Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

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Alamat : Jl Wadaslintang Km 7, Balingasal, Padureso Kebumen 54394

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS
Kelas / Program : XI ( SEBELAS )
Hari/Tanggal : ………………………..
Waktu : …………………………

Petunjuk Umum

1. Tulislah terlebih dahulu nomor peserta PAT Anda pada lembar jawab yang disediakan.
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas ruang PAT jika terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau
jumlah naskah soal kurang
4. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah.
5. Kerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan dengan ballpoint/pulpen yang bertinta
6. Untuk soal pilihan ganda berikan tanda (X) pada salah satu huruf pada lembar jawaban yang
Anda anggap paling benar.
7. Pada soal pilihan ganda, apabila ada jawaban yang Anda jawab salah dan Anda ingin
memperbaikinya, coretlah dengan dua garis mendatar pada lembar jawaban Anda yang salah,
kemudian berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf yang Anda anggap betul.

Contoh :

Pilihan Ganda : A B C D E

Dibetulkan menjadi : A B C D E

8 Periksalah kembali pekerjaan Anda, sebelum diserahkan ke Pengawas Ujian.

****Selamat Bekerja****

Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf A, B, C, D, atau E pada jawaban yang paling
tepat di lembar jawaban yang tersedia !

I. Read carefully and choose the best answer between a, b, c, d, or e!

1. Kate : We’ll have a long holiday next month. What are you going to do?
Yani : ....
Kate : I hope you have a nice trip
Complete the dialogue above ....
a. I am thinking of going to Bali
b. Sorry, I can’t tell you
c. It’s not your business
d. I have nothing to do
e. I don’t know what to do

2. Alex : What do you think about the film

? Bram : I think .......................
Complete the dialogue above ....
a. I like it
b. Thank you
c. I can’t hear you
d. You forget it
e. Let’s go

3. Jade: What do you think of my drawing?

Rose: It's amazing, but I think you should erase the scribbles over here.
Jade: Thank you so much for you opinon, Rose!
Rose: My pleasure.
From the dialogue above, Rose is...
a. Asking for attention
b. Asking a question
c. Giving an opinion
d. Giving help
e. Asking for help

4. Yandy : How’s your vacation in Mentawai island,

Nindy? Nindy : It was terrific! The beaches are
beautiful. Yandy : Really? What else did you do there?
Nindy : Oh, I went parasailing! It was the most breath-taking thing that I’ve ever done.
Roby : Thanks.
The underlined expression expresses ....
a. Satisfaction
b. Dissatisfaction
c. Agreement
d. Opinion
e. Advice

5. Bryan : Sam, I thought you were on a big

company. Sam : Well, I've Just come out of it.
Bryan : Why?
Sam : Well, I didn’t really enjoy working there.
The underlined expression expresses ....
a. Satisfaction
b. Dissatisfaction
c. Agreement
d. Opinion
e. Asking satisfaction

6. Alex : How do you feel about this food?

Bram : It is very tasty. I’m completely
satisfied. Alex : Me too.
The underlined expression expresses ....
a. Asking satisfaction
b. Giving dissatisfaction
c. Asking Agreement
d. Giving Opinion
e. Showing sympathy

The text below is for question number 7 – 10

Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This means that unlike fish or people,
they have no backbones. In fact, they have no bones at all.
Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have nervous systems for
sensing the world around them, but no brains. They are made almost entirely of water, which is
why you can look through them.
Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light. The light is made by a
chemical reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists believe jellyfish glow for several reasons.
For example, they may glow to scare away predators or to attract animals they like to eat.
Most jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few types that live in fresh water. Jellyfish
are found in oceans and seas all over the world. They live in warm, tropical seas and in icy
waters near the North and South poles.

7. Which one creates Jellyfish’s light?

a. White blood.
b. Nervous system.
c. Chemical reaction.
d. Salt water.
e. Lamp

8. Based on the text, we know that….

a. They belong to invertebrate animals.
b. They have heads like other animals.
c. Their brain helps them find the food.
d. They cannot live in fresh water.
e. They can live anywhere

9. What is the text about?

a. Jellyfish.
b. Kinds of all fish.
c. All invertebrate animals.
d. Some kinds of sea animals.
e. creatures on the sea

10. “Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light.” (paragraph
3) The word “glow” in the sentence means….
a. Move
b. Produce
c. Appear
d. Shine
e. Slow

11. Sam : “Would you like to go watch a movie this weekend? “

Carly : “I can't, I am low on cash right now. stay at home and
watch TV instead.”
a. How about
b. Let's
c. What about
d. I think
e. Should you

12. What shall we do today? we go to the library.

a. Shall I
b. Let's
c. Why don't
d. Would you
e. How about
13. like a cup of coffee?
a. Can I
b. I'll do
c. Would you
d. Should I
e. May I


Where do we usually find the text?
a. At the lake
b. At the beach
c. At the river bank
d. At the swimming pool
e. At school


What is the purpose of the text?
a. To warn people not to push the door
b. To advice people not to sit beside the
c. door To warn people not to lean againts
d. the door To advice people not to stand before the door
e. lean again the door

What is the purpose of the text?
a. to ask somebody to do something
b. to warn somebody not to do something
c. to advise somebody not to do something
d. to inform somebody that something is not dangerous
e. we can touch

The text below is for question number 17 – 20

Why Do Hawks Hunt Chicks?

Once upon a time, a hawk fell in love with a hen. The hawk flew down from the
sky and asked the hen, “Will you marry me?”
The hen loved the brave, strong hawk and wished to marry him. But she said, “I
cannot fly as high as you can. If you give me time, I may learn to fly as high as you. Then
we can fly together.”
The hawk agreed. Before he went away, he gave the hen a ring. “This is to show
that you have promised to marry me,” said the hawk.
It so happened that the hen had already promised to marry a rooster. So, when the
rooster saw the ring, he became very angry. ”Throw that ring away at once! “shouted the
rooster. The hen was so frightened at the rooster’s anger that she threw away the ring
When the hawk came a few months later, the hen told him to truth. The hawk was
so furious that he cursed the hen, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Now, you’ll always be
scratching the earth, and I’ll always be flying above to catch your children, “said the
17. What did the hawk give to the hen before he went a way?
a. A ring
b. Promise
c. Time
d. Agreement
e. Trust

18. From the text, we can infer that….

a. The hen was honest because she told the truth
b. The hen threw a way the ring immediately because she loved
c. The hen didn’t love the rooster
d. The hen was ever dishonest
e. The hen didn’t wish to marry the hawk because she couldn’t fly as high as
the hawk could

19. What is the moral message from the text?

a. Honesty is very important in someone’s life
b. Anger never help to solve problem
c. Someone who made mistake should ask apologize first
d. To do something wrong must not be forgiven
e. Actually the hawk should give apologize the hen

20. Why was the rooster angry with the hen?

a. Because a hawk fell in love with a hen
b. Because the rooster hate of the hawk
c. Because a hen love someone else
d. Because the rooster is jealous of the hawk
e. Because the rooster saw the ring

21. Bella : Fantastic! ... It matches your blouse well.

Chika : Thanks. My niece gave it to me on my birthday.
a. What dress is that? c. You are very beautiful! e. My niece
b. What a lovely dress! d. How nice is her gown?
22. First, the empty yogurt cups are brought to the filling line by an automatic conveyor. Then
the cups are filled automatically. Next the cups are sealed. After that, the sealed cups are
packed in boxes by hand. The boxes are then placed on the pallets. Next, the pallets are
wrapped and taken to dispatch.
The main idea of the text is ...
a. the machines of food production c. the process of filling
b. the instrument of automatic machine d. the material for yogurt
23. Citra : We could be late arriving at the train station. How about taking a taxi?
Hari : I don’t think so. ... whereas there are seven us.
a. It has a good driver
b. It can only load 4 passengers
c. It can take us to the station
d. It has more space for us to ride
Text for Question number 24-25!

After graduating his high school, Hemingway left home and went to Kansas city. He
didn’t go to college, instead, he got a job as a reporter on the Kansas city Star. Working
for this newspaper, he developed his famous journalistic style: simple, direct and
When the war broke out in 1914, he wanted to become a soldier but he was rejected
because of an old eye problem. Not wanting to miss the action, he went to Europe any way
and served as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross. In 1918, shortly before the end of
the war, he was wounded and had to return to the states, but he didn’t stay long. As soon
as he was better, he was back in Europe, this time as a reporter for the Toronto Star.
24. Paragraph two tells that Hemingway ....
a. preferred higher education
b. wanted to be a good driver
c. liked working in any condition
d. developed his military career
e. Toronto star
25. What did Hemingway do after graduating his high school?
a. He stayed home.
b. He went to college.
c. He developed his style.
d. He worked as a reporter.
e. he work as farmer
26. Oyhan: Aliya is very friendly, isn't she?
Janet : you are right, ... she is rich, she is not proud.
a. although c. inspite of e. but
b. despite d. because
27. Receptionist : We have a twin bedroom on 201, madam
Guest : What does it mean?
Receptionist : It means that there are ...
Guest : OK, I’ll take it.
a. Two rooms, on the twelfth floor, and room number is 201.
b. Two beds, on the second floor
c. Two rooms, on the first floor, and room number is 201.
d. Two beds, on the fourth floor, and room number is 201.
28. Receptionist : Good morning, Palm hotel, can I help you?
Guest : ...
a. Can I meet Mr. Alfian
b. Could I book eight tables for tonight, please?
c. I’d like to book a cruise for vacation here.
d. I’d like to reserve a double bedroom for next Saturday, please.
e. should I meet
29. Guest : Good morning, could I reserve a ticket from Surabaya to Medan for this evening?
Receptionist : Sorry, all the flights for this evening are sold out. (8).....................................
Guest : It’s OK for the earliest flight tomorrow. How much does it cost
Guest : It’s Rp 950.000,- . Thank you very much, sir.
a. How about one for next week?
b. How about looking for another airline?
c. How about tomorrow morning?
d. Why is it so expensive?
e. who is ticket?
30. If you use a city map, you …………..your destination easily.
a. Will find
b. Would find
c. Would have found
d. Would found
e. is find

31. Katrin : The service in this restaurant is very slow, we have been waiting for 45 minutes.
Mitta : ........
a. Let’s eat
b. Let’s talk to the manager.
c. The food is not delicious.
d. I love this restaurant.
e. the servive in the restaurant
32. Guest : I’m sorry to say this, I think the air conditioning doesn’t work properly.
Customer service : I’m sorry. Iwill get someone to check it for you.
From the dialogue we know that ?
a. The guest is complaning about the bedroom service.
b. The guest is complaining about the air conditioning
c. The guest is angry about the bad service
d. The guest is very disappointed about the situation
e. guess angry to the man
33. Dhika : I’m afraid I have to complain, Tantri. You haven’t returned the book you
borrowed last month
Tantri : ______ I will return it soon.
a. I don’t know
b. I’m afraid it’s not me
c. I’m terribly sorry.
d. I didn’t borrow it.
e. I complain
34. Donna : What about your plan for next holiday John?
John : I ... go to the beach if my father gives me permission
a. Will
b. Will have
c. Would
d. Would have
e. willing
35. Tyas : I would prepare my luggage if my visa issued this week
Rony : Ok. If you need my help. I’m ready.
Tyas : Thank you
From the dialogue we can conclude that ...
a. Tyas is ready to go
b. Rony will prepare Tyas luggage
c. Tyas’ visa is not issued yet
d. Rony will help to issue the visa
e. need my help
36. She could have attended the meeting if she had taken the first train. It means that?
a. She didn’t like the meeting
b. The first train was late.
c. She could not attend the meeting.
d. She stayed at home that day
e. she meeting

37. Woman : Would you like me to help you with your project?
Man : Sure. Would you help me design the cover?
Woman : Of course. I like designing very much.
Man : OK. It should be simple but impressive. I know you are skilful at it.
Woman : No problem. I will have it done soon.
Man : I’m lucky to have a friend like you.
Woman : I am glad to help you.
Man : Thanks a lot. You are very kind.
Woman : Don’t mention it.

What is the woman doing?

a. she is offering help to the man
b. she iis asking for sulution.
c. she is looking for the project.
d. she is designing a book cover
b. she is is asking for assistence.

38. Vitane : Hi, Jessica, oh Gosh! What happens to your finger?

Jessica : Hi, Vitane, well I unintentionally hurt my finger.
Vitae : How did it happen?
Jessica : I peeled an apple and knife ,you know!
Vitane : I see. Jessica look! It keeps bleeding ..................
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is .................
a. I am happy to hear that
b. I know how you feel
c. I don’t care about it
d. I am glad to hear that
e. Don’t do that

39. Beny : Why was shifa absent yesterday

Decka : Her father passed away
Beny : I am deeply sorry to hear that .Why didn’t you tell me before ?
Decka : I have just heard about it
Fro the dialogue, we may assume that .................
a. Decka happy to hear the news
b. Shifa absent because her father passed away
c. Decka tells the sad news to Beny
d. Shifa goes out of the school
e. Decka and Beny is not join the class today

40. Endy : “Ouch”

Father : What’s wrong with you, son?
Endy : I fell from the motorcycle when going to grandma's house.
Father : ................., put the medicine on it.
Endy : Yes, Dad.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
a. How happy you are
b. It doesn’t hurt me
c. You are wrong
d. I don’t know about it
e. Oh, dear


Once upon a time, there was a girl named Beauty. She lived with her father and her sister in a small
village. Beauty was a beautiful girl. She was also hard working. She always help her father on the farm.
One day her father set out for the city. He saw an old castle and went in. No one was in but
there was food on the table. The he walked around the castle. He picked a rose from the garden for
beauty. Suddenly an angry Beast appeared. He wanted to kill Beauty’s father unless Beauty was
brought to him.
Beauty’s father told her daughter what had happened, Beauty sister ordered her to see the beast.
Beauty went to see the Beast and had to stay at the castle. She felt scared, lonely and sad. She tried to run
away but was stopped by the Beast. The Beast treated Beauty well. Soon, Beauty began to like the Beast.
One day, through the Beast Magic mirror, Beauty saw that her father was sick. The Beast allowed
her to ho home. Her father was happy to see her.
One night Beauty had a dream. A fairy told her that the Beast was sick. Beauty hurried back and
saw the beast dying. She began to cry. Tears fell onto the Beast. Suddenly the Beast changed into
handsome prince.
Beauty and the Beast got married and lived happily ever after.

1. Answer the questions bellow based on the text above!

What is the purpose of the text ?
Where did Beauty’s father pick a rose ?
c.How many characters are there in the story ?
When did beauty live?
What is beauty dream?
2. Make questions based the sentences provided.
a. Santo can play guitar well.
a. ………………………….
b. ………………………….
c. ………………………….

b. Heri studies hard everyday.

a. ………………………….
b. ………………………….
c. ………………………….

c. My father will go to Surabaya next morning.

a. ………………………….
b. ………………………….
c. ………………………….

d. Dandi is singing in the auditarium now

a. ………………………….
b. ………………………….
c. ………………………….


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