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Pre-Intermediate Modal Verbs

Workshop – Week 5 Grammar


Ex. 1 Complete the sentences with modal verbs to convey the meaning stated in
brackets. Very often more than one option is correct.

1. You _________ help me. [Obligation]

2. _________ you help me? [Request]
3. You _________ help him. [Lack of obligation]
4. She _________ be in her fifties. [Deduction]
5. You _________ come in. [Permission]
6. You _________ come in. [Lack of permission]
7. She _________ be older than her aunt. [Deduction]
8. I think you _________ help him. [Advice]
9. _________ I answer the phone? [Offer]
10. They _________ have left by now. [Past deduction]
11. _________ you close the window? [Request]
12. You _________ smoke here. [Prohibition]
13. I _________ speak a little German but I _________ [Ability/ Lack of ability]
speak any Spanish.

Ex. 2 Choose the best option.

1. Jane was so tired. She ___ have worked a) should b) must c) need
days and nights.
2. __ you speak any foreign languages? a) May b) Can c) Have
3. Liz ___ be tired of her job. It is so a) has to b) must c) should
4. Where's Nick? He ___ be in his office. a) might b) mustn’t c) is to
5. Take an umbrella. It ___ rain later. a) has to b) need c) might
6. Jack ___ go to hospital yesterday. a) must b) had to c) need
7. You look tired. You ___ go to bed. a) should b) ought c) are to
8. You ___ do it. I've already done it. a) mustn’t b) needn’t c) oughtn’t
9. ___ it be true? a) Must b) May c) Can
10. ___ we stay or leave? a) Will b) Would c) Shall

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