Chapter 1

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0 The Problem and Its Background

1.1 Introduction
Almost all Accountancy students have come across a situation when they
were asked what their program is, and whenever they reply 'Accountancy,
people most likely will jump into a conclusion, saying, 'Oh, you must be very
good in Mathematics, Iailing to know that it is only arithmetic and basic algebra
that accountancy students are required oI. The American Institute oI CertiIied
Public Accountants deIined Accountancy as the art oI recording, classiIying,
summarizing, in signiIicant manner and in terms oI money, transactions, or
events, which are in part at least oI a Iinancial character, and interpreting results
thereoI. Hence, accounting is not just about adding numbers all day. Accounting
is a proIession oI communication. When an accountant comes to the scene,
communication between the Iinancial world, employees, and stockholders takes
place. Their job is to analyze the inIlows and outIlows oI money as well as assess
how other Iinancial transactions impact the company. It also determines how well
the company is doing by perIorming practices within the bounds oI the law and
ethics. The purpose oI accounting is to detect Iraud or to veriIy that all
transactions are correct, and to Iinish Iinancial reports so that the stakeholders can
take a look at the reports and help them in making their decision.
This study is designed to evaluate and to measure students Irom other
Iields` perceptions, insights, opinions, and point oI view with regards to the
Accounting proIession, in order to enhance the B.S. in Accountancy program.
This will also provide valuable inIormation Ior the development oI the accounting
education and proIession here in the country. Students` Irom other programs
perception with regards to accounting will be gathered by conducting surveys.
Selected non-accountancy students will be given a questionnaire in order to
determine how they Ieel towards the accounting proIession.
This study wishes to encourage and motivate students to take up and have
a career in accountancy. Furthermore, this study aims to improve the quality oI
the education in accounting proIession at Malayan Colleges Laguna. This study
will be able to provide inIormation which can be used to aid the identiIication oI
the strengths and weakness oI the accounting proIession as perceived by the

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Students nowadays are Iocusing only on the Iield they are involved in.
This is evident in Malayan Colleges Laguna where in students do not know the
nature oI other proIessions they are not Iamiliar with, particularly Accountancy.
The study intends to determine how other students inside Malayan Colleges
Laguna perceive Accounting ProIession and how deep these perceptions are. The
study provided questions that will serve as the Irame oI reIerence in making this
1.2.1 General Problem
What do other students in Malayan Colleges Laguna,
belonging to programs other than Accountancy, think oI
accounting proIession?
1.2.2 SpeciIic Problems
O What do they think oI proIessional accountants?
O What do they think oI Accountancy students?
O Have it crossed their minds to take up BS in Accountancy?
O o they have accounting subjects in their curriculum? Are
these hard?
O o they know/heard any issues about the accounting
O Is accounting proIession an important part oI the society?

1.3 Significance of the Study
This research provides valuable inIormation regarding the perception oI
students Irom other programs towards the accountancy proIession that is oI
signiIicance to the development oI the accounting education and proIession here
in the country. This study can also serve as a resource material Ior others who
would like to carry out related researches.
For more than twenty years, the number oI accounting graduates and
consequently, people who enter the accounting proIession has been decreasing.
This research is conducted Ior the researchers and readers to have an
understanding oI why the number oI students choosing to major in accounting has
decreased by conducting a survey asking students Irom other programs how they
perceive the accountancy proIession.
Results oI the study would provide valuable inIormation Ior educators and
administrators in the Iield, particularly in Malayan Colleges Laguna, in their
mission to develop and improve their B.S. in Accountancy programs and in
Iormulating ways on how to encourage students to take up a career in
Should an increase in the number and an improvement in quality oI
students enrolling in the accountancy program and graduates taking up a career in
accounting be created, there would be growth, improvement and strengthening oI
the proIession. Progress oI the proIession is important as in the words oI President
Marcos, ".the accounting proIession has contributed so much to the attainment
oI economic progress. Its role in the conduct oI commerce and industry has
expanded with the years. Its membership has enlarged and its services have
In addition, other people can use inIormation gathered Irom this research
in conducting their own studies to strengthen and develop the accountancy
1.4 Objectives of the Study
1.4.1 General Objectives
The general objective oI the study is to determine what do
other students in Malayan Colleges Laguna, belonging to programs
other than Accountancy, think oI Accounting ProIession?
1.4.2 SpeciIic Objectives
O To determine what do they think oI ProIessional
O To determine what do they think oI Accountancy students?
O To be able to know iI it have crossed their minds to take up
BS in Accountancy?
O To determine iI do they have accounting subjects in their
curriculum? Are these hard?
O To determine iI do they know/heard any issues about the
accounting proIession?
O To be able to know iI accounting proIession is an important
part oI the society?

1.5 Conceptual Framework

InIormation & Feedback regarding
Accounting ProIession
Measuring Perception about Accounting
IdentiIication oI Strength's and Weaknesses
Problem Solving
Encourage and Motivate Students to take
up Accountancy
Improve the perception oI accounting
proIession at Malayan Colleges Laguna.

1.6 Scope and Delimitation
This study will look into the perception oI students Irom other programs
towards the Accounting proIession encompassing their views towards the
proIessional accountants, accountancy students, and accounting subjects or
courses. The study will Iurther obtain inIormation whether taking up Accountancy
have crossed their minds and whether they view Accountancy important in the
This study is limited, since only a descriptive-survey research will be
conducted, to 50 students. The researchers will make a questionnaire composed
oI a (checklist) that will be administered to the respondents who are Irom
diIIerent programs selected through random sampling. The results are to be
handled through the use oI statistical techniques and will be represented through
tables and graph.

1.7 Definition of Terms
American Institute oI CertiIied Public Accountants (AICPA) is the
national proIessional organization oI CertiIied Public Accountants (CPAs) in
the United States.
Arithmetic is the oldest and most elementary branch oI mathematics, used
by almost everyone, Ior tasks ranging Irom simple day-to-day counting to
advanced science and business calculations.
Commerce means the whole system oI an economy that constitutes an
environment Ior business.
An event, in accounting, is any Iinancial event that would impact the
account balances oI a company's Iinancial statements.
A Iraud is an intentional deception made Ior personal gain or to damage
another individual.
A proIession is a vocation Iounded upon specialized educational training,
the purpose oI which is to supply disinterested counsel and service to others, Ior a
direct and deIinite compensation, wholly apart Irom expectation oI other business
Random sampling reIers to taking a number oI independent observations
Irom the same probability distribution, without involving any real population.
Stakeholder reIers to a person, group, organization, or system who aIIects
or can be aIIected by an organization's actions.

Accounting Event. (n.d.) Retrieved November 17, 2011, Irom

Albrecht, S. (2000) Accounting education: charting the course through a perilous Iuture.
Retrieved November 16, 2011 Irom

American Institute oI CertiIied Public Accountants. (n.d.) Retrieved November 17, 2011,

Arithmetic. (n.d.) Retrieved November 17, 2011, Irom

Commerce. (n.d.) Retrieved November 17, 2011, Irom

e la Cruz, B. . (2008) The growth oI the accounting proIession in the
Philippines. Retrieved November 16, 2011 Irom accounting- proIession-in.html

Fraud. (n.d.) Retrieved November 17, 2011, Irom

ProIession. (n.d.) Retrieved November 17, 2011, Irom

Random Sample. (n.d.) Retrieved November 17, 2011, Irom

Stakeholder. (n.d.) Retrieved November 17, 2011, Irom

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