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Soal:1) .... I right?

A: Is
B: Am
C: Are
D: They
Kunci: B

Soal:2) He is .... Las Vegas.

A: Go
B: After
C: From
D: Before
Kunci: C

Soal:3) I'm very thirsty. I need ... of water.

A: A bottle of
B: A piece of
C: A bowl of
D: A plate of
Kunci: A

Soal:4) I have a lot of....

A: Monies
B: Money
C: Moneys
D: A money
Kunci: B

Soal:5) Mrs Dina always ... to her school.

A. Drives her car

B. Is Driving her car
C. Driving her car
D. Drive her car


Soal:6) Mona : Lucy, may I borrow your pencil because mine is broken.
Lucy : Sure. Here it is.
Mona : ……………….., Lucy
Lucy : you’re welcome
A: I’m so sorry
B: Thank you
C: Good bye
D: See you later
Kunci: B

Soal:7) It’s 7 pm. You are studying and your father comes from working. He greets you then what
would you say?
A: Good evening
B: Good afternoon
C: Good morning
D: Good night
Kunci: A

Soal:8) Andi : Hi AzkA: How is your feeling?

Azka : ………………… I have headache since this afternoon.
Andi : Have you eaten medicine? You should take a rest, Azka.
Azka : Yeah, Andi. I want to sleep now
A: Take care
B: I’m fine
C: It’s OK
D: I’m not feeling well
Kunci: D

Soal:9) Arrange the sentences to form a sequential dialog.

(1) Karin: Good night and thank you, mom
(2) Mom: it is 09.00 p.m. You should go to sleep now
(3) Karin: Yes, Mom
(4) Mom: Are you still studying, dear?
(5) Karin: All right, Mom
(6) Mom: Good night and sweet dreams, dear
A: 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 1
B: 2 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 6 – 1
C: 4 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 6 – 1
D: 4 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 6 – 1
Kunci: C

Soal:10) Nindy: Samsu, I would like to introduce Rintan to you. She is my cousin. Rintan, this is
Samsu. He is my classmate.
Rintan: How do you do?
Samsu: (10)……….. Pleased to meet you
Rintan: Pleased to meet you too, Samsu.
The correct answer for the dialogue is….?
A: How do you do
B: I am feeling well
C: Very well, thanks
D: See you tomorrow
Kunci: A

Soal:11) The dialog is for number 11 and 12

Bella : Laura, could you do me a favour, please?
Laura : Sure. What is it?
Bella : Can you give me a ride to school tomorrow?
Laura : All right. I will fetch you at 06.30 am
Bella : Thank you so much, Laura
Laura : Don’t mention it

What should Laura do?

A: Deliver Bella’s bike to school
B: Give a ride to Bella to school
C: Go to school together
D: Tell to the teacher that Bella will be absent
Kunci: B
Soal:12) The dialog is for number 11 and 12
Bella : Laura, could you do me a favour, please?
Laura : Sure. What is it?
Bella : Can you give me a ride to school tomorrow?
Laura : All right. I will fetch you at 06.30 am
Bella : Thank you so much, Laura
Laura : Don’t mention it

Can Laura give a ride to Bella?

A: No, She can’t
B: Yes, she is
C: Yes, she can
D: No, she can’t
Kunci: C

Soal:13) The dialog is for number 13 to 15

Brandon : Johan, can you give me a ride to my home later after school?
Johan : I’m sorry, Brandon I can’t because I have to go home directly. My mom has waited for
me, we will go to my grandma’s house.
Brandon : It’s alright, Johan

Where does the dialog take place?

A: at Johan’s house
B: at Brandon’s house
C: at Johan grandma’s house
D: at school
Kunci: D

Soal:14) The dialog is for number 13 to 15

Brandon : Johan, can you give me a ride to my home later after school?
Johan : I’m sorry, Brandon I can’t because I have to go home directly. My mom has waited for
me, we will go to my grandma’s house.
Brandon : It’s alright, Johan
Why can’t Johan give a ride to Brandon?
A: Because his mom has waited for him to go to his grandma’s house
B: His grandma is not feeling well
C: Brandon can’t ride a bike
D: They aren’t classmate
Kunci: A

Soal:15) The dialog is for number 13 to 15

Brandon : Johan, can you give me a ride to my home later after school?
Johan : I’m sorry, Brandon I can’t because I have to go home directly. My mom has waited for
me, we will go to my grandma’s house.
Brandon : It’s alright, Johan

Brandon says: “I’m sorry. I can’t….” The sentence expresses

A: Thanking
B: Apologizing
C: Greeting
D: Take leave
Kunci: B
Soal:16) The text is for number 16 to 17
Hello, my name is Azka Nirwasita
I am thirteen years old
I live ………. Jalan Nangka number 7A, Denpasar.
What is the correct preposition for completing the dialog above?
A: on
B: in
C: at
D: to
Kunci: C

Soal:17) The text is for number 16 to 17

Hello, my name is Azka Nirwasita
I am thirteen years old
I live ………. Jalan Nangka number 7A, Denpasar.
How old is Azka Nirwasita?
A: twelve years old
B: ten years old
C: thirteen years old
D: fifteen years old
Kunci: C

Soal:18) Sheila : Kimi, please meet my friend, Adelia. Adelia, this is Kimi
Kimi : Hi, Adelia. Nice to meet you
Adelia : …………………
A: Hi, Kimi how are you
B: Hi, Kimi nice to meet you too
C: Hi, Kimi I’m fine thank you
D: Hi, Kimi I’m very glad to meet you
Kunci: B

Soal:19) Jonathan : Hi, I’m Jonathan. What’s your name?

Bruno : Hi, I’m Bruno.
Jonathan : ………………, Bruno?
Bruno : I study at SMP Saraswati 1 Denpasar
A: where do you live?
B: what is your hobby?
C: how many brothers and sisters do you have?
D: where do you study?
Kunci: D
Soal:20) Anna runs in to the wood
The interrogative form of this sentence is …...
A: Anna didn’t run into the woods?
B: Does Anna run into the woods?
C: Did Anna run into the woods?
D: Do Anna runs into the woods?
Kunci: B

Soal:21) My mother goes to the market Every day. She will make a cake. She……. eggs, flour and
The correct answer to fill the blank is……
A: Buys
B: Buy
C: Buying
D: Bought
Kunci: A

Soal:22) Joni and Vico are students

The negative (-) form of this sentence is …...
A: Joni and Vico do not students?
B: Joni and Vico is not a students
C: they are not students
D: Joni and Vico are not students
Kunci: D

Soal:23) Mom is a doctor. … works in a hospital.

A: You
B: They
C: She
D: It
Kunci: C

Soal:24) … just left ten minutes ago.

A: He
B: His
C: Him
D: Me
Kunci: A

Soal:25) My brother told me not to enter …… room when he wasn’t at home.

A: He
B: His
C: Him
D: Me
Kunci: B

Soal:26) I have a city car. The car is …

A: Mine
B: His
C: Yours
D: Hers
Kunci: A

Soal:27) I get many emails. I can’t read…all.

A: They
B: Them
C: Theirs
D: Their
Kunci: B

Soal:28) I need help to finish ___ work. I am so busy these days. I am not feeling well now.
A: my
B: me
C: their
D: mine
Kunci: A
Soal:29) They ate many foods at my birthday party. I feel happy that ___ like what I cooked.
A: them
B: they
C: me
D: I
Kunci: B

Soal:30) What’s wrong with ___? You look pale. Are you sick?
A: she
B: her
C: his
D: you
Kunci: D

Soal:31) Anita ….. two cats in her house.

A: Have
B: Has
C: Had
D: Have been
Kunci: B

Soal:32) ………… an apple on the table

A: There are
B: Like
C: There is
D: Likes
Kunci: C

Soal:33) ……………. Twenty chairs in our class

A: Like
B: Have
C: There is
D: There are
Kunci: D

Soal:34) Anna ………. Dancing. She dances everyday

A: There is
B: Likes
C: Like
D: Have
Kunci: B
Soal:35) They ………. to play mobile legend with their friends.
A: Liked
B: Likes
C: Like
D: Has
Kunci: C

Soal:36) Complete the dialog below with the suitable expression!

Shakila : (1)..... dr. Ryan?
dr. Ryan : Morning, Shakila.
Shakila : How is your life, dr. Ryan?
dr. Ryan : (2)... , thank you. And you?
Shakila : I'm fine, too.
dr. Ryan : Good. Just keep your health.
Shakila : Okay. You, too. Thanks
A: (1) Good day; (2) thanks
B: (1) Good evening; (2) I'm not good
C: (1) Good morning; (2) I'm great
D: (1) Good afternoon; (2) Yes
Kunci: C

Soal:37) The best expression to complete the dialogue below is...

Messi : Dad, may I accompany mother going to market
Father : Sure. But you have to wear your mask
Messi : Okay, Dad. ......
Father : You're welcome
A: Good bye
B: I'm sorry
C: See you
D: Thanks

Kunci: D

Soal:38) Arrange the following sentences into a good dialog.

(1). Very well, Ma'am. What about you?
(2). Morning, Sekar. How are you doing?
(3). Good morning, Ma'am.
(4). I'm fine. Thank you.

A: 3 - 2 - 4 - 1
B: 3 - 4 - 1 - 2
C: 3 - 2 - 1 - 4
D: 3 - 4 - 2 - 1
Kunci: C

Soal:39) The text is for number 39 to 41

Hi, my name is Andi Satyam
I am thirteen years old
I live at Jalan Wr. Supratman number 39 Griya Candra Mas Bali
I study at SMP 1 Saraswati Denpasar
I like playing soccer and swimming
My favourite colours are red and blue
My favourite foods are fried rice and Soto

Does Andi study at SMP 1 Saraswati Denpasar?

A: No, he doesn’t
B: Yes, he does
C: No, he isn’t
D: Yes, he is
Kunci: B

Soal:40) Hi, my name is Andi Satyam

I am thirteen years old
I live at Jalan Wr. Supratman number 39 Griya Candra Mas Bali
I study at SMP 1 Saraswati Denpasar
I like playing soccer and swimming
My favourite colours are red and blue
My favourite foods are fried rice and Soto

What are Andi hobbies?

A: playing badminton and basketball
B: diving and drawing
C: riding a bicycle and playing chess
D: playing soccer and swimming
Kunci: D

Soal:41) Hi, my name is Andi Satyam

I am thirteen years old
I live at Jalan Wr. Supratman number 39 Griya Candra Mas Bali
I study at SMP 1 Saraswati Denpasar
I like playing soccer and swimming
My favourite colours are red and blue
My favourite foods are fried rice and Soto

What are Andi’s favourite colors?

A: Blue and Red
B: Red and Purple
C: Blue and Yellow
D: Red and Yellow
Kunci: A

Soal:42) Please translate this sentence below

Saya tidak makan ayam goreng setiap hari
A: I does not eat fried chicken everyday
B: I eat fried chicken everyday
C: I do not eat fried chicken everyday
D: Do you eat fried chicken every day?
Kunci: C

Soal:43) This text below is for the questions number (43– 45)
My Favourite Animal
My favourite animal is rabbit. Rabbit has two long ears. Its eyes are big and black, but when it is
dark its eyes are red. It has two long teeth. Its nose is small and soft pink.
Its tail is soft, round and small like a cotton ball. Its legs are small. It doesn’t walk, it jumps. It is
vegetarian and its favourite foods are carrots. Rabbits are very cute.

How many ears does the rabbit have?

A: Two ears
B: Four ears
C: Three ears
D: Five ears
Kunci: A
Soal:44) This text below is for the questions number (43– 45)
My Favourite Animal
My favourite animal is rabbit. Rabbit has two long ears. Its eyes are big and black, but when it is
dark its eyes are red. It has two long teeth. Its nose is small and soft pink.
Its tail is soft, round and small like a cotton ball. Its legs are small. It doesn’t walk, it jumps. It is
vegetarian and its favourite foods are carrots. Rabbits are very cute.

Does it have short teeth?

A: Yes, it does
B: Yes, it does not
C: No, it does
D: No, it does not
Kunci: D

Soal:45) This text below is for the questions number (43– 45)
My Favourite Animal
My favourite animal is rabbit. Rabbit has two long ears. Its eyes are big and black, but when it is
dark its eyes are red. It has two long teeth. Its nose is small and soft pink.
Its tail is soft, round and small like a cotton ball. Its legs are small. It doesn’t walk, it jumps. It is
vegetarian and its favourite foods are carrots. Rabbits are very cute.

What is the title of the text?

A: Rabbits are very cute
B: My Favourite Animal
C: My Animal
D: Rabbit
Kunci: B

Soal:46) Read the text to answer questions 46—50.

I am Kenny. I study at SMP 1 Saraswati Denpasar and I am first grade now. I go to school on foot. I
wear a uniform to school. I wear a white shirt and a pair of blue shorts. I also wear a badge from my
school. I like to wear a T-shirt and a pair of shorts at home. I like to wear slippers, too.

What does Kenny wear to school?

He wears………….. to school.
A: a uniform
B: slippers
C: a T-shirt
D: sandals
Kunci: A

Soal:47) Read the text to answer questions 46—50.

I am Kenny. I study at SMP 1 Saraswati Denpasar and I am first grade now. I go to school on foot. I
wear a uniform to school. I wear a white shirt and a pair of blue shorts. I also wear a badge from my
school. I like to wear a T-shirt and a pair of shorts at home. I like to wear slippers, too.

What does Kenny like to wear at home?

He likes to wear T-shirt, a pair of shorts
and ………….
A: shoes
B: slippers
C: a hat
D: a tie
Kunci: B
Soal:48) Read the text to answer questions 46—50.
I am Kenny. I study at SMP 1 Saraswati Denpasar and I am first grade now. I go to school on foot. I
wear a uniform to school. I wear a white shirt and a pair of blue shorts. I also wear a badge from my
school. I like to wear a T-shirt and a pair of shorts at home. I like to wear slippers, too.

Where does Kenny Study?

A: SMA 1 Saraswati
B: SMP 1 Saraswati
C: Saraswati University
D: Hospital
Kunci: B

Soal:49) Read the text to answer questions 46—50.

I am Kenny. I study at SMP 1 Saraswati Denpasar and I am first grade now. I go to school on foot. I
wear a uniform to school. I wear a white shirt and a pair of blue shorts. I also wear a badge from my
school. I like to wear a T-shirt and a pair of shorts at home. I like to wear slippers, too.

Why does Kenny wear a badge?

A: To look smart
B: To be heat and tidy
C: To show which school he is studying in
D: To seem cute
Kunci: C

Soal:50) Read the text to answer questions 46—50.

I am Kenny. I study at SMP 1 Saraswati Denpasar and I am first grade now. I go to school on foot. I
wear a uniform to school. I wear a white shirt and a pair of blue shorts. I also wear a badge from my
school. I like to wear a T-shirt and a pair of shorts at home. I like to wear slippers, too.
Kenny goes to school …………….
A: by bus
B: by bicycle
C: by motorcycle
D: on foot
Kunci: D

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