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WATER DISTRIBUTION facilities «Water disinbution system ‘Works of pipes, valves, pumps. and designed to transport water frosn its source to consumers efficiently and reliably + Components + Source: Typically a reservoir, nver, lake, or groundyater well + Treatment Plant, Where water is purified and treated fe meet quality + Pipetines: Transport water from the treatment plant to distribution points, + Storage Tanks: Store water for peak demand periods and emergencies, + Pumps: Maintain pressure and flow within the system + Valves and Controls: Regulate flow. pressure, and direction within the network + Consumers: Residential, commercial, industrial. and cultural users. Design Considerations + Demand Estimation: Predicting water usage pattems based on population, industry, climate, and other factors. + Hydraulic Analysis: Calculating flow rates, pressure drops, and pipe sizes to ensure adequate water supply and pressure at all points in the network. + Safety and Reliability: Designing redundancy and backup systems to minimize downtime and ensure continuity of service. + Environmental Impact: Minimizing water loss through leaks and optimizing energy use to reduce carbon footprint. + Future Growth: Anticipating population growth and urban development to design systems that can accommodate increased demand. Hydraulic Principles + Bernoulli's Principle: Relates the pressure. velocity, and clevation of a fluid ina system. ¥ . + Darey-Weishach Equation: Calculates pressure loss due to friction in pipes. «© Hazen-Williams Equation: Estimates head loss based on pipe material, diameter, and flow rate. + Pump Curves: Graphical representation of pump performance, includi head, and efficiency. 1 flow rate, Operation and Maintenance © Water Quality Monitoring: Regular testing for contaminants, disinfection byproducts, and other pa + Leak Detection: Using sensors and pressure monitoring to identify and repair leaks promptly Powered by € CamScanner correctly in z valves to ensure they oper emergencies. pean ' Emergency Response: Developing gency plans and coo! emergeney services for rapid response to system failures Challenges and Innovations + Aging Infrastructure: Upgrading and modemizing outdated pi improve efficiency and reliability + Climate Change: Adapting systems to changing precipitation pattems, sea level rise, and extreme weather events + Smart Technologies: Implementing sensors, meters, and data analyties t0 0 operations and reduce water loss + Water Reuse and Recycling: Treating wastewater for reuse in irrigati processes, and groundwater recharge. + Public Engagement: Educating consumers about water conservation a1 importance of sustainable water management practices. ize industrial 's related to various aspects ‘When discussing water distribution, students often note calculat such as; 1. Water Flow Rate: Calculating the rate at which water flows through a pipe or a channel, usually measured ‘meters per hour (mh). 2, Pressure Drop: Determining the pressure drop along a pipeline dt elevation changes, essei adequate pressure throughout the ribution systen 3. Pipe Sizing: Selecting the appropriate diameter of pipes to ensure adequate flow rates ize pressure losses, often using formulas like the Darcy-Weisbach equation and mi or the Hazen-Williams equation. 4, Head Loss: Calculating the loss of hydraulic head due to friction in pipes, bends, ion system. required flow rate and pressure head to valves, 5, Pump Selection: Sizing pumps based ‘meet demand at various points in the 6 Water Demand Estimation: Estimating water demand at factors such as population, industry, and seasonal variations. 7, Hydraul along the pipeline and ensure that pressure remains within acceptable limits. 8, Network Analysis: Using mathematical models o analyze the performance of complex water distri heir design for efficiency and reli tions based on ion networks and optimi ining eff ‘These calculations are crucial for designing, operating, and mai industrial processes, or water distribution systems, whether for municipal water supp! Powered by € CamScanner D® = ein Fire @® = Branch O= sub mains © = CAE SEE Valve, Dead encdoy trea System: Advantages Of Dead-End Water Distribution System smal antages Of Dead- © The chanc The Powered by € CamScanner scholds, _— @ = DBM YReeruGiv Advantages of Radial System + This type of water distri «Disruption of water supply during a system supplies water wi loss. + This system offers quick service. Disadvantages of Radial System the number of distribution reservoirs is more. 2 Due to more connections, this system requires more length of pipe laying system. 3. Grid Iron System Powered by § camScanner Branch Advantages of Grid [ron System © Due to no dead ends water is c + Maintenance and repair work c © This water distribution system provides the required discharge quantity for «There is a minimum head loss because of the interconnection of pipes. Disadvantages of Grid Iron System «+ Inthe grid-iron system, the requirement for cut-off valves is hi + Itisnot cost-effective due to more requirements of pipe length for laying requires longer pipe In this water distribution system, the whole system is enclosed by the main pipel e above fig. smaller areas are enclosed by the sub- area will be affected. om other system points. system, Water can be st ) Tram pipe S) sub min @ HFAll value Powered by € CamScanner Me Nain pipe QB) = Srenet, CS) sulo mass e ctor Rong System Advantages of Ring Distribution System smaller number of intercor ints, stagnation of wat of pipe length for laying is more. pipelines. Powered by € CamScanner PROBLEM 1 You are given the hydraul Nie grado losses between, have Feservoir A and py ne and energy grade MP are negligible. Tho bot len 78m 1.1. What is the velocity of the water between pump and reservoir B? 1.2 Whatis the head loss, hi, between pump and reservoir B? SOLUTION 2, = 75m Zpump = Zq +130 = 75 +130 =205 Zq = 180m 1.1 After pump (6) (a) Powered by CamScanner 6 {SPL O1Z pur ‘OST '38) Yue aBeI04s save porwaoza ayy pure Jioasaso1syea\ 481 at UZOAKjOq aU] UOISSHUISUEN Om JO SASSO] PEDY amp ase YA —1°Z SHO}I] 101 Jo MOY @ ye WZ] azE Sasso] pEay [FIO} AIL], “PUBUIAP Jo}EM AIanoY YeId 305 soz} O1Z pue ‘puewep soem Aypep uumFKeUt 10} s19}H] OS] ‘PUEMAP J9}LAL [LEP OBLIDAL JO} SION] Bg {Jo soyes aup ye uequng] 0} J9qeM saprAoid AyyYedrorumur TuLAYDULLA yw waISKS Ajddns soyEAN OM cWwaTdOud AA STH A/OBT~ $02 = TY ay — dundy _ ty yoarasau pu dud uooasyaq Wy 71 AAS/MEL'E = A PACKS X Z)SO/ = 4 (woe, PASO 62 OH “19a H+ ITOH = 19a ouy ayy We'0= 19H - 10a Powered by € CamScanner PALTO= EO+EO=A wig’ = €f 0 = ZA WED = 1A. 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