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Warm up
a. Cat/cow
b. Cat/cow circles with hands behind head or by ribcage
c. Core deep breaths, exhale squeeze belly button to spine
d. Lift knee taps; can add rotation with arms behind head or by ribcage
2. Conditioning:
a. Get up Sit ups/stand ups: 3 sets of 5-8 reps
i. Bodyweight with knee bent sit up -> bodyweight sit up with legs flat -> sit up
with dumbbell
ii. Muscles worked:
1. core
b. Bicycle crunch: 3 sets of 8-12 reps total
i. Bodyweight legs only-> bodyweight with elbow touching knees-> resistance
ii. Muscles worked:
1. Core/obliques
c. Side plank hip abductions: 3 sets of 8-12 reps each side
i. Bodyweight without plank [6:54] -> bodyweight with modified plank ->
resistance band and plank
ii. Muscles worked:
1. Core/obliques, hips
3. Cool down:
a. Forward fold with slow lift
b. Reach arms up high and lengthen through abdominals
c. Arms to side “T” shape and twist
d. Side stretch length through side body

Modifications for Chair:

1) Get Up Sit Up
a. “sit up” in chair. Arms crossed over chest, knees over ankles 90 degrees. Stack head over
heart, heart over hips. Squeezing core muscles, slowly lower yourself back towards back
of chair. Squeeze stomach muscles and return to starting position. Keep feet planted on
ground, if they’re lifting we’re going back too far.
b. Scoot to edge of seat and keep knees over ankles. Reach arms straight forward and
round the upper back into a letter “C” shape. Look down, with chin tucked into chest.
Lean back to back edge of chair but hover just before touching the back – don’t hit the
chair!! and squeeze belly button towards spine tightly.
c. Same as previous variation, with arms raised in straight diagonal line towards ceiling.
Option to add weight if still too easy. Or resume “a” position with weight added.
2) Bicycle Crunch
a. Hands behind head, twist left to right. If you have extra core strength and stability,
lower elbow towards opposite knee. Last option to lift opposite knee to elbow and
squeeze abdominals.;
b. Same as before, now add knee lift to elbow and squeeze abdominals.
c. Resume “A” position but Lean back in chair with both feet off floor, elbows bent by ribs,
reach opposite elbow towards opposite knee as you twist. Squeeze abdominals tightly.
3) Side plank hip abduction
b. Regular plank with chair and hold, can pedal feet during if needed; option to keep
elbows bent and forearms on chair through all three variations. Can support body
weight with opposite arm on chair.
c. Side plank
d. Side plan with hip abduction

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