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Excercise 5. .....

it is designed to keep working

despite the motions caused by the
A watch is a small timepiece intended to person's activities. The word “it” in
be worn by a person and it is designed to keep first paragraph refers to?
working despite the motions caused by the a. Watch d. Pocket
person's activities. Some watches are designed b. Bracelet e. watch strap
to be worn around the wrist, attached by a c. wrist
watch strap or other type of bracelet. Other 6. Ronaldo: Sir, would you like me to
watches are designed to be placed in
close the window for you?
someone’s pocket.
Mr. Adi: Yes, please. It’s very cold
A watch has various extra features, inside.
called "complications", such as moon-phase The underlined sentence express:
displays and the different types of tourbillon. a. Asking help d..Offering help
Modern watches usually display the day, date,
b. Refusing something e. Suggestion
month and year. Time-related features such as
timers, chronographs are also equipped the C. Accepting an offer
watches. Some other modern designs 7. Ela: Mom, do you need some
incorporate calculators, GPS and Bluetooth
technology or have heart-rate monitoring help? You look so busy this
capabilities. In order to correct the time morning.
automatically, some watches use radio clock Mom: Of course, dear. I need
technology. another pair of hands to wash the
dish. The underlined sentence
Please choose the right answer a, b, c, d, e.
1. What is the best titlle for the text a. Accepting help d. Offering help
above? b. Refusing help e. Apologizing
a. Watch d. Watch feature c. Looking for something
b. Watch design e. watch strap 8. “Feel free to ask question”. in which
c. timepiece part of presentation might you hear
2. What is the main idea of the this?
second paragraph? a. Intoduction of speaker
a. Complication d.Watch features b. Welcome remark
b. Watch design e. watch strap c. Purpose of presentation
c. small timepiece
d. Highlights of presentation
3. What is the purpose of the text
e. Questions of presentation
9. “the reson why I choose this topic
a. To inform about watch
is ..?” in which part of presentation
b. To describe about watch
might you hear this?
c. To inform about calculator
a. Intoduction of speaker
d. To tell about watch
b. Welcome remark
e. To describe about GPS
c. Purpose of presentation
4. In order to correct the time
automatically, some watches use radio d. Highlights of presentation
clock technology. (paragraph 2) The e. Questions of presentation
underline word close in meaning to ... 10. “to ... my presenttion, i’d like to say
a. Right d. False a. End up d. To let
b. Like e. Wrong b. Make e. Stop
c. manage c. conclude

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