!)
78 ' Allocated budget (computation time/mone)) reached
""278 ' The dh ersit) of the population has \'ani;l,ed (!dirt 7) •
53 • 11 • • · -..1.;-ortias...W•.,--
31 ,e fitness of the highc,t ranking soluuoo 1s . - . -
thst ,ucce,,i,e iterations no long~r produccbctlEfiaulls(ldlll?>
Fig. -4.5.3 Roulette wheel selection procetl

TECHNICAL PUBLJCA noNs®. an up-lhrvsl tor J<noW/(ldgS

4 :12
~- •n
• Combinati(,n.s of th(" abo, e , _ / - cnrs ol 1hc optimal nunch w-:-:-----,~-
After rerminatioa dtcide : R,..,11~ fi111,h or rcstan a , ariant nl the C _..,.10 cl•"' c.,m:crly a,.cmble th1:1c hioL• """ rel y <Ill late,..___- - --~~
u\ on th ;r ~••'" ~• ,_,..ofthct..t-
_.. . "h osan,,, ,11"''1 ,-~cJ rrunord,al phase. the error r --..Y<:.en.t,.
. _ Messy Genetic Algont m
11' ,,·fllr"'1hcn ,ortcd ond some fraction of"
the ~
.__ for tai:h to the "
• Mess, i;,cncric algonlhms ucfinc a dru., ,,f algon1hn1s that rcali,. h
- ctc 11~ f
' Jt'PcI ' ,,re pre«nted here. Ihe top 50 '/• of ..... torm the 1n111at ... n, __
appropriarc relauon, among mcml;,cr,. ofrhc ,carch d,,mam in optomll.alion or <let.:: ~01c• 1' · triple,~ P<>l>ulat1011 In
,,r' . (es prod11ccs hrgh q_uahty building bk>Le- Wed Th11 'ttU\llc ,_,._ the
tf trlP . . .._, .. ....._ Of the:
• A mess) genetic algonthm l)pkall) ha., rhrcc pha<c, i,<11 taPo''tron, $electron rs used l<>gctlln
nS Ju< "'llh hio
lni1ializa1ion. ()Irr hromosome al random pos1tlOII 'ipl ~ cur __.
' · tl1C c ,cc, atlachc """ lp\itc C
·,u1' e wo . operators arc the equivalents of er~•-· l1ooc11tc1ir........,___
' 11-s
:!. Primordial pha-.c.
1 . . - - a m 1 ----....,.. log<1hu,.
J. Ju>.1apo,i1ional ph:N.'. f11C' Genetic algorithm begins lo COIIS!ru;t the lllall:h OUI ~ G>., II 11 hen: that 1hc:
• During initialization. a population containmg one cop) of all substrings of
''"; 10 be good matc~cs 10 ~ su~ o f f ~ IQ the a!i_ small building bloc\s 11111
created. the cx~--ctation 1, that recombination \\ill find the proper building :,nglh l ,pp< paint. rccombrnallon MIi typical!) ,,__ __
Al ;ofllC - • - - . CIIOligh of tho
a,semblc them into good solution, ocl_s llllj , . . and quickly fill out the ~- For this lllllcb for local-.i,
10 eas• 1Y • • • IQSon. • Fa!S of the
"thfll described above 1s penodrcall) applied to mdr."'·-L 'lloqrtll deocem

_ .
populauon "zc of n 2
•G). There are a total of (J gene combinations ofP ase· requll't\,
Gl\c:n a problem "'th ,izc

I and building bloc!.: size I.:, the initialization h ,1gon
, The fireq

uenc) with local search 1s run inmases as ..,_,1_
. ,,_..,.....ion s u e ~

l -k~b drive the Messy Genctrc Algorithm 1o a sol•rt-

' To heIp . . - , C\try dnc
each gene combmauon there are:! different allele combinations. , . dividual in the population rs dropped and the nnnnlai FICl1lions die least
,,11n .I!. • • __ _ ...-,- ion sue eotrts,.o.d■,&ly 1hrinu
• For the matching problem. ii is nor necessary to generate all possible substrings of "It l one Every f = generations. an tnd"idual as selcctcd ,..._ .._
)b • 2 ll\1111 .... flOPllllion and local
Onl) spatial!) proximal triple, of line segments are used. Let M be the set of model 111~
and D the set of data line segments For each model line m, E M, detennine the clo'>c>t "'' search is run using the selected match as an initial ltatl:. If lhc rauk 15 bcacr than Ille ,.ant
neighbors m, and ma as defined b) Euclidean distance 6 : currently in the population. then it is insened back into the population.
6(m,,m, 1) !> 0(m,m.)Vm•E M-{m.) !13Genetic Algorithm Applications
6 (m,, m,) .!> 6 (m,, m•) V m• e M- {m,. m.,} Genetic algorithms find the application, in 'l'ide range ofllQS. GA arc IISCNI in tolvmg
,\lso find the analogous nearesr neighbors d, 1 and d,i for each data line segment d, e D. ~ization and searchmg problems, Economics, 'Scural Net\\oru, PnllcllJlllOII. lmqc
Gh en a matching problem bemeen M and D, each pair of segments (m,. d,) e S form !'lo Pit-cessing. Vehicle routing problem,, S-hcduling 11j1phc1110m, Madline Lening. Robot
spatial!} proximlllc triples C. and f2 • ~IOI) generation, Parametric design of aircraft, ONA 11111)~15, Mullimodal Olll8izabm.

f1 "' ((m,, d,). (m, 1, d,,J. (m.,. d,2 )) lllimg Tmeling sa Ies man problem. The , arious GA applicauons arc• disc1lsscd below.

f2 ((m. d,). (m, 1, d,i), (m.,. d, 1)) •

I. Automothe de,-ign : Using Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to bom daiao ~
, I d ~ 1 ·pie thtreltt~ materials and acrod) nam ic ,hap.:, for race ws and regular t1111D1 of 1:=:-5, ~
Since each of the / pairs of model and data s..--gments tn S en s to • n >, I including a, iation) can return combinations of best lllllffials 111d b e s t ~ to
spatial!,., pro:o.imate uiples. . ~ pro, ,·d e ,aster.
__ ., --'
li .. hter. more fuel efficient """ ""• all ,..,
-~re·lcs '- tbc dlillp wllicles
- o<l'fied
1 1 initiahzallo!l e;,• - i . - . wind
gene is a pair of model-data features s E S . 1 11e m
• k• to seed the III
rtill are u,ed fi R ·
or nther than ,pendmg )eatS m
· labonloriC5 111-oninl wa,, .,.,.,-~
IIIIICh as 11111 -
creates the ~/ triples : thus de,cloping substrrngs of lcngth
3 Id bwd,; tunnel, and balsa "ood ,hopes, the processes can be done qu . bullllll
- . ial" • d
populauon. This modified fonn o mrt uatron oes crea c
r· .
t' all possible~but ,ng
lii.C~ I!
tflicientl b
_ ) } computer modehng ustng
. . GA ____.._.,rctur11araiacol'opllOIIS
_ __.
• 'Id blocks that r5 dtsrgn lease
Ho"e,er. the spatial proximit} heuristic creates a set ol bur mg er; can then put together ho"c:,erthcy P ·

- - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - '---------------:--=::;;;____
TECHNICAL PUBUCAnor.s® • .,, ~rust fo//<t~ TECHNICAL PIJBL/CAno,d'-111_,,,.,,,,,__.,,
Computational /ntall,oence

2. Engineering d~ii:n : Gelling. the must out of a rnni-'(, of -- o...

structural and 0 pcra11<1nal dc,,gn ,,t hu,lding; fact . ma,,r,~ 1 4 25
. - • l't1cs. m 'h ' lo
c:\panding applicatoon ,,f(,,\, The<,· nre h.:mg neat l .
design of beat C'-h:mgcl'>. "'"vi gripping nn11s "11 •ll'
L~ '
•c •nc.,
<'< lor 'U<h
c Ile h.
""" as
tic: ..
1ra• 1
,,.l'fi< •nd ohlpm•nt rnut1
ff1l'·, ,0 g Solnm3n Problem 0r
"hnl! tor trove! plannen rratr,c

1'i.,., l\lplltationo of
IO ~br, tho

c.,. ,_
.......,. " \l>t
0\ \\heels. turbme, nnd Just n, ...,ut nn) other com put . '"'"'- ~ ,, ~l -•and -d
. . . ·-' • b ~ . cr-ns~"lcJ ,,.,._ " "tcr vmint : <,A, have been fttn'lll'l'l>mg ><ntll!ulc>lftd
applkouon . There''""'" 1" ~om me(, h op1111,i1ing J>nrtocular . •ng,~' co"'P Pl"'1'1ned
,g,es trnm prcviou, gamQ the ~ lo ~ Ille
roblem, to \< orl.. rogcthcY an J ,omc of thc--c can not on)
P 1 'Oh' 11,~1,,.,
v,_ o1,. ,ir••ccd from game theory in their .._ lean,• Ind - ""<ce,sfut
al,o project
them for,,11rd to anal) 1.: \\c&"cs and "" .. b ~
,·--SSI le P<>1n1
dc"@11 "" ..,.
d<'°' •auon•
for ..:clung solutions lo,.-IILC-
..__ _ ~ " "'Cf ~ clat,
,o rhe,e c:m be 11,t'1dcd. la1lurcs In-...,., •PP oc
I •~tr llroblon,, "'-· In - a I C..\
...,puon and code breukln2: On tho ...., ll'O 'llPlocdlO
. . I h d · llie f •··, . 1ecuricy fnxu, C.
J . Ro
hoti~ • RobotK> 111\0 ,es uman es,gncr,; and e .
· • . . . ngmcc" ll). encl) P
tt"" for sen.,uve data as ,.,II M to..._,
- - tho,e COdcs.
Ai an be....,.....,.
...., to •'!alt
tliin"s in order 10 create u,ctul machines that can do wo k , •ng ou1 , 11 coP)"gh" and break mg compct,ton· Code$ have bccn 11119<lr.~ d a b . ~
"' . . r ,or hum ~
.,... ts d,:pmd.:nl on the Job or JOl>s II ts intended to do . so there aran, f.acb ~ Co"'puter-aicJecJ mol«ular design. The de no.., of._ 11tlto"°"'l)Ulaf1eld
designs out tJ,crc . GAs can l>e programmed lo search for a ran c ll\any 10· burgeonmg field ofappltedchcnu11ry III b(Q~and ...,.cheia.c:aslllaleadma
'fi ge of opt1111a1 8
components for c-ach spcx:1 1c us.:, or to return results for em 1 . ,n the understand mg of proleln fold ~ -.fv..<.... llledio:111e Ct.o\s ... - "'
•re >nc11 I\ , -, Bl d ""-~1--a lbc cffoecls
that can perform muluplc rasl..s and ha\e more general application. · Jle\ · r~ Ih
ose protem functions and lo predict the b81dmg afti ol ...._._. .,,
4. r,ohablc.- banhurt': bohnble hard\,are applications are el tr . developed by the pharmaceutical industry for "-nt of --..-llft)IClm
. ec onic circu sort of GA op1im1,at1on and anal)s1s n used for ~ ~ ~ 6 - . The-
b) GA computer models Iha! use s1ochas11c (statistically random)
ne" configurauons from old ones. As the algorithm does its thing in th
. . Ii . .
operators lo
particular uses and m both
. .
C.As can also be useful for
consequences. Th 1s app I1cn1ton h8$ and v,11) COIUlmle III hm:
chmtab for
PRdictiag 1)0S5lblc 1111\enc
e runn111g""'"
e,entWtlh a c1rcu1t con 1eurn11on w,11 come along that does what the d . •.....
• . . -. . es,gner \Ill associated "ith de,elopment of~ chcnucals llld dnip. grat ""9ICt on Ille COIi)
could use a bu1lt-m GA hbral) and simulator to re-design itself after SOmtth
radiation exposure that messes up its normal configuration or encounters ; Ii, 11 . Gene expres~ion profiling . : The de-.-clopmcnt of IIIICl!Jlrm. _......_
- , __
... ta1.,,,.
snapshots of the genes bcmg expressed m a cell or !l1llll> of ccllt Ila bcai I bom lo
situation in ,,h,ch it needs a function ii doesn't already have. Such GAs \\Ould~ medical research. GA, ha,e Ix= and arc beiol\ dc\clopcd to 1111M -.l)m or p
self-adapuuion and self-repair. e,pression profiles much and e8SICT This help, to clas.,ify •hll . - pl&) 1
Optimized telecommunications routing : GAs are being developed that 11111 alb, pan in various disease, and further can help 10 ICXtCli) JIMIIC - for tht
d~ namic and anticipatol) routing of circuits for telecommunications ncraor\s. 1'lct de, elopmenl of diseases. Bcmg able to do !his ,.an. qwdJ) aatl ~ .,ill allov,
could take notice of the system's instability and anticipate the re-routing netdl l researcher.; to focu, on in,li\ tdual P4ticnts" unique pllC and p apa,a plOfiles.
more than one GA crrcull-search at a time, soon one's interpersonal commun enabling the hop.!d-for "per,onalucd medicmc·.
problems ma) rcall) be all in the head rather than in the telecommunications I) 12. Neural net" ork.~ ; Gcnctk programmmg in ma.:lunc larsing fiadl lftl' ...,ii/:lllCCIS
Other GAs are being de,eloped 10 placement and routing of C(li tm b
11 for neural ncl\\Orl..s in machmc lcarmng On,: use tl for J1C11C11C ~ ID neural
nct\\or~s or u,c cn,c, li~c 1nhcrillng qualiucs of IIClllllllS, - ' - " pi!,cline
bc~t co, erage and ease of S\\ itch mg.
Biomimrtic innntion : Biomim1cry or biomimetic is the development oft
optim11111io11, finding the ~I tit set of paramc1ffl for • JI'•
--1 tlllWOlk. and
inspired b, designs in nature. Since GAs are inspired by 1he mechanisms ofl,tok -.--10flld
• •. . h css ol ,111 enttoft II IJ. D"t" mlninl! 11nd ch1,h'rinc : D:ita numng and cl\lSWIIII 11111 - - . __..a.:..
e,olut,on, 11 males sense that they could be used 1n t e proc: I"· ~ 11111 the ~cnt,•r point , ,,t ,_., -
the duster," 1th an O\]lllMI ,.,_ - "'VCIIID Ill.---•ia
· • • · •· 11 1·s111
GAs rel) pnmanly on something called 1mpllc1t para c 1 . (h~c pf0S11!
10 ,.c

mutation and selection in secondary roles toward a dL-sign 54.iluuon. CilA imtll
capah1lit) for an optimal ,aluc It is rcnoWlled UID
nia,h,nc ll'arning, \\ here oue can cat(h-oruc the dlla blNd

I destl!flS 1,c
are 11,orking on applications that not only 11nal)te t I1c natura It data p. 1111 i.
• 1 d •sidns to crtJ
return on how they 11,ork, but can also combine natura c "
entirely new.

TE£HNICAI. PUBl.tCA TION~ • ,n up-lhttlSI IOI ~

14. lmiq:c prnccs~ina : Image processing tasks, lillch as.
. opt1m,mt1on.
maJor use case, o r genetic . . . flo\\l',er •magc SC8nlen,.. Clo.. ~ ... oD'!!!. ,.,g11 r,C9 • !!__
• Scnct,c. •I Sor,11 ~'Oti,
m dincrcnt areas of ,magc analysis to resolve complc lla llrt.._
11 •cnce : ~1cd1cal signs have --- ,,__ .
. X Optin1i7,a · ~ ~ _,,·c•I
1 ,eoof
prcd1c11,e analysi, tncluctcan •rray of u,e..,.. lor- ---~
J !,. \\ lrclcss $Cnsor nern ork : A "1rclcss sensor net\\ ... tion llrtibi....-ti.i~ ,1c--
PfolctQ Dn!d.,.,,__
dediaued and cspccm II) d',s.,.., .-u centers that maintain
o,,. l'{:fcr-s
to one,
~,.._ ,. JO·
11 ,.:llS
,.,r,,n P r,:<1,, 11011 nnd otht:n
· -......,,,, RNA llnttt.r. _...,__
conditions of nn cm ironmcnt It funhcr Jl,1Sscs the lhc rt1:0ru 1ileli '-u.. er· occ:s<d such L'I J!r01e1n fold · ---.
~Ord Cl'{:atC(! or 'lit ..., h•r rr I mg. ""'" ru,,,.. __
0.' . .0 ,,,,atic< multlp c sequence lhlJUncnt Or ~ - • - PIOii
S)Slcm. . . to 1 ~"ti h1'' 1nt. ntim11at1on. IOrnc Ofl!tePoceu 111g 11111\"'-
\\ SN utilizo:-s gcnct1c machine lcanung to st1mufatc th

genetic nlgonthms in". ,re

• I
C\C'II customiT.e all the opernt1ona stages with the hcl
. Ics, sensor ne'.norf..s,
c sensors
f On c
Po the fit1ncss
11:.. ·
"' can,
r, '-: JI•
•ncllc o,.
f11-<k .c
hcduling : Genetic machine learn
. -
g a i'llfidun. art
dulc, that saust) cntam constrainu rclaled toa ........_

Uled to dcn>e oPtil!ta

tancc as<ume I at one nn to ~ tbc
16. 1'raHliog .S,desman Pn1bltm (TSP) : rSP or traveling sal for ;ns_l) !he genetic algornhm ,.,ll find 1he bc,tldtcdulc for Ille 1aDe!let ~lor
. . .
real-life combinatorial opt11111zat1on problem, that \\ esman Prc,bl till 11 .._ nivers• · Cpt::rw sthcdui. for
· u nsidering all the constraints like the number of c:tasv 1he ffill)
ti d • ere SOived u1111g'""Of~,.
opumimtion. It helps in n mg nn optimal \\By in u· • co number of courses and subJeCIS and Wien OOlns.. tbc llllalber r ~
. • 8
.,.l\cn map w· h ~ ,he iota I .
bcl\\i.'Cn mo points nnd n1th the routes to be covered b; the sal it the IS...' mies : Economics 1s the stud) of .........__
csman. ~ i;cooo ··--.: 11111l>ll0D • tbc ~
'se,cral uerations take place that generate offspring solution fi ll · . .b tion and complete consumpt,on of goods and ....,_ .--......
.. . . ..s a ter C\ d1stn u -•o.q er a tmc paiod. l1it
inhent the qualnres of parent solutions. In this wa; one can not g h fl) , •c algorithm creates models of demand and.,,,_.., that.....___
• eI I C SOiution 1 geneu . ....,.,.., '"""" assa llfl:lD&, pine
time t11at offers the opportuml) to choose the best route ~tructure It find % theory and other..
real-time processes lrf..e plannrng, manufacturing and logistics. ' I S lpPI'~
• • •
Robotics : Robotics comprises the COllSlructjon, design and "<t\tng oflllt
l). I •h "b oL. IIUllll10molu
robot. Genetic a gont ms contn utc to urc robotics field ~ i,ro.tdin; the DCCfflar\
17. \'ebicle routing problems : One of the generalizations of the tra,elhng
insight into the decision, made b) the robot I t ~ opumal l'llll!tl for 1he robe!..;,
problem discussed abo,e is the vehicle routing problem. Genetic algorithm~
finding the optimal \\eight of goods to be delivered through the optimal seto;:; that it can use the least amount of resources to get to the dcs\Tal l)OOIJOII.
24 , Parallelization : GAs also ha,e \Cl) good parallel capabi= and~ to be ,cry
route~. 1'ac1ors such as depot points, \\ait, distance are taken into considmtioo ,!iJ
effective means in soh ing certain problems and also pnr,idc a good 11ta for rowch.
soh ing such problems if the) have an) kind of restrictions. Moremer, the gee::.
25. DNA anal)sis : GAs ha\e been us..'<! 10 dctcnniue the Sl!IIClure of Di'i/\ .asing
algorithm approach is competi1i~e in terms of solution qualit} and time 11ith 1nrnm:::
spectrometric data ab-Out the ,ample.
annealing algorithms and tabu search.
26. Multimodal optimization : GAs are obviously VU) good approaches for multimodal
18. M»nufacturing S)~tem : ·r he
manufacturing arena includes \arious e,amplcs 0U1 optimization in \\hich one can find mult1plcoptimumsolutions
cost function. Based on the same, the need to find an optimal ~et ofparamctmforlll _ e:irthqwe h\'"''ON'fllffi
27. Geopbys1cs. : G,\s are U><.-u
-~ 10 1o.:ate • .--- based on scismolop:al
functions poses a problem.
data. f
Genetic optimiz.atton performs this task of using the optimized set of paramdffi .. • rcflcctlOIIS and diffcrtnl l)JlCS O
28. Acoustics : GA i, u,cd to d1,unguish bet\\cen 50lllr stems ,.hteh
· · ·m prod uc t rnanufactunngto~
minimize the cost function. It also finds appltcauon l1CI . • • I ....1 t deitgn actl\C IIOISC cootroI I)
Object. Apan from that It ts o so uscu O dcsttucthtl) intcrfer.: the
optimum production plans b) considering d) namrc • con d'ttlons
• - 1'1-e
1 cnpacil) ' in1ent: cancel out undc,1re<l ,ound b) producing sound WI\CS tha1
or material qualit). . • ~~* un\\nnte<l noise. _.._ based pohmer>
_· gcmctic opnmil.3 ~(I l9 . I ctricalh conducU,e c"'""" .
19. Financial markets: A \ariet) of issues can be sohed usmg . Materials en~incering : To d~1gn e e, • , _ hthograph) \,cam
. of panunete11 ,i ' . • .._,!tf'm for an c.... uw
financial market. It helps in finding an 01>tima I com binn r'on
1 • ,'lluc k• •no\\n as pol}anihnc).1 o dc,tgn C\p<JSUI"e r-··
alTect !he trades or market rules. One can also find out the ncnr-opttm
optimal set of parameters.

TECHNICAL PUBUCATION~ • an c.p-t/lllJSt for~

' 21'

E1J Bel1•fil• of G4t11otle Algorithm&

• The main st~h of<,\" 1hat 11 "mtrm<icall~ p,unlltl \\here,,, "IOSt
arc scn:t I -• •-d •-rch
-~ •I""-..,"'
the solu11<"1 A rn,Mcm "'<•no direct
mn 111 1 1°'ht,
ca~ 11 ~"lutJt:Ml tums oot tl''I he !t.ulk.1rt1:nal then r,nc- 11111) hR,c lo 0lt
ptt\k"lll~h andsmr1o,u Jlo,,~,cr.5,1n..:c<1,\ ha,11111h1plcothprinKIIOth ~ -
~ m multrple dir«11011, al ,,1,cc ll"Cll lhc rnn,t, 11011 11 "Yt-.,
,,,(l Ju U'-."'IO ·"'1""--- -

rum out a; dead end.

HU !-Ofnt
Of O....
(,cncth: alg<tnthms pro, ,Jc ,,.~:,luti«.,n~ (lf an~,~crs tha~ impro,:c O\:tr 8 J)CrtOd

• 11 opi,-:zrs ,.._.,c:ral pn,hknh, ,uch a, commuous !unction,. discrete func;

Intelligence and Ntp
ol> <di\., probl-,m, It ,om,·, a, the l>c,t choice for e \\ 1dc variet) of . otu. 1111d
- . ..
fl lu> a l&rF(' and broad ,pa,e tor ,olu11ons search ob,hty.
• II doc,. nOl n<'ed an) dcri,eme information and has excellent parallel . w,,,J , mMddmg T,chnup,a-&,g of Mar._
{,.\ "t,cnc,r m ,ohmg problem, \\here the space of all potential soluti .
on 1s truly 1~
"''al itach- Trans/ono,,. ~ ""'1
1 =r funcuons fall, m10 this ca1egol). "here changing one compo '"'S' U Score & BE.RT Scan) Trar4nana, •
. -~~ eu,al St} le Transfer PtTID/Nd \ P BfRT r,~
.tr,-..'t., on the entire S) ,tem and "here multiple changes that individuall> art er
. .

ma) lead to much greaier 1mpro,ements in fitness function . de;,-.

• performs \\ell in problems for "hich fitness function is complex or di
. or has many 11
or c hange, o, er time
oca optima. Whereas other search l«lntinu;;
become trapped b) local optima but GA works well to avoid local optima. ~ 52
Neural Mact11ne Translabon
• One of the main features of GA is its ability to manipulate many ~ l J Translat,on Metncs {BLEU Scor& and BERT Scor9
s1multaneousl). Man) problems cannot be stated as single value to be rna.,llllJlel 5, Neural Style Transfer
minimized but expressed as multiple objectives. s5 Pertained NLP BERT Model and its Ajlpllcatitm
• GAs I.non nothing about the problem that they are deployed 10 solve. The, ·rtue or
techmque 1s that it allo\\s GA to start out with open mind . Since in GA decisionsm l&t
on randomness all possible search pathways are theoretical!) open to GA.

Review 0 . - - with Ans_.

0,1tneJo//o,.tng rerms (Rtftr stction 4.1)

, rndiuduals II Chromosomes ii, Gmes
,.. Tratr ,. Allele 1·/ l'op11/utiun
l.rsr ud-.u,11uge1 of gene/" algorirhm. (Rtftr otclion 4. l)
/l'har are lim11a11ons of gene11, algurirhm (Refer ~tction 4.2)
Dtscuu ,·arlous represmtatiorn for genetic algorithm (ltl•fer occllon 4,J)
Define and discuss 1•artous operators i,r gent'lic ulgor11h111 (Rt fer ,crtion 4, 4)
6 Exp/am bas101n,cture uf1/mple genetic ulgurtlhm (Rtfcnectlon 4 4)
lfluch are ,·ariom varlant:1 of genetic algcmthm (Rtftr ,t·ction -t!I)
8. lut mrww benefits ofge11eJlc ulgorlthmJ. (Refer occtlon 1.7)


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