Tugas 2 Bahasa Inggris

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Question number 1.

Here is the identification of the parts of the letter numbered 1-3:

1. Salutation

This part is the greeting of the letter that indicates to whom the letter is addressed. In
this case, "Dear Ms. Lee,".

2. Body

This part is the main content of the letter. It explains the purpose of the letter, which is to
invite Oscar Lee to attend the Liberal Arts department's job networking event on May 1,
2020. It also includes details of the event such as location and duration, and a request
for confirmation of attendance.

3. Closing

This part includes the closing remarks that indicate the letter has ended. Here, the writer
uses "Respectfully," which shows respect and is a polite closing, followed by the writer's
name and title, "Linda Lau" and "Liberal Arts Department Chair".

So, the parts of the letter marked are as follows :

- Salutation
- Body
- Closing

Question number 2.

Here are three errors identified in the letter:

1. Informal Language and Incorrect Capitalization:

"Thank u" should be "Thank you".

"4 july" should be "July 4th".
"n terms" should be "and terms".

2. Grammar:

"I look forward to receive your order." should be "I look forward to receiving your order."

3. Punctuation:

The question mark "?" at the end of "terms of payment?" should be replaced with a
period ".".
Question Number 3

Dear Customer Service,

I am writing to express my disappointment with my recent order from your online store.
On May 15, 2024, I placed an order for a dozen of your assorted cookies (Order
#876543). Unfortunately, upon receiving the package on May 20, 2024, I discovered that
the cookies were expired. The expiration date on the packaging clearly shows that they
were past their due date by over a month, making them unsuitable for consumption.

This is highly disappointing, as I have always had positive experiences with your
products in the past. Receiving expired goods not only affects my trust in your quality
control processes but also causes inconvenience and frustration. I had intended to serve
these cookies at a family gathering, but this situation has left me scrambling for an
alternative at the last minute.

I kindly request a full refund for the expired cookies or an exchange for a fresh batch.
Please advise me on the steps I need to take to facilitate this process. I trust that you will
handle this matter promptly and ensure that such issues do not occur in the future.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.


Bill Clinton
OKC Residence 5

Question number 4

Subject: Thank You for Your Generous Donation

Dear Bernard Arnault,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your
incredibly generous donation to our fundraising event following the recent natural
disaster. Your contribution of $10000 will make a significant difference in our efforts to
provide relief and support to those affected.

Thank you once again for your kindness and support.

Warm regards,
Hillary Clinton

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