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Examen Llengua anglesa per a mestres - Grup 1F - Gener 2022

NAME___________________________________________ FINAL GRADE: 100

1.- When I was a child, I ___________ like vegetables

A don't used to B didn't used to C didn't use to

2.-I'm 29 and he's a bit oñder than me, so he _________ in his thirties now

A must be B may be C can't be

3.-I don’t think I can afford __________ abroad on holiday this year.

A Having gone B To go C going

4.- He _______________ tennis for ten years

A plays B 's playing C 's been playing

5.- I came to Leicester __________ my English

A for improving B to improve C improving

6.- You _____________ send text messages when you're driving. It's against the law.

A don't have to B ought to C mustn't

7.- If I knew the answer, I ______________ you

A 'll tell B tell C 'd tell

8.- A yard is a garden at the back part of the house __________ barbecues are cooked

A Which B Where C that

9.- You do not believe him, ____________?

A don't you? B do you? C will you?

10.- We'll miss the train if we ________________

A don't hurry B won't hurry C didn't hurry

Examen Llengua anglesa per a mestres - Grup 1F - Gener 2022

11.-Viviane Gornick, _________ novels have been translated to several languages, is my favourite writer

A Who B Which C whose

12.- The little girl _________ that she was lost-

A told B said us C told us

13.- Sandra asked me where ____________

A did I work B was I work C I worked

14.- My girlfriend told me ________ her later

A calling B to call C call

15.- David doesn’t _______________ with his mother-in-law.

A Get in B Get on C Get well

16.-I gave up ___________ basketball when I went to university

A playing B to play C play

17.-If you have a headache, you..................... take an aspirin

A Must B Should C Had to

18.- I am so looking forward ____________

A to being on holidays B to be on holidays C being on holidays

19.- Tim really enjoys ________ in a team

A working B to work C work

20.- Could you tell me what time_____________?

A The bus leave B Leaves the bus C The bus leaves

21.-Do you eat ______ sweets?

A many B few C much

Examen Llengua anglesa per a mestres - Grup 1F - Gener 2022

22.- Most people like basketball, but ____ my opinion it's too chaotic.

A From B in C Of

23.- Are you travelling to Paris ____ business or ____ holiday?

A For-on B On-on C Of-by

24.- If you ________ on time, we wouldn't have missed the start of the film

A arrived B 'd arrived C would have arrived

25- The policeman told me _____ drive so fast.

A to B not to C don’t

26.- I'm afraid there's _________ tie left

A no B none C any

27.- ‘I spoke to my boss.’ Tobias said that he _____ to his boss.

A Would speak B Had spoken C Speaks

28.- Are you good at maths?’ Marta _____ if I was good at maths

A Told B Said C asked

29.- I love playing tennis and I ___________ once a week these days.

A Use to play B Used to play C Usually play

30.- When we asked her, Patricia told us that she ______________ a ghost.

A Never saw B Has never seen C Had never seen

31.- If I _____ you, I would look for a better-paid job

A Was B Were C Would be

32.- What _____ you do if you won the competition?

A Will B Would C do

33.- Let me know as soon as Alicia _____.

A Will arrive B Is arriving C arrives

Examen Llengua anglesa per a mestres - Grup 1F - Gener 2022

34.- You won’t get a job in France____________ you speak French

A If you not B whether C unless

35.- We would have got here earlier if we _____ got lost.

A hadn’t B Had C Haven’t

36.- She’ll be really pleased if she _____ the exam.

A Passed B Passes C Will past

37.- They will make you____________ much better!

A feel B To feel C feeling

38.- This is_______________ expensive item we’ve got.

A The least B The less C The fewest

39.- How long ______________ English?

A Are learning B Have you been learning C Do you learn

40. I'm very fond of Susan, _________ I used to share a flat with at university

A who B - C that

Examen Llengua anglesa per a mestres - Grup 1F - Gener 2022


Read the following fragment taken from the TED Talk "Every kid needs a champion" by Rita Pierson and
answer the questions with complete sentences and critical thinking:

(...) James Comer says that no significant learning can occur without a significant
relationship. George Washington Carver says all learning is understanding relationships.
Everyone in this room has been affected by a teacher or an adult. For years, I have
watched people teach. I have looked at the best and I've look at some of the worst.

A colleague said to me one time, "They don't pay me to like the kids. They pay me to
teach a lesson. The kids should learn it. I should teach it. They should learn it. Case

Well, I said to her, "You know, kids don't learn from people they don't like".

She said, "That's just a bunch of hooey".

And I said to her, "Well, your year is going to be long and arduous, dear".

Needless to say it was. Some people think that you can either have it in you to build a
relationship or you don't. I think Stephen Covey had the right idea. He said you ought
to just throw in a few simple things, like seeking first to understand as opposed to
being understood, simple things like apologizing. You ever thought about that? Tell a
kid you're sorry, they're in shock.

(...) I have had classes that were so low, so academically deficient that I cried. I
wondered, how am I going to take this group in nine months from where they are to
where they need to be? And it was difficult. It was awfully hard. How do I raise the
self-esteem of a child and his academic achievement at the same time?

One year I came up with a bright idea. I told all my students, "You were chosen to be
in my class because I am the best teacher and you are the best students, they put us
all together so we could show everybody else how to do it".

Examen Llengua anglesa per a mestres - Grup 1F - Gener 2022

Answer the following questions:

1. Can you explain the sentence "no significant learning can occur without a significant relationship"?

2. Write 4 keywords from the text:

3. How can a teacher encourage students’ to learn?

4. What do you think are important skills to be a kindergarten teacher?

Examen Llengua anglesa per a mestres - Grup 1F - Gener 2022

Task 2. Answer the following questions after reading and analyzing the picture below. Pay attention to the
elements of the VISUAL LITERACY to create meaning out of it. (10 points).

1. What does the picture show? Describe in your own words.

2. What is the message communicated by the words?

3. Who do you think is the target audience of the advertisement?

*target: a particular group at which the advertisement is aimed.

4. Impact. In your opinion, is this advertisement effective? Why or why not?

Examen Llengua anglesa per a mestres - Grup 1F - Gener 2022


You can choose whether option A or option B.

Your answers will be marked using the following criteria. 1) Quality of content and critical thinking. 2) Factual
correctness. 3) Coherent structure. 4) Use of English. (100 words).

Option A - Descriptions

Have a look at this picture by @CelesteBarber named "Holidays can be rough". Describe it and write about
its message.

Examen Llengua anglesa per a mestres - Grup 1F - Gener 2022

Option B - Digital Detox

Write your opinion about pros and cons of going on a digital detox

Examen Llengua anglesa per a mestres - Grup 1F - Gener 2022


A) You are going to listen to a story about bad customer service. First, listen to six extracts and
complete the gaps with the verbs in the list.

claim - complained - contacted - dropped - offered - produced - reported - throwing

1. My God! They're ______________ guitars out there!

2. They immediately _____________ to United Airlines.

3. For nine months, he tried to _____________ compensation.

4. Dave wrote a song about his experience, and _______________ a video to go with it.

5. United Airlines ____________ Dave and _______________ him a payment

6. The BBC _______________ that the United Airlines' share price had _______________ by 10%

Now listen to the whole story and answer the questions:

1. Why did Dave Carroll write a song?

2. Why did it have such a dramatic effect?


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