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Date (dd/mm/ccyy) 0 6 0 9 2 0 2 1

Dear Sir/Madam

Confirmation of Banking Details

We have pleasure in confirming that MR ND MGOBHOZI has been an Absa client since 11 March 2016.

Accountholder name ND MGOBHOZI

Absa account number 4 0 8 8 8 4 2 3 1 3

Account type Current

Branch code 632005

• This report does not confirm funds or the conduct of the account in any way.
• This information is to be treated in the strictest of confidence and may only be used in the context which it is given.
• This report is a confirmation of the correctness of information supplied by (“the Client”) dependent on the information contained by the
Bank’s system at the time that the request is submitted to the Bank.
• This report is given in confidence and on request of our client.
Absa Bank and/or its employees shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage or liability which may arise directly or
indirectly from the provision of this letter of confirmation.

Yours sincerely

General Manager: Digital Channels Reg no 1986/004794/06

General Enquiries
08600 08600

This document is intended for use by the addressee and is privileged and confidential. If the transmission has been misdirected to you, please
contact us immediately.

Absa Bank Limited Reg No 1986/004794/06 Absa 5187 EX (29/03/2019)

Authorised Financial Services Provider Registered Credit Provider Reg No NCRCP7

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