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The lecuture explains the effectiveness and perks of team work, it displays benefits, positive
things, how this enhances efficiency on new projects and the great results you can get from it, also
it shows how teamwork helps the personal and proffesional growth, this also help participants on
a team to feel rewarded when expressing new ideas and how these are taken into consideration
by others leading to the success of the team on certain scenarios and projects.

even tough the lecture shows and explains the reason why working as a team is a good idea, there
are some points that are not being taken in to consideration as disadvantages of working with a
group of people to reach a goal.

Some of the important things heard in the reading passage specifies why sometimes working is in
a team is not that good, it could lead to team dissatisfaction when not agreeing to a bad idea
brought by a team mate and also general blame when not having good results in a project, aside
that some people work harder than oher but at the end they are recognized equally , this affects
the moral of the overachievers and increases the laziness of the people not actively participating in
the execution of projects. bottom line working in a team has pro, and cons and the lecture was
partialized with only pros , but the reality of the reading had some loopholes in execution a bit

Hi, i strongly agree with you girls, definively having good habits entail some sacrifices i say this because
some of the good things might not be that pleasent to do but can help you to be where you want to be in
long term, for example doing excersise is one of the positive things that you can do to live longer and
healthier but is actually not well accepted by an important porcetange of people , however if you want to
have a long live, withou illness and expanded youth the sacrife of working out often adds up to such
target, without this, and being driven just but attitude and keeping yourself within the comfort zone wont
help you get great goals

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