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1) £ [ H I iHir roT NGHICP THPTQUOC GIA 2024

Bai Ihi: NGOAl NGtT; Mon ( hi: TltNG ANH

- a f

Tiena' AnK toT Thai gian lam bai : 60 phut , 50 cdu hot rrac tighteni
Hoc la hieu

Mark the fetter A B , Ct or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three

in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 1; A grateful B . angry < golden I > . magic
Question 2 : A . table B. candle ( matter D. carrot

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of
The primary stress in each of the following questions .
Question 3 : A heritage B solution
, . ( . memory i ) . candidate
Question 4: A widen B forget
. C. protect 1 > . revise

Mark the letter At B , C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 5: I want to emphasise again how much we appreciate the effort that the private
sector has put into our child safety initiative.
v . industrious B. Tremendous < . prosperous l ) generous

Question 6: Once you click on the post, you will be taken to a special site where you will be asked to
take surveys and interact other advertising media .
Ar with B h orn
, < about D on

Question 7: That disabled boy’s victory' in the race set finest example io all students in the
A . the B. an C X (no article ) D. a
Question 8: Katherine will start writing her graduation thesis
v . after she collects all the necessary materials
B, once she had collected all the necessary materials
( . until she collected all the necessary materials

1). when she was collecting all the necessary materials

Question 9 : My friend round England by car when he accidentally saw one of his old
A . travels B has travelled
C . is travelling D. was travelling
Question 10 ; of having released a large amount of C02 into the atmosphere* these companies
face heavy fines.
A . To accuse B. Having accused < Accusing I) Accused

Question 11 ; The board of directors are planning to meet later to solutions to the challenges
they have faced these days.
A . pull through B, put down < . work out l > , get on
Question 12: Ti is 36 degrees in Hanoi* and it is 36 degrees in Ho Chi Mmh Ciiy , so Hanoi is
Ciii Minh City .
A. the hottest B . as hot as C hotter than J ) . so hot
Question 13: Because of the
advertising job openings in the newspaper
A . short B. shortly < . shorten L>. shortage
Question 14 : The headmaster at my last school was a strict disciplinarian and made sure we
the line.
Ar drew B. faced C touched I ) . toed
Question IS: Spain is one of the most popular destinations for package holidays, n

A, is it B, does it C, isn't it IX doesn 't it

Question 16: With her talent and fierce _
,she became a successful actress after playing the

leading vole in a serial drama.

Ar vocation ! S. ambition < mission D pursuit
Question 17: Students who more pleasure in particular subjects experienced higher
achievements and increased creativity in those areas.
A . paid B . had C. brought D. took
Question IS: Her legal advisers persuaded her _ the names of the people involved m the robbery.
A. to mention B. mention to mentioning D. mentioning
Question 19: More activities to raise local people ' s awareness of environmental issues by the
Youth Union .
X . organize B are organizing < are organized \ }. organized

Mark the fetter Xf IS , f, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each
of the following exchanges.
Question 20: Two friends Jane and Anne are talking about Anne's new hairstyle
- Jane: "You look so impressive and attractive with your new hairstyle!11
- Anne: " *
A. Thanks for your compliment B. 1 know it s fashionable
C . Yes, of course l > That is nonsense
Quest ion 21: Maria and Alex are talking about environmental issues.
*Maria: "Our city is getting more and more polluted . Do you think so?"
Alex ; " . It's really worrying . "
A . I ll think about that B 1 can' t agree more
CM don' t agree 1 ). I don't think so

Mark the fetter A, By C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in meaning to the
underlined word in each of the foflowing questions.
Question 22: Stockholm dwellers are fortunate to live in one of the greenest capitals in the w'orld
A, impossible B. discouraged C* stable D . lucky
Question 23: My children prefer to siay in a modem Hotel with all the arpegities rather Ilian camp in die
A. dislikes B , conveniences C product s
, l >. expenses
Mark the letter A B, C , or D on your answer sheet to indicate the wo r d f s ) OPPOSITE in meaning to
the underlined word(s) in each of the foltoning questions .
Quest ion 24: The football team is really in dire straits and they have even considered selling their

three best players.

A . in a serious situation B in a difficult situation
t . in a pleasant situation f > in a balanced situation
Question 25: Because of her conservative views, i he professor never accepts anything not related to
traditional values and the status.
Ar progressive B. optimistic
C, economic [V conserve tional

Read the following passage and mark the letter A t B , C\ or D on your answer sheet to intirente the
correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks
In a quaint village nestled amidst lush greenery , there lived a young man named Daniel . ( 26 )
facing hardships and setbacks, Daniel always maintained a grate till heait, finding blessings
in even the smallest of things.
One day, as Daniel w alked through the village market, he (27 ) an elderly woman sitting
alone on a bench. Moved by compassion, Daniel approached her and struck up a conversation. The woman
shared her story of loss and loneliness, and Daniel listened with empathy and kindness.
Before parting ways, the woman reached into her bag and handed Daniel a small, (28)
carved wooden box. "This is a gift tor yon , ' she said with a smile. "Inside you will find blessings beyond

measure "
Curiously, Daniel opened the box and was astonished to find it filled with handwritten notes each

one detailing a different blessing in his life from rlie love of his family to the beauty of nature
( 29) surrounded him. Touched by the woman's gesture, Daniel realized that blessings were all
around him, waiting to be discovered and cherished . From that day forward, he vowed to live (30 )
moment with gratitude and appreciation, knowing that even in the darkest of times, there were blessings
to be found,
Question 26 ; A. Because B. However C. Despite I ) Although

Question 27 ; A. experienced B . encountered C , received I ) . suffered

Question 28: V. comprehensively B . complicatedly C . immensely D. intricatediy
Question 29 ; A. whose B. which ( . who’
D. whom
Question 30: A. each B. many ( . much D . some

Read the following passage and mark the letter A , B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions .
The Plastiki looks similar to many other boats in Sydney harbour . It’s eighteen metres long , six
metres wide and it weighs about twelve thousand kilogrammes. It carries a crew of six people and has an
average speed of five knots. However, once you get near to the Plastiki you realise there's a bis difference .
It 's made of twelve thousand five hundred re used plastic bottles ,

David de Rothschild is an environmentalist who has crossed Antarctica and explored the
Ecuadorian Amazon. One day he was reading some information about all Lire plastic in the seas and
oceans. lie couldn't believe what he was reading. For example, humans throw away four out of every five
plastic bottles ifrey use, and plastic rubbish causes about eighty per ceni of the pollution in the sea. In
addition , scientists think that around one million seabirds die every year from plastic pollution. De
Rothschild decided lie wanted to help tackle pollution in the sea To help more people understand the
problem he started building a boat made of plastic bottles.

As well as building llie boat with recycled plastic, it was important for him to make the boa !
environmentally friendly and user-fr iendly . The boat uses renewable energy such as wind power and solar
energy . The crew can make meals with vegetables from the small garden at the back of the boat . They can
take a break from work and get some exercise by using the special exercise bicycle . The energy from the
bike provides power for the boat 's computers. And if anyone needs to take a shower, the boat 's shower
uses saltwater fr om the sea.
( Adaptedfrom Life by John Hughes, Helen Stephenson and Paid Duramen )
Questiun 31 : Which could be 1 lie best title tor the passage?
A. Life at Sea B. An Extraordinary Man
C . A Boat with a Difference I ) The Problem of Plastic Bottles
Question 32: The word they in paragraph 2 refers to
A . scientists If humans ( \ seas and oceans nT plastic bottles
Question 33: According to the passage , De Rothschild was shocked when he
A. travelled between Antarctica and the Ecu a dorian Amazon
B, read some information about plastic at seas and oceans
t\ participated in an environmental campaign
D, built his fust plastic boat
Question 34 : The word tackle in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A . compete E divide ( \ compare I >. tight
Question 35: Which of the following is TRUE about the Plastiki, according to the passage?
A . It was made of plastic and other materials which ar e hard to decompose.
B. Clean water exists in abundance on the boat .
C. Daily Hfe activities aren't interrupted w hen living on the boat
I ). h has a totally different appearance when compared to other boats.

Read the following passage and murk the tetter A, 3, ( \ or D on your answer sheet ft* indicate the
correct answer to each of the questions.
In sonic low lying countries such as Bangladesh. The Philippines or Cambodia , it is not unusual
to have a boat school. In one area of Bangladesh , there are now over 20 such boats, which act as both a
kind of 'river bus ' and also a place to study. These schools were first set up in 2002 by a successful local
Bangladeshi architect called Mohammed Rezwan Every year, between llie monsoon season of June and
October at leas! one third of Bangladesh is flooded with water . This means that thousands of children

can 't attend school regularly , when they ought to. Statistics have shown that once students attendance

falls, then many stop completely. Rezw an understood that tins mustn't happen in the first place.
Rezwan realised that if young people can' t attend school then the school had better come to them.
In 2002 , he encouraged companies to sponsor him and saved up money to set up an organization to start
the boat schools. These are now used by thousands of school children who happily attend school every
month of the year . Each boat is powered by solar panels on the roof . There are lights and a computer on
board, which means thai teachers can access the Internet to make lessons more hi ter active . Most boats
are for 30 children and some of the larger boats even have a school playground on the top deck . The
students only have to walk a short distance from their homes to the river, where the boat picks them up
and then collects the other children before stopping at their final destination . Then lessons can stall. At

the end of the day, the children are returned home on the boat .
The organization which Rezwan setup also provides solar-powered lamps to local families , where
70% of families have no electricity. Now children and their parents don't have to stop studying or working
as soon as the sun goes down . For parents, this has meant they can earn more money. It also means that
m families where children have to work during the day. they can attend school in the evening.
By 2050. nearly one fifth of Bangladesh will be permanently under water because of climate
cliange . Mr Rezwan knows he should act quickly, to help families and children out of poverty and to give
them the chance of a better life.
{ Adaptedfrom Gateway by Annie Cornford and Frances Watkins )

Question 36: Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. The Prevalence of Boat Schools in Poor Countries
R . Floating Schools: The Answer to Floods
C. Floating Homes Lift People out of Poverty
D Boats Make Life More Sustainable !
Question 37: The word unusual in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
V. understandable 11. actual i . common 1>. strange
Question 38: According to paragraph 1, many students in Bangladesh do not attend schools during the
monsoon season because
A. they are forced to stay at home to help their parents
B. their homeland is largely affected by floods
C . their parents cannot afford to send them to schools
D. they choose to be homeschooled instead
Question 39: The word Interactive in paragraph 2 mostly means
A involving communication among students

R . easy lo catch students' attention

t . having a great influence on students
D simple to understand

Question 40: The word they in paragraph 3 refers to

A . families R . parents C. lamps I ) . children
Question 41: Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A , Rezwan used his own money to establish school boats tor children in Bangladesh.
B, There is a serious lack of modern technology oil school boats run by Rezwan .
C, Children's homes in Bangladesh are inconveniently located for school boats.
i h Night lessons are available for some students who are busy working in daytime.
Question 42: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A. Boats run by Rezwan have lifted families in Bangladesh out of poverty.
B, There has been a decrease in the intensity of floods in Bangladesh.
f D a y t i m e activities of many people in Bangladesh were disrupted at sunset .
1 ). Bangladesh is the first country to promote die idea of school boats.
Mark the letter At B , C , or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Quest ion 43: Some of my classmates decide to stay at home to prepare for the coming examination
instead of going on a field trip yesterday.
A . decide B. field trip r _ instead of l >. coming
Question 44: A bridge must be strong enough to support its own weight as well as the weight of the
people and vehicles that use them.
A. must be B. that t\ as well as D . diem
Question 45: Medical herbs have been discovered and used in traditional medicine practices since
prehistoric limes.
A . traditional , B discovered ( . Medical ,D prehistoric
Mark the letter 4 , B, C\ or I ) on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning

to each of the following questions.

Question 46: "I am suffering from online attacks all these daysT" Amber Heard said .
A. Amber Heard asked me ifl was suffering from online attacks all these days.
Ik Amber Heard wanted to know if she was suffering from online attacks all those days .
( \ Amber Heard told me that she was suffering from online attacks all those days.

Ik Amber Heard said that I was suffering from online attacks all those days .
Question 47: It ’s necessary for students to revise their lessons before going to class .
A. Students mustn' t revise tlieir lessons before going to class.
B, Students may revise their lessons before going to class,
t '. Students needn' t revise their lessons before going to class
I). Students should revise their lessons before going to class.
Question 48: His mother last cooked tor the whole family five weeks ago.
A . His mother will cook for the whole family m five weeks
B. His mother hasn' t cooked for the whole family for five weeks.
< \ His mother didn’t cook for the whole family five weeks ago ,

D. His mother lias cooked for the whole family for five weeks ,
Mark the letter /?, Ct or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each
pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 49 ; Russia and Ukraine haven ' t reached an agreement in negotiations. That’s why there won' t
be a ceasefire soon.
A. Hardly have Russia and Ukraine reached an agreement in negotiations when there will be a ceasefire
R , Not until Russia and Ukraine reached an agreement in negotiations will there be a ceasefire soon.
< . Only when Russia and Ukraine have reached an agreement in negotiations will there be a ceasefire
1 > Had Russia and Ukraine not reached an agr eement in negotiations, there wouldn' t have been a

ceasefire soon.
Question 50: Tom doesn’ t know much about computer programming . He can' t apply for that position ,

A . If Tom had known much about computer programming, he couldn't have applied for that position .
R . If only Tom had known much about computer programming* he couldn' t apply for that position ,

t \ Tom wishes lie knew much about computer programming so that he could apply for that position.
1 ) * Provided that Tom knows much about computer programming, he can' t apply tor that position.

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