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Dying: Turn Order: 1 2 3 4 Dice Cache

Evolution: MS:
Culture: Equi pped
A rmor : AF:

Primacy: Max: Favored Manifestations:

Body Mind

Element Tech

Lore Mystery
Silence Song Name

Possessions: Total Trade Value:

Personal History:




Player Reference
Die Results Common Manifestations
High Outcome failure;
1 Body Enhance Body, Self-Heal
Failure Reprisal Check
2 or 3 Outcome failure Confusion, Fear, Flight, Illusion, Mental
Standard Mind Attack, Mind Reading, Mind Shield,
4 Outcome success Stun, Telekinesis, Telepathy
Standard Outcome failure; Calm, Charm, Confuse, Deafen, Healing
Double 1s
Miss Reprisal Check Song Song, Sleep, Sonic Attack
Double 2s Standard Outcome failure;
or 3s Miss Recovery Option Enhanced Vision, Hide, Hush, Mute,
High Outcome success, Restorative Rest, Silent Trap
Double 4s
Success Additional effect
Recovery Options: Accuse, All Sight, Deceptive
• Heal 1 IS Notion, Find Object, Know Object
• Remove 1 status effect
• Recover 1 PS • Gain 1 AF (Max: 4) Dimensional Doorway, Energy Attack,
Mystery Energy Shield, Invisibility, Scrying,
Standard Action: Basic actions that do not Summon, Teleport, Void Heal
require any manifestation energy.
Affect Air, Affect Earth, Affect
Manifestation Action: Any action requiring the Element Electricity, Affect Fire, Affect Light,
character to manifest as a necessary part of the Affect Water
Ammunition, Construction, Enhance
Assist: Once per turn, after the current player’s Tech
Item, Repair Item, Temporary Item
roll, a second player may roll one die to affect the
result. Rolling a 1 causes the assisting player to
lose 1 PS, or 1 IS if the current PS is 0.
Expanded Inventory
Item Rarity Value Item Rarity Value

Design Rarity Value Design Rarity Value

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