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The generation gap is a difference of opinions and outlooks between one generation and
another. We all can see it talking with people younger or older than us. And it is important in
many aspects of our life.

First of all, talking with somebody who was born in another generation we can highlight
differences such as expressions, pronunciation or facial expressions. For example in Spain
there are many expressions as me las piro vampiro or hola caracola that are typical of
people from 90s.
Nowadays it is more visible because of social media, teens usually shorten words and we
use many specific expressions to save time.

About social and political views there are many differences in perspectives because the
generations haven’t got the same preoccupation. As a consequence we will follow different
political parties than our parents or grandparents.
Also, the world has advanced a lot in the last few years with topics like inclusion, activism or
diversity, so it is easier to have a more open mind than our past generations.

Science has advanced so much recently, so we can appreciate the long distance between
the last generations and us in this aspect. For example, we spend more time on the phone,
we watch other types of entertaining shows….
In addition our jobs will be more related to that than theirs, there are new careers such as AI
or informatic very quoted.

To sum up, we all live with the generation gap although we don't think about it. You only
need to see your parents or grandparents and you will probably appreciate many differences
in a lot of aspects of your life.
Generation gap has always existed and it will continue no matter how much time passes.

Nowadays it is well known that science and technology are pillars of our life. It has advanced
by leaps and bounds and now we can’t imagine our life without it.

There have been many technological inventions and scientific discoveries such as genome
editing that lend us to change some parts of our DNA to solve some diseases.
Another case is the AI that can answer many things easily and fast, it can also create poems
or photos.
It's necessary to highlight our advances with the brain. It has always been a stranger but with
the latest studies we have increased our knowledge a lot.

There are many important aspects to consider when we talk about science and technology.

First of all we all want to find out new advances and to have technological innovations but
we always need to put priority on ourselves. That's why AI or genetic engineering must be
regulated by some rules.

Additionally it is indispensable to have the world helping. As more people are implicated on a
project it will advance faster. We have seen it with the Covid-19, we could have the vaccine
in a record time because all the world was investigating and working on that.

Last but not least it is very important to educate people, specially children in science and
technology because they will be the new generation and they need to have the main
information to develop new aspects and to be better scientists.

Science and technology has helped us to be better humans and we should continue on the
same line. It has many benefits and it is the only solution to environmental challenges,
develop sustainable practices, and mitigate the impact of climate change. Consequently we
must continue keeping attention on that.

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