ACTIVITY 3 Advanced English II 2

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Student Name: Enrollment:

Abigali Guadalupe Hernández Nava 2850055
Paola del Carmen Hernández Vasconcelos 2851251
Emmanuel Eliseo Castillo Mondragón 2742183
Name of the curse: Professor:
Advanced English II Alicia Manrique García
Module: Activity:
Module 1. Getting started on the Activity 3
business world
Date: 20 February 2021
Powell, M. (2014). In company 3.0. Intermediate Student’s Book. Thailand:
Macmillan Press. ISBN: 9780230455238
To purchase your book, we recommend you visit:

Instructions and results:

Practice Activities
a. Write a two-paragraph essay (approximately 200 words) expressing your
current likes and dislikes at work or school. The chart in lesson 3.1
contains eight different ways to express like and dislike. Use all eight in
your paragraphs. Please note that the purpose of this activity is to
practice how to correctly combine like/dislike expressions with verbs, not
nouns. Therefore, sentences like “I can’t stand my boss” do not count
towards the eight expressions you must include. Instead you could write,
“I can’t stand working with my boss.”

At my school, I like to be able to interact with my classmates after class, since

we organized ourselves to go out to eat or hang out and talk a little about how
our day had gone. I also like to be able to study in a more free way and to be
able to do my homework well before their due date, advancing and
accommodating my times, to have more free time in my week. But what I like
the most about my university is its environment, it is healthy, it includes
everyone and it motivates us to propose a goal or life plan.

In my work, I don't like having to be in a hurry, since everything has to be fast

and you have to be very aware of everything that happens, customers, sales,
calls, car entries and exits, it is a bit tiring , but the process of each thing is

interesting and satisfying to fulfill it. I like being able to interact with the workers
in a respectful but pleasant way, a healthy and productive environment is
created at the same time, since we can all help each other and meet daily
To Practice More
a. Imagine that you are a candidate for a university foreign exchange
program that includes a homestay with an English speaking family. The
program coordinator carefully matches students and families based upon
their likes and dislikes. Create a 3-4 minute audio recording introducing
yourself, and your most significant likes and dislikes. Focus on the types
of likes and dislikes that relate to living with other people, as well as
spending time with them outside of the home, your hobbies, whether you
like pets, if you like to be physically active, etc.
Submit the audio recording to your instructor.

Read the following article and answer the questions in complete sentences.

The Gift of Travel

My name is Michael, I’m 29-years-old, unmarried, and I don’t have children.
When I was growing up, we didn’t have a lot of money. I worked very hard in
high school and received a scholarship to a prestigious tech university that was
close to home. When I was 22-year-old, I graduated with a degree in software
engineering and got hired as a junior software developer at MedTech Solutions,
Inc. That was also the year I took my first trip in an airplane.
I flew with my boss, Karen who is 59-year-old, and her assistant, Tom, who is
thirty-six. We traveled from Milwaukee, Wisconsin to London. I couldn’t believe
I was leaving the country! Karen and Tom, who have been flying all their lives,
dread travelling for business. They complain that the schedule is grueling, the
jetlag is awful, the airplane food is terrible, and the meetings are boring. It’s
also hard for them because they both have children and don’t like being away
from their families.
My take on business travel is completely different. Business travel isn’t
necessarily luxurious, but it is still an opportunity that few people have—
especially when it takes you to international destinations. On our London trip,
while Karen and Tom talked about going directly to the hotel to take a nap
before our first appointment, I dropped off my things and took a cab to
Westminster to get a photo in front of Big Ben. When else would I have

chance? I updated Facebook and Instagram constantly on that trip so my mom

and dad, who were so proud, could see how the trip was going.
Later that year, we also traveled to China. I studied Mandarin and Chinese
culture for in college. The language is extremely difficult, but our Chinese
partners were so impressed when I offered an introduction in Chinese for our
software presentation. I made a few mistakes, but they still applauded when I
finished. They told me that no other Americans from my firm speaks Mandarin.
Karen and Tom don’t even know how to say “Nice to meet you,” and they’ve
been travelling to China for over seven years. The president of our Asian
Markets branch sent an e-mail to our CEO to congratulate me on my
presentation. The visibility I gained on our China trip helped me get a small
promotion later that year. Karen and Tom didn’t enjoy the trip as much as I did,
nor did they get much positive feedback.
The final trip I took that year was to Argentina, where I trained doctors and
nurses on a new hospital records keeping software. I don’t speak any Spanish,
but I wanted to make sure I had a few light topics to discuss with my audience
to make the presentation friendlier. I decided to research some famous
Argentine soccer players. As an ice breaker, I told the doctors and nurses and
that I’m a fan of Lionel Messi. Then we had a fun little discussion about what
people’s favorite teams were and whose was better, etc. Karen and Tom didn’t
do much research on Argentina, and stood in the corner silently.
That was seven years ago. Since then, I’ve visited over 28 foreign countries,
completed my MBA, and learned a lot more Spanish. I’m no longer a junior
software developer. Today, I am MedTech, Inc’s Chief of International
Operations. To be honest, business travel isn’t quite as exciting as it was five
years ago, but I still see each trip I take as an opportunity to represent my
organization, make new connections, and visit places I could never dreamed of
visiting when I was just a child.
1. What are some reasons why business travel is easier for Michael than
Karen and Tom?

R= Because Karen and Tom don’t like airplane food. Also, because they don’t
like to be away from their families.

2. How is Michael’s attitude toward business travel different than Karen and

R= It is very different. Michael prepares his business travels according to the

country he is visiting. Karen and Tom just travel.

3. Why does Michael stand out when he travels internationally?

R= Because he researches about the countries he visits.


4. What could Karen and Tom do to improve their performance when they

R= Read about the culture of the people they are visiting.

5. How has Michael benefited from all his traveling?

R= Very much. He got promoted at his job.

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