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Elements of the group:

 Ancha Cailane
 Carmen Andrea
 Celso Armando
 Tathenda Metazama
 Valdina Helena

Holiday job of Inglish which talk about «Object Pronoun»

3rd Group
Teacher: Anastasia

Colegio horizonte

Object Pronoun..................................................................................................................4

When do we use the object pronoun?................................................................................5

Types of the object pronoun..............................................................................................6


Bibliographical Reference.................................................................................................8
When introducing this present evaluative character work, which has in approach as a
central topic «pronoun object» are pronoun that receive the action in a sentences. But
also on work we go talk about how and where we use the pronouns, types of pronouns.

Thus being the work is composed of:

 Cover;
 Index;
 Introduction;
 Development;
 Conclusion;
 Reference bibliography.
Object Pronoun
First we have known what a pronoun, on what the pronoun are word that take the places
of a noun. And knowing that the object pronoun is a type of pronoun.

Object pronouns are used as alternative for objective nouns. They come after a verb or
preposition. They are usually found at the end of a sentence.

Object pronoun are used instead of nouns, usually because already know what the object
is. It makes the sentences easier to read and understand and avoid repetition. We
normally use object pronoun:

 As the object of a verb;

 After a preposition (including after phrasal verb);
 After the verb ʺbeʺ (in very formal english, the subject pronoun is sometime
used here, but this is very old-fashioned and unusual.);
 In short answers;
 After ʺasʺ and ʺthanʺ for comparison;
 After ʺbutʺ and ʺexceptʺ.

Object pronoun

1st person singular Me

2nd person singular You

3rd person singular Him/ Her/ It

1st person plural Us

2nd person plural You

3rd person plural Them


 She like him.

 Are you coming with me?
 They invented us to the party.
When do we use the object pronoun?
 Second person of singular and plural
 You: the object pronoun ʺyouʺ is used in all situation where the speaker
is addressing someone directly.
Eg: I love you.

 Third person of singular: the third person singular has three form in object
pronoun: him, her, and it. This is one of the only cases in the English language.
 Him – we use ʺhimʺ when the recipient is a male person or a male
animal. And we used to refer to a boy or man, but it can also be used to
refer to god;
Eg: I couldn’t keep up with him.

 Her – is generally used to refer to a girl or a woman, it also used to refer

to car or a ship. For animals, we can use ʺherʺ if the gender is known,
especially when we want to emphasize the gender of the animal;
Eg: My country is my pride and I love her.

 It – we use ʺitʺ when the recipient is a thing or animal whose gender you
don’t know or when we are talking about a situation, i.e. ,is neuter form
used to refer to weather, temperature, time, inanimate object, or children
or animals of undetermined gender.
 First person of plural
 Us – we use ʺusʺ when we are talking about yourself and other people as
the recipient.

 Third person of plural

 Them – we use ʺthemʺ when we are talking about a group of people or
thing as the recipient.

Types of the object pronoun

 Direct object pronoun: these replace the noun that directly receives the action
of the verb.
Eg: She loves him. (In this sentence, ʺhimʺ is the direct object pronoun
replacing the noun.)
Indirect object pronoun: these replace the noun that indirectly receives the
action of the verb.
Eg: He gave her a gift. (Here ʺherʺ is the indirect object pronoun.)
Arrived at this moment concludes that the study of this topic is of great importance to
society, because it conveys us an essential knowledge about the class of pronoun, but
talking only of the object pronoun.

Arrived at this moment give you the closure of the present work.
Bibliographical Reference

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