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niggiansa Reserve Bank of Inia. areca ft ay Reserve Bank of Indi Ere Date: ep 2,209 Recruitment of Officers in Grade B-DR (General), DEPRIDSIM.2019, IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 4. Ganaldatos to Ensure thelr Eligibility forthe Posts Betore applying, canddstes should ensure that they ful the ellgblty criteria forthe advertised poss. Reserve Bank of Inala Services Board neeinater refered to as ‘oar, woud admit tothe Examination all the candidates applying forthe post wth the requlsta feelntmation charges (wherever appleable) based onthe information ‘uenied in he ONLINE application and shal determine ther elgisHy ony at he al stage i.e inlerew stage, fat that stage, itis found that any information fished in the ONLINE application i fale! incorect orf according tothe Board, the candidate docs not sais the ekilly eerie for the pos, his/her candidate wil be canceled and heshe will net be alowed to appear for inlview and can be removed fom service without notice, i melshe has already jined tne Bank 2, Mode of Application: Candidates are required to apply ONLINE only trough the Bank's webste wi. or.n. No other made for submission of appicaon i availble, Bie Instructions fo iting up the “Online Applicaton For” are given in Append () Ontos appcations for Ge 8 (OR) - GENERALIDEPRIDSIM- 2019 3 Important Dates: Events Important Datos" Wiobsi Link Open For Online Rogisvation of Applications and Payment of Fessintimation ‘Septomber 21-October 11, 2018, Charges 4. Officers in Gr 6 (OR) - Ganerat Phase = Onin Examination November 9, 20198 Phase-t~ Paper | Ill Orie Examination December 1, 2019 2.Ofieers in Gr 8 (OR) ~ DEPR™ Phase |- Paper -|- Online Examination November, 2019 Phage I= Paper I December 2, 2019 Onine/Writen Examinaon (To be confirmed in Admit cards) 3. Officers in Gr 8 (OR) -DSIM@ Phase |- Paper -1- Orin Examination November9, 2019 Phase I Paper- 18 December 2, 2019 £ Onine/riten Examination (To be confirmed in Admit ards) “Department of Economic an Policy Research €@ Department of Satisties and information Management The Board reserves the right to make any change a these dates. In only one shit of Phase examsnaton. inl th enfs of Phase / Paper & il examination 4. Help Fallity: In case of any problem infin up te frm, payment of fetinmation charges, rn downloasing of Aamission Leta, quis may be mada trough the link itpegs bps Do not forget to mention Rl Offers in Grade 8 DR’ General or DEPR or DSI, a the casa may be, in the subject ofthe ema (@) The use of any mobile phone (eve in switches off mode), pager or any electronic equipment or programmable device o storage media Ike pen civ, smart watches fe. oF camera or blue tooth devices oF any other equipment or rolatod accostris ether in working oF sulened off mode capable of being sod ms a communcation device during the examinations strety rome, Any infengement of hese istcions shall onal scary action, eling ban Kom ure examinations, (b) Candidates are advised in ter own ntret not to beng any of he banned tame incising mble phonaslpegers tthe venue ofthe examination, as arangement for safe-kooping cannot be assured (c) Candidates are acvsed not to brng any valualefosty Kems tothe Examination Hal, a8 safekeeping of the same cannet be assured, The Board wil not be responsible for any os inthis rege (@) Use of caleulators isnot porte in Phase I for Gr. DR General and Paper |for DEPR /DSIM ofthis examinations. However, nn-svaptammable laconic callie ‘perme for ony paper Lol DSIM, Such calculator wil be made avaible anne onthe screen for Paper II DSIM caridates ony 6 Corrigendum: Please note tal Corigendum, if any, ‘sued on tre above advertisement, willbe published any on the Bank's websla woo. DETAILED NoTICE 1. Tho Reserve Bank of India Sorvces Boar (Board) iv applications from eligible candidass forthe post mentoned below in Resorve Bank of Isa (RBUBank} Post Number of Vacancies Unreserved [Scheduled Scheduled Other EWSs@ TOTAL ie, Castes Tribes Backward General (SC) (ST)_—_ Classes (cenury (ose) $ ‘B{(DR)- Goneral 65 25 1 40 15186" ‘B(OR)- DEPR. 8 3 1 5 2 a ‘B(0R)-DSIM $ Caniatos belonging to OBC catogory but coming inthe ‘Creamy Layer ae not ented to OBC reser ‘General (GEN) @Rererations for Economically Wesker Sectons (EWS) in recratment ja governed by Oflce Memorandum No.26030//2010-E5t(Ras) dated {31.01.2019 of Department of Personnel & Training, Ministy of Parsenrel, Publ Grievances & Pensions, Goverment ona Disclamer: "EWSs vacancies are leratve and subject to further diectves of Governmant of Ina and cutcome of any Iigation. The appointment is provisional and is subject tothe Income & Asset cereal Bong verified through proper channel”. Benefit ofrsorvation under EWSs category can be avaled upon production of an Income and Aseol Cortcate'isued by a Competent Auhorty on the format proscrbod by Government of India. "Out of 156 vacancies lor Grade ‘8 (OR)-General 7 vacances are reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PWD) Calegory, vi, 2 vacancies fr cancldats of binaness end low von; 1 vacancy for deat and hard of hearing, 2 vacances for lcomotor dsabity incting cerebral palsy, leprosy ‘urea, duartm, acd atack vets and muscular dystrophy, and 2 vacancies fr mulpla asables ftom amongst persons, as cetaled below in para 1 (of Nate fr PwAD candi ‘Quit of20 vacances fo Grade 'B(OR}-DEPR, 1 vacancy is reserved for PwD candidate under deaf and had of hearing # includes 3 backlog vacances. Note for Persons wih Benchmark Disabilty (PWD) candidates: (1) The Bank has sented the folowing posts as suitable for each category of PAD along with the Physical Requirements and Functional Classiatons. On following ‘ategories of PwBD candidates are, therefore, eile to apply forthe posts ion, Thy should indicate thir category a8 Sr Namo of Post Catogoris for which identified Functional classifcation* Physical Requirements No 1 Ofc in Gr 1B = Blindness and tw vision 5 BBN, C,H. KG, L, MF, PP, RW (fn Baleleohwar) psu Ww BN, C,H, KG, LL MF, PP. RW, , ST, W Det ang hard of hearing Dak BN, C,KC, LMF, PP, RWS, SE, ST. W Locometor disablty Including OA, OL Gerebral Palsy, Loprosy BN, C, KO, LH, MEPP, RW, , SE, ST, W Cerebral Palsy, Leprosy Cured, Cured, Dwarsm, Acid tack Viens Dwarf, Acid Atack Viebms 20d g, leon MFPRIR. 8 BE Muscular Dysophy Muscular Dystrophy C,H MERW, SE, S Mate ésabites A, OL, Cerebral Palsy, Loprosy BN, C, KO, L, MF, PPS, ST, W_ and RW (o Bale sofware) and H or RW and SE (as () lina tow vision oF ‘applcale) (i) deat nad of hearing + Functional classifcain: OA-One A, OL-Ono Lg, BL-Both Logs but rol arms, B-Slindness LV:Low Vision, O-Deaf and Hi Hard of Hearing “Physical Roquroments: BN-Bonding, C-Commuricaon, H-Hearing’Speaking, KC-Xrecling & Crouching, L-Lifin, MF-Maripulation by Fingor, P Pushing & Puling, RV-Reading & Wrting, SSiting, SE-Soving, ST-Standing and W- Walking (2) PwB0 candidates may belong to any category (i=. GeneralSCISTIOBCIEWSs). Resorvaton for PWED is horizontal and within te overall vacancies for the posts subject othe posts having been idontfedsutable fr such cists, (@) PwaD cancidstes shoul possess atest csabilly ceria issued by « Competent Authorty as prescribed vide The Rights of Persons wit Disabilies Act, 2016 (RPWD Act, 2016). Such cetficate shal be subject overcatontt=verfcaton, as may be decided bythe Boars! Competent Autry (4) Win tho overall note total vacancies, PWBD candidates bolonging to any category of dsb wll be considered for slaction, subject o their subi, over ant above te vacancies noted for PWD in this adversement, to clear backlog of PWBD vacances, an, (6) Bactog vacancies reserve for PwED woul be filed by a person witn benchmark dab in the respective catagory. If no sabe person from that category is avaiable such backig vacances would be Red up by interchange among other eligible PAD candidates subject to the posts having been kentifed suitable for such disables, (6) Use of Scribe & Compensatory time: At th time of onlineiwiten examination, only those PwED canddates (wno have csabilty of 40% ar mare) who nave physical limitation in typlngtriing, inducing that of speed would be allowed the faclity to Use the servic of ascribe. In al such cases where a srbe is used, the folowing rules wil 200 |A. The candidate wilhave to arangehisiher ow seibelwrarathsther own cost. 18 Both the candidate as well asthe scribe wil have to give a suitable undertaking, in the prescribe format wth passport size photograph of he seb at the ine of examination, . ABD candidates whe have physical inlation to typetwrte including tha of speed shal be alowed compensatory tine of 20 minutes per hour ofthe examinabiéh iether availing the acy o serve or no . Any candidate whois using srbe shoul ensure that helshe is eile to use sorbe in the examination as per the above guidlines. Any candidate using scribe in \olation ofthe above guidelines shall lane 'qualfed an can be remaved fom sence wihout note, if helshe has already ened he Bank. (7) Detaled instructions fr PwBD candidates regarding avaling services of ecrbe and allxment of exralcompensatary tne wil be made avalable onthe lank’ webs (ov orp in) atthe te of uploading of Admission Letters for examinations 2, SERVICE CONDITIONSY CAREER PROSPECTS: () Pay Seale: Selected Candtes wll draw a stating basi pay of € 35,150! pm. in the scale of Rs, 35160-1760 (8)-S0900-E8-1760 (2)-S4400-2000 (8)-62400 ppicale to Officers in Grade & and they wil alo be eligible for Deamess Allowance, Local alowance, House Rent Alowancs, Family allowance and Grade Alewance 235 pares in force fom time to time. At present, nial menhly Gross emelumenis are approximalaly €77,208/{apprcx.) Note: For cancidates possessing very high academic or professional qualifaton experience of signicant vale tothe Bank, the Bank may, atts sol decraton, consider granting up to four advance increments. The Board, at is sole ciscretion, may consider raquoss for higher emelumants bocause of higher qualifain/specal experience of vale fo the Bank al the ilervew slage only. Sch information may be furshed inthe Bie-data Form in the appropriate column. The numberof increments ‘wile maximum fur The BordiBank wil not entrain any request ecaved Mer the itor (i Seniority: Canditos selected fom saparaterecrtments ortho post of Offcarn Gx. 8 (DR) for Gsnerl, DEPR. DSIM steams wl jin the Combined Seniority Group ané the senorty among these Oficars wil be fixed according tothe ranking worked out by using the standard percent score of aggregate marks of selected candidates. (u) Perquistes: Bank's accommodation, subect to avaallty, reimbursement of expensas for maintenance of vehicle for oficial purpose, newspaper, telephone charges, bock grant, allowance for fumishing of residence, ets. as por ell, Free dispensary facty bosides reimbursement cf medical expenses for OPD ‘restmenthopitalzation as per alibi. Interest fee fesval advance, Leave Fare Concasion (once in two years for sel, spouse and alle dependants). Loans and ‘Advances at concessional rates of intros for Housing, Vohicl, Education, Consumer Artes, Personal Compuor, otc. Solected canldates wil be governed by The {ofned contbuton New Pension Scheme (NPS|, inaction tobe benef of Gat. (i) As cartain centres, ites numberof resdentil quarters are avalale. Fact for securing rsdental accomadation on 0, however, exits at al canes (0) ata ppoiniment wil be on probation fora period of wo years. At Bark’ discretion, the probationry period may be extended up to maximum period of four years (0) There ar reascrable prospects fr prometion to higher grades. (vi) Selected candidates aro lable io be posted and ranslrred anywhere in Ina 3. ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS: | Nationality: canadate must be ether: a, mtizen of i, oF ». acubjctof Nepal, or © asubject of Bhuton, oF 4. a Tibetan refuge who came over to Ina before 1st January, 1962 withthe intonton of permanently setting in nda, or a person of indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countres of Kenya, Uganda, tha United Repub of Tanzania, Zambia, Mala, Zar, Ethopla and Vienam ith he inesion of permanent setting in Ia, Provided that candate belonging to catagories (b,c, () and () shall be person in whose favour a cet Ir, of elgilty nas been asuad by the Government at ‘candidate in whose case a cetfcale of ebily ss necessary may be admited to the examination, butte afer of appoinmant may be given only ater the necessary I Age Limits: (0) Acandsdate mast have stained the age of 21 years and must not have ataine the age of 30 years on the “st of September 209 Le, helshe must have been bom hot salr than 2nd Seprnber 1989 and not ltr than ‘st September 1998, For candidates possessing M.Phi. and PID. qualieaton, .pper age lt wil be 32 and 24 years respectvely (0) Te upper agit proscribed above wil be rlaxed | up toa marcmum af ive years fr candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste ora Scheduled Trib the posts are reserved for hem |. up to maximum of tee years nthe ease of candidates belonging to Other Backwars Classes who are lie aval of eservaton applleable to such candidates ‘he posts ae reserved for them, i. up toa maximum of fve years for ex-omployeos of banking insttutons whose services had fo be terminated fr reasons of economy or because of bank going into liquidation and personne retrenched trom Government Ofc ater at east one year's service and cuenty registered with Employment Exchange; Iv upto a maximum of five years fa candidate had odiarly bean domi nth Union Tartar af Jammu ang Kashmir and Union Tenor of Ladath during the pared ‘tom {st January, 1980 to 3st December 1985; ‘up toa maximum of ve years in he case of excservicemen including Commissioned Ofleers and ECOs/SSCOs whe have rendered at last ve years Mitary Service 88 00 1st September 2019 and have been released 8, on competion of asignment (netting those whose assignment is due lo be completed within one year Kam Tat September, 2018) otherwise than by way of iamissal or discnerge on account of misconduct ar netlency: oF on account of physica eisabilty attributable Miltary Servic; oF & oninvalament upto maximum offve years Inthe case of ECOSISSCOs who have completed an init paiod of assignment of fe years of Miltary Service as on Ist September 2019 and winoae assignment as been extended beyond fva years and in wheae case th Ministry of Deane eauoa a cartiate that thay can apply for cx employment and tat hey wil be released on ties mnths natce on selection from the date ofrecer af ofr of appointment. Vi. For GenvEWSS up to a maximum af 10 yaar inthe case of PAD. For SST PwBD upto a maximum of 15 years and for OBC PwOD Up to 8 maximum of 13 years subject o reservation of vacancies under the respective post. Relasation in upper age lit for PwBD wil be subject to the posts having been identied sual or such disables. ve, For candidates having experience as an ofc in Commercial BankFinancal Inston in Pube Sector as also prior experience in Reserve Gank of Inia, upper age limits relaxed tothe exont of rumber of competed yeas of such experience subject to a maximum of three year, For such candidates, upper age lint should pot sxce0d 33 years ncuding experiance. For experience, probationary parc wil at be reckoned i, For eligle staff candidates, the relaxation in age limits according to RAl reular CO, HRM. No, 7S! $590 05.01 11 2019-2014 dates December 20,2013, x. For reculment fo the post af Gx B (OR)-DEPRIDSIM candidates having Matters Degrse with RescarchiTeaching experience at a recognised InalniForign Universiyinstuto wil be elgbte for rlaxation in upper age to the extant ef numberof years of such experience subject fo @ maximum of thee yeas. Fr experince, probationary parod wil not be reckoned Note: - Candidates bolnging to the Schedulod Castes and the Scheduled Tibos and tho Other Backward Classes who are also covered undor class of Para 81 (b) Iv 6, Wi above, viz. tase coming under the category of Exsericemen, PWED, persons donisted inthe Union Terry of J & KiUnion Tertory of Lada wil be lige for gran of cumulative age-elaxation under bat the categories. Not I: The term Ex-sanvcemen wil apply tothe persons who are defined as Ex-eericemen inthe Ex-senicemen (Re-employmentin Chil Services and Posts) Rules, 1979, a amended rom ime o ime, Note Ml - The age concession under Para 2 (2) (¥) and (i) wil nat be admsble to Exservicemen and Commissioned Officers including ECOSISSCOs, who are released on own request. Note V:- Notwithstanding the provision of age relaxation under Para 3 l(b) (vi above, a PWBD wil be considered to be elie for appointment only hese (ater sue physical examination aa te Bank may prescribe) i found to sally the requrements of physical and medical standard forte concerned ServicesPosts to be allocated tothe Pw candidates by te Bank, I Minimum Edvestional Qua lations: Ths fllowing minimum educational qualifications are proserbod forthe poss: Posts Minimum Educational Qualifications (as on 01-00-2010) 41 Officers in Grade 'B'(OR) (Genera) «minimum of 0% marks (50% in ease of SCISTPWED) oF an equvalant grade in Bachalr's dagree a¢ well asin 12 (or Optoma ox equivalent and 0% Standard examinations +The minimum qualifying percentage or an equivalent grade fo the Bachelor's degree wil bein aggregate fo all semesters years 2 Officers in Grad'B'(OR)-DEPR Essent: 8, AMastors Degree in Economies / Esonometies / Quantitative Economies / Mathoraicl Economics / Inegrated Economies Cours! Fisance, wih a minimum of 58% marks oF an equivalent gras ht ‘2ggrogate of al somesters years ftom a recognised Indian or Foragn Univers stitute; OR ». PGOMI MBA Finance wih a minimum of 55% marks or an equivalent rade in aggregate all sorestors years from a recognised Indian o: Foreign University state; OR Masters Oagres in Economics in any of the sub-categres of economics i, agricultural business!

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