A Solution To Africa's Food Insecurity OER

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Sm ‘21

Reading Task
”A Solution to Africa’s Food Insecurity”
By Elsadig Elsheikh

Read the article on “A Solution to Africa’s Food Insecurity” carefully and then answer the
following questions.

1. The main point made by the author in paragraph 1 is that Africa’s


and that those challenges require

___________________ .

(3 points)

2. Why do African countries have more trade relationships with Europe, America, and
China than with one another?
a. _____________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________
(2 points)

3. Explain the “unfair global trade system” the writer discusses in paragraph 2.
(1 point)

4. We can infer from paragraph 2 that

a. Africa never became totally economically independent from former colonizers

b. Africa’s post-independence era saw advances in the continent’s economies.
c. Various African economies gained economic independence and sovereignty.
d. African countries have established economic relationships with African neighbors.
(3 points)
5. Why does the writer mention the 1980s Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) in
paragraph 3?
(3 points)

6. What was the impact of the 1980s Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) on the Global
(1 point)

7. In paragraph 4, what does the writer say drove domestic farmers out of the market?
(1 point)

8. What is the “striking double standard” the writer mentions in paragraph 5?

(1 point)

9. In paragraph 6, what is one of the restrictive reforms imposed on many African

(1 point)

10. What was the outcome of this practice?

(1 point)

11. Why does the writer mention the 2020 report by the United Nations Conference on Trade
and Development and the figure $88.6 billion?
(3 points)
12. We can infer from paragraph 9 that Africa’s economic and food insecurity problems can
be solved by

a. a stronger global network trade system

b. providing opportunities for foreign investors
c. an independent reform-focused self-interest strategy
d. the application of existing legal frameworks and institutions
(3 points)

13. The pronoun they in paragraph 1 refers to _________________.

(1 point)

14. The word enmeshed in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

a. separated
b. occupied
c. entangled
d. liberated
(1 point)

15. The word lucrative in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

a. profitable
b. failing
c. useless
d. productive
(1 point)

16. The word restrained in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to

a. forced
b. controlled
c. allowed
d. protected
(1 point)

17. The pronoun they in paragraph 4 refers to _________________.

(1 point)

18. The word vulnerable in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to

a. open to harm
b. likely to prosper
c. quite advanced
(1 point)

19. The word boost in paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to

a. increase
b. limit
c. balance
d. stop
(1 point)

20. Complete the following cause/effect table, which summarizes the main points the
writer makes in the article.

The number of the paragraph for each point is provided.

Item # 1 is done as an example for you.

Cause Effect
1.(p.2) Incorporating the African Africa’s socio-political and economic
continent into the global economic system challenges

2. (p.2) The 1980s free trade agreements

3. (p.2) prevented African countries from building

the infrastructures necessary for sovereign
agricultural, manufacturing, and service

4. (p.3) crippled most national economies on the


5. (p.4) US and EU surplus crops have

often been sold at lower prices than
domestic crops

6. (p.6) privatizing public sectors and relaxing

regulatory systems to create “friendly”
conditions for investment.
7. (p.7) The upsurge of selling arable

(6 points)

Total = 36 points

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