Environmental Issue Global Warming

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S2 || English
Margarida Rodrigues
Gisela Silva
Global warming is the long-term rise in Earth's
average surface temperature due to increased levels
of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These gases
trap heat from the sun, causing the planet to warm at
an alarming rate with far-reaching consequences.
Causes of Global Warming
Excessive b urning of Deforestations
fossil fuels tio n a n d des tru ction
Widespread defo r es ta
n atu ra l ga s for energy rb in g p lan ts an d tre e s.
like coal, oil, and of carbon-abso
o n a nd tra nsp o rtati on .
Causes of Global Warming
Greenhouse gases

o f gr een ho u s e g as e s su ch
Increased levels
e, m eth an e, an d n itro u s
as carbon dioxid
oxide in the atmosphere.
Greenhouse Gases
and their Impact
Excessive emissions of greenhouse
gases, primarily from human activities
like burning fossil fuels and
deforestation, have increased their
concentrations to unprecedented
levels, amplifying the greenhouse
effect and disrupting the Earth's
delicate climate balance.
Global Temperature Increase
global temperatures have risen by over 1°C (2°F) since the late 19th century,
primarily due to human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. This warming
trend is accelerating and is projected to continue in the coming decades.

Shifts in Weather Patterns

As the planet warms, weather patterns are becoming more erratic, with
some regions experiencing more extreme heat waves, droughts, wildfires,
and flooding, while others see an increase in severe storms, hurricanes,
and blizzards
Melting Ice Caps and Glaciers
The warming climate is causing the rapid melting of Arctic sea ice, glaciers,
and the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, leading to a concerning rise in
global sea levels that threatens coastal communities worldwide.
ltin g Gla cie rs
Me e l Rise
and Se a L ev
g l a c i e rs a n d
r is e , E a r th 's
p e r at u r e s t o a
a l te m a d in g
As glob a p id ly m e ltin g , l e
T h is po s es
h e e t s a r e r o r l d w id e .
ice s in s e a l e v e ls w
la n ds ,
ce rn in g ris e m u n i tie s , is
con c o as t al c o m o p l e
e t h re a t t o il l io n s o f p e
ag r a v s , w h e re m a ge .
ly in g r e g io n p e r t y d am
and lo w - e n t a n d p r o
f d is p l a c e m
are at ris k o
Extreme Weather Events and Natural
Hurricanes Wildfires Droughts
Powerful storms Intense fires ravaging Prolonged periods of
causing destruction forests and little rainfall and water
and flooding. threatening lives. shortages.
Impact on Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Coral Reef Declining Arctic Deforestation Ocean Acidification

Degradation Wildlife and Species Loss Impacts
Rising temperatures and Melting sea ice forces Clearing of forests Increased CO2
ocean acidification polar bears and other destroys the homes of absorption makes
devastate delicate coral Arctic species to adapt countless plant and oceans more acidic,
reef habitats. or perish. animal species. harming shellfish and
Declining Arctic

Coral Reef Deforestation

Degradation and Species Loss
Consequences for Human
Climate refugees forced to migrate due to rising seas,
droughts, and natural disasters.

Economic Impacts
Costly damages from extreme weather events, impact
on industries, and increased costs.
Consequences for Human
Food Insecurity
Disruptions to agriculture and fisheries leading to
food shortages and malnutrition.

Health Challenges
Spread of tropical diseases, heat-related illnesses, and
mental health issues.
Reforestation and Reducing Carbon
Afforestation Emissions
Planting new forests to absorb and Transitioning to clean energy sources
store atmospheric carbon dioxide. like solar, wind, and hydropower.
Thank you!

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