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Star Gates, Time Cycles and the Halls of Amenti

Each Time Matrix has a system of energetic passageways between each of the 15
Dimensional Frequency Bands and 5
Harmonic Universes-Matter Density levels, that allow energy and consciousness to
circulate throughout the Time Cycles of the
Time Matrix System. Energy passageways form at points where the Flash Line
Sequences (Partiki Phasing "flashing on and
off rhythms) of various fixed Euiago Time Cycles (Time Cycle of one 3-dimensional
Harmonic Universe/Density Level) and
Time Continua regularly cross over and pass through each other. Points in the 3-
Dimensional Flash Line Sequences where
Euiago Time Cycles repeatedly pass through each other are called CO-ORDINATE
POINTS. Points where Time Continua
regularly pass through each other are called SUBORDINATE POINTS.
Coordinate Points are the regular crossover points between Harmonic Universes and
Matter Density levels where Flash Line
Sequences repeatedly cross through each other on a VERTICAL AXIS, allowing energy
to vertically ascend and descend
through the 15-Dimensions, 5 Harmonic Universes and 5 Euiago Times cycles in the
Time Matrix. Co-ordinate Points are
called STAR GATES. The system of 15 Primary Star Gates that span a Time Matrix is
collectively called the DIMENSIONAL
LOCK SYSTEM. Star Gates are the fastest and easiest means of passage through time
in a Time Matrix. In spiritual tradition
Star Gates are usually referred to as ASCENSION PASSAGES.
Subordinate Points are the regular crossover points between Dimensions and Time
Continua in each Harmonic Universe, and
between Harmonic Universes, where Flash Line Sequences repeatedly cross through
each other on a HORIZONTAL or
DIAGONAL AXIS. Through Subordinate Points energy circulates horizontally and
diagonally between the Particle (Particum)
and Anti-particle (Partika) Universes and throughout the 5 Harmonic Universes of
the 15-Dimensional Scale. Subordinate
Points are called TIME PORTALS. The system of many Time Portals that span a Time
Matrix is collectively called the TIME
The interwoven network of the synchronistically organized Dimensional Lock and Time
Portal Systems (and the scalar
templates that form them) within a Time Matrix is collectively referred to as the
the Universal Templar Complex containing Star Gates and Time Portals that pass
between different galaxies within the 5 Matter
Density Levels and Time Cycles of the Time Matrix are called the INTERGALACTIC
TEMPLAR COMPLEX. Portions of the
Universal Templar Complex that link various planets and stellar bodies in the same
galaxy to each other and to the Intergalactic
and Universal Templar Complex are called the INTERPLANETARY TEMPLAR COMPLEX.
Portions of the Universal Templar
Complex that link various regions on one planetary body to each other and connect
the planetary body to the Interplanetary,
Intergalactic and Universal Templar Complex are called the PLANETARY TEMPLAR
Earth's Planetary Templar Complex, which links Earth to the Interplanetary,
Intergalactic and Universal Templar Complex, is
called THE HALLS OF AMENTI. The Halls of Amenti are located in a portion of the
Earth's Manifestation Template Scalar Grid
that corresponds to Earth's core, and can be accessed from various regions
throughout the globe.
The Halls of Amenti link Earth to various locations within the Time Matrix and to
the portions of the Earth's body that are
stationed within the Density levels and Time Cycles of the higher dimensional
Harmonic Universes. Earth and our perceivable
universe are stationed within the Euiago Time Cycle of Density-1, Gross Matter
density. Every manifest thing in Density-1 has a
COUNTERPART within each of the four higher dimensional Harmonic Universes that
represents different PHASES OF
SIMULTANEOUS EVOLUTION. Each Cycle of Evolution represents a Cycle of Time and a
level of Matter Density through
which simultaneous manifestation takes place. Earth's counterpart planets within
the higher dimensional Densities are
Density-2 TARA, Density-3 GAIA and Density-4 ARAMATENA. The Density-5 Breneau Time
Cycles represent the Ante-matter
Manifestation Template of non-density, often called the "Central Sun" of our
Universe, from which the Densities of the Earth and
all galactic systems manifest within the fields of time.
Opening of the Halls of Amenti Star Gates and Time Portals at Earth's core is
COMPLEX. When Earth's Planetary Templar Complex is activated, passage to the
different Time Cycles, Densities and
Harmonics of Earth can be achieved, as well as rapid intergalactic, inter-time
travel and Transmutative Dimensional Ascension
of body and consciousness into the original state of non-density.

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