Set of Activities The Way Up TP Heaven

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Literature: The Way Up to Heaven by Roald Dahl

Reading Comprehension:

1. Why is Mrs Foster upset with her husband at the beginning of the story?

2. List five ways in which Mr Foster delays his wife on her two journeys to the airport.

3. What do you think Mrs Foster hears as she stands at the front door just before leaving
for the airport the second time? What do you think has happened to Mr Foster?

4. What crucial decision does Mrs Foster finally make? How does she feel at the end of
the story?

Speaking: Discussion Points

1. Was Mrs Foster right to want to live in Paris? Should husbands and wives always go
away together?

2. Do you sympathise or not with Mrs Foster? Do you think she should go to prison? Do
you understand why she let her husband die?

3. Is the ending to the story predictable or unpredictable? Give reasons.

4. One of the central themes that can be identified in the story is control. Considering
that the story was published in 1954, how is the idea of control reflected in Mrs and Mr
Foster’s relationship?


1. Write a short letter (100 words) from Mrs Foster to her daughter in Paris. Describe
what happened when she returned home and describe her plans for the future.

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