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U1. Actividad 2 de aprendizaje para RA: Análisis de procesos


1. ¿Cual es la diferencia entre PowerShell y cmd de Windows?

-Diferencia entre PowerShell y cmd de Windows:

PowerShell y el símbolo del sistema (cmd) son dos interfaces de línea de comandos

disponibles en sistemas operativos Windows. Aunque ambos permiten ejecutar comandos

y scripts, existen diferencias importantes entre ellos, por ejemplo:

 En cuanto a su "arquitectura y lenguaje", PowerShell se basa en el marco

.NET de Microsoft y emplea el lenguaje de scripting PowerShell, el cual ofrece una

amplia gama de funciones y capacidades para automatizar tareas de manera más

eficiente. En contraste, el símbolo del sistema utiliza el lenguaje de comandos

CMD, que tiene un conjunto más restringido de funciones en comparación con


 En términos de "gestión de objetos", PowerShell adopta un enfoque en el que todo

es tratado como un objeto. Esto implica que los resultados de los comandos son

estructuras de datos con propiedades y métodos, lo que permite manipularlos de

manera más sencilla. Por otro lado, CMD generalmente devuelve texto sin una

estructura de objeto, lo que limita la flexibilidad al trabajar con los datos

 En relación a la "compatibilidad y compatibilidad con versiones anteriores",

PowerShell es una tecnología más reciente que ha sido diseñada para ser

compatible con comandos de CMD y proveedores de comandos anteriores. Esta

capacidad de integrar funcionalidades previas le otorga a PowerShell una mayor

potencia y flexibilidad en comparación con el símbolo del sistema.

 Por último, uno de los puntos más destacados de PowerShell es su enfoque en la

"automatización" y la administración del sistema. Gracias a sus capacidades

avanzadas, PowerShell se posiciona como la opción preferida para llevar a cabo

tareas de administración complejas de manera automatizada, agilizando así diversas

operaciones y procesos.

2. Consultar los comandos que permiten hacer lo siguiente en PowerShell:

 Información del hardware

 Información de la BIOS

 Muestra el usuario que está conectado en el sistema.

 Mostrar IP
 TOP 5 Procesos con más consumo

 Listar Ítems de directorio

 renombrar varios archivos a la vez



 calcular días, meses, minutos y segundos de una fecha (DD/MM/YYYY) a la fecha



First In First Out (FIFO):

FIFO is a memory management technique in which the oldest process that entered the

memory is the first one to be removed when the system needs to free up space. When a

new process requires memory allocation and there is not enough space, the system selects

the oldest process in memory and swaps it out to make room for the new process. This

method is relatively straightforward to implement but may suffer from the "Belady's

Anomaly," where increasing the number of frames allocated does not guarantee a reduction

in page faults.

Shortest Remaining Time (S.R.T.):

SRT is a variation of the Shortest-Job-First (SJF) algorithm and is used in dynamic priority

systems. In memory management, it refers to selecting the process with the shortest

remaining time for execution. When a new process needs memory space,
the system compares the remaining execution time of all processes in memory and selects

the one with the shortest time. The chosen process is given priority access to memory. This

approach can lead to better memory utilization and faster execution times for shorter

processes, but it requires frequent scheduling decisions and may suffer from increased

overhead due to continuous comparisons.

Shortest-Job-First (S.J.F.):

The SJF algorithm allocates memory to processes based on their estimated execution times.

When a new process requires memory, the system selects the process with the shortest

estimated execution time and allocates memory to it. This technique aims to minimize the

average waiting time and turnaround time for all processes. However, it requires accurate

predictions of execution times, and if the estimates are inaccurate, longer processes may face

significant waiting times, leading to potential performance issues.

Round Robin:

The Round Robin algorithm is commonly used for CPU scheduling, but it can also be

adapted for memory management. In this method, each process is allocated a fixed amount

of memory (known as a "frame") in a cyclic manner. When a process exceeds its allocated

frame size, it is moved to the back of the queue, and the next process in line gets a turn to

execute. This method ensures fair allocation of memory to all processes, making it suitable

for time-sharing systems. However, it

may lead to memory fragmentation, where small chunks of free memory spaces become

scattered, reducing overall efficiency.

Algorithm Advantages Disadvantages

First In First Out (FIFO) - Simple and easy to - May lead to "Belady's
implement Anomaly" (increasing the
number of frames doesn't
- Ensures all processes get a guarantee reduced page faults)
chance to run
-May suffer from suboptimal
memory utilization

Shortest Remaining Time - Optimizes memory - Requires frequent

(S.R.T) utilization scheduling decisions,
leading to increased
- Faster execution times for overhead
shorter processes
- May lead to starvation of
longer processes, as they
continuously get preempted
by shorter ones

Shortest-Job-First (S.J.F) - Reduces average waiting - Requires accurate

and turnaround time estimation of execution
- Efficient for batch
processing systems - Longer processes may
face significant waiting
times if estimates are

Round Robin - Fairly allocates memory to May lead to memory

all processes. fragmentation

- Suitable for time-sharing - Longer quantum sizes can

systems. lead to increased waiting times

- Prevents any process

from monopolizing CPU

First In First Out (FIFO) - The FIFO algorithm is a process scheduling method where

processes are executed in the order they arrived in the ready queue. In other words, the

process that arrived first will be the first to receive CPU time. FIFO is easy to implement

and ensures that all processes are executed, but it may lead to the phenomenon known as

"priority inversion," where a high-priority process must wait for low-priority processes that

arrived earlier to complete.

Shortest Remaining Time (S.R.T.) - The SRT algorithm is a variant of the Shortest- Job-

First (SJF) algorithm and prioritizes the process with the shortest remaining execution

time. When a new process arrives in the ready queue, its remaining time is compared with

the remaining time of the process currently running. If the new process has a shorter

remaining time, it is given priority and executed. This can result in better CPU utilization

but requires more frequent scheduling and may increase system overhead due to

continuous comparisons.

Shortest-Job-First (S.J.F.) - The SJF algorithm schedules processes based on their estimated

execution time. When a process enters the ready queue, the system

selects the process with the shortest execution time and executes it first. This leads to

lower latency for shorter processes and generally results in a lower

average waiting time for all processes in the queue. However, in situations where longer

processes are waiting for shorter ones, the longer processes may experience excessive

waiting time.

Round Robin (RR) - The Round Robin algorithm is a process scheduling method in which

each process receives a fixed amount of CPU time called a "quantum." If the process has

not finished when its quantum is exhausted, it is moved to the end of the ready queue and

given a new opportunity for execution later. This approach ensures that all processes

receive equal CPU time, making it especially useful in time-sharing systems. However, it

may lead to increased latency due to frequent context switches as processes change rapidly.

Additionally, the performance of the algorithm heavily depends on the chosen quantum


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