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Film poster Ready Player

The poster is composed of three parts. In the middle there is the main character in the film.
He is wearing a headset on which the title of the film is written, we have the impression that this
boy is in another reality like in a fictional world or a game.
On each side of the boy we can see two very different worlds. On the left it’s a sort of very dark or
neglected and poor neighbourhood, like in a slum. The colours are brown and grey, and in this part
of the picture we can read the words «Accept your Reality» which means that this is the character’s
real world and reality.
On the right on the other side, there is a fantastic and imaginary world. There is a sort of town in a
huge globe, all the colours are bright and vivid, they obviously contrast with the ones on the other
side. This world looks much more attractive, all the more because there are people living in this
world whereas on the other side there is nobody.

This poster clearly represents two worlds, one seems to be real and the other one is virtual.
The hero in the film looks as if he was torn apart and in between two worlds.
The purpose of the film poster is to show what happens to the main character in Ready Player One.
The problem illustrated here is that some videogames players can be in another reality and play to
escape their everyday lives especially when this is a depressing one. Virtual reality is sometimes
better than real life for some people.

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