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(AC-S12) Week 12 - Homework: Homework - My Favorite Technological Device


Flores Medina, Valvina Geronima. Guevara Ortiz, Luis Angel.


Holanda Torres, Solange Huaman Cueto,Yasmin Katheryn.

Jashury Lineia U19301741

S: Hello yasmin, what is your favorite device?

Y: Hello Solange, My favorite technological device is the cell phone, that's why I
use it every day. I like it because I can communicate through it, in addition to
obtaining information and viewing various content. The cell phone is very easy to
transport, it is light and small. And yours, what is your favorite technological

S: Wow, that's interesting. My favorite technological device is the tablet. There are
three tablets in my house, one is in my sister's room and the other is in my twin
brothers' room. But they are different. My tablet is modern, small and easy to use.
That's my sister's tablet because her tablet is big and old. The tablet is important to
me because it makes it easier for me to hand in university work.

Y: And you guys Valvina and Luis tell us what is your favorite device? Why is it
important to you?

V: My favorite technological device is my smartphone. It is the most useful and

practical device I have. It is important to me because it allows me to be connected
to the world around me.

S: how beautiful Valvina. What are the characteristics of your smartphone?

V: My smartphone is the most modern and efficient. It has a large screen, an

excellent camera and a long-lasting battery. It is also very portable and convenient
to use.

Y: and you Luis tell us

L: My favorite laptop device…….

V: oh I see we all have our favorite devices and they are very cool devices!

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