2024-02-26 - Present Continuous 6A

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Monday, February 26th

« What are they doing ? »

1) Look at the 5 pictures and say what they are doing.

They are eating.

She is reading. She is looking at letters.

Merida is sleeping. The mother is opening the curtains.

They are playing music.

She is drinking.

Toutes ces phrases sont au present continuous. C’est un temps qui permet d’exprimer ce qui est en train de se
dérouler. (Now, At the moment)
Il se construit de la manière suivante :
+ : SUBJECT + am/are/is + VERB-ING
- : SUBJECT + am/are/is +NOT + VERB-ING
?: am/are/is + SUBJECT + VERB-ING

Ex: What are we doing?

We are writing the lesson.

We are not speaking.

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