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My Pathway, Career Exploration

I am enrolled in a course at the University of Northern British Columbia, which will, in

the end, get me a Bachelor of Science with a major in forest ecology and management and a
minor in natural resource management. My long-term goal is to work a good forestry job, but
for the sake of this assignment, I’ll focus on becoming a forester or forest manager, which is
one of the options I tend to lean toward. Being a forester has many responsibilities attached
to the job, including forest assessments, leading timber harvesting projects, figuring out
ways to suppress forest fires, assessing environmental impacts, and monitoring forest uses.

I believe I’m well suited for the job because of my deep love for the forest, hope for
an active lifestyle outdoors, and interest in business. I want to balance the beauty and safety
of the forest with the booming timber business that British Columbia’s economy is so reliant
on. Working this job would allow me to have a reliable, well paying job and have fulfilling
work days.

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