ACTIVITY 15 Advanced English II

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Student Name: Enrollment:

Abigali Guadalupe Hernández Nava 2850055
Paola del Carmen Hernández Vasconcelos 2851251
Emmanuel Eliseo Castillo Mondragón 2742183
Name of the curse: Professor:
Advanced English II Alicia Manrique García
Module: Activity:
Module 3. Succeeding at work and Activity 15
social situations
Date: 24 May 2021
Hedges, K. (2013). Are you assertive enough? Take this quiz to find out. May
24, 2021, de Forbes Sitio web:
Powell, M. (2014). In company 3.0. Intermediate Student’s Book. Thailand:
Macmillan Press. ISBN: 9780230455238
To purchase your book, we recommend you visit:

Instructions and results:

Practice Activities
a. Read the article and answer the following questions:
Garin (2013, June 27th) Is Your Language Aggressive, Passive or
Assertive Retrieved
La pagina no esta disponible por el momento.

1. According to the article, summarize the major differences

between passive, aggressive and assertive.
2. What type of communication style do most bullies have?
3. What type of communication style to shy people frequently have?
4. What type of communication frequently uses accusations?
5. Explain why it’s important to use factual descriptions. Give an
example of a “bad” description; then modify it to make it factual.

To Practice More
Team activity per competence
The following activities can be adapted to perform them outside the
classroom (for online students). If you prefer, you can practice with a
friend or family member near you.
a. Read Are You Assertive Enough? Take This Quiz to Find Out at
Hedge, K. (2013, November 5th). Are Your Assertive Enough? Retrieved
Write a one sentence response for each of the eight questions.

Question 1: Do you speak up early in meetings?

No, I typically feel too nervous to speak up. Sometimes, even when I have a
good idea, I wait until the meeting is over and then tell it to the presenter in
private because I’m scared other people won’t like it or that they’ll think I talk
too much for someone who is new to the company.

1. Question 1: Do you speak up early in meetings?

R= No, I often feel very nervous when speaking in public and in meetings as I
cannot express myself effectively. I also consider myself a perfectionist and by
not doing things well and being nervous I can lose control in the presentations.

2. Question 2: Can you get to the point quickly?

R= No, I always explain down to the smallest detail. I consider that taking into
account each of these is vitally important to publicize everything, only that it is
tedious because sometimes there is not enough time to explain it completely.

3. Question 3: Do you use declarative language?

R= Sometimes if I apply that language, when I am really sure of what I am
saying, but sometimes not, if I resort to "I believe" since I am not so sure of
what I am saying.

4. Question 4: Are you able to stand firm?

R= No, I consider myself a very nervous person, I always make movements
with my hands, I never have direct contact with the eyes of others and my voice
usually shakes when I am commenting or saying something.

5. Question 5: Do you feel like you can ask for what you need?
R= I'm a little insecure person and sometimes I get nervous about not doing
things right or trying to do everything at the same time and not finishing or
reaching the goals. What I do know is that I always look for a way to do things
and adapt to changes.

6. Question 6: Do you usually say no?

R= Yes and I consider that it is not wrong to say "no", since we cannot commit
ourselves to doing things when we do not have the time or the desire. We must
always think about our organization to be able to do everything and meet the

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