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Before we get started…

Use the Chat to ask questions after the

Orientation presentation is complete.

Please keep yourself muted to prevent background noise

Student Orientation:
Certificate in Business
Land Acknowledgement
We recognize that many Indigenous nations have longstanding relationships with the
territories upon which York University campuses are located that precede the
establishment of York University. York University acknowledges its presence on the
traditional territory of many Indigenous Nations.

The area known as Tkaronto has been care taken by the Anishinabek Nation, the
Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Huron-Wendat, and the Métis. It is now home to many
Indigenous Peoples. We acknowledge the current treaty holders, the Mississaugas of the
Credit First Nation. This territory is subject of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt
Covenant, an agreement to peaceably share and care for the Great Lakes region.
Today’s Presenters:

Nicole Pereira Donna Farah Khan

(She/Her) (She/Her)
Program Manager, Continuing Program Coordinator, Continuing
Professional Education Professional Education

• The School of Continuing Studies
• Student Orientation Website
• Program Details
• Tips for Success
• Academic Integrity
• Student Code of Rights &
• Registration & Getting Started
• Student Resources
• Q&A
York University School of Continuing Studies

The School is the fastest growing continuing education unit

in Canada, offering programs codesigned and delivered by
senior industry leaders within established, high-demand,
and emerging professional disciplines.
We harness the power of cohort learning to promote a
strong sense of community, encouraging peer-to-peer
collaboration and growing the personal and professional
networks of our students for years to come.
Key Reference:
Student Orientation
Program Details
Program Courses
In Sequence:

1. Business Communications

2. Business Fundamentals
• The Project
Management course
3. Human Resources Management counts towards the
requirements for the
4. Business Strategy PMP (Project
5. Accounting – Analysis & the Use of Financial Information Professional)
designation with the
Project Management
6. Marketing Fundamentals Institute (PMI)

7. Project Management*

8. Applied Capstone

Sample Full-Time (Live Online/
On Campus) Schedule


8:30-11:30am 8:30-11:30am 8:30-11:30am

8:30-11:30am EST No Class

Marketing Business Marketing Business Strategy

Fundamentals Strategy Fundamentals

Each course meets for 6.5 weeks (13 sessions)

Classes are scheduled in 3-hour blocks, 2 times per week (6 hours total per course per week for a total of 12 hours
per week of class time)

Masks are required to be worn in class at all times.
Certificate Features
Instructor-facilitated – live

12 hours of in-class time per week

Two courses at a time

8 months to complete

Assignments / assessments applied to


Open-book (non-proctored) exams

Cohort Model

Same students in each course

Form study groups
Peer support
Make new friends
Instructional Team
Our Instructors

Chris Rotolo, MBA Shirley Lamarre, MBA,

Mangala D’Sa, MBA Joanna Drakakis, BSBA, Jeff May, M.Ed. Amanpreet Chhina, MBA,

Cheryl Lee, PMP, Jennifer Ladouceur, Indira Somwaru, Anwar Habib, MBA Su-Yan Gay, MHRM, Judy Chang, MBA

Faith Tull, MHRM, Salman Khan, MBA, BSc Faisal Yousuf, MBA, Nidhi Chopra, CPA, CA, Rehan Sher, MA, MASc, Janet Melo, MA, PhD

Tips for Success
Requirements for Live
Online Learning

To participate in this Certificate, you will need to

be equipped with the following:

• Device with camera and microphone

capabilities (or peripherals)
• High speed internet access
• A quiet space

*Students are expected to have their cameras

turned on during Live Online classes

Accelerated Pace

Two courses at a time

Each course is only 6.5 weeks long

Time management is critical – don’t wait until

the last minute to complete your work.

Reach out for help if you need it.

Group Work
A few tips for successful group work:
• Set ground rules, expectations, roles from the beginning
• Be respectful of your group mates. Everyone’s opinion counts
and should be heard
• Communicate openly
• Share the workload and divide tasks evenly
• Set clear expectations for each person
• Set individual and group timelines and meet the timelines that
are assigned to you
• Deliver your best quality work
• Discuss how the group will solve problems if they arise

Please note that your instructors may use team contracts and
anonymous peer evaluations
How Do We Learn?
According to statistics, students absorb…
10% of content they READ Academic Transition to York
20% of content they HEAR
Cultural Transition to York
30% of content they VISUALIZE University:

70% of what they SAY

90% of what they SAY and DO (can you teach others?)


The more ways that we engage with our course material, the better we learn (multi-modal learning)

Lucas, Laura. “Personal Learning Preferences.” 21

Expectations of Learners
• Help to ensure a safe & inclusive learning
• Attend class, arrive on time and stay until the end
• Not lecture style - courses will include case
studies, group work, exams, presentations, etc
• Come to class prepared (read course materials in
• Actively participate and engage in your courses
• Focus on developing both your hard & soft skills
• Submit your assignments on time
• Submit your own work (cheating is unacceptable
& carries serious consequences)
• Properly cite your work if you use someone else’s
words or ideas from the internet, textbooks,
journals, articles, etc.

Course Evaluations

1. Mid-Course Stop/Go Evaluation (4th class)

2. Final Course Evaluation (end of course)

• These evaluations are carefully reviewed by the
Administration and your Instructors. Your
participation is critical for improving your

• These evaluations are completely anonymous

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the commitment to and

demonstration of honest and moral behavior in
an academic setting. At the university level, it means
giving credit to other people when using their ideas.

Academic integrity maintains the value and legitimacy of

your credential and academic institution.
Plagiarism & Cheating
• Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that involves taking someone else’s ideas, work, words, or concepts
and trying to pass it off as your own. Plagiarism and cheating also includes making it possible for others to cheat.
• This includes but is not limited to:
- Copying part or all of an assignment from other source(s)
- Not referencing your work and/or not referencing your work properly
- Submitting the same/very similar work as your classmate(s)
- Submitting the same/very similar work in multiple schools, courses or programs
- Not completing your own work, buying assignments, and/or hiring someone to do your work
- Giving your work to others, posting assignments and/or exams online, and/or selling your assignments

• Consequences include receiving a grade of zero on an assignment, failing a course, failing a program, a
permanent notation on your student record, and/or expulsion from the School. Intentions do not matter.
• You will be required to submit your work through Turnitin
Resources on Academic Integrity
Student Orientation Website:

SPARK (Student Papers & Academic Research Kit):

York University Library Resources:

Purdue Online Writing Lab:

Grading Policies

• Extra credit and assignment re-do’s are not permitted for equity purposes

• Be aware of the grade penalties for submitting work late. Check your
course outline and confirm with your instructor if unsure

• No exam make-ups for vacations or unnecessary, foreseen absences

“York was built on values of social justice and equity.
When an institution sets out core values like that, then
we need to live them.”

Sheila Cote-Meek, York’s Vice-President, Equity, People and Culture

The Student Code of Rights &
Student Rights

• (i) The right to academic pursuit as the primary reason for students to be at York.
• (ii) The right to participate in activities for students at the University, without
harassment, intimidation, discrimination, disruption or acts of violence.
• (iii) The right to freedom of inquiry, expression and assembly on campus.
• (iv) The right to engage and participate in dialogue and to examine diverse views and
• (v) The right to fair procedures in proceedings under this Code.
• (vi) The right to respect for one’s person and property.
• (vii) The right to privacy of personal information.

Student Responsibilities
• (i) The responsibility not to disrupt or interfere with University activities (e.g. academic
activities such as classes, University programs, student co-curricular activities and tabling)
• (ii) The responsibility to behave in a way that does not harm or threaten to harm another
person’s physical or mental wellbeing.
• (iii) The responsibility to uphold an atmosphere of civility, honesty, equity and respect for
others, thereby valuing the inherent diversity in our community.
• (iv) The responsibility to consider and respect the perspectives and ideas of others, even
when the student does not agree with their perspectives or ideas.
• (v) The responsibility to respect the property of others including the property of the University.
• (vi) The responsibility to be fully acquainted with and adhere to University policies, procedures or
• (vii) The responsibility to respect the privacy of personal information of others and treat
disciplinary outcomes as confidential.
• (viii) The responsibility to obey public laws

Free Speech at York University
The University has an unwavering commitment to fundamental values of free expression,
free inquiry, and respect for genuine diversity of thought and opinion. York University is
committed to the goal of a welcoming and approachable campus, embracing global
perspectives and differences in cultures, people and thinking, by engaging communities in
collegial dialogue and supporting diversity awareness and cross-cultural knowledge.

York University reaffirms its commitment to provide an environment conducive to freedom of

enquiry and expression where all members of the community may learn, teach, work and
live, free from prejudice, inequality and discrimination based on race, ancestry, place of
origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender
identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability. Students are
responsible for upholding an atmosphere of civility, diversity, equity and respect in their
interactions with others, and should strive to make the campus safe, support the dignity of
individuals and groups, and uphold individual and collective rights and responsibilities.
Registration & Getting Started
Course Enrolment
We will enrol you in all your courses, no action is needed on your part.

Full payment is due before the start of the program. Students with outstanding balances owing will be
dropped from the program. Email:
Official Transcripts
York University School of Continuing Studies requires your official transcripts. It is best for us
to receive these before you begin your program with us, however, you must send these before
the end of your program.

Your official transcripts can be emailed to in an official soft copy directly
from your academic institution
Sent to the School of Continuing Studies via mail in a sealed envelope from your academic
Dropped off in person at the School of Continuing Studies office at 123 Atkinson, 4700 Keele
Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3, Canada as long as they are in an official, sealed envelope from
your academic institution

The transcripts must match the transcripts that you provided when you applied to the School
of Continuing Studies. Please email with any questions.
Welcome Email
• You will have received a Welcome Email from at least 2-3 weeks before
the start of the program, subject line “Welcome to the Certificate in Business
• Please carefully review this email in full as it contains important information

• Included is the following:

- Your course schedule
- List of textbooks, how to access the bookstore & library
- Instructions to set up your Passport York (PPY) account (see the
attachment, “SCS Computing Accounts Reference”
- Instructions to access your course (Moodle)
- Instructions to access the Student Portal

• If you have not received a Welcome Email from the School of Continuing Studies, please
contact right away. Check your Spam/Junk folder just in case!
Passport York

• Please set up your Passport York (PPY) username and password right away
if you haven’t already done so (see Welcome Email for instructions)

• A Passport York (PPY) username and password is required to log into all York

- Moodle Learning Management System (your courses)

- Student Portal
- Library

If you experience issues, please contact

Duo Mobile
Security Feature

All York systems (Moodle Learning Management

System, Student Portal, etc.) require two
authentications to log in for security purposes.

After entering your username and password, you will

receive a push notification to your phone to verify
your identity. Tap the green checkmark to Approve.

You will need to download the Duo Mobile app:
Moodle is a Course Management System
(where you log in to access your courses)

In Moodle, you will find within each

• Course outline
• Course materials, readings & resources
• The link to enter your Zoom Classroom
• Key dates and deadlines
• Important announcements
• Assignment instructions & dropbox
• Communication from your Instructor
• Discussion boards
• Etc…

Each course will go live 3 days before the

first day of the course at 8:00am EST
Use your Passport York (PPY) log in.
Student Instructions on Using Moodle (on the Moodle Homepage)
Log in with your PPY
Student Instructions for Using Moodle (Student Support tab)
Student Support tutorials for how to navigate Moodle are available here:

How to submit an assignment and verify submission

How to access Zoom classroom (for optional Live Online sessions)

Student Portal
Where the School of Continuing Studies
connects with students and where
students can access important
• View your final grades
• Obtain your grade report
• View your course schedule
• Download tax receipts
• Access offer letters, letters of
enrollment, letters of acceptance,
letters of completion
• Request to have a transcript (grade
report) emailed to a third party

Update personal information (email,

address, phone number, emergency contact)
so that we can assist you in case of an
emergency and to ensure that you don’t miss
important messages). Access with your Passport York (PPY) log in or with your email.

Final Grades

Students can expect their grades 3-4 weeks after each course is completed.

The grades in Moodle are interim grades. The grades posted in the Student Portal are the
official, final letter grades which will appear on any future grade reports and validate eligibility
to graduate.

Students can view their final grades by following these steps:

1. Go to
2. Enter your 9-digit student number and password under the heading “I have a student
3. Click on the Grade Report button to: a) Download a pdf copy OR b) Have your grade report
emailed directly to a third party at no cost

Navigating the Student Portal

You can find our Student

Guides and Frequently Asked
Questions here:

Certificates are mailed out twice per year –
Graduation June and November

Ensure your mailing address and name is

Medical Insurance (International Students Only)
Starting classes from WITHIN Canada

• Medical insurance is required from the start of your program

• You will be automatically enrolled in Guard.Me (approximately $400)
• Guard.Me insurance coverage starts on the Saturday before classes start and
lasts until the Saturday after the program ends. If you are arriving in Canada
earlier, you should arrange for your own insurance to cover this period
• Insurance policy details will be available in your Student Portal by the end of
Week 3 of your program. You will receive an email from us alerting you when
this information is available, which will also contain instructions on how to log
into your Guard.Me portal
• If you need medical attention before you receive your policy information,
please keep your receipt(s) and submit a claim with Guard.Me

Please contact for more information

Medical Insurance (International Students Only)
You are automatically enrolled in the Guard.Me insurance plan. You may cancel
Guard.Me insurance if:
a) You are starting classes from OUTSIDE of Canada OR
b) You have purchased your own insurance and can provide proof of this to the
School of Continuing Studies

Please be advised that if either of the above are true for you, you must email
to cancel your Guard.Me insurance BEFORE the end of the first week of your program. You will
receive instructions on how to opt out of Guard.Me insurance from the Registration Department.

If you do not cancel Guard.Me insurance before the end of the first week of your program, you
will be charged for the policy.

Please contact for more information

Medical Insurance (International Students Only)

If you are starting your studies from outside of Canada and arriving in Canada at a
later date, you can either keep the Guard.Me insurance policy OR you can cancel it.

However, you must set up your own insurance for when you arrive in Canada OR
contact us to request that we arrange Guard.Me insurance coverage for you.
International students who are studying in Canada are required by law to have
insurance coverage in place.

Please note that we do not pro-rate insurance and the full rates will apply.

Please contact for more information

Medical Insurance (International Students Only)

Check out the new Guard.ME/SCS health insurance website for International students that
have insurance coverage with us:

The website contains details on the policy, helpful links on how to submit a claim,
information about how to find a local clinic, and a link to Mobile Doctor (virtual

Please contact for more information

Student Supports
Student Accessibility Services (SAS)

Please register with SAS before your courses start if you need
accommodation, or at the first sign of need.

SAS is for students with permanent or temporary disabilities that

require accommodation.
Personal, religious and family accommodations/emergencies are
handled separately between the instructor and the student
Step-by-Step Process with SAS
• Student fills out online registration form on SAS website and uploads any medical
documentation if they have it
• Student will receive an email from SAS in 2-3 business days arranging a meeting with an
Accessibility Counsellor within approximately 2 weeks
• An Accommodation Plan will be created during the meeting between the student and
Accessibility Counsellor and an Accessibility Report generated
• The student can request that their Accessibility Report be sent to their Instructor(s) via their
Student Portal
• Instructors are required to abide by the provisions outlined

** The student is responsible for notifying their Instructor(s) of their need for accommodation

Please direct any questions to

York U Support Services
• Student Counselling, Health & Well-being: Call 416-736-5297
for emergency support.
- LGBTQ2S+ Support Group
- Racialized Students Support Group (BIPOC)
• The Centre for Sexual Violence Response, Support &
Education: First point of contact for survivors of sexual or
gender-based violence. 416-736-5211.;
- Support group for survivors of sexual violence
• Psychotherapy and supportive counselling is available at
the York University Psychology Clinic, fee rates apply: 416-
Keep.meSAFE Student Support
Program (SSP)
SSP promotes early intervention and 24/7 access to
mental health and wellness support so students can
fully participate in academic life and complete their
This service uses linguistically and culturally matched
licensed clinicians. The program can help match
students with mental health professionals in their
region, all over the world.

• Unlimited
• Confidential
• Available Anytime (day or night)
• Culturally Sensitive
• Multilingual

Get support with challenges like:

• Managing stress, depression, anxiety
• Achieving school-life-work balance
• Academic issues
• Family challenges
• Relationship issues
• Much more!
Keep.meSAFE Student Support
Program (SSP)

24/7 support via phone or mobile chat is

available via the My SSP app. Download
the app at:

Call (CDA & USA): 1-844-451-9700

Call (Outside of CSA & USA): +1-416-380-


Secure web-based chat is available via

Learn More:
International Student Advising
York International (YI) Instructors and administrators cannot offer advice
about immigration, student visas, work visas, etc.
Events In-house registered International Student Advisors
and Immigration Specialists can help students with:
• Virtual Coffee Breaks
• Q&A Sessions • Study Permit
• Virtual Events • Temporary Residence Visa (TRV)
• Workshops • Work on/off campus
• Co-op Work Permit
• Post-Graduate Work Permit
• Permanent Residency

Phone: 416.736.5177

Advising & Immigration Support:

General International Student Questions:
Accessing International Student Advisors
and Licensed Immigration Specialists at
York International

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions website where

you may find the answer to your question.

The fastest way to get in touch is by attending virtual drop-
in advising, which is held 2-3 times per week. Register at:

Webinars on topics such as the study permit extension

application process and the PGWP application can be
accessed via the event calendar link above.

Email for Advising & Immigration


If you have an urgent matter regarding your immigration

status, contact Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Canada (IRCC) at OR call 1-888-242-2100.
Support for Indigenous Students
& York Community Members
Supports specific to the York Indigenous community are
available through the Centre for Indigenous Student
York Community members who identify as Indigenous can
also connect with the First Nations and Inuit Helpline -
a multilingual, free, confidential service for Indigenous
Canadians, providing immediate, culturally relevant crisis
counselling support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365
days a year. Provides services in English, French, Cree,
Inuktitut, Ojibway. Call: 1-855-242-3310
Support is available for survivors and those affected by
the legacy of Residential Schools through the Indian
Residential Schools Survivors Society at 1-800-721-
0066 or on the 24-hour crisis line at 1-866-925-4419.

Community Support Services Distress Centres of Greater Toronto: 416-408-4357 (GTA), 905-459-7777
(Peel), or 833-456-4566 (Nationwide) or text 45645
Multilingual Distress Lines
Open Monday to Friday, 10am – 10pm
• Mandarin & Cantonese: 416-920-0497
• Hindi, Urdu & Punjabi: 905-459-7777 ext. 2
• Spanish: 905-459-7777 ext. 3
• Portuguese: 905-459-7777 ext. 4

Assaulted Women’s Help Line: 1-888-863-5011,

Toronto Rape Crisis Centre, Multicultural Women Against Rape:
24-hr Crisis Line: 416-597-8808
Canadian Centre for Men & Families: 647-479-9611,
Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse: 1-866-887-0015
Trans Lifeline Peer Support Hotline: 1-877-330-6366
LGBTQ2+ Youth Line: Call 1-800-268-9688; Text 647.694.4275; or Chat
211 Ontario (Community & Social Services Help Line),

ConnexOntario: 24/7 call, chat & email service for individuals

experiencing addiction issues with substances & gambling - 1-866-531–
Mental Health Resources during COVID-19

• In response to the COVID-19 crisis, York University has

compiled a list of evidence-based and user-friendly
online mental health resources for members of the York
University community.
• York University does not endorse or take responsibility for the services and
resources identified.
Need to talk to someone right now?
The following services are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

• Good 2 Talk (for post-secondary students) 1-866-925-5454; Text: GOOD2TALKON to


• Toronto Distress Centres 416-408-4357 or 408-HELP

• Ontario Mental Health Helpline 1-866-531-2600

In case of emergency

• Visit your local hospital emergency department or call 911

• If you are on campus, call York Security at 416-736-5333, or Ext 33333 from a
York Campus Phone

Students on campus who do not require medical attention and are in crisis or in
serious distress can also speak to a counsellor on campus at Student Counselling &
Development (SCD).

SCD is located in N110 Bennett Centre for Student Services, and can also be reached
by phone at 416-736-5297, 9 a.m to 4 p.m, Monday - Friday

*Throughout June, July and August, SCD offices are closed noon-1 p.m each day and close at
3:30 pm on Fridays

Working in Canada: Know Your Rights
Employment Standards Act (ESA):
Educational Resources regarding the ESA:

Occupational Health & Safety Act:

Workers Health & Safety Centre:
Youth Links:

The Ontario Human Rights Code:

Guide to Your Rights & Responsibilities Under the Human Rights Code:

Value-Added Student
Career Nexus
An online suite of cutting-edge, AI-driven, personalized career tools accessible
exclusively to Continuing Studies students—anytime, anywhere.
Career Nexus tools will empower you to develop the in-demand career skills you need
to put the knowledge you learn in class into action after you graduate.
Includes LinkedIn Learning, Ten Thousand Coffees, Quinncia AI Resume &
Interview Optimizer, Live Workshops and Career Talk Coaching with The Talent
Company & more!

Learn more about Career Nexus

(You will need your Passport York credentials to log in)

How to Access LinkedIn Learning
Click on the LinkedIn Learning button via the following link and you will be directed to Passport York to verify that
you are a current York student.

Enter your Passport York credentials.

Opportunities for SCS Students

Entrepreneurship Initiative through Innovation York

Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion

Earn a Free Certificate of Completion

Our REDI© (Respect, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) training

series can help you develop skills to promote equity and inclusion
at York and beyond.

Attend at least 3 of the following workshops to receive a REDI©

Certificate of Completion:

- Acknowledging and Addressing Racism

- Challenging Unconscious Bias & Microaggressions
- Racial Inclusion & Employment Equity
- Addressing & Responding to Sexual Harassment
- Creating & Maintaining Positive Space
- Intervening on Racism
- Dialogue Across Difference
- Orienting Yourself to Allyship

…and more!

Where To Go For Help


available via the link below
• Course Transfers • Course/Instructor Feedback • Passport York (PPY) • Payment processes &
• Deferred Exam requests • Special Accommodations • 2-Factor Authentication issues
• Schedules • Grade Reappraisals / (2FA) • Deferral & Withdrawal
• Textbooks Academic Appeals • Sign into Moodle requests
• MS Office access • Escalated, complicated, or • Using Wi-Fi (AirYorkPLUS) • Insurance (International
sensitive matters Students only)
• Transfer Credit process • General Tech issues
• Quarantine (International
• Program Policies
INSTRUCTOR (see course Students only)
• Room Assignments Check out the York SCS tech
outline for email) • Tax Receipts
• Any other Logistical details support website for more info,
• Exams/Assignments self-help guides & contact form: • Installment Payments
• Missed Classes • Graduation Certificates
• Curriculum Questions ct-us/it-support/
• Grades
Campus Safety
Local emergency personnel (fire, ambulance, police): 911
York Security Services (emergency): 416-736-5333
York Security Services (non-emergency): 416-650-8000

goSAFE: goSAFE teams accompany York community

members to and from any on-campus location (ie. Village
Shuttle pick-up hub, parking lots, bus stops or residences).
Upon request, goSAFE staff will gladly wait with you until
your bus or transportation arrives or your car starts, and
will aim to meet you at your pick-up location within 10
York University Security App minutes of your call.
Offers lists of resources, security updates,
and more. Links to download: • Call 416-736-5454
• Use any on-campus payphone (it is a free call!) • Use any Blue Light Emergency Phone and ask for goSAFE
safety/id595497925 • Use any on-campus Safety Phone and push the black goSAFE button
d=com.cutcom.apparmor.yorku 71
Please type your questions in
the Chat.

Key Contacts York International:

Program Coordinator:

IT Team:

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