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6/4/24, 12:52 PM Theatre (5641) | Score Summary

Theatre (5641) | Score Summary

Score Summary
This screen provides a list containing the number of questions you answered correctly and
incorrectly, as well as the number of questions you did not answer. A table containing an
overview of your performance by Content Category follows the list.

If you wish to keep a record of your results, you must print your Score Summary before you
exit. You may also save a local copy of your Score Summary using your browser’s “Save”
feature, typically found in the “File” menu. If needed, consult the help function of your
specific browser for further details. The practice test does not electronically save your scores.
Once you exit the practice test, you can no longer access your scores.

Note: Essay questions are not tabulated.

To return to the Review (Scored) screen, which allows you to review individual questions,
select the Review button.

 Correct answers: 77

 Incorrect answers: 43

 Unanswered questions: 0

Performance by Content Category # of Questions # Correct

I. Curriculum, Instruction, and Classroom Practices 35 17

II. Creating and Performing 34 24

III. Production 30 22

IV. History, Literature, and Criticism 21 14 1/1

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