BBTX Jsa V-3518

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Classification: Internal Use #


Rev. No.: 01
Date: Nov-2021 Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Form
Page 1 of 1

This form has to be filled out by Operations/Maintenance Staff or Group Leader together with JSA Team Members JSA ID: VH-3518
Area: Job Title: V-3518 Plant/Unit: BBTX

Blinding & top and side man ways, spool, flanges, connection
Job Description: Mention Applicable Procedures:
lines and vents.

JSA Requester & ID: Dept.: Use additional sheets if necessary.

Refer to JSA Index (YMS-SHEM-02.02- Attachments: YES / NO if YES, state number of pages:
F-02) for Job Completion Date.

Potential Impact Due to Steps to reduce Risk
No. Job Steps C L Risk Level C L Risk Level Responsible Implemented
Exposure ( Control Measures)

1. Ensure equipment/lines depressurized, drained and purged properly prior to

executing the job
2.Use of mandatory PPEs (hard hat, face shield, goggles, hand gloves, safety
Risk of Physical injury due 1. Operation
shoes and coverall)
to chemical / steam / 2-5. Kanooz Task
C3 L3 Significant 3. The slow opening of the flange bolts to ensure no residual is available. C4 L4 Insignificant
process fluid splash while supervisor & Kanooz
4. Provide drip tray, below the bolts\flange location, for arresting the spillage to
opening bolts/flanges Safety leader
prevent land contamination during blinding activity.
5. Ensure the use of organic vapour catridge mask 6001 for any flange opening

1.Ensure the workers are using finger saver.

Risk of personnel / hand

injury due to pinch point Kanooz task supervisor
while de-bolting by C4 L3 Minor C5 L4 Insignificant & Kanooz safety
hammering during flange leader
2.Provide close supervision during the bolts opening.
3. The Use of a good condition leather gloves. (the safety officer, work
supervisor, and permit receiver should check the condition of the workers

Blinding and de-blinding of the

vessel's Risk of personal injury due
MWs opening (the use of hand to the slipping of the 1. Ensure the socket of the wrench is clean to assure a fully seating condition.
tools) wrench while hammering it C4 L3 Minor 2. The worker shall ensure the full seating into the bolt is ahcieved prior starting C5 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
due to the not fully seating the hammering activity.
into the bolt condition

1. If the cover is elevated, ensure the erected scaffolding is letting the worker
Risk of personal injury due
facing all the bolts without over-reach or excessive bending.
to the fall of the worker due
2. The worker shall be instructed on the use of the right posture during the
to the awkward position
bolting\unbolting task, and the over-reach to be avoided for the upper bolts.
applied due to the C3 L2 Significant C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
3. Ensure the platfrom behind & around the worker is free from any
inappropriate facing\
accessibility to the cover
4. The erected scaffolding should have guard-rail behind the worker to avoid
his falling during the bolts removal\insertion.

1.Conduct gas test and ensure LEL 0% before start the activity at vent or drain
Risk of fire due to presence
point of the equipment.
of hydrocarbons/benzene 1. Operation
2.Use non sparking tools (brass hammer) for unbolting\bolting activity.
inside the system and 2,3. Kanooz
C4 L3 Minor 3.Gas meter should be available all time during blinding activity. C5 L4 Insignificant
ignited through the firction 4. Operation
4. Ensure equipment/lines depressurized, drained and purged properly prior to
energy generated during the 5. Kanooz
executing the job
bolts opening
5. Benzene Meter shall be available at all time during the blinding activity.

1. Air hoses and fittings in good operating condition and whip lash arrestor
Risk of personnel injury due
shall be provided.
to the exposure to a
C4 L3 Minor 2. All equipment should be inspected and certified by third party. C5 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
swinging hose due to the
3. A visual inspection to be taken place to the used hoses for the torquing
improper securing
activity for any damages.

1. Miantain a close & effective communication between the hydra-tight

machine operator nearby the bolts & controlling operator of the hydra-tight
Risk of personal injury due
to the pinch point condition
2. Ensure competent & authroized workers are assigned to do the hydra-tight
during the movement of the C3 L4 Minor C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
hydra-tight machine on the
3. The wear of a good condition leather gloves (the safety officer, work
supevisor, and permit receiver shall ensure the condition of the PPEs prior
commencing the work)

Risk of personnel injury due 1. Do not exceed the allowable pressure of the hoses (air hose from the
to the contact with the hoses compressor & oil hose connected to the machine).
during their failures due to 2. Air manifold shall be provided and certified.
C4 L3 Minor C5 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
the exceeding pressure 3. The use of an inspected hoses for the task.
application & use of 4. Utilize the minimum suitable pressure for the air hose as well as the
damaged hoses tightning activity as per the bolt size.

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Classification: Internal Use #

Potential Impact Due to Steps to reduce Risk
No. Job Steps C L Risk Level C L Risk Level Responsible Implemented
Exposure ( Control Measures)

Risk of high noise due to

High intensity of sound 1. All assingned personnel for this activity shall wear the required hearing
while working with protection. (ear plug /ear muff).
C4 L3 Minor C5 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
equipment. 2. Ensure the enclose cover is available with the machine to reduce the
[compressor and torqing noise.

1. Select the right size of the hydra-tight socket as per the size of the bolt.
Personel injury / property 2. For the heavy ones, ensure the operator is fit to move it up to the bolt
damage due to fall of the location & do the fixing.
hydra-tight machine on the C3 L3 Significant 3. For the heavy ones, the use of trolley for shifting the machine into the bolt C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
operator due to its weight & location (avoid holding it by hand & move with it)
improper fixing to the bolt 4. Ensure the socket of the hydra-tight machine is clean to assure a fully seating
on the bolt.

Torqueing activity, through the use

of the hydra-tight machine. For the
removal of the vessels' spool\ Risk of enviornmental
cover\dump nozzle and the MWs imapct\contamination to the 1. Ensure the use of inspected machine (with Yansab inspection sticker).
opening underground due to the oil C4 L3 Minor 2. A stand-by dip tray to be available in the site & used in case of an oil spillage C5 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
spillage from the hydra- is suspected.
tight machine

1. Install barricade and warning signs at the work area to avoid unauthorized
Risk of persoanl injury\ entry.
property damage due to the 2.Bolts and nuts and all loose materials keep in half cut drum and keep away
fall of the bolts\imporper C4 L3 Minor from edge of platform . C5 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
storing them that might trip 3. Allocate a location away from the workers walkaway for keeping the bolts.
the other workers 4. Only remove the untightnened bolt by your hands to avoid the falling of it.
Unless the hydra-tight machine will keep it attach to it

1. Ensure a bonding & grounding mechansim are implemented (grounding the

Risk of fire during the air
compressors & bonding cable from the desiel machine to the compressor).
compressor refuling task 1. Kanooz
2. Ensure the gas test is taken as per the HWP for any flammable gases
due to the static energy\ C3 L3 Significant C4 L4 Insignificant 2. Operation
contact with a nearby hot 3. Knooz
3. Ensure that there're no hot sources\activities are taken place nearby the
refuling activity.

The vibration generated

from the penumatic impact 1. Ensure the equipment is equipped with a handle.
C4 L3 Minor C5 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
wrench (risk of white 2. The tool should be provided with a rubber grip for the vibration reduction.

1. Ensure the equipment has a retaining devcie that holds the equipment in
Risk of persoanl injury due place.
to the reaction force\ 2. Only competent worker shall perform the activity.
accident fly off of the 3. Ensure the use of an inspected impact tool & visual inspection shall be
C3 L3 Significant C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
impact wrench\ suddent perfomred before starting the job.
failure of the equipment 4. Ensure no water\moisture in the air supply to the impact tool before the
during the torquing connection, through releasing the air in the line for a few minutes prior the

Risk of personal injury due

to the fall of the socket
during the bolts C3 L3 Significant 1. The use of a rubber ring for fixing the bolt into the equipment socket. C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
arrangmeent due to the
improper fixing

Risk of health effect due to

the exposure to the 1. The process equipment shall be isolated as per the blind list.
chemcials inside the 2. Organic Vapor Cartridege to be worn during the cover or flange opening to 1. Operation
C4 L3 Minor C4 L4 Insignificant
equipment during opening avoid the exposure for the trapped chemcials/gases (if required). 2,3 Kanooz
the cover/ spool\dumping 3. A gas test to be performed once the bolts of the cover are removed.

The removal of the vessel's top

3 covers\spool, flanges & connection
lines and venting lines
1. Ensure the side cover is secured through a chain block\ or having a healthy
Risk of personal injury\ securing mechnism prior starting the unbolting activity.
property damage due to the 2. The erection of a scaffolding below the side cover as a resting area
fall of the vessel side covers C4 L3 Minor for it. C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
to the improper securing 3. If the vessel has a provision of of not removing the MW, this
during the opening stage provision shall be inspected & its integrity to be confirmed.

Hazard Control Methodlogy

PPE Details if necessary:

JSA Team Leader: JSA team members:
Name & ID: Alkharboush, Abdulhadi (24401) Name & ID: Khalid Mohammed Fallatah (5372)
Position: Operations Lead Engineer, Butene BTX Position: Supervisor , Mechnical
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22
Shift Supervisor Name & ID:
Name & ID: Position:

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Classification: Internal Use #

Potential Impact Due to Steps to reduce Risk
No. Job Steps C L Risk Level C L Risk Level Responsible Implemented
Exposure ( Control Measures)

Position: Sign:
Sign: Name & ID: Cuerbo, Rene N. (23743)
Position: Supervisor, Heavy Equipment
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22
EHSS Representative Name & ID:
Name & ID: Abdullah Mulibari (59360) Position:
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Sign:
Contractor/Operator/Technician: I have reviewed and agreed with all steps of this JSA Area Manager: I have reviewed and agreed with all steps of this JSA
Name & ID: Sivadath (Site Incharge) Name & ID: Nourah, Mohammed Mahmoud (39800)
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22
Name & ID: Dennis (EHSS Lead) Approval (as per SAFER Level):
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Name & ID:
Name & ID: Sign: Date:
Sign: Major: President, Significant: Director, Minor: Sr. Manger
Revalidation by Same approval Level, I have reviewed and agreed that condition is remain the same and This JSA can be reused. Valid Only within 6 Months Period.
Approval (as per SAFER Level):
Name & ID:
Sign: Date:
Major: President, Significant: Director, Minor: Sr. Manger

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Classification: Internal Use #


Rev. No.: 01
Date: Nov-2021 Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Form
Page 1 of 1

This form has to be filled out by Operations/Maintenance Staff or Group Leader together with JSA Team Members JSA ID: VH-3518
Area: Job Title: V-3518 Plant/Unit: BBTX


JSA Requester & ID: Dept.: Use additional sheets if necessary.

Attachments: YES / NO if YES, state number of pages:
Refer to JSA Index (YMS-SHEM-02.02-F-02) for
Job Completion Date.

Remaining Risk
Potential Impact Due to Steps to reduce Risk
No. Job Steps C L Risk Level C L Level Responsible Implemented
Exposure ( Control Measures)

1. The ventilation plan to be implemented as per the stated locations.

2. A gast test to be conducted prior the entry, only allow the entry if the O2 level inside is
Risk of Suffocation due to
in the range of 19.5-21% as per the WP.
the lack of O2 inside the 1. Kanooz
3. Ensure the system is purged\isolated as per the LSP.
equipment and accumulated C2 L3 Significant C4 L4 Insignificant 2,3,4. Operation
4. In case of N2 header plant at battery limit is not blinded, then N2 utility stations
chemicals. 5. Kanooz
surrounding the confined space shall be blinded.
Clean process
5. The pocket meter to be available and calibrated with the crew as per the followign
ration, 1 pocket meter for 4 worekers inside.

1. The ventilation plan to be implemented and kept for a period of time.

2. The purging\decontamination timing to be identified as per the alignment chart of
Bell System Standard.
Risk Suffocation & health 3. The use of probe gas test device if it's covering the confiend space area. (risk
effect due to the entrance of elimination approach)
C2 L3 Significant C4 L4 Insignificant Operation
the gas tester inside the CS * If the entry is required and the probe gas test is not feasible, the followings shall be
(if required) considered:
4. The gast tester shall wear a healthiness SCBA and to ensure it's fit tested.
5. Assign stand-by man to monitor his entry through log sheet.
6. Ensure the system is isolated as per the LSP.

Health effect due to the

exposure to the trapped 1. The equipment to be purged for the hazardous chemcials elimination.
1. Operation
chemicals inside the C2 L4 Significant 2. The ventilation plan to be implemented as per the stated locations. C3 L5 Insignificant
2. Operation\Kanooz
equipment 3. The gas test shall ensure that the range of the chemcials are within the safe limit.
Clean Process

Risk of fire due to the static

1. Explosion-proof air movers shall be used.
generated from the air
2. The air movers shall be grounded and the continuity test to be conducted.
movers inside the process
3. The use of the trapulin sheet\wooden planks to cover the blank area between the air Kanooz
equipment\ ineffeicnecy of C2 L4 Significant C4 L5 Insignificant
mover & manway (if the air mover size is less than the MW size). 5. Operation
the air circulation due to the
4. Continouos LEL testing shall be conducted and ensure the level is 0%.
different sizes
5. The system shall be purged & handed-over free of any HCs.
Clean Process

Confined Space Entry for the followings:

1 1. Scaffolding erection & dismantling
2. Internal inspection (PT, VT, and UT) Risk of personal injury due
to the trip hazards resulted 1. The use of only 24V explosion proof light for illumination and to be equipped with
C3 L3 Significant C4 L5 Insignificant Kanooz
from the dark condition GFCI.
inside the equipment

1. Certified scaffolders shall be appointed for the activity.

Risk of personal injury\
2. Scaffolding materilas to be visually inspected & confirmed healthy for use
property damage due to the
3. The scaffoldign shall be inspected by a certified scaffoldign inspector (the checklist for Kanooz
worerks' falling due to the C3 L4 Minor C3 L5 Insignificant
inspecting the scaffoldign in SHEM 08.09 to be utilzied). 4. Operation & Kanooz
integrity of the erected
4. The permit issuer & receiver shall check that the scaffolding being inspected by the
certified inspector before issuing any permit to work on the scaffolding.

1. The self-retacting lifeline shall be used during the erection.

Risk of personal injury due 2. Ensure the planks are temporarly secured (ex, by wire) while the scaffolders are
to the falling\matrials standing on it for the tighnting or transformation of the planks (avoid standing on a
falling from height during C3 L3 Significant floated plank). C4 L5 Insignificant Kanooz
the scaffoldign erection\ 3. No one shall be available\standing under the point of shifting & receiving the
dismantling scaffolding materilas.
4. Close supervision to be provided during the erection & dismantling of the scaffolding.

1. Vapor organic catridge 6001 shall be worn.

Health effect due to the
2. Ensure the ciruclation of air is active, through measuring it by using the air flow
exposure to the chemical
C3 L4 Minor meter, and the reading shall reasonably match the ventilation plan. C4 L5 Insignificant Kanooz
resulted from the
3. The wear of the chemically resistant protective gloves.
penetration test
4. The wear of safety glasses with side-shields.

1. No hot work activity & heat\sparks\hot surfaces shall take place nearby the PT task.
2. Ensure the air circulation is active in the task's area.
Fire due to the availability
3. Avoid exposing the PT chemcial to a temperature exceeding 50 degree cels.
of ignition sources nearby
C3 L4 Minor 4. Ensure that the used lightning inside is grounded and not creating the ignition heat C3 L5 Insignificant Kanooz
the compressed flammable
for the PT chemical (24 VDC).
liquids (PT)
5. Avoid storing the pressurized cans under the sun\near hot sources, they shall be
allocated in a shaded areas.

Hazard Control Methodlogy

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Classification: Internal Use #

Remaining Risk
Potential Impact Due to Steps to reduce Risk
No. Job Steps C L Risk Level C L Level Responsible Implemented
Exposure ( Control Measures)

PPE Details if necessary:

JSA Team Leader: JSA team members:
Name & ID: Alkharboush, Abdulhadi (24401) Name & ID: Khalid Mohammed Fallatah (5372)
Position: Operations Lead Engineer, Butene BTX Position: Supervisor , Mechnical
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22
Shift Supervisor Name & ID:
Name & ID: Position:
Position: Sign:
Sign: Name & ID: Cuerbo, Rene N. (23743)
Position: Supervisor, Heavy Equipment
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22
EHSS Representative Name & ID:
Name & ID: Abdullah Mulibari (59360) Position:
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Sign:
Contractor/Operator/Technician: I have reviewed and agreed with all steps of this JSA Area Manager: I have reviewed and agreed with all steps of this JSA
Name & ID: Sivadath (Site Incharge) Name & ID: Nourah, Mohammed Mahmoud (39800)
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22
Name & ID: Dennis (EHSS Lead) Approval (as per SAFER Level):
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Name & ID:
Name & ID: Sign: Date:
Sign: Major: President, Significant: Director, Minor: Sr. Manger
Revalidation by Same approval Level, I have reviewed and agreed that condition is remain the same and This JSA can be reused. Valid Only within 6 Months Period.
Approval (as per SAFER Level):
Name & ID:
Sign: Date:
Major: President, Significant: Director, Minor: Sr. Manger

763355807.xlsx - CSE Scaff & insp (2) Page 5 of 9

Classification: Internal Use #


Rev. No.: 01
Date: Nov-2021 Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Form
Page 1 of 1

This form has to be filled out by Operations/Maintenance Staff or Group Leader together with JSA Team Members JSA ID: JH-3518
Area: Job Title: V-3518 Plant/Unit: BBTX

High pressure water cleaning by gun (If required after the

Job Description: Mention Applicable Procedures: SHEM 08.07

JSA Requester & ID: Dept.: Use additional sheets if necessary.

Attachments: YES / NO if YES, state number of pages:
Refer to JSA Index (YMS-SHEM-02.02-
F-02) for Job Completion Date.

Remaining Risk
Potential Impact Due to Steps to reduce Risk
No. Job Steps C L Risk Level C L Level Responsible Implemented
Exposure ( Control Measures)

1. Do not operate hydro jetting machine unless the worker is qualified & authorized.
Risk of body injury due to the
2. Working area to be barricaded & Hydro-jetting signage to be displayed.
exposure to the high pressure water
C4 L3 Minor 3. A visual inspection to be conducted on the hydro jetting hose & fittings from any defects. Do C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
during the jetting activity to the
not use the hose if any damages are observed.
worker & surrounding workers.
4. All hoses must be rated & used for the pressure stated by the manufacturer.

1. The maximum reaction force shall not exceed 250 Newtons. As per the following formula:
Back Thrust (Ibf.) = 0.052 x flow rate x √pressure
Risk of personal injury due to
(Flow in GPM, Pressure in Psi; 1 lbf =4.448N)
jetting operator's falling due the
2. The provision of a guard-rail system behind the jetting operator or locate his back at
reaction force (back thrust) C3 L3 Significant C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
the surface of the vessel. Do not give space behind the jetting operator during the jetting
generated from the high-pressure
water into the vessel surface
3. The dead man switch to be equipped\tested with the jetting gun.
4. Ensure the jetting operator is aware about the consequence of having a space behind his back
during the jetting activity & importance of having any solid, strength system behind his back.

Risk of personal injury due to the

whipping case\swinging of the 1. A correct rating of the whip-lash arrestor (restraining device) to be used.
C3 L3 Significant C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
hose due to the coupling\ 2. The connection of the hose to be visually checked & tightened confirmed.
connection failure.

Risk of personal injury (to the

1. The barricading of the area to be established & slipping hazard signage to be displayed.
operator & passing by workers)
2. The installation of sheets around the jetting area to limit the amount of water.
due to the slippery surface C4 L3 Minor C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
3. The provision of the anti-slippery shoes to the jetting operator as well as the workers nearby
generated from the accumulated
the jetting area.
water from the jetting task

1. The HJ hoses to be routed away from the walkway of the workers.

2. If the segregation of the hoses is not possible (should be in the walkway of the workers), the
Risk of personal injury due to the
use of hoses ramps for covering the hoses & notify the surrounding.
tripping hazard due to the improper
C4 L3 Minor C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
managing of the hose wrt the
workers walkway

1. Ensure the circulation of the air inside the vessel is active, through measuring it by the flow-
Risk of personal injury due to the meter.
poor visibility resulted from the 2. The use of a box around the lamp to protect it from the contact with the jetting water\ or
water mist (creating a fog) inside having a water-proof lightning.
C3 L3 Significant C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
the vessel during the jetting 3. A close supervision to be provided that during the mist generation, the jetting activity to be
activity\ flickering of the lamps stopped until the visibility is clear for the jetting operator.
due to the jetting water contact 4. Ensure having more than the water-prrof lightning required, to replace the defetced ones
during the jetting task.

1. the use of the dip tray at the outlet of the process equipment to accumulate the contaminated
water. The level of the dip tray to be monitored frequently to avoid the overflow.
Risk of environmental impact due
2. Connect the dip tray to the nearest draining system.
to the accumulation of the
C4 L3 Minor 3. verification about the drainage location wrt to the jetting task. C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz & Operation
contaminated water in the area\
4. Frequent montoring to the nearest draining system to ensure the over-filling is not taking
over-flow of the draining system
High water jetting process (the use of the place, if the over-filling is taking place, the jetting task to be stopped until the accumulated
2 water is sucked out.
gun method) inside the vessel

1. The use of dip tray beneath the machine & frequent monitoring on its level.
Risk of environmental impact due
2. The use of the inspected jetting machine.
to the accumulation of dropped oil C4 L3 Minor C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
3. The mandate of using the inspection checklist of the machine to be regularly checked by the
from the jetting task
stand-by man.

1. Long\full water proof coat (made of leather\PVC) & can withstand the operating pressure.
2. Water proof gloves with sufficient mechanical strength (made of leather\PVC) & can
Risk of personal injury due to the
withstand the operating pressure.
exposure to the high pressure water
C3 L3 Significant 3. Gum boots with non skid soles and provide guards for the toes and metatarsal. C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
due to the improper wearing of the
4. Hard hat with mounted face shield.
5. The organic vapor cartridge to be worn during the jetting task for the possible exposure to
the HC\resulted debris from the jetting task.

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Classification: Internal Use #

Remaining Risk
Potential Impact Due to Steps to reduce Risk
No. Job Steps C L Risk Level C L Level Responsible Implemented
Exposure ( Control Measures)

Risk of personal injury due to the

hose failure (exposure to the high- 1. The use of the hose shroud (burst protection sleeve) at the connection point between the hose
pressure water) due to the and the jetting gun.
operating more than the required 2. Operate the pressure as per the hose rating pressure.
C3 L3 Significant C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
pressure\not withstanding the 3. Ensure the hose is inspected by a 3rd party & visual inspection to be done before the
operated pressure for the hose\ operation.
leaking at the hose connection with 4. Avoid exceeding the stated pressure from the technical team during the HJ activity.
the jetting gun

1. Ensure the equipment is having the closure & sound proof for noise reduction.
Risk of health effect due to the 2. The use of the hearing protection PPEs during the jetting task.
exposure to the high-level noise C4 L3 Minor 3. Locate the jetting machine in an area away from the workers for the noise-level C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
generated from the jetting machine reduction.
4. The signboard for the high-noise level to be displayed at the workplace.

1. The HJ task crew shall include the operator, jetting supervisor, and engine stand-by man to
Risk of personal injury propogation be in the same location.
due to the late response during the 2. Ensure the crew before the beginning, they can establish the effective communication Kanooz
C4 L3 Minor C4 L4 Insignificant
emergency case due to the lack of between them. 3. Operation\Kanooz
communication 3. Prior starting the activity, ensure the issuer, area operator, reciever, safety officer, and
task supervisor are aware of how the machine will be shut-off during the emergency.

1. A frequent breaking time to be implemented with the jetting operator & during his breaking
Risk of personal injury\health time, he should remove the PPEs & drink water.
effect due to the physical fatigue 2. Ensure the circulation of the air is active during the jetting activity through measuring it
due to the handling of a high- C3 L3 Significant through the flow-meter. C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
pressure water, wearing a heavy 3. Ensure the fitness and competency of the jetting operator.
PPEs, and working inside the CS 4.Ensure all the workers are trained\instructed to identify work related ergonomically
hazards due to the awkward positions. (part of the jetting toolbox)

1. Ensure all hose connection should be fitted with whiplash arrester.

Risk of personal injury due to the 2. Ensure the hoses are inspected & in good condition prior starting the activity.
exposure to a swinging hose during C3 L3 Significant 3. The secure of the hoses to a nearby permanent structure through tightening it by using C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
the jetting activity a rope if the elevated arrangement is required.
4. The area around the elevated hoses to be barricaded.

Hazard Control Methodlogy

PPE Details if necessary:

JSA Team Leader: JSA team members:
Name & ID: Alkharboush, Abdulhadi (24401) Name & ID: Khalid Mohammed Fallatah (5372)
Position: Operations Lead Engineer, Butene BTX Position: Supervisor , Mechnical
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22
Shift Supervisor Name & ID:
Name & ID: Position:
Position: Sign:
Sign: Name & ID: Cuerbo, Rene N. (23743)
Position: Supervisor, Heavy Equipment
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22
EHSS Representative Name & ID:
Name & ID: Abdullah Mulibari (59360) Position:
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Sign:
Contractor/Operator/Technician: I have reviewed and agreed with all steps of this JSA Area Manager: I have reviewed and agreed with all steps of this JSA
Name & ID: Sivadath (Site Incharge) Name & ID: Nourah, Mohammed Mahmoud (39800)
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22
Name & ID: Dennis (EHSS Lead) Approval (as per SAFER Level):
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Name & ID:
Name & ID: Sign: Date:
Sign: Major: President, Significant: Director, Minor: Sr. Manger
Revalidation by Same approval Level, I have reviewed and agreed that condition is remain the same and This JSA can be reused. Valid Only within 6 Months Period.
Approval (as per SAFER Level):
Name & ID:
Sign: Date:
Major: President, Significant: Director, Minor: Sr. Manger

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Classification: Internal Use #


Rev. No.: 01
Date: Nov-2021 Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Form
Page 1 of 1

This form has to be filled out by Operations/Maintenance Staff or Group Leader together with JSA Team Members JSA ID: HH-3518
Area: Job Title: V-3518 Plant/Unit: BBTX

Job Description: Hot work (grinding & arc welding) inside the process equipment Mention Applicable Procedures:

JSA Requester & ID: Dept.: Use additional sheets if necessary.

Attachments: YES / NO if YES, state number of pages:
Refer to JSA Index (YMS-SHEM-02.02-F-02) for
Job Completion Date.

Remaining Risk
Potential Impact Due to Steps to reduce Risk
No. Job Steps C L Risk Level C L Level Responsible Implemented
Exposure ( Control Measures)

1. The LEL measurement shall take place before and during the hot work activity, only
Risk of fire due to the allow the hot work if the LEL% is zero.
generated sparks during the 2. The use of tenant fire blanket during the hot work activity. 1,5 Operation
hot work activity while the C2 L4 Significant 3. Ensure the fire extinguisher is located at the MW of the hot work activity. C3 L5 Insignificant 2,3,4 Kanooz
system has trapped 4. Ensure the sourrounding hot work area is free from any combustible materials. 6. Kanooz
chemcials 5. The system shall be purged & isolated as per the LSP.
6. The system to be chemcially decontaminated.

1. The use of Local Exhaust Ventilation equipped with HEPA filter at the point of the hot
Risk of health effect due to
work activity.
the exposure to the dust\
C3 L3 Significant 2. The LEV shall be explsoion-proof and equipped with GFCI. (if it's electrical-based C5 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
welding fumes generated
from the hot work activity
3. The wear of a disposable welding mask (3M 8212).

Risk of fire due to the wear

of non-resistant clothing
1. The wear of a fire-resistant clothing around the worker's neck to avoid catching the fire
around the worker's neck C3 L3 Significant C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
& protect his neck from the sparks\fumes exposure.
during perfroming the hot
work activity

1. GFCI shall be used at the connection of the arc welding and buffing machine.
2. The machine shall have Yansab inspection sticker.
3. A visual inspection by the user\his supervisor to the machine & its cords for any
defects. Any defected electrical equipment shall not be used.
Risk of electrocution due to
4. Ensure the hot work area is dried & free of water. 1,3,4 Kanooz
the contact with defective
C2 L4 Significant 5. Electrical equipment shall only be used when one of the following is met (when the C3 L5 Insignificant 2. Yansab central workshop
arc welding\buffing
metal contact cannot be avoided as per SHEM 08.05): 5. Kanooz
5.1 Own source of energy (battery).
5.2 Extra low voltage: . 50 VAC or .120 VDC.
5.3 Class 2 connected to a galvanic separation transformer located outside the
confined space.

Repairing activity inside the confiend space

(grinding, buffing, and welding)

1. Avoid coiling the welding\electrical cords. The cables shall be straight.

Risk of health effect\

personal injury due to the
1,3,4,5 Kanooz
smoke generated\fire from
C3 L3 Significant C4 L4 Insignificant 2. Yansab central workshop
the over-welding\improper 2. Ensure the use of a healthy & approved welding cable connectors and cables
(welding team)
handling of the welding\ insulations.
electrical cables 3. Prior starting the welding activity, ensure the cable connectors are well tightened\fixed
to the welding machine as well as the extended cables.
4. Frequent checking on the condition of the welding cables during the welding activity,
stop the activity if the cable insulations are getting over-heated.
5. Avoid allocating the welding generator nearby the MW of the confiend space activity.

Risk of personal injury due

1. The face shield to be worn during the grinding activity.
to the grinding wheel
2. Avoid exceeding the stated wheels RPM.
sudden disconnection\
C3 L4 Minor 3. Competent workers shall perform the activity. C4 L5 Insignificant Kanooz
improper handling of the
4. The use of non-expired grinding wheels.
grinding machine\ exposure
5. Ensure the use of the grinding disc guard.
to the grinding disc

Risk of burning\arc eye 1. Welding PPEs (Welding Apron & gloves, welding face shield) shall be worn by the
due to the exposure to the welder.
generated fumes\ intensive C3 L3 Significant 2. The helper shall wear also the welding PPEs if he's availabel within the hot work zone. C4 L4 Insignificant Kanooz
light from the welding 3. Work rotation to be utilized to minimze the exposure to the welding intensive light.
activity 4. Competent workers shall perform the activity.

Hazard Control Methodlogy

PPE Details if necessary:

JSA Team Leader: JSA team members:
Name & ID: Alkharboush, Abdulhadi (24401) Name & ID: Khalid Mohammed Fallatah (5372)
Position: Operations Lead Engineer, Butene BTX Position: Supervisor , Mechnical
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22

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Classification: Internal Use #

Remaining Risk
Potential Impact Due to Steps to reduce Risk
No. Job Steps C L Risk Level C L Level Responsible Implemented
Exposure ( Control Measures)

Shift Supervisor Name & ID:

Name & ID: Position:
Position: Sign:
Sign: Name & ID: Cuerbo, Rene N. (23743)
Position: Supervisor, Heavy Equipment
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22
EHSS Representative Name & ID:
Name & ID: Abdullah Mulibari (59360) Position:
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Sign:
Contractor/Operator/Technician: I have reviewed and agreed with all steps of this JSA Area Manager: I have reviewed and agreed with all steps of this JSA
Name & ID: Sivadath (Site Incharge) Name & ID: Nourah, Mohammed Mahmoud (39800)
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22
Name & ID: Dennis (EHSS Lead) Approval (as per SAFER Level):
Sign: Date: 29-Dec-22 Name & ID:
Name & ID: Sign: Date:
Sign: Major: President, Significant: Director, Minor: Sr. Manger
Revalidation by Same approval Level, I have reviewed and agreed that condition is remain the same and This JSA can be reused. Valid Only within 6 Months Period.
Approval (as per SAFER Level):
Name & ID:
Sign: Date:
Major: President, Significant: Director, Minor: Sr. Manger

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