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Surah Al Hujurath

1. What is the meaning of ‫( الحجرة‬Al-Hujurah)?
Inner Apartment
2. Where the Surah Al-Hujurath was revealed?
Revealed in Madina
 Analyze the significance of the Surah Al Hujurath by comprehending the
meaning of it
Differentiated Tasks
3. How many verses does the Surah Al-Hujurath contains?
18 Verses
4. What the Surah Al-Hujurath talks about?
 Emphasizes the importance of manners, respect, and etiquette in social
 Addresses issues of gossip, slander, and backbiting.
 Stresses unity, brotherhood, and the avoidance of suspicion.
5. Identify the cause of revelation of the Surah Al Hujurath?
The Surah was revealed in response to an incident where some
companions raised their voices above the voice of the Prophet
Muhammad (peace be upon him) while in his presence. This prompted
the revelation of the Surah to teach proper manners and etiquette.
Al Hasan Basari said that some people slaughtered their sheep before
prayers ended on Eid Al-Adha. Then the 1st verse was revealed
6. Infer the lessons learned from this Surah?
 Emphasis on the importance of verifying information before acting
upon it.
 Encouragement towards fostering brotherhood and unity among
 Guidance on proper etiquette and manners, especially in
communication and interaction with others.
 Warning against backbiting, slander, and spreading false rumors.
 Importance of obedience to Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon
him), and adherence to Islamic principles in personal and social life
7. Analyze the effects of spreading a news without checking its authenticity
on society?
 It can lead to misinformation and misunderstanding among people.
 It may cause panic, fear, and unnecessary tension in society.
 It can damage reputations and relationships.
 It might incite violence or lead to unwarranted actions based on false
8. How can we apply the principle of "verifying information" when we use
the social media to avoid spreading rumors or false information?
 Before sharing any news or information, verify its authenticity from
reliable sources.
 Cross-check information from multiple credible sources to ensure
 Avoid spreading rumors or unverified information, even if it aligns
with personal beliefs or biases.
 Encourage others to adopt a similar approach to prevent the spread
of false information.
9. Explain the prohibition of slaughtering the sacrifice (Udhhiyya) before Eid
Slaughtering the sacrifice (Udhhiyyah) before Eid is not allowed in Islam.
It has to be to performed after the Eid prayer. It can be be done till the
last day of “Ayyamut Thashreeq”

10. Illustrate the duty of a Muslim when he hears the rumors?

 Refrain from spreading rumors or unverified information.
 Encourage the source to verify the information before sharing it further.
 If necessary, clarify the misinformation with authentic sources to
prevent its harmful effects.
11. Fill the Mind map or create it by own?


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