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//only problem and solution analysis part, limitation and future work will be added.

The aim of utilizing data mining for academic performance analysis and prediction in children with
congenital conditions is to uncover influential domains and factors impacting their educational
outcomes. This insight enables the creation of targeted interventions to enhance their academic
achievements. Common data mining techniques such as association rule mining, classification,
clustering, decision trees, and regression analysis are employed for this purpose.

By applying data mining, valuable information is extracted to formulate tailored interventions for the
academic improvement of special needs children. It facilitates the identification of patterns and traits
among congenital children that suggest specific interventions would be advantageous. This approach
allows for personalized educational strategies, increasing the likelihood of academic success.

For instance, data mining might reveal that children with a certain congenital condition struggle with
math. In response, interventions can be designed to address this area specifically. Potential interventions
encompass additional tutoring, curriculum adjustments, and the integration of assistive technology. In
essence, data mining empowers educators to craft individualized plans that foster the educational
development of these children.

For the data process and analysis, we used several method which is Decision tree classification,
regression, K-means clustering, correlation matrix. A decision tree stands out as a potent tool among
supervised learning algorithms, serving both classification and regression tasks. It constructs a tree-like
structure wherein internal nodes perform attribute tests, branches depict test outcomes, and leaf nodes
hold class labels. The process involves iteratively dividing training data into subsets using attribute values
until predefined limits like maximum tree depth or minimum samples per node are reached. In the
training phase, the Decision Tree algorithm identifies the optimal attribute for data division, guided by
metrics like entropy or Gini impurity. These metrics gauge impurity or randomness in subsets. The
objective is to pinpoint the attribute that maximizes information gain or minimizes impurity after the

Among several methods, there is some reason to choose this algorithm in our research. Decision trees
excel in requiring minimal data preparation effort during pre-processing compared to other algorithms,
dispensing with the need for data normalization and scaling. Remarkably, even the presence of missing
data has only a marginal impact on the decision tree construction process. Moreover, the cost of utilizing
the tree for data prediction exhibits a logarithmic relationship with the training data points, enhancing
efficiency. Decision trees also exhibit the capability to handle multi-output problems and can be
validated using statistical tests, which contributes to the model's reliability assessment. Notably, these
trees maintain strong performance even when assumptions are moderately violated by the true
underlying data generation model. Their innate intuitiveness and simplicity make Decision tree models
easily explainable to both technical teams and stakeholders.

Another method, the K-means algorithm is an iterative method designed to divide a dataset into K
distinct and separate subgroups, or clusters. Each data point is allocated to just one cluster. The
algorithm aims to maximize the similarity among data points within clusters, while also maintaining a
significant difference between clusters. It accomplishes this by assigning data points to clusters in a way
that minimizes the sum of squared distances between the data points and the cluster's center (the mean
of all data points in the cluster). The goal is to minimize variance within clusters, resulting in higher
homogeneity or similarity among data points in the same cluster.

One more method Random forest classifier which serves both classification and visualization purpose. A
random forest serves as a meta estimator, employing multiple decision tree classifiers on different
subsets of the dataset. It leverages averaging to enhance predictive accuracy and mitigate overfitting.
The size of subsets, controlled by the max_samples parameter (default with bootstrap=True), determines
how trees are built. In the absence of bootstrapping, the entire dataset constructs each tree.

The purpose of our research is to analyze congenital students academic performance and categorize
their performance into various standards. With the help of our collected data, we divided the academic
evaluation criteria into 15 factors such as reading, writing, general knowledge, communication etc.
Through the data mining methods and algorithms we successfully accomplished to represent their
performance in different category.

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