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1. History of the linguistic science.
2. Founders of comparative historical linguistics (Franz Bopp, Rasmus
Rask, Jacob Grimm, O. Vostokov).
3. Comparative historical method and Sanscrit. Contribution of F. von
4. W. von Humboldt – founder of general linguistics.
5. F. de Saussure – founder of structural linguistics.
6. Larynhal theory of F. de Saussure.
7. “Course in General Linguistics” as the “linguistic Bible” of the XX-th
8. A. Beletsky and S. Semchynsky – prominent Ukrainian philologists.
9. Characteristics of modern anthropological linguistics.
10.Main characteristics of the scientific knowledge. Three basic things for
the scientific research.
11.Notion of method in broad and narrow meanings. Classification of
12.Description, induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis.
13.Comparative historical method: phonetic and grammar forms
correlations, nuclear words.
14.Language-ancestor. Proto-Indo- European language.
15.Groups of languages within Indo- European language family.
16.Contrastive typological method.
17.Morphological classification of languages.
18.Agglutination and fusion.
19.Language universals.
20.Synchrony and diachrony.
21.Psychological trend in linguistics (G. Steinthal, K. Buhler, O. Potebnya,
by W. von Humboldt; neogumboldtianists: E. Sapir, B. Wharf; N.
22.Psycholinguistics: subject of the study, problems, terms.
23.The hypothesis of brain modularity by N. Chomsky.
24.Avram Noam Chomsky – founder of generative grammar.
25.Functional asymmetry of the cerebral cortex of the human brain.
Speech zones.
26.Types of aphasias.
27.Inner speech. Universal subject code.
28.Stages of speech generating.
29.The hypothesis of linguistic relativity.
30.Different languages as different visions of the reality. Language world
31.Language world model as a main notion of modern linguistic
32.Language substratum for manifesting national specific features of
33.Groups of culturally determined lexemes.
34.Metaphor as cognitive device.
35.Internal form of the word.
36.Sociolinguistics studies: subject, problems, terms.
37.Language as socially determined phenomenon: argumentation.
38.Scientific world model vs. language world model.
39.Language and development of the society.
40.Language as genetically determined phenomenon: argumentation.
41.Language communicative act: definition and functions.
42.Paralinguistics as a science about non-verbal communication.
43.Forms (variants) of the national language.
44.Main forms of language.
45.Secondary (minor) forms of language.
46.Linguistic status of vernacular.
47.Koine and literary language.
48.Temporal, spatial and social dimensions of language.
49.Systematic and structural approaches in the science of the XX-th
50.General theory of systems: main statements.
51.Notions of system and structure.
52.Typology of systems.
53.Ferdinand de Saussure about
systematic character of language.
54.“La valeur” after F. de Saussure. Lexical, grammar, inflectional values.
55.Associative (paradigmatic) and syntagmatic relations.
56.Syntagma in F. de Saussure’s understanding.
57.Concepts of system and structure in linguistics of the XX-the century.
58.Language system and structure after Ukrainian academician O.
59.The doctrine of double articulation.
60.Language as a system of system.
61.Principle of inclusiveness as fundamental principle of language
62.Language levels (systems, stratums) and their units.
63.Difficulties of word definition.
64.Morpheme vs. word.
65.Word vs. word combination and sentence.
66.Word functions.
67.Lexeme, word, sememe, seme.
68.Functional and semantic classification of the lexemes.
69.Sphere of the word semantics.
70.Lexical vs. grammatical meaning.
71.Lexical vs. connotative meaning.
72.The problem of lexical meaning: conceptions and theories.
73.Formal and semantic variation of the lexeme.
74.Formal variants of a lexeme = allolexes.
75.Component analysis.
76.Polysemy, synonymy, antonymy, semantic compatibility, hyperonymy-
hyponymy as microsemantic level system relations.
77.Semantic field (thematic group, lexical-semantic group) as
macrosemantic level system formation.
78.Structural features of the semantic field.
79.Semantic universals.
80.Phonetics and phonology.
81.Phonemes and allophones. Strong and weak positions for the phonemes.
82. Types of allophones.
83.Syllable and syllabophoneme.
84.Types of verbal stress (accent).
85. Types of distribution (according to American descriptivists).
86. System of the phonemes as a system of oppositions.
87. What pragmatics studies?
88. What is implicature?
89. H. Grice’s cooperative principle and maxims.
90.G. Leech’s maxims of politeness.
91.Locution, illocution, perlocution.
92.Types of the speech acts.
93. Political linguistics, its object and subject.
94. Meta-language used in discourse studies: communicative strategy,
communicative tactic, communicative move, manipulative influence.

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