Why We Need AI Ethics: Presented By: Jannatul Ferdous Kona (2107025)

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Why we need AI ethics

Presented by: Jannatul Ferdous Kona (2107025)

Thank you, Maisha Musarrat for giving me the opportunity.

Assalamu aikum. Good morning, everyone. I’m Jannatul Ferdous Kona . My Id is 2107025. Mainly I will
be focusing on “Why we need AI ethics”. So Let’s get started.

Introduction: AI is rapidly advancing and transforming industries across the globe. It has the potential to
revolutionize how we live, work and interact with the world around us. However, as with any
technology, AI has the potential to cause harm if not used ethically.

Protecting Human Rights: The rapid development of AI technology raises ethical concerns about the
protection of human rights. With AI technology, decisions can be made without human intervention,
leading to issues with accountability and transparency. Ethical AI practices can ensure that human rights
are protected and that the technology is used to benefit society.

Bias and Discrimination: AI systems are only as unbiased as the data they are trained on. If the data
used to train an AI system is biased or discriminatory, the system will produce biased results. Ethical AI
practices require that data used to train AI systems be diverse and unbiased. This will help to eliminate
discrimination and bias in the results produced by the AI system.
Transparency: AI systems are often opaque, making it difficult to understand how they make decisions.
Ethical AI practices require that AI systems be transparent, making it easier for humans to understand
how decisions are being made. This transparency will help to build trust between humans and AI

Accountability: Ethical AI practices require that those who develop and deploy AI systems be held
accountable for their actions. This accountability will help to ensure that AI systems are developed and
deployed responsibly and that the technology is used for the benefit of society.
Privacy: AI systems have the ability to collect and analyze vast amounts of personal data. Ethical AI
practices require that this data be used responsibly and that individuals have control over their personal
data. This will help to protect the privacy of individuals and prevent the misuse of personal data.

Cybersecurity: As AI technology becomes more advanced, the risks of cyber attacks become greater.
Ethical AI practices require that AI systems be developed and deployed with strong cybersecurity
measures in place. This will help to prevent cyber attacks and protect sensitive data.
Conclusion: In conclusion, AI technology has the potential to revolutionize how we live, work and
interact with the world around us. However, to ensure that this technology is used ethically, it is
important that we develop and implement ethical AI practices. By doing so, we can ensure that AI
technology is used for the benefit of society and that the potential harms of this technology are
That’s all for today.Hope you all Understand the importans of AI. My fellow mate Mahfuzur Rahman
khan rabbi will continue the session. Thank you everyone for giving me your precious time. Allah


1. https://www.google.com/search?q=www.groupdiscussionideas.com&sxsrf=APwXEdev7




4. https://www.google.com/search?q=www.medium.com&sxsrf=APwXEdev7766mlXjd38h



6. https://www.3dbear.io/blog/the-impact-of-ai-how-artificial-intelligence-is-

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