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:mbonn wo DAILY FORM OF PRAYERS, IN HEBREW AND ENGLISH. mbann 30 “x yp orm. pp 32 snp on "WwksS «5 Sop yom cot 13.77 ND ain ——_— yada dy mer pynea ayn nana * nw-dywIn bx yarn ny esmnn sp by oman eppya) pt yyw a “ye oD wes oot maby 4 DRVOW AND rhe vIn tae mean + oan wR Ma AAD a Xr DTIOWONA ome Pa e S'yr PID PITT wo NT APB TD 92 aD se. HN MVAT AMP soe erry ‘nee oy toa Gmmban erp wn own oy ete DYOWT wr Ppa swe “nme ener orn my ome by Yn TDD any nbnmon Ty ne Ke 2p? PRINTED AND SOLD BY E. JUSTINS, 34, BRICK LANE, nw 20.0 Down Ay mn. p’sd THE ORDER OF THE a FRAYERS, _ HEBREW AND ENGLISH, According to the Gustom of the Spantsh andPortugueseJews: READ IN THEIR SYNAGOGUES, AND USED IN THEIR FAMILIES. _ em Translated and Printed into English from the Hebrew, By DAVID LEVI, —a Now carefully Revised and Corrected, BY RABBI S. M. ISH YEMINY. .... ey SECOND EDITION, WITH AMENDMENTS. Lonton ¢ Printed and Sold by E. Justins, at his Hebrew Printing Office, 84, Brick Lane, Spitalfletds. Sold also by H. Banwerr, Hebrew Bookseller, Adam’s Court, New Court, Duke's Place; and I. Josern, Sam’s ‘Coffee House, Duke's Place. oe A. M. 5570, _ DEDICATION. © ——EE_— TO THE ELDERS OF THE SYNAGOGUES, { “In England, America, West Indies, $e. Se. a a GENTLEMEN, UNDER a firm persuasion of your being actuated by the same zeal, which your ancestors possessed, for maintaining and handing down to posterity, unsullied, the truths recorded in holy writ, I have humbly presumed to dedicate this FormuLa, which comprises such lively and energetic ideas of the Supreme Being; wherein the youth, as well as the hoary head, are instructed how to approach the God of Israel. It was originally my intention to dedicate this Publi- cation to a Gentleman, whose talents and virtues have placed him in one of the first situations in the Community to which he has the honor to belong: but on more mature reflection, 1 conceived a Work of such general importance, would be better placed under your protection, as the Guardians and Conservators of your holy religion. . In DEDICATION. ae In order to render it worthy your patronage, I have engaged Rabbi S. M. Iso Yeminy, for the Re- vision and Correction of the Work; the Hebrew of which will exactly correspond with the Edition published by S. R. Menpes, afterwards republished by Jacos Menpes DE Sinva, both of whom were O'NM of the Portuguese Synagogue at Amsterdam: and which was accepted and used in all the Portuguese Synagogues of Israclites, in- cluding that of Dx2wm 7yw here in London.—Added to this, the beauty of the Type, as well as the Paper, I trust will combine to render it one of the most splendid, and correct performances, that ever issued from the press. With a reliance on your judgment, to appreciate its merits, I venture to commit it. And am, GENTLEMEN, With all possible esteem, Your obedient and devoted servant, E. JUSTINS, HEBREW PRINTING OFFICE, 34, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, Dec. 20, 1809. PREFACE. PREFACE, ——_ J EA Turoucu the repeated solicitations of many respectable Gentlemen of the Community, who have long lamented the great scarcity of the Work, the Proprietor, E.. Justins, has undertaken to Reprint the late Davin Levi's Edition, with such Alterations, Corrections, and Amendments, as were deemed absolutely necessary. For this purpose, he has furnished his Office with a complete assortment of Hebrew, as well as English Type, from the first Foundry in Europe ; and he has also engaged a Rabbi of eminent abilities, for the express :purpose of superintending the Publication. ; ; E. J feels himself more qualified for the undertaking, from the circumstance of his having composed a great part of the former Edition, while with his Father, under the direction of the late Mr. Davin Levi. ; Of the utility of a Translation of the Prayers, nothing need be said; the liberal patronage experienced by the original Translator, is a sufficient inducement .for the present Publisher to hope for similar encouragement in this impyoved Edition. ADVERTISEMENT, ADVERTISEMENT. een oH OGt0e— Tee Tes? ht _AS it is intended to elucidate the translation by Notes, they will of course be numerous, and some of them of considerable length; therefore to avoid confusion, and taking off the reader’s attention during the time of prayer, and that the English page may exactly correspond with the Hebrew, they will be affixed at the end of the volume, where they will be regularly numbered, corre spondent with those in the text, thus; (1.) (11.) (u1.) &e. By this means, the notes will become more valuable, in illustrating such metaphors, &c. as cannot properly be trans- fused; all which must greatly forward the attainment of a thorough knowledge of our Prayers, even to those who are not masters of the sacred language; so that they may, be able to understand what they say, when addressing the Supreme Being. :mybeann wo ————— eT ron naa bon Hep OD ONIN * NA NAS TIT Tha Wy! : Pansy ¢ Tanne YR | MII OTP Sind Coe Aeyn wan OvrON 2 ¢ DVeRD BMI PX oad dy OE PRY OPI WN OND. UND AMS NWT ED paiswa ap vay Toy, +: DYNAYT) OYBH * OVa Ay Ns AN: pinga ayn ym + pinivy nyp3 22 pIBa “AQT: MRT ANT Aw ¢ uN nyo wy we “wr vga iney wD t WYP YT yD NT NP N29) * cond NP PIE TIB WAP A ey on moby * nods? na Danes yp. : DPA aIRY span aw? nbn Ian sm nia ny2an ey + DMT NpD by awn ay ds * TONE AND + MN spp dy awe 729 78 MID PRT PN Way * ay Mi, MD by up Ty mbt + owehte nebo: mosen? npn IO NTA dys opi oN? oMYID ND tm) wad ‘my, woe mma ora 1d Tp mes, Woy nina: TMS INNA 37 12) DIP. Ww NTA” 13 2 JONI OY) OWA NPN OY IY ay Way 7 4 : : FORM OF PRAYERS. ‘On entering the Synagogue, bow towards the Ark, and say the following. IN the greatness of thy benevolence, will I enter thine house; in reverence of thee, will I bow down towards the ‘temple of thine holiness. Pious and devout Persons say the following Supplications, before the ‘Morning Service. mT nw The tribe of Judah laboureth under oj ression and trouble: shall the lion (1.) séél/ roar in the forest? Both fathers and children, the poor and the needy, all await thy salvation. O stand in the breach, that we not laughed at with contempt. Wherefore, O Eternal ! dost thou abide afar off? behold thy doye (11.) is brought unto the gates of death, Thou, who abidest amongst the D‘I93 (angels), shine forth. O grant us relief from the oppressor ; “is the hand of the Lord shortened?” Renew our days in this ancient captivity ; awake, why sleepest thou? Remem- ber thy children, who are in a land that is not their’s : suffer, therefore, no stranger to approach to injure them. Reveal unto the solitary people (Israel) the sealed period ;* then shall Zion rejoice, and the daughters of Judah be glad. Our cry shall ascend unto the highest heavens, to the omni- Potent Kine ! who sitteth on the throne of mercy. 7D 5x O omnipotent King ! who sitteth upon the throne of mercy; governing with beneficence; pardoning the iniquities of his people, by causing them to pass away in due order ; (111.) extanding pardon unto sinners, and for- giveness unto transgressors; acting charitably towards all flesh and spirit, not TEAS, them according to thei wickedness. O Omnipotent! thou hast taught us to repea the thirteen pirinies of thy. mercy. Remember unto us, we beseech thee, this day, the covenant of the thirteen, in like manner as thou didst reveal them unto the meck (1v.) of old; for thus it is written in thy law*—‘“And the Eternal descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and pro- claimed the name of the Eternal!” And there it is said, * Deut, xxxii. 34, Daniel xii. 4, 9. > Exod. xxxvi. 5. B ayy ¢ominn DY OBS TIS NAN] OMI Oy yy NIP My WY Tye Yea) WE RD DEIN? TON IED NEN) TON + 7p May MINDY Ns ndN ansend nad Amey SWS Mgay YEO apr wg ny awe NP oD MTP OND BN | MwA N42 Noa OTS spar dyop ? pap) mn ope ws NPY Wy 2s MBN Dw yA ANID ye My_YYTS : ITT 2778 TB ATH Be IPR Taw *D voy AWE? “ANNA BW. PIB DID WM WAN AIw PIS naw IDM IT) DS TI ps] ow Oy yo NN We Sopa) Muster year fy 8d DNDNY TOM II: NN sap loaner wiv? ANID) sy soangan spied Nam * amniag vibe ands WRI DID WUE PR cna obynn OPIS INNA WORDING Y pd IO AW SIMMAND Img aso Say wNpA NOP dam TWIN) NWI NT AIT dig a2 AWE mar mi niyy ayy spe sabato * Db! * WYP II ww IM TTD ys TI} OY IHN YA AYA MANY yw A TNE) TW NY DBWwWI POE “yn py : 2 MORNING SERVICE. ‘ nd the Eternal passed before him (Moses), and proclaimed the Eternal is the immutable eternal Being! an omnipotent God ! merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in beneficence and truth; keeping mercy unto thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, and acquitting. : Tay nmbdp) Pardon thou our iniquity, andour sin, and take us for thine heritage. The Lord of Hosts is with us! the God of Jacob is a refuge unto us. Selah. O Lord of Hosts! happy is the man that placeth his confidence in thee. O Lord! save us; answer us, O King! when we call upon thee. For we do not present our supplications before thee for our righteousness, but for thine abundant mercies, © Lord! hear; O Lord! pardon; O Lord! be graciously attentive, and arent our request ; delay not, for thine own sake, Omy God! for thy city, and thy people, are called by thy name. ‘Turn-thou us, O Lord! unto thee, and we shall be turned ; renew our days as of old. And the Eter- nal passed by before him, and proclaimed, the Eternal is the immutable eternal Being ! an omnipotent God ! merciful and. gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in beneficence and. truth; keeping mercy unto thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, and acquitting. Pardon thou our iniquity, and our sin, and take us for thine heritage. © — armas wds1 17s Our God, and the God of our fathers! may our prayers come before thee, and withdraw not thyself from our gunphications ; for-we are not-so'shame- Jess of face, or hardened, as to declare in thy presence, O Eternal, our God! and the God of our fathers, that we! are righteous, and have not sinned ; verily, we and our fathers havesinned. = ~ wheal PACE SIGS IWS We have trespassed, we have dealt treacher+ ously, we have stolen, we have spoken slander, we have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly ; we have acted eippempigns ly, we have committed violence, we have ramed falsehood, we have counselled evil, we have uttered lies, we Pee ORs aad capi) we Teys blas- hemed, we haye revolted, we have acted perversely, we Eee transgressed, we have op eae Riedie ‘been stiff necked, we have-acted wickedly, we have corrupted,.we have done abominably ; we have gone astray, and have caused others to ett; we have also turned aside from thy excellent precepts and institutions, and which hath not BQ “" piolited ean nS DMY) | ey mes 1p ary psa >: by py swe per now + ony yn ang OS TS bg SANNA Nd 12) * OPE ype ALTA PIM 2882 OWA OWA NPY * DY HY INN WA YT JT} DBS TIS PINOT YY IMB Wy aw TI] wD] Ty Nid DDI? “TON Wd + MDW] TDN aan ymanNgnda wad ANd) Ap “spb sah ds) ae Ny iow | Ny ape » ener yoe pi-ba3 DDN sa Ta gr sts 1a NY Toe IM Die? Igy DST ew * DYDD ONDINT | ITY 2 TORY 9 Ta be) * BIT 2 IN nw * wisp Ma pie + wATp BMP wp * or-boa DOIN * wp Ma TaN Oy] SDD A NIRY TID NDI a Tate END] MOY NINO’ pirboa DIN NTT “MWD NIN NEA + RBI AY wapM) TM Iw AIP * MPA May) ANID9n PION yoray Nba ee? a bg wD pPo~rD yoyna : JOS TION ANP "Tram Nowy ve? Ow TID RFT AY NT “ITIMT* Rea) “DET "ANAM nan YO NPY? ENT MB RV TPT maw Dyn * nbAN PONT | SNM)" RNDAYA RNY RNID + }2S MPN) NWA bapnn 3 MORNING SERVICE. profited us ; but thou art just concerning all that is’ come upon us, for thou hast dealt most truly, but we haye done wickedly. m ~ pa 718 5N O Omnipotent! thou ‘art long-suffering, and most mernifals the greatness of hy mercy and kindness hast thou made known to the meek (Moses); and thus it is written in thy law—‘ And the Eternal descended in the clond, and stood with him there; and proclaimed the name of the Eternal.” And there it is said, and the Eternal passed by before him, (Moses) and proclaimed, the Eternal is the immutable Eternal being! an Omnipotent God! merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in beneficence and truth ; keeping mercy unto thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin, and acquitting. sow) nnd) Pardon thou our iniquity, and our sin, and take us for thine heritage. Sew) 1 Guardian of Israel! O protect the rem= nant of Israel; and suffer not Israel to perish, who daily say, hear, O Israel! ; : eae an only: people! O protect the ee anon le; and suffer not an only, le to, perish, 3 daily tae teas O Israel! the pers Baral is the only Eternal being! j Guardian of an holy people! O protect the remnant of an holy people; and suffer not an holy people to perish, wha daily repeat, holy! holy! holy Guardian of a great people! O protect the remnant of a it people; and suffer not a great people to perish, who laily say, amen; may his great name, &c. QTM May his great name be exalted, and sanctified throughout the world, which he hath created according té his will; may he establish his. kingdom, and cause his re- demption to spring forth, and hasten the advent of his anointed. In your life time, and in your days, and in the life time of the whole house of Israel, speedily, and in a short time; and say ye,amen, = ~* 839 Mow NA May his great name be blessed, and glorified for ever and ever. ‘ay his hallowed name be praised, glorified, exalted, magnified, honoured, and most ex- cellently adored; blessed is he, far exceeding all blessings, hymns, praises, and beatitudes, that are repeated through- out the world; and say ye, amen. » bapnn $year - $e DIR Sey M227 innwp pany “dann snbu NT: OS IS) * OWI ymay SITY QM UR AWTS NID DT “UP AT AT RD AN NR maT typipa Diy ny + ya TIAN) + Oyen wey bob ses esr dsie 9p nap pide aban sin a 2 MPaNT WD ’ TANS “AINA ANS Ap 2 ANY Ow aR OSTA TIOVN NAS) A AAMAITNS AS) ‘Sab pnydoa apinntn ue aye) pny aN sets soe spd us ai ompR mowane yor 93 ryan 553 Span *orbnoc bp pa NIM MRE NNN DYE MY) TINT Y AS WMD Noy 9D NWN 2D) ApS Nobo poi + eywy aye Hy yA 2 rode pao pa qranb : py nate “Dowe ap wae 2 MS IMA : DYPOS VHD * DPW WP WIA Y ANS ya ; Dra Api Dow 79 IN Y AAS IT 2 pyamapehadi bows Te WHY Y HAS pra soapy pass yen * op Ibe wibe'y nis 773 2 7a, wyp pap pba spp ed 3 eae oe bray * Bettis ap Ine, nn 3 pF ys Dow 19 wien may WN 3 4 MORNING SERVICE. _ Sapnn May the prayers and supplications of the whiolé house at Israel, be accepted in the presence of their Father, who is in heayen ; and say ye, amen. A S879 Nodv NAY May the fulness of peace from heaven, with life, plenty, salvation, consolation, freedom, health, redemption, pardon, expiation, enlargement, and deliver- ance, be granted unto us, and to all his people Israel; and say ye; amen. May he who maketh peace in his high heavens, bestow peace on us, and all Israél; and say ye, amen. He eS, Form of Morning Service. mows m58 My God! the soul which thou hast given me, is pure; thou hast created, formed, and breathed it into me; thou dost also carefully guard it within me; wilt herafter take it from me, and restore it unto me in faturity. Whilst my soul continues within me, I do acknowledge be~ fore thee, O Lord, my God! and the God of my fathers, that thou art the Sovereign of all works, ruler of all crea- tures, and Lord of all souls! Blessed art thou, O Lord! who restoreth the souls unto the dead carcases. (v.) ~ .: Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the uni- verse; who giveth to the cock knowledge, to distinguish between day and night. - SES Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the uni- verse; who openeth the eyes of the blind. oe Blessed art thou, O Gora; our God! King of the uni- verse ; who setteth at liberty ‘hose who are bound. ; ~ Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the uni- verse; who raiseth ¢hose who are-bowed down, Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the uni- verse; who clotheth the naked. | Fc Peers Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the uni- verse; who expandeth the earth above the waters. Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the uni- verse; who ordaineth the steps of man. — Blessed art thou; O° Lord, our God! King of the ani: verse; who provideth for all my wants,. ‘ Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the uni- verse; who girdeth Israel with might, Blessed. snyy Qo wy ova yp sds y ans ya : mana 2 MD by Noes DoW a9 Indy Doms IZ 3 3 Tay ey Shy “Dw 779 TY y MAS 72 Tis sey) Noy “DWT W7D HY AAS 7Ny siyy ' pdt oo vids NAS 13 (AYIDIS Dw) 3 N79 MIN MW DavET Dy TD DAY AMS WN paNaD TDN opmny May Ny sey Paya PSM wh? japan de) “PNR UPI “WNP Syren po Dy DIP? Ny IAW MPD) * NON 102 Wa IWT YB UPI) yy WA BPTMAM sabe) ET YD YW Pa ‘Oe ANN joyd pa OvTIEN bai * OAS IA: DAO OID soe abyny PNias VON ITIS Y PPA PD mM “DNA miyAT DD WwA ‘Dy oY boar “Dia *yypiRD “Swe PV AIAND * VIAN "YT OWS ‘spy nie ‘mirwoen v9 pwn “yyy we pon ‘awn aimee opdue, « nan nia “agi pa yay Aye yD “DY DER BIN Oy mpm na 2 RY par MID 12 NIA PI DIT. syniypa nya wy ‘pda yp nse NAME NA spin 137 12941, : awn 5 MORNING SERVICE. - Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the uni- verse ; who crowneth Israel Sh Ws 9 ame IR er Hp Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the uni- verse; who hath not made me an heathen.” Blessed art thou,.O Lord, our God! Kingof the-uni- verse; who hath not made me a. my sy pes | Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the uni- yerse; who hath not made me awomany © 66 The Womensay, © Blessed art thou, O: Lord, our God! King of the uni+ verse; who hath made me according to his will, Blessed art thou, O Lord, our God! King of the uni- verse; who ‘temoveth sleep ’ our eyes, and slun from our eye-lids,, ere SORE ICRP GRE este S79 DY And may it be acceptable in thy presence, O Lowls out iat tad We Good of bur faherss Wo cabasrte to walk-in thy-law,-and Yprretherp to thy precepts; ;and lead us not into the power of sin, transgression, temptation, nor contempt ;" and remove from us every evil imagination, and cause. us to.adhere to the good. - O-pipahas fayour, _and mercy, in thy dei, and in the sight of al that behold us; and bestow gracious favours on us: © Blessed “art thou, O Lord! who bestoweth gracious fayours on his people Israel. SIM May it be acceptable in thy presence, O Lord, our-God! and the God, of our fathers, to deliver us daily from hardened and impudent faces; from a ‘bad man, from evil imagination, from an evil associate, from:an evil poghbour, from eyil occurrences, from an eyil eye, from evil tongué, and from slander; from false witnesses, from the enmity of mankind, from machination, from un- natural death, from eyil diseases, from evil accidents, from. judge, and an im able accuser, w rhe be, a severe jud, d placabl hether he be; or not, ason of the covenant ; (v1.) also deliver us from the punishment of hell. os . Praises “HIMBA Blessed” art thou, O Lord, our God! Kin; of the universe ; who hath sanctified: us with his command- myn and. hath commanded_us concerning the words of obey, “ye oa ‘ < fw OSA - wor. yt He Or Pena “apm Cr a 3 myo ’ rs MMarBAy DT TN II Ny rT Ty Ry WT APRYR¥) MAE TTD eI’ a SON TV) ey TN YD | IPEYNY WYRY? Pen tayd ern aban yas! gna. apy bap wp TQ AWwE *OowA Wo weihy y ADS NE 2 NT ND SAN ND INIA sa NN * DY £ yond 173 98) ms aga. sted mya Oy NOAM YAW: OY Woe IB a Ns DIAN Nd pen: SPAS YIBMINGY AD PPS WBN TOL paras dsb a by way ny ey. rorhys 1? ‘ppp Aw Pa WIDE + IPMIAN SHIRL INTIS DIP OY DWP DANI MNw NAPA WIPD PRYY DOQAN NOME IPT NS wes yn? WN “AUNT. DS IPNT.NS) BT NS PIV, TINY NY TWD WIT IS OTTIS] Ysa oS PYPND IND + NBT aa WD PHY NS PNY “DITIN NS Mpy ON “Ade OTT Ins on “TS NDMP UN 237 WON DATA TON WON) PIS BID "PASTAS HANS wS TPN ya oR TWN OID TMs IW NPY? DY ANQWM] * MMA MPM MANY wan. Waa OFTIS Daw : PINS Dp ay gy, ypIN* DA POY NN IAS DAWN wou ona iodides beans why DIPRN oe a TOL PAYA DIPATTNS NW | PTVNS DTTS: 8B01 WIIVIL "WoT oy md oPyraw * wpa dy BIR TOTIAS NPN :OMdY FAW) TYE * fia wan BTN MD MPL DAPI DWM AOb yy “DS PAY TN IM orp wn) rnp INT DrnaR : 6 MORNING SERVICE. = , Lord tw ; ee Ped s of thy law Weactn hoot ween eat mike mouths of. ile, the house of Israel; so that.we, our thy name, and study VII. ri Lord! who, teacheth the Jaw to, his people Trae! lessee art thou, rd, ser Goat King of the universe ; who hath chosen us from all nations, and hath oh ae ie Blessed art thou, O Lord! the giver of e law. : * z ~ 9° And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, speak unto Aaron, and unto his sons, saying, thus sh: less the children of ms saying unto them—* the Lod bles and seer thee; the let his countenance shine upon ee, and be berate unto thee ; the Lord turn his coun- tenance towards thee, and give thee peace.”” And they shell-pat my names the ch of Dsrael, and I will bless em. wider dk Our God, and the God of our ancestors, Oneceker us with a vert onraMeriel epee Lees; ane visit us with the visitation o: vation and mercy from the. a ee of heavens eee remember tr a te Lord, our God! the love ancient servan brebans io sac, and Israel; and the erent the mercy, and oath, which thou didst sweat unto our ancestor ‘Abraham, on mount Moriah, and the act of binding his son Isaac, amd placing him upon the altar, as it is written in thy law. en a Gel dimuon baker tan ose 5, | id tempt (v111- am, an hay renee © ; and he me behold, heream I, And he said, take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thow loyest, and get thee into the land of Moriah, offer him. there, fora burnt-offering, upon one of the mountains, which I will tell thee of. And Abraham rose up early in the morning, saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac, his son; and clave the wood for the burnt-offering, and rose up, and went unto the pee of which God had told him, Then on the third day, Abraham lift up his eyes, and saw the place afar off. ‘And Abraham ‘said unto his young men, abide you here with the ass, and I and the lad will go yonder, and worship, and come te you. And Abral took the wood of the burnt. ing, and laid it upon Isaac, his son; and he took the fire in his hand, and the knife: so they went both of them together. c2 / And offspring, and t! peng os ring, pay ay kom a ASAT . mpm met 22 MAT IAN DS TERT SN EST DATO DEIN TAM | NYY nT MN): OME) ART bg Na Ty 1 aay mb oA “MY DTS OY} “Dring sory Tey DIPRT inne: IB POSTS TP “DO sYA NS TUM navn np AS OAS Me : oyyd QED marpa-by VV WND YON NIP: ANN whey NboweT-ny “BN DMA) DTN DTT WON DY nay) cnn. wyn 7) ° sya bs pa ndwn bs “nS FINS Nov NI) * omy mos RIOD WT “ dysnay NW NPITNS DTS REM FYB ATM *Ssocns mp Das PIPA JASzINND AMS Dopey oy OnIAN NPY: ba ny my ant SEP ASE Zora WS * AS YAW) 2 IPN): DIDWAO MW DTN TS20 nown NODS DT Ss ey WR UND 8 7OND “TS TDS ABI) WPIAS TIDI| || PITS 9 ans VD) * ET nowy, Wis DMD) ~-DIDYT ADD. Pt Synge ia 95 sunta IAN) + ND we ns spoT WPM PID de DTA awh bpa AYO TW apy | F Pa W823 DPPAN aw * yay IZ 7B IM a a7 miey) YOM wape tea + by by mn Yn)” ape my per wana “boy aab3 Pvre3 shy ewe N's pe by PEN mpwpoy? 2b DPN) | MND TEN “squipy ya FBS YA sw Sean ySwas ys 7270 my HY "03? =P) * ye * qs982) nnwanw v MORNING "SERVICE. -¥e father : and he said, here am J, my son. _ id, $s; ieee aeawes Sate th ers rnt-offering? And Abraham said, my son, God wi sic himself a lamb for a burnt-offering = so they a both of them together. And they came to the place which God Peete eae : and een ie eters ena a the wood in order, and bound Isaac his son, and placed hii be heal, “ep the wood. And Abra srelehed forth is hand, and took the knife to slay his son. angel of the Lord called unto him out of hea’ ie nae Abras ber Abraham ; and he said, here am I... And she said, lay thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him; for now I kuow that thou fearest God, seeing thou -hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me. And Abraham lifted up his eyes, and looked, and behold, behind him, a ram* caught’ in a thicket by his horns: and Abraham went PRiiiogk theram, and offered him up for a burnt pfferingsn e stead of hisson. ‘And Abraham called the name of the Pere nee as itis said to this day, inthe snementege tie rd it shall be seen. And the angel of the Lord call unto Abraham out of heaven, the second time, and said, by myself have I sworn, saith the Lord, for because thou hast done this thing, and bast not withheld thy son, thine only son; that in blessing, T will bless thee, and in multiplying, [ will soulhiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea-shore ; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; and in.thy seed shall alk-the na+ tions of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice. So Abraham returned to his young men, and they ie up, and went together to Beer-sheba; and Abraham elt at Beer-sheba. ree were phy by SN)IN Sovereign of the universe! as he (Abra- ham) suppressed his tenderness to perform thy will with an Horight heart, so we et thee, let eenilenes theres ine anger 5 and let thy tender mercy preyail over t 7 tribute of strict dition: ~and conduct thysel a ea O Lord, our God! with the attribute, of meres the bane of benevolence ; eee iy within the te: ee of strict j : (1x.) and in thy great goodness avert the heat of thine anger from thy people, th citys thy land, and thine heritage; and conirm unto vs; O Lord, oat God | ic * Or, a ram after that he was caught, &c. con the = "sor eNom ie. “Os? TW Mya yf yng una HAS)" PAYA My AS) IPM NE EN TD AS) WORN: ISHS PISA) © OTIS Ma onda NO) onOND NO + DM PISd Bota ner POMS YD + BAY MB JaND * ayia} OnE NIA Iw OYeA AMZ ONd MIN. ORT * ys OMPRy DA? ming? “Danny? one ye AYER] IPL TIT yay ns pHs Y ayy TENT Ty Ds: aay pay y THE Wwe + DM ODD DyDN * Py NAVE OVD” CM NPR TTD pray Ww WS PIST OS PHB LWT TP n Dy “Teens band mm 7M nee ‘ 1oND yen aa “spin Pon my in kN ANQISI * OVA WR AWE) © Ay 1? ONY 223 i DP yp) ID DSbI DOM © yy] NIN INQ easy yw dy apy Wy RWS “IND END * TNT Dw: NUT TON PEND BS WwW? PUD NY? cindy ‘pose d3 oi mids Pony MwA MANN (T7HD) Dyer m2 ABW MND 9D) * INNO OPT = Ddsy> ah by sbyn 384) dopar Nd) TM Now dIpRAA ANNs? ASW WE * TTD? TON Apr? NOS yAN DYNOY] WTP WT IS OVNI) TANI] OTR EP mas 8 MORNING SERVICE. the word of which thou hast assured tis in thy law,*by the hands of thy servant Moses; as ats said, and I will remem- ber my covenant with Jacob, and also my covenant with Isaac, and also my covenant with Abraham, will I remember, and the land willl also remember. And it is said,” and yet for all thaly pen they be in the land. of their enemies, L-will not reject them, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break my covenant with them: forI am the Lord their God. And it is said,‘ I will for their sakes re- member the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt, in the-sight of the nations, that I might be their God: I am the Eternal! And it is said,* the Eternal, thy God! will bring thee back, out of captivity, and haye compassion upon.thee,.and er thee from all the nations whither the Eternal, thy God! hath scat- tered thee. If any of thine be driven out unto the remotest climes under the heaven, from thence will the Eternal, thy God! gather thee, and from thence will he fetch thee. “And the Lord, thy God, will bring thee into the land which thy fathers possessed, and thou shalt possess it: and he will do thee good, and multiply thee, more than thy fathers. And it is said,* O Lord! be gracious unto us, we have waited for thee: be thou our strength every morning, our salvation also in the time of distress. And itis said,‘ it is even a time of trouble unto Jacob, but he shall be saved on of it. And it is said, in all their affliction he was afllicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love, and in his pity, he redeemed them, and he bare them, and carried them all the = of oa And it is mid iy Y Ombipdats ag fies > pardoning iniquity, an ‘iving transgression, to the residue of his heritage? _ He retaineth not his anges fox ever; because he delghtth in merey. He will again have ion on us will su ss Our iniquities ; thou wilt cast all ficie sins inte the depths of the sea; ar all our sins, and all the sins of thy people, the house of Israel, thou wilt cast them intoa place, where they shall nog be remembered, nor visited, nor thought of for ever. Thou wilt shew faithfulness to u acob, and mercy unto Abraham; which thou hast sworn unto our ancestors, in the carps old. And it is said, and I will bring them unto my holy L Lae ewrenee er ee PRIMES Met origtitiqmihens * Levit. xxvi. 42. ® ibid. 44, | “e Thid. 45. « Deut. sxx. 3, &e, © Isais xxaiii, 2. £ Ser, xxx. 7 ‘mountain, ayPa ——————e—eeeeeeeeeeeSSSSSSSSS omaig ww yyTh-pMnan ony onyen ca - oo) aBhau 939 Sapien ma 3 13 STAID, "EA" UY) on? pay cozy eon neon) «oon moon * sn DpyaoPNys iN “ONIN Mey OT BTL ay T3917 PS} NBN poy) % nop PN mw SDs NDT) OSIM WPI’ MTOM MN * ON sand DIS P2 DW MNan ‘npn Ma NepWA) TOP IPD AMIN OPN) | AYN? wr PI by agin M9321 IND OW NT OW Na Dd PONTO) aA NPRM Nay PMI NPT wy NY ONIN WITS OWA 34 SDI POND WD PDP any ora DS ie Apwypo Ys FaNy Is ype yay “yen dey yy be Np? Ow De qWEY "INE Mo cAYD PW UND wag wEAD Pypy WOW NO anya} A and Ap ane wwe) sapned pgp ONAN sor anay oN Nos “Soya bas ody Jy ‘bap oem) * Nn Nba Dy snip) ban en rin wD 3am 13 MpvIT TA? 1927 997. NS ANAT OWT Sepp 289 pavim pT ne opny ey coinen DD DMD YT ONY "IBD PSP OMIT 29) ¢ TTI? Sas 2 uy PID OMS. 1. avn ONIND pnwz127ID “RYAWIY ITN DIIIS YA * NIDA PaY WNW sad OW FREI + PTRY, PAST | ye 9931 nar 5 MORNING SERVICE. imotintain, and. I will make them tejoicein my prone ayer; thei ings, and their i shall be areca be fee dhe fy nonce calf ele a howe of prayer forall nations. _ © DDT These are the things which have no fixed estimation ‘by the law; :(x.) vés- the corner of the: field; the first-fruits ; the ofr on appearance ; acts of benefi- cence 5 he study of the law of God. ‘These are the commandments, whereof the man na them enjoys the fruits (x1.) thereof in this world; but the prin- Cipal remaineth to a future one; and these are they, viz. honouring father. and mother ; acts of beneficence ; nursing the sick ; entertaining strangers; early attendance at the ‘synagogne ; making peace"between aman and his fellow- creature ; and between aman and wife. But the study of the Jaw of God is superior to all. (x11.) mee oe pts od w> Man shonld ever fear God, as well in private asin public ; confess the truth, and speak the truthy as itis in his heart; let him rise early and pray— pysbwr 35 Sovereign of the worlds! and Lord o - we er oate not to = nite sappticstiots before for our righteousness, but for thine abundant mercies. OL hake O Lord! pardon ; O Lord! be ee attentive, and grant our requests; delay not forstbincgone sake, O my God ! forthy city, and thy people, are called by ‘thy name. What are we? What is our life?) What our ness? What our righteousness? - ipo on help? at our power? What our might? What, then, sliall we ‘say in thy presence, O Lord, our God! and the Godof our faibeps ? Are not the pighties heroes as nought before t S eran aa as if they had not existed; . as if they were without lnomladars ends in ligent, as tr void of understanding? For the aay WP ods actions is emptiness, and the Fay of our Jit but. vanity in thy presence ; senethe pre-eminence of man over the i ‘nought, for all is vanity; except that pure soul, which must ae fieclaivd an wuts ard vin | et heefore tte throne of t ry ; and all nations are as n a sas it i sti bevel, then ives ae a gue duke uicket; and as the small dust of the~-balance a ser accounted : behold, he taketh “ the isles as an ion. ut we, thy people, are the Children of fi ooh igh children of Abraham, thy beloved, to whom. thou didst swear on mount Moriah: the seed of Isaac, who for thy D oc usake row aos 8 HIYA IY TID YI APM My, * Na TSW! iow NNR" ta AIEyY AN_WA + INS sw “aaa yma) | 9? niin? ae way 1S? *beran qo ymgtin may ye AD) YEH WI DI OM Da PY WIE? WI UMW OM “IINwT Tk) MBN * wo DY] * pon aw AD WHID NHI NZI DIMI Dy DWI 1NWD UWS DYE OMIDIR “Dan pr sayewornya * mw TaD OY TZ "INS NINE Y WN VE NZTNZ 2 yy add imiabp TNS NIT AAS) * DPW NNIAY OTP TY NIT AS “APT Piya bys NIT Ons * DP NNIIw INN? “AY ND PVA NIT MS 820 DPV! DS IT IAN, Dn yeh * yaw wap oy oy yppiva spywap MS PID "spay yw? Apa win} * wp.PIN +0212 OY WIP Y YIST 2) Gwen OYA © ONT YOY NIT AAS * DYINNT) DNW Dw ‘Awa * NOD PS paar ¢ pos NT ny) we. NI As TVS" PINT MID YIM Mp MtvI|] yap * DVI Way Ia? OVID NIT MAS 1D "DPW WZ 2D WI MS) DY NS yey mms * py nipyep 992 SPT Mes Opa yr + DAW ID NST ON MS * pS. QUE na myn md 7a? ew * DYINNAD Ow wa oY avD TOM, AP TY way Ney, > Dypwiay wa. anda 12 Dp) * andy NTpAw NBT] Waa Syta7 “TROND | TA Ap|Ay TD, WAY 13777 ny nya - 10 MORNING SERVICE. sharia cheng tage Sy i gsc | soe thy first-born son, who from the love wherew thou didst loye him, and the joy wheréwith ‘thou didst rejoice in him, hast called his name Israel and Jeshurun. sn) We, therefore, are in duty bound to give thanks unto thee; to praise, glorify, and extol thee; and to offer song, praise, and thanksgiving, unto thy great name: we are also in duty bound to repeat daily ‘and continually a song of praise. O, bappy are we! How ly is our tion! TLow pleasant is our lot! How beautiful is our iheritance! O, happy are we, that we attend early in the orning, and also late in the evening in the sy: ‘syand in the houses where the law is studied ;, proclai ng the unity of thy name, with fervent love, by repeating daily, hear, O Israel! the Eternal, our God! is the only eternal’ Being! Blessed be the name of the glory of his kingdom for ever and ever. . . NYTMNLK Thou wast the same, before thou didst create the world; and thou art the same, after thou didst create the world; thou art God in this world, and tho are God in the future; thou art either ant oe no end. (xur.) Sanctify thy name in thy world, through a that sanctify ily ian and through thy tale? that and raise on high our horn of salvation; and save~thowus speedily for thy name’s sake, Blessed art thou, O Lord! who sanctifieth his name in public. OO°MINNVTANN Thou art the Lord, who is: God in heaven above, and on the earth beneath ; in the. high heavens, both the uppermost, and the nethermost; thou art the first, and thou art the last, and © besides /thee there is no God. O gather the dispersions of those. who hope in thee, from the four corners of the earth ; that the whole world may know, and acknowledge, that thou alone art God! exalted above all the king- doms of the earth, Thou hast made the heavens-and t earth, the sea, and all that is inthem; and who, among a the work of thy hands, either in the uppermost or nether- most parts, can say unto thee, what doest. thou2 or, what workest thou? Oar Father, who art in heaven, we beseech. thee to act charitably and graciously t is us, for the sake of thy great, mighty, and tremendous name, by which we are called ; and confirm unto us, O Lord, our God ! the. word which thou hast assured us of, through the hands of v2 - Zephaniab, op myo yOe"D DIN wap MwZ * DINy OIE NTT WZ BPMAw MS AWA PIS VEL oa nban?) ow) pans YS tod omng * ama sayy ang» pashe ps ay apa aynson dp ns 2 Sinan * ayy mame “awe 42) n?pn) Oim|N) + Ni,97 As OMT TB PI? Dp. wa TMA wPAN Ma nyo ow antina ary Nansw iD “MB BIY STON? * 71 DYN) EY TNE Ys TEND AYE YT Son om wR? YON? BIPM * DADS mes] pa? MeN): wyea 9? IPN? MwA DHPONY “DAN YMA DWAD' Y2AMPA WR wast ny) ‘Apa2 neyA IMS wADTNy : Donny nop ps7 mpey) | Daw] PE Mey ws ‘pean ndy pon ninay nn yovia nba + aman) mupay pI) Ny AVA NNN PWIA MWA my) :o9 9pe IP] JET wpa m7 w232 pod 8203) (P27 NN." Pw panwyn wo wag 2EO OLIN eS - ria _ raw3 WA DSA oRy ya B27 Ww nzeT ohp ay + so Wpya nya nm nyo obey 3 +303) NI nopby + wavs noe pow Vet pork dj dwe dtow ans u MORNING SERVICE. Zephaniah, thy prophet, as it is said,*at that time T will bring you again; and at the Lipo when J. aseora bu, surely will aprore you for aname, and a praise ai wall ‘the the earth: when I bring back your captives before our eyes, saith the Lord. * Spe? © PSP May it be acceptable in tly presence, O Etér> ‘al our God ! Sat the God os ee to have co sion on us, topardon all our sins, to forgive all ‘oa intgjuitiees and to grant us remission all our transgressions ; and the holy temple may speedily be rebuilt in our days, that we iy ofa in thy presence the continual burnt-offering, that it atone for us: as thou hast commandedin thy law, written delivered by the handsof thy serygnt Moses; as it is said, "2°" And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, command the children of Israel, and say unto them, my offering, and my bread for my sacrifices made by fire, for a sweet savour unto me, shall ye observe to offer unto me in its due season. Say also unto them, this is the offering made by fire which shall BEE unto rata two Seal the ote year with nt blemish, ever: y, for a continual ‘nt-offering. _ ene am shalt thou ‘aller in a toring, and the ot St shalt thou offer ateven.* _ Anda tenth. of any fine flour for a meat-offering, mingled Ea the four peror an}77° of beaten oil. J¢ is a continual burnt-offering which ‘was ordained in mount Sinai, fora sweet savour, an offering made by fire unto the Lord,” And the drink-oflering ic l “4 emia of ony for the one bad : in the ace shalt thou cause the str wine to be parediont To nnkadeting tthe Lord 24 = other lamb s = thon offer at ever, as ‘meat-offering of the: morning, as the rink-offerin thereof shalt hea offer it, an “Ste ‘made hy fire of asweet savour unto the Lord. ~ £ core: curr’ Fe On the Sabbath, say as follows: ¢ -— AWA pVII And on the sabbath-day, two lambs of ipigrfinatiyedr without blemish, and two tenth deals of fine ee ir for a eee ter eee Server and the aaps erin, thereof. ts the burnt-offe: ‘of every sabbath, Besiles! the continual burnt-offering, andits drink-offering.” SO... GALE feet merig © pee ely carer ee : rye Ti here. ~ AA ena) Coriee + pierre 5 td cre: Sua aaviih Sel Be; bans the event co TN, :amvor a ng pansy wep YY NI AS WD DYPWIPEI May OIA DIMI 2 4N IN| TNpd ¢ WA Yo Ww con My * maaPM npn! AD, © DYED A? ME MYD Dy » iY + TP AN yes: yN 333-73. - APL DrwD Tyg NPN «WIP TN MRR * OPM Mew NPA THN wa * WD Opa nw ya? NBA MAND «PTD NI WOM “ION | DZ? MIN OW IP wp * Mg AP 37 M$ 122 WPB2 Waa * OvwO NIP pa SPORE pa naa ny pas Ayn :Appyp jo ERQMAT aR NaN MIwP De) nine wy * Typ NIbpI ows “ya BA HYyoM Ow nike why : map DN mb DYyDe DyEY DYN DNA nya * nent nin: We oping * come mora wan xy $2 3 MRT Myy Dep) “Tp * EYED ON 3a NY? oT aN) * DI OPO Ney ION) PAV DyIY DyAy Ope * pay) * myAMND) YN pw DIDI) * WNIwy* Myn¥pY* WD + My mip Tey DB Be map Tey Mey NY Meier PAR TWA Apa ANNA‘ MyWN Hosp * AY TP PSyD NP ON) | NODA paR] OPA PSD * PEER pI MID Ny PRY IN ION AD + poMaR Spe * ai aa yD TT Sew 9p ya PT D359 12 MORNING SERVICE. © NWT INS Thou, O Eternal, our Godt before whom our ancestors burnt incense, whilst the holy temple was esta- blished, as thou didst command them the hands of Moses thy poehr, as it eet in thy law, and the Tord id unto Moses, take unto sweet spices, stacte, ar dagehaead galbanum ; these sweet spices with pare faskie cense : of each shall there bea like orang ann - make ita perfume, aconfection after the art of an apothecat Giilfered togeeier, ee cand holy. And thou shalt beat rome of it yery small, and put.of it before the testimony. in ite tabernacle of the congregation, where I will meet with thec: it shall be unto you most holy. And jit is said, and Aaron shall burn thereon (on thealtar) incense of spices every morning: when he dresseth the lamps he shall burn incense upon it. And when Aaron lighteth the lamps at even, he shall burn incense upon it; a perpetual burning of incense before the Lord throughout your generations. 7237 13M The rabbins have taught (x1v.) how the mix- ture of the perfume of incense was made: it contained three hundred and ‘sixty-eight manchs.* Three dl and sixty-five of which, were according to the number « days of the solar year; and of the three remaining manehs, the high priest was to take his hands full, onthe day~of ,atonement : these were again put into the mortar on the eye of the day of atonement, to perform. the commandment, “< take of the finest beaten incense.” It was composed.of eleven sorts of spices; viz. balm, onycha,° galbanuni, Frankincense, of each an equal weight, viz. seventy manehs : myrrh, cassia, spikenard, and saffron, of each an equal weight, sixteen manehs ; costus, twelve manehs; the rhindof an odoriferous tree,‘ three manehs; cinnamon, nine manehs ; soap of carsina, nine kabs;* wine of capers, cor ton three seahs, and three kabs; and if caper wine could not had, strong white wine was substituted for it: sa/t of Sodom, the fourth part of a kab; and of a herb ee Myr (xy.) a small quantity. Rabbi Nathan, the ylonian, _. * A maneh contained one hundred shekels. “ ites 1 * A maneh for each day; one half was burnt in the morning, and the other at even. ©Orcloves. #At PresenChalto ep tous. * A kab contained the sixth part of a seah. ___ ‘ Aseah contained about two gallons, one pint, and que solid inch of cora measure. a Canes e DN) APPR WITAD IN DE * NITY 93 NNT NaI -¢ we (AD DH BD dpe nos men hy NON IDS OTS aes do? ‘3 tr 21 NYT DD MIPWID NAS ABP wD FLINT Tem NIN TD PVT NR AB nay NR wap T7BST my 1a NW!) MD ND RIAD POMP POVDD PRY sag pepo yp 87) Ap RAY ©} WAZ AQ WaROR D719 pyvion ody om ape Sn apm nme» naw OTP ee xovip | MpppI TP TE. HYD yas nenp ‘bing mawe : nee Say T Nady “mbe oe mw mw «mp dy maw mI we? OMY IID Ww TID) sy Ww avd mip DTP MET Mare peyy say aN ped DNp DIP-N|TP “NN wanaen) on. wen navn IVT) :.Ny HY NII OTP TaION "aNd PDMANP NTP “MePY : NIP) nop “Nay shan? NET (ANI. sn? paTIp + OIaN) “paps POP + pI eps PST NIM bo many poTip UPIND PIB? pot + pags op maya poy pu Tne DIwWI-ps TZIPI 7 pei my, * DWH ZI op ae. , RIS 13 MORNING SERVICE. ‘ ‘alsova small quantity’ of the amber SOSA joney was path deficient Tana get it i was po owas accounted worthy o! Rabbi Simeon, the tat he an issues from’ an tietiion ia in th ie oo eats sith th And for what pt didithey use the soap ‘of Carsina? to refine the o1 ‘a, (or cloves), that it ‘ht have a hand- Borce arpontatloes Gra for what pe coal eee ‘the’wine of capers ? to soak loves, (or ony« thee that it ‘is t become hard: (xvir.) and thoug’ 737 YD was proper for the purpose, yet was it not used, pean ee was not decent to bring it into the temple.—And ma; offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the L ‘as in ancient day's, and as in former years. c Aya Abayya disposed the order of the d: vice in Fry he emple, as appointed by the saci = arr to the opinion of Abba Saul, The great order the second order of the incense: and the second o eter of incense, preceded the ranging of the two pieces icelaine ‘the altar; and the of the tw oa wood, preceded the removal of the ashes from ‘altar; and the removal of the ashes from the inner atl, led the dressing ofthe five lamps of the’ Hestick) ; and the dressing of the five lam 1 the ‘spri inkling of the blood of the continual olen: the of the blood of the continual offerin, a ing of the two lamps; and the eer the two dane, preceded the burning of incense; and and the Tnicénse greeted the offering ig of the members. of the sacri eae offering of the m enetsh ee ane i andl the meat-offering preced e baken meat-offering ;° and the baken meat-offering er the drink-offerings and the tional oieeeee acs the additionals pore spre ‘the ad od receded the two spoons! of. n= ; r ential eve cea 3 as of prnkines nee Tite cy fht-offering ia order upon it, Reheat ie thereon ie seprnets ate eaten i, e. he. shall. Il te o of the da isin oe I. Levit. vi. 156 SOF the cabhath and rt hone Setineonas, and axiz- 4 Two spoonsefull of frankincense were put by the shew-bread every sabbath, E oC aur « ‘See Exod. XXX. 2 nor ' e a 2 GTMy pan tape) ma mda one f/ Espa ww wave * ya On ap DIpy Nad * FM wast * a2 ps o popy ah OPS eT “Done ps73 AND om: qRo 32° wIIP POH NSP MAT * mae qd saya pm 2 nrabynurry anpyy yee “bap nue mony’ TANT JDP IPI. UMW AS + coy 37 yp opps oye myn * sya rya a nswa Am ° BywRS Ssnin.* papa *antiaya 99 822) PR) TaAT on: wapAT MDS AS) t yTaWR Deten Nd, HET 4 xn wt 2 yghe py] Th 122 “nee Emp new apni awn aninay my ssw * anise ooN) MIDE TNT ISR UIP ND + Py? AYN DIT TN WAN’ oN * WN, ¢ TW OD ITN many yy 137 My OTD yes Va PIN» NI? May Pen) p82 aw? npn nxt + TN : ap PNW NDI * Dt) PN?) “bya ONY. WR wR DNA baa amp PaYE HO comes oP Sy aye} Ie poy TYTWWH yOT) © aya mw 22 197 3p) qa ys myn * 3939 Nar bn natn Ny | Mas nar yan oy yaw AT OT nw saw : aN xo px) “739 ai oe MIDI NIW O Lord! we beseech thee to loosen, with the greatness of thy erful right hand, those that are bound in captivity. “Accept the cry of thy people ; exalt, and purty us, O thou, who art tremendous! .O, most power- 1 God! we beseech thee to preserve, as the apple of the eye, those who seek thy unity. Bless, and purify them, and continually requite them according to thy merciful righteousness. _ Thou, who art most mighty and holy ! guide thy congregate people with thy abundant goodness. hou, who art an unity, and most excellent, regard th people, who continually make mention of thy holiness. Omniscient! accept our prayers, and hearken to our cries. _ Blessed be the name of the glory of his kingdom for ever and ever! ptr 13" Sovereign of the universe! thou didst command us to offer the daily sacrifice in its appointed time; and that the priests should officiate in their proper service, and the levites at their desk, and, the Israelites in their station, But, at present, on account of our sins, the temple is laid waste, and the daily sacrifice hath ceiised } for we tia neither an officiating priest, nor a levite on the desk, or an Israelite at his station. But thou hast said, that the prayers of our lips shall be accepted as the offering of bulls. (x1x.) Therefore, let it be acceptable before thee, O Lord, our God! and the God of our ancestors, that the prayers of our lips may be accounted, accepted, and esteemed before thee, as if we had offered the daily sacri- fice in its appointed time, and had stood in our station. And it is said, and he shall kill it-at the foot of the altar, northward, before the Lord; and the priests, Aaron’s sons, shall sprinkle his blood round about the altar. And it is said, this is the law of the burnt-offering, of the meat-offer- ing, and of the sin-offering, and of the trespass-offering, and of the dedication, and of the sacrifice of the peace- offerings. (xx.) g ; 7 , }O1P79 JAWS. Which are the places where the .offeri were slaughtered? ‘The most holy of them were slain on the north side; the bull/and the he-goat, for the day of atonement, were slain on the north side; the blood thereof ‘was received in the vessel of service on the north side; their blood required sprinkling, between the staves, upon the veil, and the golden altar. One sprinkling omitted, im- peded the atonement; the remaining blood the priest poured ‘on the bottom of the outer altar, on the west side thereof; if omitted, the atonement was not impeded. ; E2 on hyve, ! PYRO | paws mye pew ome AMT PY IT axa Nyy 223 199,72} ; wy + MIs) 172 NOS MN ao NaI dy NDMeH PINT MYO MY IW TW OY RW oy op 2 1WIT ga patyy sPyy PR * Jay ND [N2 N27 DN py so mayn nko yobs opm ayy oxen Te. MENg wie yy OWI WED Oy Man VIIS pO 17) Naa MIY 27a 97 Nap) 1) 82) 23107 MIDI WADI AY IHD “MIP Yaw Pyney * ey NT! | NT NT 1927 oy BWW MI DIT IW ° MII wWP “awe “op manip “at DW7PT 9 DIB? PID" MITA TD} DWP UTP Apo, : mis wy ipa By? * Dp mp T) aya NI 732 My aR) Paya MON soo. OIA} OBB APWO VIDS jy ni AY Pwo Mow TNS MiyA TAY bw MAT: DwND sPDVAY NANT NayOwS MoypOwN' NDS pa ppp nap Naya NOTE Mp Dy WT Oe PODSI | YTS I! Marva nw pw 7) Ways NI sw ming ory bage-aa “map eI? DWT VD OD? 7 mn ppp pa none ob owIR VR DR) TAT yas 1IY nam2cny pee eT Twa mindy cond + bpavrbps oy“) TIDE PAN WwW ; 15 MORNING SERVICE. DMD The bulls and the he-goats, which were. w! burnt, were slaughtered on the north side, and their bloo ~ there et in the vessels of ane oe aoe . required sprinkling upon the yeil and the golden altar one, Sprinkling omitted, impeded the pAlsoanhe 4 The res ining bl was poured on the bottom of the outer alta: ‘on the west side thereof; if omitted, the atonement was not impeded. These, as well as the preceding offerings, were burnt in the repository of ashes. The sin-offerings of the whole congregation, as well as an individual: these are the sin-offerings of the whole congregation—the he-goats of the new moon, as also of the other festivals; they were slaugh- tered on the north, and theirblood was received in the vessel of service there; and: their blood required four sprinkli on the four horns of the outer altar. It was performed after this ‘manner:—the priest went up the ascent, and inrned towards the circuit, (1x.) and came to the south-east corner, then to the north-east, so on to the north-west, and from thence to the south-west; the remaining blood was poured out at the south side of the bottom of the outer altar; these” were eaten only by the males of the priesthood, dressed after any manner, for that day only, until midnight, within the hangings of the court. ‘The burnt-offering is one of the most holy: it was slain on the north; and its blood was there re+ ceived in the vessel of service; the blood required two sprinklings, and it was so sprinkled as to produce four—it required flaying and dismemberment, and a total consum- mation by fire. The peace-offerings of the whole congre- gation, and the prrepesseote rine co tbeey are the trespasse offerings—the trespass-offering for theft—the trespass-offer- ing for Bppropriatins erate things to his own use—for carnally knowing a betrothed handmaid—the trespass-offer- ing brought by-the nazarite for defiling himself with a dead body—the leper—and for a doubtful sin:—these were slaugh- tered on the north side, and the blood was there received in the vessel of service; the blood required two sprinklings, which produced four:—these were eaten only within the hangings by the males of the priesthood, dressed after any manner, for that day only, until midnight. ANN The thanksgiving-offering, and the ram of the nazarite, were less holy; (x.) they might be killed in any rt of the court; and their blood also » required two sprink- ings, which produced four; they might be eaten in any part of the city, by any person, dressed after any manbers Je: ee Eg TP a DWSTY Noy * DID NYPD DAD ONT: MIA pb :cmomayy pm)" ome: mrisd bon WY WOT Twa Dipposa nen Oe OW ys? Tw oDa PDN * VIN 1Y MN saw 79 OP|T s TNE TAN ow ww? py-722 “ope? oy oN; OPIN NY * OIA PeEPD DUT MDB) “MBA * WIZT: DIMTAayIA* DIVA?) PND wo iT MwA dipped Noy ‘Dy PNND mw: WONT 2D NY Tay! oN PO2ND, D3): siyin * ouish 5293‘ 91239 sams mp) co wh + boyobea qyobsa nbs bya ims mina reds dona ims nag “bo593 Sy" wand reds Sag omg tsa wy 2 Oy NDS ENT AYN Nt my wera * I ONYEY I : “9im) bpm : my nm SEND WA aR PRD TNS NP] oy RD | sane) ep 3 bos ean 2 DIO WWE NPS TT nn ws pi were bbo0 - 16 MORNING SERVICE. the whole of that day until midnight. (With the portion of them* w joh appertaineth to the priests, the same, was observed) save it was only to be eaten by the priests, their wives, their children, and their servants, Peace-offer- ings are also less holy ; they might be killed in any part of ‘the court ; and their blood required two speaks which roduced four: they might be eaten in any part of the city, y any person, dressed after any manner, for two days and one pial; the portion thereof which appertaineth to the riests, was like the rest, save, that it was only to be eaten ‘by the priests, their wives, their children, and their servants. The first-born, the tithes of beast, and the paschal lamb, were less holy: they might be killed in any part of the court; and their blood required only one sprinkling, but it must. be sprinkled towards the bottom of the altar: there was a distinction in the eating of them; for the first-born was eaten by the priests only, and the tithe by all persons ; they were also eaten in any part of the city, dressed after any manner, for two days and one night. The paschal lamb was to be eaten at night only,” but not later than midnight: neither was it to be eaten but by those that were numbered and appointed‘ for it; nor was it to be eaten dressed in any other manner than roasted. Syne ‘27 Rabbi Ishmael says, that the law is to be expounded by thirteen rules. (x1.) 1. Light and heavy ; or an inference from minor'to ma- jor; and the reverse from major to minor. (x11.) 2. A decision deduced from an agreement, or equality of ‘texts. (x11r.) Fs fc 3. From the principal constitution contained in one verse, and from the principal constitution deduced from two verses. (x1v.) . a * 4. From comparing a general description with its speci- fied particular. (xv.) ~~ ee a particular text, followed by a general one. (xvi. law > 6. Precepts treated of, first in general, and then in parent, and again in general, thou must not adjudge, ut according to that which is similar to the particular. evar ys cue Cee ee earent * ree eencarr Oe twa.) J. From S/W See Levit. vii, $2) 93, $4, ° 7) Exod, xii. 8.” CoN vob tiene « iW) tab j tod + bbb Pay ging oral» WIP PY gy o}90_ sath sb nahh Shan yo ay. “Sha AW aged RIN ADT ML Wa NP * RN EL oe 8 - SMD Sy IAN WE pw? Nyy oa my 137-5 2 ym? 89) pad eye wit Now ams ywH wed ayy Daa my aaqbsy r ser bpnd Ny Panes eID BTA be sey boa yearn $922, 21037 wry sw 42239 TNT? 7 set SDIDD WpT “7. “any Tey 27 » Sue mato w. most Dwn27 pind ww ia) Spa wes ; maw wntag sgdsy ondds 2 ppbe pst oom nna apn. IM) 22 7 nya wypey ma cial mie? sealant span np an * yer e7D a +1382 I * Daeg Oar 7 RAD PANTINA PRB“ TTS — TP Ng? RTD SNP INN PB TY PTD 8782 nn 17 MORNING SERVICE. . ee 7. From a general description that requiresa particular, or specific text to explain it; and from a particular text that requires a general one. eany : 8. Every thing that is comprehended under a general description, and is afterwards particularly excepted there- from, in order to teach us something concerning it: the exception is not given for its sake only, but to teach the same of the whole general term. (x1x.) 9. And every thing that is included in a general de« scription, and is afterwards excepted, to prove an argu- ment similar to its subject: in that case it alleviates, but does not aggtavate. (xx.) 10. And every thing that is included in a general descrip- tion, and is afterwards excepted, to prove an argument not similar to its subject ;, in such case, it serves to alleviate and aggravate. (XXI.) b ; 11. And every thing that is included in a general descrip- tion, and is afterwards excepted, to determine a new matter, it cannot be restored to the general erm, unless it be by being expressly mentioned in the text. (x x11.) 12. And a thing that is deduced from the subject itself; anda thing deduced from the end of the text. (xx111.) 13. And thus, when two texts contradict each other, we cannot determine the sense until a third text is produced, which reconciles them. (xxtv.) 7 Ww" Let it be acceptable before thee, O Lord, our God! and the God of our ancestors, that the holy temple may be speedily rebuilt in our days; and let our portion be in thy law, that we may be able to do thy will. Phen say }229 wap * ~ bysua Sy Unto Israel, their rabbins, their disciples, and all their successors, who diligently study the holy law, who are in this, and every other place; may there be grace, F ‘fayour, Paw - i “MTD NOY MIND DTP. 12 * QT SDN) | Ng 2 YO TIN) ‘mem yay) DMT NOW YO NED by NM *mipdor npg magia) psapyy mm TION) Deen wey ay MYT + MIND FTI Dow mewn wera NIT * PEIN DIY Ab : POS + PDR TIN) Wser“da dy aydy yyy eynndy, D2 WT + Iowa INP YD TTT pya bana synsa-o23 my + d-var i Tap wPA “Ww Nw Ey weg I?7 Mak wp SMEAR NNDB * MB WN NHNDES Mat: TA sandy yess yy Ap ya wens My AZT NID pw? Mt + NHRYD PINTER * PANN? IMMA“ ET VAS My MID Wag 5 NT AD? 77 THN? spy ra Osqen} * phy apn? TAIN “Ted! MP DIANA : DINIMLIIT VAP PW WS by nzbmeni ta by yan 19am: a OD) OND 2 DDD ONY nM * opwAy) wrS? ITN? MgO “a raw os wan ds wag. waa win os my 1pva2 MAD SBN con Dh Mw. | PIT “ive Dorian» Sag 9D: NNNDAD DYWT-7PR + AAD onds ovaye soda ba te: onidyc op by gin 8912) :iopela ay wo yyao ss aby oy y>937 : BW) Tiap SY ian * vey nimawia nian Hypa PP noMeT yep) Nar ANID IN? HOW THD 2 DNM YD DANIAN AS PIT Maar 2 LIP mow 18 MORNING ‘SERVICE. ‘favour, and mercy, from the presence of the Lord of heaven and earth, both to them, and us ; and say ye, amen. 4 827 NDOw NMP May the fulness of peace from heaven, with life, plenty, salvation, consolation, deliverance, health, redemption, pardon, expiation, enlargement, and freedom ; be granted unto us, and toall his people Israel ; and say ye, amen. May he who maketh peace in his heavens, th bh his infinite mercy, bestow peace on us, and on all Israel ; and say ye, amen. 5 9777 O give thanks unto the Lord ; call on his names make known his deeds among the people. Sing, and chant hymns unto him: proclaim ye all his wondrous works. Glory in his holy name ; let the heart of them rejoice who seek the Lord. Seek ye the Lord, and his strength; seek his face evermore. member his miracles that he hath done, his wonders and the judgments of his mouth. _O ye, the seed of Israel, his servant; the children of Jacob, his chosen people.. He is the Lord our God: his judgments are in all the earth. Remember ye his covenant for ever ; the word which he commanded to a thousand genera- tions. Which he covenanted with Abraham, and likewise his oath unto Isaac. And he confirmed the same to Jacob’ fora statute, to Israel for an everlasting covenant. Saying, unto thee will.I give the land of Canaan, the portion of your inheritance. Whilst ye were but few in’ number, yea, very few, and strangers in the land. . When they went from one nation to another, from one kingdom to another people. He suffered no man to oppress them: yea, he reproved kings for their sake, saying, touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. Let all the earth sing unto the Lord: proclaim his salvation from day to day. Declare his glory among the nations, his wonders among all people. rthe Lord is great, and exalted in praise; and he is to be feared above all gods. For all the Ee of the nations are idols; but the Lord hath made the eavens. Honour and majesty are in his presence ; strength and gladness are in his place. Ascribe ninth Lord, O ye families of the people, ascribe unto the Lord glory and might. Ascribe unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; bring an offering, and come into his pre- sence ; worship the Lord in the glorious.sanctuary. Let all the earth tremble before him, who hath fixed the foundations thereof, that it might not be moved. Let the héavens re- joice, and the earth be glad :. - ae they shall say among the F nations, tayo YT TPN DID MANY * pA IN) Oye MN NYY WIT WB 242 awiy >) sen pun: wih) oy yn SY DST a via) p23 1p yoAbD 3 “aye eg wurwiin mes) ston pbwh op «ai nangny yee ow nisin’ ena se weap) £ pyr Wy DWT Denby ag yA ANNI aos Sot re? bboy yoes coyn-b> myn anthy 2 > yop seam wtp P97 oI nT BINT SIA) ase yep Daw TAD yn “bp yyy Bs sein a nye 81 79 ANON) TAN “VE PENT NIN ND “PTS finn + van Dow \D ION yor DM PAA Rep opnya wy inked “osnin by ooh on Ping) y ind pan oe oy *awapan pring sovidy yma ‘py * PINT wad NIT UPDIT nippy de * Y nippy OS snara vex ys mwa nd soa oy ding awit ¢moD apyr wis 2 sav ey mINay ys dD TOT UNBAN 7D MOD OTS Ww mixay “gnome ms ay yo MS ew ap ora awn soy, ‘yd man wi obya WON, Oy PVN! wp OWA Dd’ Wad MDW 12D EPI WADI “POM YN AY we wD SAN TAN MN son wed STB a ANT, MAN : aonn we 7S IMT | ONyD yA: ‘qhvan ps > opts pygoe yy oy dws * may OUTS Dasa 2 aw TP wN ANwrA rad 2 AOR TINA yD ayn 19 MORNING SERVICE. nations, the Lord reat Let the sea, and its full domains roar; let the field, and all that is therein, rejoice with smiling plenty. Then shall the trees of the wood shout, because of Qe-prreeace of the Lord, when he cometh to judge the earth. O give thanks unto the Lord for he is good; because his mercy endureth for ever. ‘Kad say ye, save us, O God of our salvation, and gather us from the nations, that we may give thanks to thy holy name, and glory in thy praise. Blessed be the name of the Lord God or Israel for ever and ever: and all the People said, amen. and praised the Lord. Extol ye the Lord our God! and worship at his holy mount, for the Lord God is holy... And he being mueccifile forgiveth iniquity, and destroyeth not ; yea, he aoe turneth away his anger, and awakeneth not all his wrath. O Lord! withhold not thy tender mercies from me: let thy loving-kindness and thy fruth pres serve me continually. O Lord! remember ‘thy tender mercies, and thy loving-kindnesses, for they have been of old. Ascribe ye strength unto God ;_ his excellency is over Isracl; and his strength in the skies. O God! thow art tremendous from thy holy residence. O God of Israel, a giveth strength and power unto thy people: blessed be ‘od. ; nap. 58 O Lord God! to whom vengeance belongeth : © God! to whom vengeance belongeth, shine forth. alt thyself, O Judge of the earth; render a reward to the proud: Salvation belongeth unto the Lord: thy blessing is upon thy people. Selah. The Lord of Hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah. O Lord of Hosts! blessed is the man that trusteth inthee. Save wus, O Lord! let the heavenly King hear us when we call. O save thy people, and bless thine inheritance: feed and exalt them for ever. Our soul waiteth for the Lord: he is our help and our shield. For our hearts shall rejoice in him; because we have trusted in his holy name. “Let thy mercy, O Lord! be upon us, according’as we hope in thee. O Lord! shew us thy pf and grant us thy salvation. Arise for our help, and redeem us for thy mercy’s sake. I am the Lord thy God, who brought thee out of the land of Egypt: declare thy wants, and I will satisfy them. Happy the ple who are thus! happy the Deon whose God. is the rd! And as I have trusted in thy mercy, my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. ‘I will sing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me. re uring a ot a a nn tr vow ror (17) MBI ND YY WAI) toro wy oob ok any x) *MENPT AD 2 TDR baw ie moa 2 aRpIM phe mune ' sarin ppg ey mer aia TPE UT wa ‘2 PP IWR | IB OT RE. YID Ds wIP roy vip ba 203 SATS SL DD pS) SI PA Ano | y 707 Motown WyIay ‘DTAVET TD FANS YON) PIS PTS 977 VEY ANS TNT AY ATT | My dy Ma AMAA %. 7A) BHD NI PW NN AM oom Noy Tap yyen wey : Ey msm py LTT DPW? ry y jiwap oy my wIp~dE) | Yn wa 273.777? rymavha mavin oy) ¢ Ys waAD DF Syston epysronin-bpd mina sppw-ba9 nos waves :OYNN) TON wT env Py Mey oy) wR WANNA “Ty, 32 wind yIT Ts pw Dy CEA *N as TS | Y pM com : wordy, by ei Noosa ony) Noy * oy ny 8) toa) sp mty Sop nny xd ¢ ond maby eye pms : ren oy MPM ay * payT by covey 7979 Spas ona wa yen PIT - we. M2 DVI IIT EDs ryan yw yom ‘oy nay 20 MORNING SERVICE. ———S———_—_— During the Feast of 7700 say the following i PSALM XXX. Ss yonws [A Psaum ann SonG, at THE Depica- tion or THE House or Daviv.|—I will extol thee,O Lord! for thou hast lifted me up, and hast not suffered my foes to rejoice oyer me. O Lord, my God! I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me. O Lord! thou hast ht up my soul from the grave: thou hast kept me alive, should not go down to the pit. Sing unto the Lord, O ve his saints, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holi- ness. For his anger is momentry, but in his favour is life : weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. And in my ener Isaid, I shall never be moved. Lord by thy favour hast thou made my mountain to stand strong: thou didst hide thy face, and I was troubled. I cried to thee, O Lord! and unto thee, O Lord! I made supplication. What avail is there in my blood, when I go down to the pit? Shall the dust praise thee ? Shall it declare thy truth? Hear, O Lord! and be gracious unto me: O Lord! be thoumy help. Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing ; thou hast put off my sackcloth from me, and girded me with gladness. To the end that my glorious triumphant soul may aoe praise to thee, without pune oO |, my God! I will give thanks unto thee r ever. PSALM CIII. swap) 092 WI A Psat or Daviy.—Bless_ the word, O my soul! and all that is within me, bess his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul! and forget not any of his benefits. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases. Who redeemed th ite from the graye: who crowned thee with benevolence and mercy. Who satisfieth thy mouth with good ; so ¢hat thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s. - The Lord executeth righteousness and judgment in behalf of all the oppressed. He made known is ways unto Moses, his wonderful works unto the children of Israel. The Lord is merciful and. gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in mercy; he will not always contend : neither will he retain his anger for ever., He hath not dealt with us in proportion to our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as-the heaven is high above the earth, so hath his mercy been exalted ovat em ayn —————_—_—_— ee ee SPS. TTT PSDP. DYN WY. MW Bw IPM): ioipe Ty wD Nd) * PN) 1aTIWAN 1D 22 7227 INP) * PST We OD WH, Doe x pod pga ys omy rypa May ins} “ne war’ PSTD & ana rmyp boo mabey * ‘SNDD SySB¥ 9D 23 237 ipa yoyo maT ey nS THRPR “spy-by NDIA | YD WY NIWA eae IPN WAIT. | inden obo nan omy pow pods sey rcosdys serpy ose cans WDM FoR NY WIT omy Yom ea pra Pde bo eb oem DYN YO WYLDE MUNIN IME IDeA » ya vandona naneny * Ww. oud mind ‘Tyo Du 93 TORN) “Sows wba er rds d sade om bon aQYanba sANboN “os sap compen oye : ty We mand ya pny ph spy TM rp mbyn DAT PR) WO pS cturD am Ap? mien) * igi Yan Mypa) DIB BSy? yey ea : sDop pow 3 ' snanD Ny jODD NIN): DIB Sk ow winw2.: DPD IMDM) *IN¥ID DYYT TYPO TIN wm 91233 Wren IDR YA 2 sgn INDI PR * ONS by PPPR Hne MDsgN| yQN Mw.‘ wayAIyD DST DY NTRP ma sn 3 ‘tay ony my 21 MORNING’ SERVICE. ‘therm that fearhim: Ai east is from the west, so far pati he ees ous earn fom is Fe ing “compassion of his” children, so’ the: Lord. b com: fon of those who fear him. "Fon he knoweth: our $ hé rémembereth that we a sd e his Maes areas grass; as the Tees of the Bid otk ‘he bloom Swi over it, and it is not, and » wind passeth ¢ ; t is place shall know him no more. But the mercy of the is from everlasting to vertigo “those f him; and his favour unto children’s children: to such as keep his covenants, and to those who remember his com- gpandments, to do them. The Lord hath Breed his rone 7. Se ae kingdom oe inion over all. less the e hi mighty in stre obeying his word, Tota eset ot “his eet ment. Bless ye the Lord, all his hosts, ye ministers of hi: who execute his will. Bless the Lord, all his works, in places of his dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul! eres re On the Ten Penitential Days, say, ; The Lord ne eu ! The Task a Eee f oe aes repeated. ) ord reigneth:: rd hat! reigned A the Lord shall reign for over andever, Repeated. And the Lord shall be King over all the earth ; in that day the Lord alone shall be acknowled; fed! had his name shall also. be one. . Save u: O Lord, oar God! aa us ae among aaa nations, a we ma} ive anks to” oly name, glory in thy praise. be the Lord God of Tsrael for ever au er: and all the shall say, ame ye - Let paren hath Teint, praethe © Ton. ] Sieh. eee & Lacey aie t ie ..To, tne curer Musicran. Psaum or Dayip.— Phe heavens declare the lory of God ound the firmament sheweth the work of ee _ Day. unto day uttereth speech; and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There Rive epeech-agt lepgeages in which their voice is not heard. heir extent is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world: in them hath he set.a taber- aoe for the no Who is asa bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth asa strong man to arace, His goin forth is from the aa of the Heaveny and circuit the ‘thereof; there is nothing rom his heat. The law of the Lord is perfect, quieting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making the simple wise. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the « commandment TOD Moe wow ed DTQNIT: FMP TY MAN wEwA * Whe NIDp myIMD TION: Dy npn) war opine) 27RD INYO “pape aw ’ 3) “aR YA a 203 BR y satin: TANT, DED Ba apa a) 2 Tan) ETB: yen Pe) wea mp | ome OO Sagan sy aah the: Pie) Wes A‘ dD mmo 9 Tam} PA | MYST. BY TMD» BYE, gy obwip Wg + NAT oe CI NIE PINT TB ATR SIEM Pay Paw AIA NY? tO So) 1 Tw ma? PRY TMa «7? BYP] WHT ON NIT PS | TN MPA ND) ¢ OND RiwD NPY IMD : Dy pa Ma ' Neda Tom’ NPT. "sey * mpp yg * wow ANZ * PRIMA STAT WOT | ows AyD INdy Y ms M2 PTBID|I imap *0ay292 Shr * ventas warpm EFM epEE dp ea sina sss y bon pra aT! Tua Snes ana that sae SiN sas» qeempry sara WeEK2 sMEE! Raw DP TD TD ANd: rah i rinayina np Ao NAME TTBS ww Dy yy: ner 2 wy ny "DIR PTD wis aya mee "2 one ia) phe 22 MORNING "SERVICE. Cn ee The fear of tea new is pure, ang ign ever: the judg- of the'Lord are'true and | ever the ments ‘are to be desired more than-much fine gold; they are sweeter than honey, and the: ping of hon y-C0 reover, iby » serya ant is admonished by them ; and in keepi z of | them reward. |W! “can gi ! li W: Id th ra fem emi sat ‘ dominion over me : thepaball I be upris right, ana. shell clear from any great transgression. “Let the aie ihysigity 0 Locd! my Mock, and ing acral in aay 73 Blessed is he, who oily saidy fet there be She pore yer and oak cereale Eno tle he esiablishethy - Blessed he who -erentady Bese is he who hath com pale ion cdisietes, seni Bie is he who hath compassion im ae ued a. mene one tee fear h ted isseacpa ts pi passa’ Heh “lowell is the ever-livin Galt whore sho catia eee ‘eter- -” Bléssed is he, ii di alibbe esate r hiere’ is neither iplanity sor for forgetful ness : ce nee ath hath ‘a Tes ee a and mera tinal Ne s works ih ie ihe whe who redeemeth rel mt tow or , our psa tiga a exalted in the mato se aaeas i edby Beit of Davi thy eee pt ) ‘willy i es 8 , our God! | With et we honour, mean sae re ae ne Feyeeat ce ly ee an we frou ine seer ih nam oes aot “* wica be ws nel trt thou, O Lord! «Ming alored with praisess = baer SEA PSR RM DOCH RRR HR wes AT NPRM te ca hee i asong. Know ye that we e bord he is God, thee

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