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Usos de comandos en terminales de distintos tipos de Sistemas operativos

(Actividad 2)

Dayron Farid Vera Castro

ingeniería de software, Universidad Manuela Beltrán.

Sistemas Operativos

Ing. Hernán Darío Cruz Bueno

Bogotá, Colombia

1. Abrir PowerShell en Windows y responder cual es la diferencia entre PowerShell y

cmd de windows

Consultar los comandos que permiten hacer lo siguiente en PowerShell:

 Información del hardware

 Información de la BIOS

 Muestra el usuario que está conectado en el sistema.

 Mostrar IP

 TOP 5 Procesos con más consumo

 Listar Ítems de directorio

 renombrar varios archivos a la vez

 calcular días, meses, minutos y segundos de una fecha (DD/MM/YYYY) a la fecha actual

 Con los resultados obtenidos realizar una tabla demostrativa en Word para así dar respuesta

al punto de la guía

2. Ejercicio 2: Valor (1.5)

Explain the differents methods for memory management

 First In First Out - FIFO

 Shortest Remaining Time (S.R.T.)

 Shortest-Job-First (S.J.F.)

 Round Robin

 Make a comparative table between the different algorithms of memory management,

explaining the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

3. Ejercicio 3: Valor (2.0)


Make the analysis of four different processes initiated and the operation of each algorithm of.

 First In First Out - FIFO

 Shortest Remaining Time (S.R.T.)

 Shortest-Job-First (S.J.F.)

 Round Robin


Ejercicio 1

1. Con CMD cambie el color de la letra de la consola a azul, para poder diferenciar entre le la

terminal de CMD y PowerShell.

Para consultar la información del hardware dentro del CMD se utiliza el comando


Información del hardware


Información de la BIOS: El BIOS de una computadora es la interfaz de firmware entre el

hardware de una computadora y su sistema operativo. Como cualquier software, el BIOS se

puede actualizar. Conocer la versión del BIOS de la computadora puede indicarle si tiene la

versión más actualizada del BIOS.

Información del BIOS
Get-WmiObject win32_bios

Muestra el usuario que está conectado en el sistema:

Usuario conectado al sistema

(Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem)

 Mostrar IP:

Mostrar IP
(Invoke-WebRequest "").BaseResponse

 TOP 5 Procesos con más consumo

Procesos con más consumo

Ps | sort -p ws | select -last 5

 Listar Ítems de directorio

Get-childitem (PowerShell)

 Renombrar varios archivos a la vez

Renombrar varios archivos a la vez

Dir | Rename-Item -NewName { $ -replace "loqsereemplaza","lonuevo" }


 Calcular días, meses, minutos y segundos de una fecha (DD/MM/YYYY)


Diferencia entre PowerShell y CMD

 Mayor simplicidad en los
 Los comandos son mas
estructurados y son procesados

como objetos.  Lleva mucho tiempo sin

 Herramienta mas actualizada
 Cuando se trata de codificación en
 Crear nuestros propios comandos,
terminal las personas recurre más
esto gracias al lenguaje C#
al terminal CMD
 Ejecución remota de tareas
 Automatizar tareas mediante
 Ejecutar trabajos en segundo plano
secuencias de comandos

 Poco intuitiva

Ejercicio 2

Methods for memory management

 First In First Out – FIFO

The operating system maintains a list of concurrent pages in memory, with the top page in the list

being the oldest and the last page in the list being the last to arrive. In the event

of a missing page, the head page is replaced and the new page is added to the end of the list.

Disadvantage: The oldest page can be heavily used by the others. Example:

Shared pages (reentrant code).

Two FIFO variants using R and M bits:

1. Extract the page of the lowest class by starting to look for the oldest page.

2. second chance: The oldest page is inspected as a potential victim. If its R bit is set to 0, it is

replaced and if it is set to 1 it is set to 0 and the page is put at the end of the list by searching the

next page in the list (if all pages have been referenced we will have pure FIFO). The more pages

the memory has, the less page faults a program has: Belady's anomaly: FIFO causes more page

faults with 4 pages than with 3 (it is a curiosity, it is not an important result).

 Shortest Remaining Time (S.R.T.)

the process with the smallest amount of time remaining until completion is selected to execute.

Since the currently executing process is the one with the shortest amount of time remaining by

definition, and since that time should only reduce as execution progresses, processes will always

run until they complete or a new process is added that requires a smaller amount of time.

 Shortest-Job-First (S.J.F.)

This algorithm helps OS to maintain an efficient manner in which input-output requests can be

managed to execute a process. There are various types of algorithms that an operating system

uses for scheduling a process to the CPU.


The SJF (Shortest Job First) scheduling algorithm in which the CPU executes the job first has the

shortest execution time. Also, the burst time is an important factor in SJF scheduling.

Characteristics of SJF Scheduling

Following are the characteristics of (Shortest Job First) SJF scheduling program in C.

 This algorithm is related to each job as a unit of time for completion.

 This algorithm is helpful for those types of processing of jobs in which the completion time of a

job can be calculated easily like Batch-type processing.

 This algorithm can improve the CPU processing as it executes the shorter jobs first which leads to

a short turnaround time.

 Round Robin

Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm is a scheduling algorithm for time-sharing systems. It is

preemptive in nature that it switches between processes according to the time allotted for each

process. The time slice that is used to switch between the processes is known as Quantum. Round

Robin scheduling is cyclic in nature and is also known as Time Slicing Scheduling.

Characteristics of Round Robin Scheduling in C

 Round Robin Scheduling follows a preemptive approach.

 It is used for time-sharing systems.

 It shares equal time intervals for all processes.

 Round Robin Scheduling is a starvation-free algorithm.

 The implementation of Round Robin Scheduling is simple and easy to use.

First In First Out - Shortest Shortest-Job-First Round Robin

FIFO Remaining Time (S.J.F.)


-Shortest Job First

-The page that has -Preemptive: SRTF - Push the first
has the shortest
been resident in is a process from
average waiting
memory the longest preemptive ready queue for
time out of all
is algorithm, which the task to be
scheduling methods.
replaced memory means that the executed for the
-SJF is
currently running allotted time.
-They should be
categorized as a
process can be
located in such a -In a similar
Greedy algorithm.
interrupted if a new
way as to facilitate manner, another
process arrives
as much as process is
- This algorithm
with a shorter burst
possible the selected by the
can be utilized in
removal of ready queue to
-Low waiting time:
products with a
environments where
SRTF is known for
shorter expiration
its low waiting time.

-Dynamic: SRTF is burst time (or execute its task.

a dynamic running time of an

- The above
algorithm, which application)
steps are
means that it can estimations are
repeated until
adapt to changes in available.
all processes are
the arrival time and
burst time of


Ejercicio 3:

 Ejemplo A FIFO:

Proceso Tf Tll t T W P
A 8 5 8 3 5 0,4
B 18 8 10 10 0 1
C 22 15 4 7 3 1,8
D 27 18 5 9 4 1,8
E 30 20 3 10 7 3,3
Promedio 7,8 3,8 1,66

Ejemplo B FIFO:

Proceso Tf Tll t T W P
A 4 3 4 1 3 0,3
B 11 6 7 5 2 0,7
C 20 8 9 12 3 1,3
D 24 9 4 15 11 3,8
E 29 11 5 18 13 3,6
Promedio 10,2 6,4 1,94

 Ejemplo A Shortest-Job-First (S.J.F.):

Shortest-Job-First (S.J.F.
Proceso Tf Tll t T W P
A 2 2 2 0 2 0
B 5 4 3 1 2 0,3
C 10 6 5 4 1 0,8
E 14 8 4 6 2 1,5
D 23 10 9 13 4 1,4
Promedio 4,8 2,2 0,8

Ejemplo B Shortest-Job-First (S.J.F.):

Shortest-Job-First (S.J.F.
Proceso Tf Tll t T W P
A 7 5 7 2 5 0,3
B 16 8 9 8 1 0,9
C 20 10 4 10 6 2,5
E 26 13 6 13 7 2,2
D 34 15 8 19 11 2,4
Promedio 10,4 6 1,66

Ejemplo A Shortest Remaining Time (S.R.T.):

Shortest-Job-First (S.J.F.
Proceso Tf Tll t T W P
A 3 0 3 3 0 1
B 7 3 4 4 0 1
C 19 6 7 13 6 1,9
D 13 8 5 5 0 1
E 30 10 11 20 9 1,8
Promedio 9 3 1,34

Ejemplo B Shortest Remaining Time (S.R.T.):

Shortest-Job-First (S.J.F.
Proceso Tf Tll t T W P
A 11 1 8 10 2 1,3
B 7 4 3 3 0 1
C 23 8 6 15 9 2,5
D 17 10 4 7 3 1,8
E 14 12 2 2 0 1
Promedio 7,4 2,8 1,52

Ejemplo A Round Robin:

Round Robin
Proceso Tf Tll t T W P
A 2 2 2 0 2 0,0
B 7 6 3 1 2 0,3
C 9 10 4 -1 5 -0,3
D 19 14 6 5 1 0,8
E 23 16 8 7 1 0,9
Promedio 2,4 -2,2 0,4

Ejemplo B Round Robin:

Round Robin
Proceso Tf Tll t T W P
A 2 0 2 2 0 1,0
B 14 4 4 10 6 2,5
C 16 6 6 10 4 1,7
D 26 8 8 18 10 2,3
E 27 10 7 17 10 2,4
Promedio 11,4 6 2,0









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