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Mata Kul iah : Philosophy of Science

Tema : Theory of Truth in Science

Dosen : Prof. Dr. H. I lman Nafi’a, M.Ag
Hari, Tgl : Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Pemaka lah : Cindy Rahma Sari/2381030128/TBI 2E

Summary/Ringk The Theory of Truth is a condition that in

asan Perk uliahan scientific activities there is agreement and
conformity between what happens in these
scientific activities. For example, observation
of the phenomenon of the object of research,
data search, and others.
The theory of truth originates or refers to
epistemological truth.
Humans and the concept of knowledge in
the search for truth. Humans express their
thoughts through several concepts, there are 3
concepts of knowing knowledge: the first is
knowing how,the second is knowing who or
where or which, and the last one knowing
about something because of the other.
The first property of the theory of truth is
universal, meaning that it applies to all
scientific fields. The second is absolute or
absolute depending on the conditions and
situations in the process of scientific activity.
The purpose of the theory of truth is to
find scientific truth.
Various theories of truth in science:
1. Correspondence theory of truth.This
theory is a theory that holds that statements
are true if they correspond to facts or
statements that exist in nature or the object to
which the statement is addressed.
2. Coherence or consistency theory of
truth.This theory is a theory of truth based on
coherent or consistency criteria.
3. Pragmatic theory of truth.This theory is
a theory that holds that the meaning of ideas is
limited by reference to scientific, personal or
social consequences.
4. Performative or religious truth
theory.This theory states that truth is decided
or stated by certain authority holders. The first
example concerns the determination of 1
Shawwal. Some Muslims in Indonesia follow
the fatwa or decision of the Indonesian Ulema
Council or the government while others follow
the fatwa of certain scholars.
5. Semantic truth theory is a theory of
truth that will occur if there is a
correct understanding of the meaning of
words written in scientific activities.
6. Consensus theory of truth is a theory of
truth that will arise if there is communication in
a dialog based on the interests of certain goals
but not on the basis of power.

Critics/Kritik Atas The exploration of various truth theories in

Hasil Materi science is commendable, providing a diverse
Perk uliahan perspective. However, it would be beneficial to
delve deeper into the practical implications and
applications of these theories in scientific
endeavors. Additionally, a more explicit
connection between each theory and its
relevance in contemporary scientific discourse
could enhance the overall clarity and depth of
the material.

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