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Iyaye Great

1. Kidnapped
2. No way home
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3. Operation Escape
4. Caught Again!!!
5. Run or Die
6. Nevada
7. Lost in Britain
8. Flat Mates

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1. Main Character: Jack Turner
 A 15-year old fugitive with knack of getting into trouble,
he gets kidnapped and eventually got dragged into a
world of killing and espionage.
2. Maya
 A street smart hacker and informant who becomes Jack
ally in his quest to evade capture. She is resourceful and
fearless using her skills to help him stay one step ahead
of his pursuers.
3. Dr. Mikhail Ivanov
 The founder of the organization called Daylight. He also
the man who ordered Jack’s capture.
4. Victor “Viper” Thompson and Daniel “Ghost” Thompson
 Freelance assassins bent on killing Jack after an incident
that happened. They were the ones sent to kidnap Jack,
their names only known as Viper and Ghost.
5. Dr. Anton Patel
 A brilliant scientist that assists the organization called
6. Marcus “Raptor” Stone
7. Eva Fisher

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8. Sophia Bennett

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“Good Morning dad” Jack said, as he walks into the living room
and sees his dad watching TV.
“Good Morning Jack. Up already?” Dad asked.
“Yeah, dad where’s mum?” Jack asked. “I didn’t see her this
“She went out early, for work this morning” Dad replied.
“Oh, okay”
“Are you ready for school?” Dad asked.
“You’ve packed your pens, books everything?”
“You sure?” Dad asked.
“What of Junior?”
“He’s dressing up” Jack replied.
“Tell him to hurry, so I can drop you guys off at school. Also tell
Bright, I’m going in to dress up now and when I come back I want you
all to be ready” Dad said, as he leaves the living room.
Jack goes to check on Jack and Bright, and then calls them for
“Jack,” Junior calls “Do you know where mum is?” he asked.
“Oh, mum? Dad said she went early today” Jack replied.
“Why?” Bright asked.
“Dad didn’t say, but he did say it was important” Jack replied.

Their dad walks in amidst their conversation, wearing one of his

designer suits, a custom made loafers, and holding a thick black laptop
bag with his initials on it.

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“Are you guys ready?” he asked.
“Yes dad” they chorused as they packed their things to leave.
Dad leads them to the car, then opens the door for them to enter, he
drops them at school fifteen minutes later then zooms off to work.
“Junior I need you to lead Bright to her class, I need to get to class
early today” Jack said as soon as his dad left.
“Okay” Junior said and watches as Jack hurried off. “C’mon Bright
let’s go”.
Junior leads Bright to her class then later goes to his.

“Hey Jack, have you done your geography assignment?” Maya who
was one of Jack’s closest friends, asked Jack as he walked into the
“Shit I forgot” Jack said annoyed with himself. “Umm, please could
you help me?”
“Okay, but we’ve got to hurry we ain’t got time” Maya said. “It’s
almost time for classes to begin.
“Okay” Jack said, as he hurriedly brought out his textbooks from his
Maya leaves and comes back a minute later with the answers to the
geography assignment.
“Thank you” Jack said gratefully, then hurriedly copies as the first
subject for the day was about to begin. The teacher for that period
comes in minutes later and classes begin.
It was soon time for break as Jack, Mike and Maya walked over to
their usual table.
“What did you get today?” Mike asked Jack, who was unpacking his
lunch box.
“I’ve got apple juice sandwich, and ….” Jack went on. “A turkey

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“Same here, just without the turkey leg” Mike said.
“Hey, do you guyz have anything planned for the weekend?” Maya
“I’ve got nothing” Jack said sounding bored.
“Well, I am throwing a party this weekend at my place …” Mike
began “… and you guyz are invited”
“Sweet” Maya said. “What’s the time?”
“Come around ‘6’ it’s going to be hot” Mike emphasized.
They rounded up their conversation as break was almost over.
Break ends and students are seen returning to their various classes,
Jack, Mike and Maya also leaves for the remaining lessons for the day.
School ends for the day, and so Jack leaves the class with his two
friends Maya and Mike.
“… Wait here” Jack said, to his friend. “I’m gonna go tell my
siblings that I’m leaving with you guyz” he said, then turns the other
way towards his brother’s classroom.
“Hurry up” Mike shouted. “We need to get the pizza place early”
“Okay” Jack shouted back over his shoulder.
Jack came back a minute later, and joined his friends, they got quite
a threat at the pizza place then later departed to their separate homes.
Jack got home minutes after their departure, and was greeted by his
mum at the doorstep.
“So, how was school today?” Jane asked.
“Fine mum” Jack replied. “Where’s Junior and Bright?”
“They’re inside” Jane replied “Go in and change, it’s time for
“Okay mum”

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Jack comes out minutes later for lunch, along with his siblings.
They settle down at the dining waiting for their mom to serve the food.
“Hey mom, what’re we having for lunch today?” Junior asks
excitedly. “Smells delish”
After lunch they all go to their separate rooms, because they had the
rest of the day to themselves.
The next day was just as boring as the previous day, Jack was at the
back sit trying to make it through ‘History’ class, his mind barely
focused on whatever Mr. Gilbert was saying, ‘At least I’ve got the
whole weekend to myself and Mike’s party to go to’ Jack thought.
Luckily the day was over as quickly as it had begun, Jack ran over to
his friends as soon as he sighted them.
“You ready for the party?” Jack asked as soon as he caught up with
“Yeah, sure” Mike replied. “I’ve got so many things planned for the
party,” Mike said, excitedly “I’ve got food, drinks …”
“Hey don’t spoil it” Jack said “I wanna see it for myself”
Jack, Mike and Maya kept on talking, but neither of them had
noticed a black car that seemed to be following them with two men,
and one of the men picked up a walkie talkie and said “Target in sight,
abduction will commence tomorrow”.
“Shit!” Jack said, then runs off.
“Where’re you going Jack?” Maya asked.
“I forget my sister’s coming today” Jack shouted, then keeps
“Okay, see you tomorrow then” Maya shouted back.

Jack hurriedly gets home and meets everyone surrounding a black

Lexus 360 car. ‘So she’s here already’ Jack thought, then ran over to
meet her. He greets her with a warm embrace.
“Aw, Jack” she began. “Look at how much you’ve grown” she said

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“Hi, sis” Jack said after the warm embrace “When are you living?”
Jack asked.
“Jack!” Mrs. Jane exclaimed “Your sister just came, and you’re
already asking for when she’s going. C’mon Jack I thought you’re
better than this” she said.
“You know I was only joking” Jack said innocently.
“C’mon let’s go inside” Mrs. Jane said, as she forced everyone into
the house.
They all go into their rooms changed from the clothes they’d been
wearing at school into something more decent, then came back
downstairs for lunch. Nothing much was said during lunch, they’d all
acknowledged the arrival of Michelle their eldest sister so lunch went
on quietly that day.
The next day was a Saturday, Jack woke up early that finished his
chores for the day before 8am, then prepared breakfast for his family
as it was part of his chores for the day. His parents and siblings woke
up few minutes later and came down for breakfast.
After breakfast everyone to tackle their various chores, except Jack
of course who’d already finished his. He took permission from his
mom, and then went out early for Mike’s party, but what Jack didn’t
know, was that would be the last time he speaks to her again. The two
men from the black car saw Jack as he left the house, their names only
known as Viper and Ghost.
“Target has been found” Viper said. “Should we attack?”
“No,” Ghost replied “I think it’s better we wait” there was a brief
pause. “Turn on the engines, I want to see where the boy is going”.

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