Regular and Irregular Superlatives

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21/5/24, 17:21 FULP (Fundación Canaria Universitaria de Las Palmas)

Regular and irregular superlatives

The superlative form of an adjective is used to compare a member of a group with others of
the same group. It expresses the highest form of the adjective. In most cases, it is used in
conjunction with the definite article "The".

One-syllable adjectives

The superlative form of most one-syllable adjectives can be formed by adding the suffix "est":

adjective comparative superlative

old older oldest
tall taller tallest
slow slower slowest

He is the tallest man in the world.

If the adjective ends in "consonant + vowel + consonant", we usually double the last

adjective comparative superlative

hot hotter hottest
big bigger biggest
thin thinner thinnest

Summer is the hottest season.

If the adjective ends in "e", we just add "st":

adjective comparative superlative

nice nicer nicest
late later latest
wide wider widest

The Amazon is the widest river in the world.

There are also irregular adjectives:

adjective comparative superlative

good better best
bad worse worst
far father/further farthest/furthest

This is the best ice cream I've ever had.

Two-syllable adjectives

If the adjective has two syllables and ends in “y”, we replace it with "iest".

adjective comparative superlative

happy happier happiest
heavy heavier heaviest
early earlier earliest 1/2
21/5/24, 17:21 FULP (Fundación Canaria Universitaria de Las Palmas)

That box is the heaviest.

For adjectives of two or more syllables, we use "most + adjective".

adjective comparative superlative

difficult more difficult most difficult
dangerous more dangerous most dangerous
boring more boring most boring

Horse riding is one of the most dangerous sports in the world.

The superlative form of some two-syllable adjectives is made in the same way as we make the
superlative for one-syllable adjectives.

He's the cleverest person I know. (Preferred form)

He's the most clever person I know. (Acceptable, however less frequent)


Until now we have seen the superlative of superiority, but there is also a superlative
of inferiority.

This construction is made by using:

least + adjective

We do not need to distinguish between long and short adjectives in this case and it is an
alternative to the superlative of superiority. We can say:

She is the least tall person in the class.

Note that this usage can sometimes sound unnatural. Often, an alternate adjective or a
negative verb construction is used to restructure the sentence:

She is the shortest person in the class.

She is not as tall as the other people in her class. 2/2

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