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LEKHIKA RATHI- 106421405205

SHAIK ZEENATH -106421405211

ISHITA GUPTA – 106421405236

Under the Guidance of


Associate Professor of Commerce

Project submitted in fulfillment of the award of the Degree of

Bachelor of Commerce (COMPUTER APPLICATION)

Osmania University



Badruka College of Commerce and Arts
Kachiguda, Hyderabad

Department of Commerce


This is to certify that the project title “A STUDY ON MARKETING STRATEGIES AND
done by Lekhika Rathi (1064-21-405-205) , Shaik Zeenath (1064-21-405-211) , Ishitha Gupta
(1064-21- 405-236), of bonafide students of Badruka College of Commerce and Arts, Kachiguda,
Hyderabad under supervision of SREERAM DAIDA , Assistant Professor of Commerce.

Signature of External Examiner Signature of Internal Examiner &Guide


We Lekhika rathi (1064-21-405-205), Shaik zeenath (1064-21-405-211), Ishita gupta (1064-21-405-236)

pursuing B.Com(Computer’s) Final Year from Badruka College Of Commerce and Art’s hereby declare that
PERCEPTION TOWARDS DETTOL SOAP” submitted to department of Commerce Osmania
University in fulfillment of (computer applications) course requirements is a record of original work
done by us.
The Information and data submitted in the project are authentic to the best of our Knowledge and belief. The
project has not been submitted to any other university or institution for the award of any degree, diploma or
fellowship or published any time before.


PLACE: Kachiguda, Hyderabad.





We express our gratitude to Dr.M.Janakiram, Vice Principal (Academic), Badruka College of

Commerce and Arts, for giving us an opportunity to do the project. We are immensely grateful
to our project guide SREERAM DAIDA, Assistant Professor of Commerce, for his constant
support and guidance throughout the project period.
We also express our sincere thanks to Dr. B.Mohan Kumar, Principal, Badruka College of
Commerce and Arts, Hyderabad and all other staff of the college for their valuable support
towards the completion of this work.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our friends for their insightful comments
and constructive suggestions to improve the quality of this project work.
Last, but certainly not the least, We are indebted to our parents, without their blessings we
wouldn’t have finished this project under stipulated time and with focused vision.




Table of Contents

Chapter Content




49- 53

List of Tables

Table Number Table Title Page Number

1 Age 32

2 Gender 33

3 Income 34
4 Awareness 35

5 Came to know 36
6 Purchase 37

7 Importance to buying 38

8 Pricing 39
9 Packaging 40

10 Often Use 41
11 Justify a safe soap 42

12 Number of bars 43
13 Pack of Dettol Soap 44

14 Frequency in Buying 45
15 Likeliness 46

16 Competitors 47
17 Preference 48

List of Graphs

Table Number Table Title Page Number

1 Age 32

2 Gender 33

3 Income 34
4 Awareness 35

5 Came to know 36
6 Purchase 37

7 Importance to buying 38

8 Pricing 39
9 Packaging 40

10 Often Use 41
11 Justify a safe soap 42

12 Number of bars 43
13 Pack of Dettol Soap 44

14 Frequency in Buying 45
15 Likeliness 46

16 Competitors 47
17 Preference 48


This study investigates the marketing strategies and consumer preferences associated with
Dettol soap, a ubiquitous and essential hygiene product utilized by individuals across socio-
economic strata. Dettol, a venerable brand tracing its origins back to 1932, holds a
distinguished position as one of India's most trusted providers of hygiene solutions. Operating
under the banner of Reckitt Benckiser India Limited, Dettol has emerged as South Asia's
premier consumer goods company, showcasing remarkable growth and resilience in the
The primary objective of this research is to delve into the intricacies of Dettol soap's
marketing techniques and discern consumer preferences surrounding this iconic product. By
analyzing Dettol's marketing strategies, including advertising campaigns, product positioning,
and distribution channels, this study aims to uncover the underlying mechanisms driving the
brand's success in the competitive soap market. Furthermore, through surveys, interviews, and
consumer behavior analysis, we seek to gain insights into the factors influencing customer
preferences for Dettol soap, elucidating the key drivers of brand loyalty and purchase
In addition to exploring Dettol soap's strengths, this study also endeavors to identify areas of
improvement or weaknesses that may exist within the product's marketing and positioning
strategies. By critically assessing Dettol soap's performance against competitors and market
trends, we aim to provide actionable recommendations for enhancing the brand's market
presence and consumer appeal.


1. Introduction to marketing strategies and consumer perception
towards dettol soap
In the contemporary marketplace, characterized by cut-throat competition and ever-evolving
consumer demands, a profound comprehension of consumer behavior intertwined with the
implementation of effective marketing strategies stands as the cornerstone for the triumph of
any product or brand. This research embarks upon a meticulous exploration of the intricacies
surrounding marketing strategies and consumer perception, focusing on the illustrious Dettol
soap brand, renowned within the realms of hygiene and healthcare.
The modern market ecosystem is a labyrinth of complexities, where success hinges not only
on the quality of products but also on the efficacy of marketing endeavors and the perceptions
they evoke among consumers. As competition intensifies and consumer preferences continue
to evolve, businesses are compelled to navigate through a myriad of challenges, constantly
striving to align their strategies with the ever-shifting landscape of consumer behavior.
At the heart of this endeavor lies a fundamental understanding of consumer psychology and
the mechanisms that drive purchasing decisions. Consumers are not merely passive recipients
of marketing messages but active participants in the marketplace, each with their unique set
of preferences, biases, and motivations. By delving into the intricacies of consumer behavior,
businesses can gain valuable insights into the drivers that influence purchasing decisions,
thereby shaping their marketing strategies to resonate with their target audience effectively.
Marketing strategies serve as the guiding force that propels businesses towards their goals in
the market. They encapsulate a plethora of activities ranging from market research and
product development to pricing, distribution, and promotional endeavors. The efficacy of
these strategies hinges upon their ability to resonate with the target audience, compelling
them to engage with the brand and ultimately make purchasing decisions in its favor.
For Dettol soap, a brand under the esteemed Reckitt Benckiser umbrella, crafting robust
marketing strategies is imperative to maintain its competitive edge in the personal hygiene
market. With a legacy spanning decades, Dettol has garnered a formidable reputation for its
germ-killing properties and commitment to promoting cleanliness and well-being. However,
in an era marked by rapid technological advancements and shifting consumer preferences, the
brand must continuously reassess and refine its marketing strategies to stay ahead of the
In essence, the success of marketing strategies lies not only in their ability to communicate
the value proposition of a product but also in their capacity to evoke a positive emotional
response from consumers. By tapping into the aspirations, desires, and anxieties of their
target audience, businesses can forge meaningful connections that transcend mere
transactions, fostering long-term loyalty and advocacy.
Consumer perception, often referred to as the lens through which individuals interpret
information about a product or brand, holds immense sway over purchasing decisions. It
encompasses an array of factors including beliefs, attitudes, opinions, and emotions, all of
which shape how consumers perceive and interact with a particular product or brand.
Understanding and influencing consumer perception is therefore paramount for businesses
seeking to carve a niche for themselves in the market and foster brand loyalty among their
target audience.
For Dettol soap, favorable consumer perception serves as a linchpin for sustained success and
market growth. Consumers who perceive Dettol soap as a reliable ally in their quest for
cleanliness and hygiene are more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend the brand
to others. Conversely, negative perceptions or misconceptions about the product can prove
detrimental, deterring potential customers and tarnishing the brand's reputation.
The interplay between marketing strategies and consumer perception is a dynamic and
multifaceted phenomenon that warrants thorough examination. By elucidating the underlying
mechanisms that influence consumer behavior and brand perception, businesses can gain
invaluable insights that inform strategic decision-making and drive sustainable growth.
Dettol Soap stands as a beacon of hygiene and health in the vast sea of personal care
products. Established under the esteemed banner of Reckitt Benckiser Group plc, Dettol has
cemented its status as a household name synonymous with cleanliness and well-being. With
origins tracing back to the 19th century, the brand has evolved over decades, consistently
innovating to meet the ever-changing needs of consumers.
Dettol Soap, a cornerstone of the brand's product portfolio, exemplifies its commitment to
safeguarding public health. Formulated with potent germ-fighting agents, Dettol Soap offers
more than just a cleansing experience; it provides reassurance. In an era where health
concerns loom large, Dettol Soap stands as a reliable ally, promising to eliminate harmful
bacteria and viruses while nurturing the skin with care and gentleness.
2. Introduction on Marketing Strategies
In the fiercely competitive soap industry, success hinges not only on the quality of the
product but also on the efficacy of marketing strategies employed by brands to engage
consumers, build brand equity, and drive sales. From traditional advertising to digital
marketing tactics, the soap industry offers a rich tapestry of marketing strategies aimed at
capturing consumer attention and fostering brand loyalty. This comprehensive exploration
delves into the intricacies of marketing strategies in the soap industry, offering insights into
key approaches, best practices, and emerging trends shaping the landscape.
1. Understanding Consumer Behavior
At the heart of effective marketing strategies lies a deep understanding of consumer behavior
and the factors that influence purchasing decisions. Consumer behavior in the soap industry is
shaped by a myriad of factors, including hygiene considerations, skincare needs, brand
perception, and lifestyle preferences. By conducting market research and leveraging
consumer insights, brands can identify key market segments, understand consumer
preferences, and tailor their marketing strategies to resonate with their target audience
2. Segmentation and Targeting
Segmentation and targeting are foundational elements of marketing strategy, allowing brands
to divide the market into distinct groups of consumers with similar needs and preferences and
tailor their marketing efforts accordingly. In the soap industry, segmentation may be based on
demographic factors such as age, gender, income, and lifestyle, as well as psychographic
variables such as attitudes, values, and behaviors. By identifying target segments with the
highest potential for growth and profitability, brands can allocate resources more effectively
and deliver personalized marketing messages that resonate with consumers.
3. Product Positioning and Differentiation
Product positioning and differentiation are critical aspects of marketing strategy that enable
brands to carve out a unique identity in the market and distinguish themselves from
competitors. In the soap industry, brands may differentiate themselves based on product
features, such as fragrance, ingredients, and formulation, as well as brand attributes, such as
heritage, reputation, and values. Effective positioning strategies communicate the brand's
value proposition to consumers and highlight its competitive advantages, ultimately
influencing purchasing decisions and brand perception.
4. Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) is a strategic approach that coordinates various
marketing channels and tactics to deliver a consistent and cohesive brand message to
consumers. In the soap industry, IMC encompasses a range of promotional activities,
including advertising, public relations, sales promotions, direct marketing, and digital
marketing. By aligning messaging and imagery across multiple touch points, brands can
create a unified brand experience for consumers and maximize the impact of their marketing
5. Digital Marketing: :
In an increasingly digital world, digital marketing has emerged as a powerful tool for
reaching and engaging consumers in the soap industry. Digital marketing encompasses a wide
range of tactics, including social media marketing, content marketing, search engine
optimization (SEO), email marketing, and influencer partnerships. These digital channels
offer brands unparalleled opportunities to connect with consumers, drive brand awareness,
and cultivate relationships through targeted, personalized messaging and interactive content.
6. Social Media Marketing:
Social media marketing has become an integral component of marketing strategy in the soap
industry, offering brands a platform to engage with consumers, showcase products, and foster
brand loyalty. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok
enable brands to share visual content, user-generated testimonials, and behind-the-scenes
glimpses, creating a sense of authenticity and community around the brand. By leveraging
social media analytics and insights, brands can track consumer sentiment, monitor trends, and
refine their marketing strategies in real-time.
7. Content Marketing:
Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant content to attract and
engage a target audience, with the aim of driving profitable customer action. In the soap
industry, content marketing can take various forms, including blog posts, articles, how-to
guides, videos, and infographics, that educate consumers about the benefits of the product,
skincare tips, and hygiene practices. By providing informative and entertaining content that
addresses consumer needs and interests, brands can establish themselves as trusted authorities
in the industry and build long-lasting relationships with their audience.
8. Influencer Marketing:
Influencer marketing leverages the influence and credibility of social media influencers,
bloggers, and content creators to endorse products and sway consumer purchasing decisions.
In the soap industry, influencers with expertise in skincare, beauty, and lifestyle can
collaborate with brands to create authentic, engaging content that showcases the benefits of
the product and resonates with their followers. By tapping into the influencer's existing fan
base and social networks, brands can expand their reach, increase brand visibility, and drive
sales through word-of-mouth recommendations.
9. Customer Relationship Management (CRM):
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategic approach that focuses on building
and nurturing long-term relationships with customers through personalized communication
and targeted marketing efforts. In the soap industry, CRM encompasses various tactics,
including loyalty programs, customer feedback surveys, email newsletters, and social media
engagement, that enable brands to connect with consumers on a deeper level and anticipate
their needs and preferences. By leveraging CRM data and analytics, brands can tailor their
marketing strategies to individual customers, drive repeat purchases, and foster brand loyalty
and advocacy.
10. Measurement and Analytics:
Measurement and analytics are essential components of marketing strategy that enable brands
to assess the effectiveness of their marketing efforts, track key performance indicators (KPIs),
and optimize their strategies for maximum impact. In the soap industry, brands may use
various metrics such as sales data, website traffic, social media engagement, and customer
satisfaction scores to evaluate the success of their marketing campaigns and identify areas for
improvement. By leveraging data-driven insights and continuous monitoring, brands can
make informed decisions, allocate resources more efficiently, and drive measurable results
across their marketing initiatives.
For Dettol Soap, marketing is not merely about promoting a product; it's about fostering a
culture of hygiene and well-being. The brand's marketing strategies are multifaceted,
encompassing a blend of traditional and digital channels to reach consumers across
demographics and geographies.
At the heart of Dettol's marketing approach lies a deep understanding of consumer needs and
aspirations. Through meticulous market research and consumer insights, the brand identifies
emerging trends and evolving preferences, enabling it to tailor its messaging and offerings
accordingly. Whether it's through engaging advertising campaigns, strategic partnerships, or
experiential marketing initiatives, Dettol leaves no stone unturned in its quest to connect with
consumers on a meaningful level.
3. Consumer Preference for Soaps:
Consumer preference for soap is a multifaceted phenomenon shaped by a myriad of factors
ranging from personal hygiene habits to brand perception and sensory appeal. In today's fast-
paced world, where cleanliness and hygiene have assumed paramount importance, consumers
are increasingly discerning when it comes to selecting the right soap for their needs. This
article delves into the intricacies of consumer preference for soap, exploring the key drivers
that influence purchase decisions and shedding light on emerging trends in the personal care
1. Hygiene and Health Considerations:
At the core of consumer preference for soap lies a fundamental concern for hygiene and
health. Consumers are inherently motivated to choose soaps that offer effective germ-killing
properties and promote cleanliness. In an era marked by heightened awareness of infectious
diseases and the importance of hand hygiene, consumers prioritize products that provide
reassurance in terms of germ protection and disease prevention. As such, antibacterial soaps
and those containing natural ingredients with proven antiseptic properties often resonate
2. Brand Perception and Trust
Brand perception plays a pivotal role in shaping consumer preference for soap. Established
brands with a legacy of quality and reliability often enjoy a competitive advantage in the
market, as consumers tend to gravitate towards familiar and trusted names. Brand reputation,
product efficacy, and perceived value for money are key determinants that influence
consumer trust and loyalty. Additionally, factors such as corporate social responsibility
initiatives and ethical sourcing practices can further enhance a brand's appeal and resonate
with consumers who prioritize sustainability and social impact.
3. Fragrance and Sensory Appeal:
The olfactory experience plays a significant role in consumer preference for soap, with
fragrance emerging as a critical factor influencing purchase decisions. Consumers are drawn
to soaps that offer a pleasing scent profile, evoking sensations of freshness and well-being.
From floral and fruity to herbal and woody, the range of fragrances available in the market
caters to diverse consumer preferences, allowing individuals to express their personality and
enhance their bathing experience. Moreover, the tactile sensation of using a soap, including
its texture and lather, contributes to the overall sensory appeal and can influence consumer
perceptions of product quality.
4. Skin Type and Specific Needs:
Consumer preference for soap is also influenced by individual skin types and specific
skincare needs. With an increasing emphasis on personalized beauty and skincare regimens,
consumers seek out products tailored to their unique requirements, whether it be sensitive
skin, dryness, or specific dermatological conditions. Soap formulations enriched with
moisturizing ingredients, such as shea butter, glycerin, and coconut oil, are particularly
favored among consumers looking to maintain skin health and hydration. Furthermore, the
rise of niche and specialty soaps targeting specific concerns, such as acne-prone skin or anti-
aging properties, reflects the growing demand for customized skincare solutions.
5. Packaging and Presentation:
The visual appeal of soap packaging plays a significant role in capturing consumer attention
and influencing purchase decisions. Eye-catching designs, vibrant colors, and innovative
packaging formats can differentiate a product on the shelf and evoke a sense of curiosity and
desire. Moreover, packaging that communicates key product benefits, such as moisturizing or
exfoliating properties, helps consumers make informed choices and reinforces brand
messaging. Sustainable packaging materials and eco-friendly initiatives resonate with
environmentally conscious consumers, driving preference towards brands that prioritize
sustainability and minimize their environmental footprint.
6. Price and Value Proposition:
While quality and efficacy are paramount, price also factors into consumer preference for
soap. Consumers seek products that offer perceived value for money, balancing affordability
with quality and performance. Value-added features such as multipack offerings, discounts,
and loyalty rewards incentivize purchase and enhance the overall value proposition for
consumers. However, price sensitivity varies across consumer segments, with some
prioritizing premium quality and prestige brands, while others opt for budget-friendly options
without compromising on efficacy.
7. Influences of Marketing and Social Trends:
Consumer preference for soap is not immune to the influence of marketing campaigns and
social trends. Effective marketing strategies, including advertising, influencer endorsements,
and social media engagement, can shape consumer perceptions and drive purchase intent.
Moreover, emerging social trends such as clean beauty, sustainability, and wellness influence
consumer preferences and inform purchasing decisions. Brands that align with these trends
and communicate authentic brand stories resonate with consumers seeking products that align
with their values and lifestyle choices..
Dettol Soap, with its emphasis on germ protection and skin care, resonates strongly with
health-conscious consumers. The brand's unwavering commitment to quality and efficacy
instills trust and confidence, driving consumer preference even amidst a crowded market
Moreover, the allure of Dettol Soap extends beyond its functional benefits. The brand's rich
heritage and legacy of innovation evoke a sense of nostalgia and familiarity, further endearing
it to consumers. In an era marked by uncertainty, Dettol Soap symbolizes reliability and
consistency, qualities that are highly prized in consumer decision-making.
4. Market Overview:
The soap industry stands as a cornerstone of the global personal care market, catering to an
essential need for cleanliness and hygiene among consumers worldwide. With a rich history
spanning centuries, the soap industry has evolved significantly, driven by changing consumer
preferences, technological advancements, and emerging market trends. This comprehensive
market overview delves into the dynamics of the soap industry, offering insights into key
market segments, growth drivers, challenges, and emerging opportunities shaping the
1. Market Size and Growth Trends:
The global soap market is characterized by robust growth, fueled by rising awareness of
personal hygiene, increasing disposable income levels, and a growing emphasis on skincare
and wellness. According to market research reports, the global soap market was valued at
over USD 23 billion in 2020 and is projected to witness steady growth in the coming years.
Factors such as population growth, urbanization, and changing lifestyles contribute to the
expanding consumer base for soap products, driving demand across both developed and
emerging economies.
2. Market Segmentation:
The soap market is segmented based on various factors, including product type, distribution
channel, and geography. Product segmentation encompasses a wide array of soap varieties,
including bar soap, liquid soap, organic and natural soaps, antibacterial soaps, and specialty
soaps targeting specific skincare needs. Distribution channels range from traditional brick-
and-mortar retail outlets to online platforms, supermarkets, pharmacies, and specialty stores
catering to niche consumer segments. Geographically, the market is segmented into regions
such as North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa,
each with its unique market dynamics and consumer preferences.
3. Key Market Drivers:
Several factors drive growth and innovation within the soap industry, shaping market
dynamics and influencing consumer behavior. Key market drivers include:
Hygiene Awareness: Increasing awareness of the importance of hand hygiene, particularly in
light of global health crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic, drives demand for soap
products with antibacterial and germ-killing properties.
Skincare Trends: Growing consumer interest in skincare and wellness fuels demand for soap
products enriched with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients, catering to diverse skincare
needs and preferences.
Sustainability and Eco-consciousness: Rising environmental concerns and consumer
preferences for sustainable and eco-friendly products drive demand for natural, organic, and
cruelty-free soap formulations, as well as packaging innovations aimed at reducing
environmental impact.
Market Penetration in Emerging Economies: Rapid urbanization, rising disposable incomes,
and changing lifestyles in emerging economies present lucrative opportunities for market
expansion and penetration, particularly in regions such as Asia-Pacific and Latin America.
4. Challenges and Constraints
Despite the promising growth prospects, the soap industry faces several challenges and
constraints that impact market dynamics and competitiveness. These include:
Intense Competition: The soap market is highly competitive, with numerous players vying for
market share through aggressive marketing strategies, product innovations, and pricing
Regulatory Compliance: Stringent regulatory requirements, particularly concerning product
safety, labeling, and ingredient transparency, pose challenges for manufacturers and may
necessitate costly compliance measures.
Supply Chain Disruptions: The soap industry is susceptible to supply chain disruptions,
including raw material shortages, transportation bottlenecks, and geopolitical uncertainties,
which can impact production schedules and distribution networks.
Shifting Consumer Preferences: Changing consumer preferences, influenced by evolving
lifestyle trends, cultural influences, and demographic shifts, pose challenges for brands
seeking to anticipate and adapt to shifting market dynamics.
5. Emerging Opportunities:
Amidst the challenges, the soap industry also presents a myriad of emerging opportunities for
growth and innovation. These include:
Digital Transformation: The advent of e-commerce and digital platforms offers new avenues
for brands to reach consumers directly, bypassing traditional retail channels and leveraging
data analytics and digital marketing strategies to enhance customer engagement and
personalized experiences.
Product Innovation: Rising consumer demand for novel and differentiated soap formulations,
such as natural and organic ingredients, customizable scents, and specialty skincare benefits,
presents opportunities for brands to differentiate themselves and capture market share.
Market Expansion in Untapped Segments: Targeting underserved consumer segments, such
as children, men, and seniors, with specialized soap formulations tailored to their unique
needs and preferences represents an untapped opportunity for market expansion and
Sustainable Practices: Embracing sustainable practices across the value chain, from sourcing
raw materials to packaging and distribution, not only aligns with consumer preferences for
eco-conscious products but also fosters brand loyalty and enhances corporate reputation.
Within this landscape, Dettol Soap stands as a beacon of stability and resilience. Leveraging
its brand heritage and innovative formulations, Dettol has carved a niche for itself in both
developed and emerging markets. Through strategic product positioning and targeted
marketing efforts, the brand continues to capture the hearts and minds of consumers
worldwide, reaffirming its status as a market leader in the realm of hygiene and well-being.


Review of Literature
Dettol co-created with Moms’: Driving customer-centric innovation

-Jitesh Nair and Vasudev Bitra - 08 August 2020 .

The article showcases Dettol's established presence in India, holding a 10% share in the soap
market as of 2019. In-house market research emphasized a shift towards personal care
products, aligning with Dettol's vision of household germ protection. Targeting digitally-
savvy millennial mothers, the brand crafted 'Dettol Co-Created with Moms', leveraging their
discerning nature. A 'mystery-reveal campaign' on social media platforms, backed by
traditional advertising, was employed to generate consumer interest and drive product sales.
Dettol Launches a New Range for 100% Better Protection
Dettol Gold - an Innovative Product Solution Offering Best Ever Protection against Germs
and New-age Illnesses- Friday,12 November 2010.
Rajesh Saathi
Dettol emerges as the gold standard in germ protection, bolstering its legacy with Dettol
Gold, an innovative range offering 100% better protection against germs and new age
illnesses. Featuring bar soap and liquid hand wash in Classic Clean and Daily Clean variants,
it provides a superior sensorial experience while shielding children from everyday bacteria.
With a history of over 150 years of innovation, Dettol understands the paramount importance
of hygiene and sanitation, introducing this advanced solution to combat evolving germs and
Dettol gets a facelift
The article highlights Dettol's innovative new soaps with a unique shape for ease of handling,
along with refreshing fragrances and moisturizers. Dettol has earned the trust of Sri Lankan
households and is committed to enhancing health and hygiene practices, partnering with the
Ministry of Health on various projects. Celebrating 50 years in Sri Lanka, Dettol pioneers
new products and formats to provide complete hygiene solutions. Its portfolio includes
antiseptic liquid, handwash, plaster, hand sanitizer, and shaving cream, all supported by the
acclaimed 'Dettol Protects' Campaign. Dettol reaffirms its dedication to providing top-tier
health and hygiene products, along with public education initiatives, for the well-being of Sri

Dettol finds wealth in health

Sayantani Kart
The article highlights Dettol's remarkable growth, with revenues reaching Rs 900 crore in
July 2009 and the Rs 1,000 crore milestone imminent. Dettol's success stems from its
unwavering focus on health, commanding a premium due to consumer preference. Consistent
positioning, stable pricing, and strategic brand extensions contribute to Dettol's growth. The
brand's distinct packaging and iconic green and white colors reinforce its image as a germ-
fighting bodyguard. Dettol's expansion into herbal soaps and bodywashes signals continued
innovation and market expansion efforts.
Working up a lather with Dettol
Viveat Susan Pinto

Urban India's embrace of Dettol has propelled Reckitt to the third position in soaps, trailing
only Levers and Godrej, yet competitors remain vigilant. Formerly eighth in the soap
hierarchy, Dettol's ascent highlights Reckitt's adeptness at tapping into India's burgeoning
health consciousness, portraying its product as a stalwart defender against germs. The
challenge now lies in captivating rural consumers, where Dettol's presence is less pervasive,
necessitating consumer awareness initiatives and expanded distribution networks. Despite the
hurdles, India's rapid growth in the Health segment offers ample opportunity for Reckitt's
continued success, with the Health sector now claiming 25% of the soap market, up from 18-
20% just three years ago.
How Dettol got India to wash its hands
Sourced from WARC – December,07-2012.
The article underscores the paramount importance of health and hygiene for Indian
consumers, tasking leading brands like Dettol with disseminating government messages on
hand-washing, especially amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Recognizing the need to not only
sell products but also promote proper habits, Dettol devised the #HandWashChallenge
campaign, leveraging TikTok's entertainment-driven platform to impart the message in a
"cool" manner. The campaign, aimed at reaching a wide audience, encouraged users to
participate in a dance routine mimicking hand-washing, garnering nearly 125 billion views
and inspiring 75 million videos before the ban in India.


Our Bureau

The article highlights FMCG giant Reckitt Benckiser's strategic move to dominate the kid
personal hygiene segment by launching the power brand Dettol, equipped with a scientifically
proven formula to combat illness-causing germs. With a commitment to innovation and
consumer-centricity, Reckitt Benckiser continuously raises the bar by introducing improved
offerings, setting new standards in the industry. The launch of Dettol soap, boasting its best-
ever protection, underscores the brand's dedication to safeguarding family health by providing
superior germ protection against a wide range of bacteria and viruses

Coronavirus: Dettol sales surge as markets fall again Eleanor Lawrie

The article highlights the perceived effectiveness of disinfectants like Dettol in providing
protection against disease spread, despite lacking scientific validation. The soaring demand
for Dettol-branded hand gels have led to supply shortages amid a global market downturn,
with the FTSE 100 experiencing a significant decline. Reckitt Benckiser acknowledges the
increased demand for Dettol and Lysol products, pledging support to healthcare authorities
through donations, information dissemination, and education initiatives.

40 years ago...And now: Not just germs, Dettol fights rivals unabated

Vivian Susan Pinto

The article reveals that Reckitt & Sons, the predecessor of Reckitt Benckiser, considered
naming its renowned antiseptic liquid "PCMX" due to its key ingredient,
parachlorometaxylenol, in the 1930s. This name reflected the compound responsible for
Dettol's germ-fighting prowess, chosen to convey its medical heritage and efficacy. Despite
comprising only 4.8% of Dettol's composition, PCMX demonstrated remarkable germicidal
properties without causing excessive irritation to the skin. Dettol's packaging, characterized
by a simple, clinical design reminiscent of medicine bottles from the era, further reinforced its
association with healthcare settings, with the iconic white sword emblem symbolizing its
medical efficacy and herit

Scientists warn there is NO evidence Dettol can kill the deadly Wuhan coronavirus after
bogus conspiracy theories flood social media :VANESSA CHALMERS- January
04 February 2020.
The article warns against false claims circulating online about Dettol's ability to rapidly kill
the Wuhan coronavirus, with scientists asserting no evidence supporting such assertions.
Despite labels suggesting effectiveness against coronavirus strains like the common cold,
Dettol has not been tested against the lethal Wuhan strain, discovered only in late 2019. The
virus's global outbreak, causing numerous fatalities and infections across countries,
underscores the importance of accurate information dissemination. While the virus spreads
through coughs or sneezes, the World Health Organization suggests it may also transmit via
surfaces such as public transport handrails or tables.

Research Gap
The literature review provides valuable insights into various facets of Dettol soap's marketing
strategies and consumer perceptions. However, amidst the wealth of information, several
research gaps emerge, suggesting avenues for further exploration:
a. Limited Focus on Consumer Behavior Dynamics:
While the literature touches upon consumer preferences and behavior to some extent, there
remains a gap in comprehensively understanding the underlying drivers shaping these
preferences. A deeper exploration into the psychographic and socio-economic factors
influencing consumer choices could provide valuable insights for marketers.
b. Scope for Comparative Analysis:
The literature predominantly highlights Dettol's marketing strategies and product innovations
without extensive comparative analyses with competing brands. A comparative study could
elucidate the relative effectiveness of Dettol's strategies vis-à-vis its competitors, offering
practical implications for industry practitioners.
c. Neglected Perspectives on Market Penetration:
The literature predominantly focuses on urban markets and overlooks the nuances of Dettol
soap's penetration into rural areas. Exploring the challenges and opportunities associated with
rural market penetration could shed light on Dettol's holistic market reach and potential
growth avenues.
d. Limited Exploration of Digital Marketing Strategies:
While the literature briefly mentions Dettol's utilization of social media platforms for
marketing campaigns, there exists a research gap in delving deeper into the efficacy and

The study understands the necessity for identifying the various marketing strategies and
consumer preference for Dettol soap so that a detailed analysis of these concepts will be
helpful in drawing suitable conclusions which will be relevant both in the current as well as
future scenario
1. Investigate the comprehensive marketing mix employed for Dettol soap to discern its
effectiveness in capturing consumer attention and driving sales.
2. Evaluate customer satisfaction levels post-usage of Dettol soap to gauge the product's
performance and perceived value among consumers.
3. Analyze the import procedures and associated documentation intricacies entailed in the
importation process of Dettol soap to ensure compliance and efficiency in international trade.
4. Perform a comprehensive SWOT analysis for Dettol soap to identify its internal strengths
and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats, informing strategic decision-
making and market positioning

Based on the identified research gap and insights gleaned from the literature review, the
following hypotheses are proposed for empirical investigation:

Hypothesis 1:
The marketing mix elements of Dettol soap, including product, price, place, and promotion,
positively influence consumer perception and purchase intentions.
Hypothesis 2:
Customer satisfaction levels after using Dettol soap are positively correlated with brand
loyalty and repeat purchase behaviour.
Hypothesis 3:
The efficiency and effectiveness of import procedures and documentation significantly
impact the availability and distribution of Dettol soap in international markets.
Hypothesis 4:
The SWOT analysis of Dettol soap reveals its strong brand reputation and product efficacy as
internal strengths, while external opportunities lie in expanding market reach and diversifying
product offerings to meet evolving consumer needs.
The project involves both Primary Data and Secondary Data. Primary Data is conducted
through questionnaire. The sample for the study is taken from 50 respondents. Out of 50
respondents, 40 respondents are domestic customers of Dettol soap and 10 respondents are
overseas customers of Dettol soap. Secondary Data is taken from books, magazines,
newspapers and internet.


The subject matter of the study deals with Marketing Strategies and Consumer Preference
fFor Dettol Soap. It deals with marketing mix, brand preference, customer preference of
Dettol soap.
1. Findings may not be universally applicable due to regional or cultural variations in consumer
preferences and market dynamics.
2. The study's timeframe may restrict the ability to capture long-term trends or assess the impact
of evolving marketing strategies.
3. Constraints in terms of budget, manpower, or technology may restrict the scope and scale of
data collection and analysis.
4. Unforeseen external events or market disruptions could influence consumer behavior and
confound study outcomes.





Dettol is a brand of
cleaning supplies and
disinfectant and antiseptic
introduced in 1932 that is
90 year ago. Dettol act as
a one of the oldest and
trusted brands for hygienic
product in India. Dettol
comes from the fastest
growing consumer
goods companies in
south Asia named as
Reckitt Benckiser
(India) limited formally
called as Reckitt
Colman (India) limited. The
company has its operation in
60 countries with wide
number of employees
around the world.
Reckitt Benckiser
owns a wide range of
household brands in
different sectors.
Dettol is considered
to be the iconic brand of its company and Dettol has been accepted as the most trusted brands
in India as it protects the entire families from various diseases and illness caused due to micro
germs. In 2008 the brand Dettol celebrated its platinum jubilee and due its consistency it was
accepted to be the best products among the other brands available in the markets. Dettol has
even gained its trust from millions of Indian families due its approval received towards all
varieties of its brands from Indian Medical Association. In addition the brand Dettol also
enjoys good ranking given by Brand Trust Report as per last year data. By 1970, 4.7 million
Dettol soaps were sold and, over the next one decade, the brand had penetrated into 40% of
urban households in India,” . In the 2000s, the company’s long-standing slogan, Strong
enough to protect the ones we love, changed to Dettol, be 100% sure. “As a brand, Dettol has
always retained its standing on the anti-germ platform, although its portfolio has expanded to
suit the lifestyle demands of consumers,” .It was voted as the third most-trusted brand in an
AC Nielsen ORG Marg survey last year. Reckitt Benckiser flagship brand Dettol , still
contributes to almost 40% of the revenue for Reckitt Benckiser. Dettol is the leader in the
antiseptic market with 85 per cent market share. Dettol soaps account for 18 per cent of the
health soap division. The legacy that the company looks to carry forward is, “Dettol is
believed in by everybody, even doctors

Tagline: “keep the memories, but not the bacteria”


Dettol needed to help protect families as part of their every-day lives at home.
This is the Mission for Health. Our first important job was first aid, helping to prevent cuts
and grazes from infection. Since then, our mission has been extended to help prevent the
spread of germs on hands, bodies, laundry and surfaces they now offer many Dettol products,
all designed to help protect families from germs.

Around the world there brand goes into schools every year, to teach children the importance
of hand washing to keep healthy. Every year millions of new mums around the world

received a free starter kit from us, containing product and hygiene information to help them
keep their babies protected. In there mission for health we work with partners like Save The
Children to reach mums that need us most in places where protection from germs is important
to every-day activities. “Dettol Banega Swachh India” is a 5-year ambitious program to
address the rising need of hygiene and sanitation in India.
The company expects that sales of Dettol, which is the top selling antiseptic brand in the
country to cross Rs 1,000- crore mark by the end of current year,"


The Dettol logo has a sword which is a symbol for fighting germs and infection.

The older version featured the word “Dettol” in blue over a green circle. Behind the blue
word mark, a white sword can be seen. In the updated logo, the green grows darker, while the
word mark goes white. The sword is grey.
As for the colour palette, the logo of the brand is drawn in gradient green and white, a
combination evoking a sense of growth and success and accenting on stability and
trustworthiness. The logo is framed in light grey, which is a colour of professionalism and
Dettol is a globally recognized brand known for its wide range of hygiene and cleaning
products. The brand is a key asset of Reckitt Benckiser Group plc, a British multinational
consumer goods company. History
Dettol was first introduced in 1932 as an antiseptic liquid for use in hospitals and by doctors
for cleaning and disinfecting surgical tools. Over the decades, Dettol has evolved and
expanded its product line to include soaps, hand washes, sanitizers, disinfectant sprays, and
personal care products.
Mission and Vision:
Mission: To protect, heal, and nurture in the relentless pursuit of a cleaner, healthier world.
Vision: To bring healthy hygiene practices to communities around the world, promoting
health and well-being.
Product Range:
Dettol offers a diverse range of products, including:
 Antiseptic Liquid: The original product that started it all, used for disinfection and first aid.
 Bar Soaps: Available in various variants like Original, Cool, Skincare, and Sensitive, catering
to different skin types and preferences.

 Hand Washes: Liquid hand washes in multiple fragrances and formulations.

 Hand Sanitizers: Convenient and effective solutions for on-the-go hand hygiene.
 Surface Cleaners: Products designed to disinfect and clean household surfaces.
 Personal Care Products: Including shower gels and wipes.
Market Position:
Dettol is a market leader in the hygiene and health sector, recognized for its reliability and
effectiveness. The brand enjoys a strong market presence in over 120 countries, with
particularly strong positions in India, the UK, and Australia.
Marketing Strategy
Dettol’s marketing strategy focuses on:
 Health and Hygiene Education: Promoting awareness about hygiene practices through various
campaigns and initiatives.
 Digital Marketing: Utilizing social media platforms, influencer partnerships, and digital
advertising to reach a broader audience.
 Brand Trust: Leveraging its long-standing reputation for quality and efficacy to build
consumer trust and loyalty.
 Innovation: Continuously expanding and improving product offerings to meet the evolving
needs of consumers.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Dettol is actively involved in numerous CSR initiatives, focusing on public health education,
access to hygiene products, and support for healthcare infrastructures. Notable programs
Dettol Banega Swasth India: An extensive health and hygiene campaign in India aimed at
improving community health.
School Hygiene Programs: Educating children on the importance of handwashing and
personal hygiene
Financial Performance
As part of Reckitt Benckiser, Dettol contributes significantly to the company's revenue.
Reckitt Benckiser's financial reports highlight consistent growth in the health and hygiene
sector, with Dettol being a key driver.
Future Outlook
Dettol aims to continue its expansion into new markets and product categories, maintaining
its commitment to innovation and consumer health. The brand plans to further enhance its

digital presence and invest in sustainable practices to reduce environmental impact.

Product Strategy
Dettol soap is positioned as a premium hygiene product that offers effective germ protection.
The product range includes various formulations to meet diverse consumer needs:
 Original: Known for its classic antiseptic properties.
 Cool: Provides a refreshing sensation with menthol.
 Skincare: Enriched with moisturizing ingredients for gentle care.
 Sensitive: Formulated for sensitive skin with added mildness.
Price Strategy
Dettol employs a value-based pricing strategy. While its products are priced higher than some
local competitors, the premium is justified by the brand’s reputation for quality and efficacy.
Various pack sizes are offered to cater to different economic segments.
Promotion Strategy
Dettol’s promotional strategy emphasizes educating consumers about the importance of
hygiene and germ protection:
Advertising: Extensive campaigns across TV, print, and digital media to reach a broad
Public Health Campaigns: Initiatives like "Dettol Banega Swasth India" in India, promoting
health and hygiene practices.
Influencer Marketing: Collaborations with health experts and social media influencers to
target younger demographics.
Sponsorships and Partnerships: Partnerships with healthcare providers, schools, and
community organizations to spread hygiene education.
Place Strategy
Dettol products are widely distributed through multiple channels to ensure
 Retail Stores: Supermarkets, pharmacies, and convenience stores.
 Online Platforms: E-commerce sites like Amazon and Flipkart, and Dettol’s own website.
 Direct Sales: In certain markets, direct sales models are used to reach rural and
Impact and Outreach
Dettol’s CSR initiatives have reached millions, particularly in developing countries. Programs
like Dettol Banega Swasth India have significantly contributed to raising awareness about
hygiene practices and improving community health.

Product Portfolio
RB’s extensive product portfolio spans several categories, including health, hygiene, and
home care. Some of its most recognizable brands include:
 Health: Nurofen, Durex, Gaviscon, Strepsils, and Mucinex
 Hygiene: Dettol, Lysol, Harpic, and Finish
 Home: Air Wick, Calgon, Vanish, and Woolite
Dettol: A Flagship Brand
Dettol is one of RB’s most iconic and trusted brands, particularly in the health and hygiene
sector. Introduced in 1932, Dettol has become synonymous with germ protection and is a
household name in many countries.

Key Milestones:
1932: Launch of Dettol antiseptic liquid.
1950s: Expansion into antiseptic creams and lotions.
1970s: Introduction of Dettol soap, extending the brand’s reach in personal hygiene.
1990s-2000s: Launch of new product formats, including liquid handwash, body wash, and
disinfectant sprays.
2010s: Innovative campaigns such as “Dettol Co-Created with Moms” and the introduction of
Dettol Gold for superior germ protection.
Challenges and Opportunities
Intense competition from other established and emerging brands.
Navigating regulatory environments across different countries.
Addressing consumer concerns around product safety and environmental impact.
Expanding product lines to include more natural and eco-friendly options.
Increasing penetration in rural and underserved markets.
Leveraging digital marketing and e-commerce to reach a broader audience.
Key Achievements
Recognition: Dettol has been recognized with numerous awards for its contributions to health
and hygiene.
Sustainability: Committed to sustainability, Dettol has implemented eco-friendly packaging
and production practices.
Community Initiatives: Dettol actively participates in health education campaigns and
initiatives to promote hygiene practices in communities
Dettol Soap is a cornerstone of the Dettol brand, known for its effective germ protection and
trusted by millions worldwide. The soap is formulated to provide 100% better germ

protection compared to ordinary soaps, ensuring users are safeguarded against illness-causing
bacteria and viruses. Dettol Soap is designed for everyday use, catering to a variety of skin
types and preferences through its diverse range of variants.
Key Features and Benefits
Antibacterial Protection: Kills 99.9% of germs, providing robust protection against bacteria
and viruses.
Trusted Formulation: Utilizes a proven formula that has been trusted by families and
healthcare professionals for decades.
Skin-Friendly: Available in formulations that cater to sensitive skin, ensuring gentle yet
effective cleaning.
Moisturizing Properties: Contains moisturizing ingredients to prevent dryness and keep the
skin soft and smooth.
Refreshing Scents: Offers a range of fragrances to provide a pleasant and refreshing bathing
Dettol Original Soap:
The classic variant, providing trusted germ protection with a distinctive, fresh fragrance.
Dettol Skincare Soap:
Enriched with added moisturizers and nourishing ingredients to care for delicate skin.
Dettol Cool Soap:
Contains menthol to provide a cooling sensation, leaving the skin feeling fresh and
Dettol Sensitive Soap:
Hypoallergenic and gentle, suitable for sensitive skin, with a mild fragrance.
Dettol Fresh Soap:
Offers long-lasting freshness with a zesty citrus fragrance.
Dettol Re-energize Soap:
Infused with a refreshing orange fragrance to energize and revitalize the skin.
Target Audience
Dettol Soap is suitable for a broad demographic, including:
Families: Ideal for all family members, providing daily protection against germs.
Healthcare Professionals: Trusted by doctors and nurses for its effective antibacterial properti
Individuals with Sensitive Skin: Special variants like Dettol Sensitive cater to those with
delicate skin needs.

Market Position
Dettol Soap holds a strong position in the personal hygiene market due to its:
Brand Trust: Longstanding reputation for quality and efficacy.
Wide Availability: Sold in over 124 countries through supermarkets, pharmacies, and online
Consumer Loyalty: High rate of repeat purchases due to consumer satisfaction and trust.
Marketing and Promotions
Dettol Soap is promoted through various channels, including:
Television and Radio Ads: Highlighting the soap’s germ protection capabilities.
Digital Campaigns: Engaging content on social media platforms to reach a broader audience.
Community Programs: Hygiene education initiatives in schools and communities to promote
the importance of handwashing with soap.
Sustainability and Innovation
Dettol is committed to sustainability, reflected in its soap products:
Eco-friendly Packaging: Efforts to reduce plastic use and promote recyclable packaging.
Innovative Formulations: Continuous improvement in soap formulations to enhance
effectiveness and skin compatibility.
Dettol Soap is an integral part of the Dettol product portfolio, offering reliable germ
protection and skin care. Its diverse range of variants ensures there is a suitable option for
everyone, reinforcing Dettol's mission to promote health and hygiene globally.



Marketing Mix

According to Philip Kotler, ‘marketing mix is the mixture of controllable marketing variable
that the firm uses to pursue the sought level of sales in the target market’. Marketing Mix
consists of 4 components, known as the 4P’s of Marketing-

Basic marketing concepts tell us that we will sell more of a product if we aim to meet the
needs of our target market. In markets this will involve taking into consideration a number of
different factors including consumer's cultural backgrounds, religion, buying habits and levels
of personal disposable income. In many circumstances, a company will have to adapt their
product and marketing mix strategy to meet local "needs and wants" that cannot be changed.
In today’s global world, where consumers travel more, watch satellite television,
communicate and shop internationally over the internet, the world is a smaller than it used to
be. Because of this there is no need to adapt products to local markets. The right approach for
each organization will depend on their product, strength of the brand and the foreign market
that the marketing is aimed at.


The place element of the marketing mix is about distributing a product or service to the
customer, at the right place and at the right time. In an overseas market, there will be more
parties involved because the goods need to be moved around a foreign market where business
practices will be different to national markets. Businesses will need to investigate distribution
chains for each country they would like to operate in. They will also need to investigate who
they would like to sell their products and services to businesses, retailers, sellers or directly to


Pricing on an international scale is a complex task. Apart from taking into account traditional
considerations such as fixed and variable costs, competition and target groups an organization
needs to consider additional factors such as

 Transportation costs
 Tariffs
 Import duties
 Exchange rate fluctuations
 Personal disposal incomes of the target market
 The currency they want to be paid in and

 The general economic situation of the country and how this will influence pricing The
internet has
created further challenges as customers can view global prices and purchase items from
around the world. This has increased the level of competition and with pricing pressures, as
global competitors may have lower operating costs.

As with international product decisions and organization can either adapt or standardize their
promotional strategy and message. Advertising messages in countries may have to be adapted
because of language, political climate, cultural attitudes and religious practices. For example,
a promotional strategy in one country could cause offence in another. Every aspect of
promotional detail will require research and planning one example is the use of colour; red is
lucky in China and worm by brides in India, whilst white is worn by mourners in India and
China and brides in the United Kingdom. Many organizations adapt promotion strategies to
suit local markets as cultural backgrounds and practices affect what appeals to consumers.


Table 1
Particulars Number of Percentage
Less than 20 18 38%
20-40 26 52%
40-80 5 10%

Total 50 100%


The above pie diagram shows that the total number of respondents are 50 out of which 52% of
respondents are of age 20-40, 38% are of age less than 20 and 10% of respondents are of age
between 40-50. The use of Dettol soap is more in number in the age 20-40 than compared to less
than 20 and 40-50.



Particulars Number of Percentage

Male 34 68%

Female 16 32%

Total 50 100%


The above pie diagram shows that 68% of respondents are female and 32% of
respondents are male.


Particulars Number of Percentage

20000-40000 24 48%
60000-80000 9 18%
80000-100000 17 34%
Total 50 100%


The above diagram shows that 48% of respondents who uses Dettol have a income of
20000- 40000, 18% of respondents have income of 60000-80000 and 34% of
respondents have
income of 80000-100000.


Particulars Number of Percentage

Yes 50 100%
No 0 0%
Total 50 100%


From the above pie diagram 100% of the respondents are aware of the Dettol soap and
0% of the respondents are not aware of the Dettol soap.



Particulars Number of Percentage

Advertisement 35 70%
Family 14 28%
Friends 1 2%
Total 50 100%


From the above pie diagram 70% of the respondents are aware about Dettol soap from
advertisement, 28% of the respondents are aware about Dettol soap through family and
2% of the respondents are aware about Dettol soap through friends.



Particulars Number of Respondents Percentage

Supermarket 37 74%

Online 9 18%

Other 4 8%

Total 50 100%


From the above pie diagram 74% of the respondents buy Dettol soaps from
supermarkets, 18% of the respondents buy the Dettol soap from online and 8% of the
respondents buy the Dettol soap from other sources.


Particulars Number of Percentage

Price 11 22%
Fragrance 12 24%
Brand 23 46%
Attractive packaging 4 8%
Total 50 100%


From the above pie diagram for 22% of the respondents price is important when
buying Dettol soaps, 24% of the respondents fragrance is important, 46% of the
respondents brand is important and for 8% of the respondents attractive packaging is
important when buying Dettol soaps.



Particulars Number of Percentage

Costly 4 8%
Reasonable 31 62%
Affordable 15 30%
Total 50 100%


From the above pie diagram 62% of the respondent find the pricing of the Dettol soap
costly, 30% of the respondents find it reasonable and 8% of the respondents find it



Particulars Number of Respondent Percentage

Strongly like 9 18%
Like 36 72%
Strongly dislike 0 0%
Dislike 5 10%
Total 50 100%


From the above pie diagram 72% of the respondents like the packaging of Dettol soap,
18% of the respondents strongly like the packaging of Dettol soap, 0% of the
respondents strongly dislike the packaging of Dettol soap and 10% of the respondents
dislike the packaging of Dettol soap.



Particulars Number of Percentage

One or more times per 20 40%
Less than once per day 12 24%
More than once per week 7 14%
Less than once per week 11 22%
Total 50 100%


From the above pie diagram 40% of the respondents use Dettol soap one or more
times per day, 24% of the respondents use Dettol soap less than once per day, 14% of
the respondents use Dettol soap more than once per week and 22% of the respondents
use less than once per week.



Particulars Number of Percentage

Yes 49 98%
No 1 2%
Total 50 100%


From the above pie diagram 98% of the respondents justify Dettol soap as safe soap
and 2% of the respondents justify Dettol soap as safe soap.



Particulars Number of Percentage

1 7 14%
2 6 12%
3 18 36%
4 or more 19 38%
Total 50 100%


From the above pie diagram 14% of the respondents prefer 1bar in each pack, 12% of
the respondents prefer 2 bars in each pack, 36% of the respondents prefer 3 bars in
each pack and 38% of the respondents prefer 4 or more bars in each pack.



Particulars Number of respondents PERCENTAGE

75grams 21 42%
100grams 29 58%
Total 50 100%


From the above pie diagram 42% of the respondents purchase 75gram pack of
Dettol soap and 58% of the respondents purchase 100gram pack of Dettol soap.


PARTICULARS Number of Percentage

One month 20 40%
Two months 17 34%
One for 2 months 13 26%
Total 50 100%


From the above pie diagram 40% of the respondents buy the Dettol soap in one
month, 34% of the respondents buy the Dettol soap in two months and 26% of the
respondents buy the Dettol soap in one for 2 months.



Particulars Number of Percentage

Long lasting 4 8%
Hygienic 32 64%
Protects your skin 8 16%
Suits your skin 6 12%
Total 50 100%


From the above diagram 8% of the respondents like the brand for its long lasting,
64% of the respondents like the brand for its hygiene, 16% of the respondents like the
brand because it protects skin and 12% of the respondents like the brand because it
suits the skin.



Particulars Number of Percentage

Lifebuoy 29 58%
Savlon 7 14%
Himalaya 14 28%
Total 50 100%


From the above diagram 58% of the repondents think lifebuoy as the competitor of
dettol soap, 14% of the respondents think savlon as the competitor of the dettol soap
and 28% of the respondents think himalaya as the competitor of the Dettol soap.



Particulars Number of Percentage

Yes 13 26%

No 37 74%

Total 50 100%


From the above diagram 74% of the respondents does not want to shift to another brand
and 26% of the respondents want to shift to another brand.


From the study it can be inferred that:
Dettol is a brand of cleaning supplies and disinfectant and antiseptic introduced in 1932 that
is 88 year ago. Dettol comes from the fastest growing consumer goods companies in south
Asia named as Reckitt Benckiser (India) limited. In the 2000s, the company’s long-standing
slogan, Strong enough to protect the ones we love, changed to Dettol, be 100% sure

From the study it can be observed that:

 ‘Dettol co-created with Moms’: Driving customer-centric innovation.

 Dettol Launches a New Range for 100% Better Protection

Dettol Gold - an Innovative Product Solution Offering Best Ever Protection Against
Germs and New-age Illnesses
 Dettol gets a facelift

 Dettol finds wealth in health

 Working up a lather with Dettol

 How Dettol got India to wash its hands


 Coronavirus: Dettol sales surge as markets fall again

 40 years ago...And now: Not just germs, Dettol fights rivals unabated

 Scientists warn there is NO evidence Dettol can kill the deadly Wuhan coronavirus after
bogus conspiracy theories flood social media
from the study it can be concluded that:
 Majority of respondents (52%) are of age 20-40.

 Majority of respondents (68%) are female.

 Majority of respondents (48%) have an income of 20000-40000.

 Majority of respondents (98%) are aware of Dettol soap.

 Majority of respondents (70%) are aware of Dettol soap through advertisement.

 Majority of respondents (74%) buy Dettol soap from supermarket.

 Majority of respondents (22%) price is important when buying Dettol soaps.

 Majority of respondents (62%) find the pricing of Dettol soap costly.

 Majority of respondents (72%) like the packaging of Dettol soap.

 Majority of respondents (40%) uses Dettol soap one or more times per day.

 Majority of respondents (84%) uses 0-4 times of Dettol soap in a day.

 Majority of respondents (98%) justify the Dettol soap as safe soap.

 Majority of respondents (38%) prefers 4 or more bars in each pack.

 Majority of respondents (58%) purchases 100gram pack of Dettol soap.

 Majority of respondents (40%) buys the Dettol soap in one month.

 Majority of respondents (64%) likes the brand for its hygiene.

 Majority of respondents (58%) thinks lifebuoy as a competitor of Dettol soap.

 Majority of respondents (74%) does not want to shift to another brand

From the study it can be depicted that:
The strength of Dettol soap is customer loyalty-

When given a choice, customers are loyal to following of ‘Original’. Instead of targeting all
customers, Dettol antibacterial soap only needs to target new customers in order to grow their
The weakness of Dettol soap is Poor Penetration –

It feels like Dettol stopped its expansion once it became the market leader. Dettol products
are found in small markets, while it should have increased expansion according to their brand
The opportunity of Dettol soap is Expansion by Target Markets –

One thing that Dettol can do is expand its target market and, accordingly, expand its
production. For instance, it can come up with baby products or create shampoos. This way, it
will create an entirely new market.
The threat of Dettol soap is Competitive Environment –

Just like the majority of brands, Dettol faces the threat of rising competition. There are
already brands in the market like, Lifebuoy, Savlon that compete with Dettol.


Dettol can improve the penetration of its products in rural markets by

1. Consumer Awareness Programs: Launch targeted consumer awareness campaigns in rural

areas to educate residents about the importance of hygiene and the role of Dettol products in
germ protection. Utilize various mediums such as community events, radio broadcasts, and
local outreach initiatives to disseminate information effectively.

2. Expansion of Distribution Network: Strengthen Dettol's distribution network in rural

regions by increasing the number of outlets stocking Dettol products. Aim to expand soap
availability from 1.8 million to 2.3 million outlets, thereby enhancing accessibility for rural
consumers and penetrating deeper into untapped markets

3. Free Samples and Demonstrations: Implement strategies to provide free product samples
and conduct live demonstrations in rural communities. This hands-on approach allows
consumers to experience the efficacy of Dettol products firsthand, instilling confidence and
trust in the brand's quality and effectiveness.

4. Introductory Offers and Discounts: Introduce special introductory offers and discounts on
select Dettol products specifically targeted at rural consumers. These promotional incentives
can incentivize trial purchases and stimulate initial uptake, paving the way for long-term
brand loyalty and repeat purchases.

 Digital Marketing for Dummies By Ryan Deiss and Russ Hennesberry, 2017
 Marketing Management" by Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller
 "Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy" by Del I. Hawkins, David L.
Mothersbaugh, and Roger J. Best:
 "Brand Management: Research, Theory, and Practice" by Tilde Heding, Charlotte F.
Knudtzen, and Mogens Bjerre
 "Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind" by Al Ries and Jack Trout.




1. Are you aware of Dettol soap?

a. Yes ☐ No

2. How did you come to know about the Dettol soap?

a. Advertisement

b. Family

c. Friends

3. Where would you normally purchase your soap?

a. Supermarkets

b. online

c. other

4. What is important to you when buying soap?

a. Price

b. scent

c. brand

d. attractive packaging

5. How did you find the pricing of Dettol soap?

a. Costly

b. Reasonable

c. Affordable


6. How do you find the packaging of the Dettol soap?

a. Strongly like

b. Like

c. Strongly dislike

d. Dislike

7. How often do you use Dettol soap?

a. One or more times per day

b. Less than once per day

c. More than once per week

d. Less than once per week

8. How many times do you use the Dettol soap in a day?

a. 0-4 times

b. 5-9 times

c. 10-14 times

9. Do you think Dettol soap justify a safe soap?

a. Yes

b. No

10. How many bars would you prefer in each pack?

a. 12

b. 3

c. 4 or more

11. Which pack of Dettol soap you purchase mostly?

a. 75gm

b. 100gm

12. How frequently will you buy the Dettol soap?

a. One month

b. Two month

c. One for 2 months

13. Why did you like that brand most?

a. Long lasting

b. Hygienic

c. Protect skin

d. Suits your skin

14. Who do you think are the competitors of Dettol soap?

a. Lifebuoy

b. Savlon

c. Himalaya

15. Would you like shifting to another brand?

a. Yes

b. No


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