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Comparative Study of Different Cement-Based

Inorganic Pastes towards the Development of FRIP

Strengthening Technology
Jian-Guo Dai 1; Sarfraz Munir 2; and Zhu Ding 3
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Abstract: The development of fiber-reinforced inorganic polymer (FRIP) composites for strengthening reinforced concrete (RC) structures
has become an active field of research in recent years. Compared with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) strengthening systems, a FRIP
strengthening system possesses improved fire resistance but its performance depends largely on appropriate inorganic paste selection. This
paper presents a comparative study of four typical inorganic pastes, made from the following: (1) magnesium phosphate cement (MPC),
(2) magnesium oxychloride cement (MOC), (3) geopolymer (GP) cement (i.e., alkali-activated slag cement), and (4) polymer-modified
mortar (PMM). The aim was to investigate their performance both as a matrix and bonding adhesive for FRIP strengthening systems.
The evaluated performance included the workability and mechanical properties of inorganic pastes, the bonding strength of these pastes
with both a concrete substrate and dry fiber sheets, the tensile properties of the formed FRIP composites, and the flexural strength of
FRIP-strengthened concrete beams. The microstructures of the four types of inorganic matrix and the fiber-to-matrix interface were also
examined. The MPC-based and MOC-based inorganic pastes exhibit similar structural performance as commercially available PMM and are
well-suited for the development of FRIP strengthening technology. Geopolymer seems to be the most brittle among the four studied inorganic
pastes. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000420. © 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Fiber-reinforced inorganic polymer (FRIP); Strengthening; Concrete structures; Magneisum phosphate cement (MPC);
Magnesium oxychloride cement (MOC); Geopolymer (GP); Polymer-modified mortar (PMM).

Introduction application of the FRP strengthening technology, particularly in

buildings and moist environments.
Maintaining and upgrading the safety of concrete structures is a To overcome these problems, attempts have been made to re-
massive challenge worldwide and better solutions are constantly place the epoxy in FRP by a cement-based material, leading to
being sought. The development of bonded fiber-reinforced polymer the development of two major types of fiber-reinforced inorganic
(FRP) systems represents a major breakthrough in the strengthen- polymer (FRIP) systems for the strengthening of reinforced con-
ing of concrete structures made over the past 2 decades. The suc- crete (RC) structures (Munir et al. 2013), as follows: (1) dry fiber
cess of FRP strengthening technology is attributable to the many sheets/textiles impregnated with a cementitious material (Kolsch
advantages arising from the high strength-to-weight ratio, excellent 1998; Kurtz and Balaguru 2001; Badanoiu and Holmgren 2001;
corrosion resistance, and fast-curing properties of FRP composites. Wiberg 2003; Toutanji et al. 2006; Banholzer et al. 2006; Brückner
However, the technology suffers from a major weakness for indoor et al. 2006; Papakonstantinou and Balaguru 2006; Toutanji and
applications in buildings, i.e., FRP composite systems have poor
Deng 2007; Triantafillou and Papanicolaou 2006; Jesse et al.
fire resistance because the organic polymers (commonly an epoxy
2006; Dai et al. 2009; Hashemi and Al-Mahaidi 2010, 2012; Bisby
resin), which are used both as matrix materials and bonding adhe-
et al. 2011; Wu et al. 2010; De Caso y Basalo et al. 2012), and
sives, quickly soften above their glass transition temperatures and
(2) FRP bars/grids coated with cement mortars (Aldea et al.
may generate toxic smoke during a fire. In addition, the durability
2005; Taljsten and Blanksvard 2007; Moon et al. 2007; D’Ambrisi
of the bonded FRP system in moist or dry/wet cycling environ-
ments is also a critical issue due to the moisture entrapped at and Focacci 2011; Zhang et al. 2011). The second system is similar
the FRP-to-concrete interface, which may weaken the adhesion to the traditional sectional-enlargement approach except that FRP
strength (e.g., Wan et al. 2006; Au and Büyüközürk 2006; Dai bars/grids are used instead of steel reinforcement (i.e., epoxy is still
et al. 2010). The previously noted weaknesses have limited the involved). The second system is relatively mature despite the lack
of accurate analytical methods to account for the complex interac-
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, tions among concrete substrate, mortar overlay, and FRP reinforce-
Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., Hong Kong, China (corresponding author). ment. Many types of cement mortars are commercially available,
E-mail: usually comprised of pozzolanic cement, selected silica aggregates,
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, water-reducing admixtures, and an adhesion promoter (Nanni
Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ., Hong Kong, China. 2012). However, the installation procedure for the first system re-
Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Shenzhen Univ., Shenzhen sembles the typical wet layup technique, which is widely used for
518060, China.
epoxy-based bonded FRP systems because of the excellent flexi-
Note. This manuscript was submitted on March 10, 2013; approved on
July 22, 2013; published online on July 24, 2013. Discussion period open bility of fiber sheets on the surface of structures. The research re-
until April 27, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted for individual ported in this paper compares different cement-based inorganic
papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Composites for Construction, matrices in searching for optimum systems of the first type men-
© ASCE, ISSN 1090-0268/A4013011(10)/$25.00. tioned previously, i.e., dry fiber-based systems.

© ASCE A4013011-1 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2014, 18(3): A4013011

An ideal inorganic matrix material for a bonded FRIP system stability in aggressive conditions) have rendered it an alternative to
requires the following features (Wiberg 2003): (1) sufficient OPC in recent years.
mechanical strength for load transfer, (2) the ability to impregnate Slag cement may induce high drying-shrinkage and high geo-
and create a strong bond with the fiber-reinforcing materials, (3) the polymer-carbonation rates (Yip et al. 2005, Palacios and Puertas
ability to bond strongly to the concrete substrate, (4) thermal and 2006; Bernal et al. 2011). Recently, many studies focused on im-
chemical compatibility with the concrete substrate, (5) good work- proving the properties of geopolymer binders by blending some
ability onsite (including good consistency and fast-curing ability), aluminosilicates along with the slag. Yip et al. (2005) and Bernal
(6) environmental acceptability, and (7) limited shrinkage. The de- et al. (2011) found that adding a small quantity of MK to ground
velopment of such an inorganic matrix material has been pursued granulated blast-furnace slag results in higher mechanical strength
by a number of research groups around the world over the past de- and durability because of improved microstructural interaction
cade. Four major types of inorganic matrices have been explored between the calcium silicate hydrate (CSH, by slag activation)
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for the development of FRIP systems, as follows: (1) ordinary port- and zeolite gel (by MK activation). However, further increase of
land cement (OPC)-based matrix [i.e., usually modified by a poly- MK content may result in less strength, higher permeability, and
mer and commercially available as polymer-modified mortar more vulnerability of the geopolymer to carbonation if there is
(PMM)], (2) geopolymer (GP)-based matrix (which is made of al- not enough alkalinity to dissolve the MK (Bernal et al. 2011).
kali activated cement), (3) magnesium oxychloride cement (MOC)- Magnesium oxychloride cement, sometimes known as Sorel
based matrix, and (4) magnesium phosphate cement (MPC)-based cement, is a three-component cement consisting of light burnt
matrix. A brief review of these four different inorganic pastes is magnesia, magnesium chloride salt, and water. The main hydra-
given next. tion products of MOC pastes are 5MgðOHÞ2 · MgCl2 · 8H2 O
Polymer-modified mortar is a mixture of OPC, sand, water, and (i.e., phase 5) and 3MgðOHÞ2 · MgCl2 · 8H2 O (i.e., phase 3) at
some organic polymer (latex). An organic polymer or latex is used room temperature. At higher temperatures the more stable phases
to improve the cement mortar properties of adhesion, resilience, 2 and phase 9 also exist (Chau and Li 2008). These four main re-
tensile strength, impermeability, freeze/thaw resistance, chemical action phases play a part in the strength development of MOC pastes.
resistance, and durability and to reduce drying shrinkage (Ohama Magnesium oxychloride cement properties (such as high-early
1995; Pascal et al. 2004). The hydration of cement is different in the strength, low thermal conductivity, good tensile and compressive
presence of a polymer, creating a network of materials in the strength, and good fire and abrasion resistance) are superior to those
cement paste wrapping around the cement and water, rather like of OPC. A large amount of FA can be added to MOC to stabilize
the MOC paste, increase flow ability, and improve bonding with the
a series of connected films. When the cement hydration products
concrete substrate. Magnesium oxychloride cement also possesses a
are formed the polymer thin-film cover enables the water to be
very attractive marble-like look, and is widely used for exterior stuc-
stored and available for complete hydration, fills the gaps between
cos, interior plasters, rendering wall-insulation panels, and decorative
the cement hydration products, and subsequently improves the
panels (Li et al. 2004; Misra and Mathur 2007). Other commercial
bond strength between the cement hydration products and sand.
and industrial applications of MOC cement include industrial floor-
In general, PMM has a relatively low compressive strength but
ing, grinding wheels, fire protection, and lightweight concrete.
bonds better with the concrete substrate (Ohama 1995). To further
Magnesium oxychloride cement paste flows very easily, bonds well
improve the properties of mortar, other pozzolans such as silica
with concrete, and has acicular-shaped microstructures, rendering it
fume, fly ash (FA), and slag can be added. Slag incorporated into
an alternative matrix and bonding adhesive for FRIP strengthening
cement mortar can achieve better flexural performance and com-
technology (Dai et al. 2013). Moreover, the smaller pH value of the
pressive strength, whereas addition of FA can improve workability, paste, compared to that of ordinary cement, ranging from 10–11,
benefiting impregnation of the matrix into the fiber sheets of a FRIP renders it appropriate for the placing of glass fibers in this inorganic
system. All these additives are very fine materials and can fill the matrix. Deterioration of MOC pastes in water or in moist environ-
voids between cement hydration products, resulting in increased ments may be a concern because of the leaching of MgCl2 from the
compaction and density. This improves bond strength and durabil- binder with water. When used externally or in moist environments,
ity, and provides environmental protection to the strengthening the resistance of MOC pastes to water absorption needs to be im-
system (Ohama 1995; Pascal et al. 2004; Dai et al. 2013). In the proved by the addition of FA and soluble phosphate (Deng 2003).
research reported in this paper, FA, slag, and metakaoline (MK) Magnesium phosphate cement is a quick-setting, high early-
were incorporated into the polymer-modified mortar. The purpose strength, green, and sustainable cement, which can be made by
of using MK is to increase early-age strength, which is desirable in mixing dead burnt magnesia with an aqueous solution of phos-
rehabilitation applications. phate. It can incorporate a high quantity of industrial waste such
Geopolymer is prepared by activating aluminosilicate powder as FA. Traditionally MPC has been prepared by mixing dead burnt
with alkali-based and water-based activators. The aluminosilicate magnesia, ammonium phosphate, and water, but because of the
powder usually comprises MK and other waste or byproduct ammonium gas-emission problem during setting, ammonium phos-
materials, such as FA and furnace slag. In the research reported phate has been replaced by monopotassium dihydrogen phosphate
in this paper, slag cement was studied. Alkali activated slag cement (Wagh and Jeong 2003). Addition of FA improves the strength of
paste is usually prepared from slag, water, and water glass or a con- the MPC paste, reduces material cost, and improves appearance
centrated solution of sodium hydroxide (Wang and Scrivener (Ding and Li 2005). Magnesium phosphate cement is receiving
1995). The main advantage of using this type of geopolymer is that greater attention because of its many advantages. These include
it does not require curing at higher temperatures, as is necessary for quick setting, quick strength development, good durability and
the metakaoline of FA-based geopolymers. The slag cement shows dimensional stability, good water-absorption resistance, and superb
very high-strength properties compared to OPC. This cement re- properties when bonding to an old concrete substrate (Wagh and
quires a small amount of energy to prepare and CO2 emissions dur- Jeong 2003; Ding et al. 2011). These properties render MPC a very
ing its manufacture are about 60% less than for OPC (Duxson et al. attractive material for rapid repair of concrete structures, sealing
2007). The superior properties of slag cement (such as higher com- boreholes, and solidification of hazardous wastes. The acid-based
pressive strength, quicker setting, superb fire resistance, and high reaction between the phosphate solution and magnesia is highly

© ASCE A4013011-2 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2014, 18(3): A4013011

violent (Hall et al. 2001), resulting in a very fast setting of the paste. Table 1. Chemical Composition of Raw Materials
Normally, the pot life of MPC paste ranges between only 2–5 min. Chemical Dead burnt Light burnt
Retarders such as borax and boric acid need to be added to prolong components magnesia magnesia OPC MK Fly ash Slag
the pot life of MPC paste (Hall et al. 2001).
MgO 83.18 93.38 2.54 0.659 — 9.84
Among the previously noted four types of inorganic pastes, CaO 6.467 1.5 63.15 24.28 7.78 35.5
PMM has been the most widely studied (based on a literature analy- SiO2 6.42 3.42 19.61 56.73 46.12 32.3
sis) as the matrix and bonding adhesive for FRIP strengthening sys- Fe2 O3 1.278 0.313 3.32 4.113 5.61 0.427
tems (Kolsch 1998; Badanoiu and Holmgren 2001; Wiberg 2003; P2 O5 1.25 0.089 — — 1.38 —
Banholzer et al. 2006; Brückner et al. 2006; Jesse et al. 2006; Dai Al2 O3 1.19 0.85 7.33 7.29 32.7 17.1
et al. 2009; Hashemi and Al-Mahaidi 2010, 2012; Bisby et al. TiO2 — 0.027 — 1.81 1.81 0.61
2011; Wu et al. 2010; De Caso y Basalo et al. 2012). Geopolymer K2 O — 0.025 — 3.46 1.59 0.37
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has also been utilized by some researchers in FRIP strengthening ZnO — 0.019 — — — —
systems (Kurtz and Balaguru 2001; Paphkonstantinou and SO3 — — — 1.32 — 2.73
Na2 O — — 2.13 — — 0.42
Balaguru 2006; Toutanji et al. 2006, Toutanji and Deng 2007).
Only a few researchers have used MPC and MOC-based pastes for Note: Chemical compositions are reported in units of weight percent. MK =
development of FRIP strengthening systems (Wang et al. 2006; metakaoline; and OPC = ordinary portland cement.
Ding et al. 2011; Zhang and Zhang 2011; Tian et al. 2012; Dai
et al. 2013). through a 600-μm sieve was used as the fine aggregate. Tap water
The matrix material in a FRIP system has the following two was the mixing water. The chemical compositions of the key raw
important mechanical functions: (1) transfer stresses between fibers materials used in this study were obtained by X-ray fluorescence
and matrix, and (2) transfer force from the FRIP composite to the (XRF) analysis (Table 1).
concrete substrate. Therefore, selection of an appropriate inorganic The dry carbon-fiber sheets (Fig. 1), which were used for pro-
paste to act as both the matrix and the bonding adhesive is key to ducing FRIP composites and strengthening in flexure of plain con-
the success of FRIP strengthening technology. This paper describes crete beams, had a nominal thickness of 0.11 mm and density of
an extensive comparison of the performances of the four cement- 200 g=m2 . The fiber had a tensile strength of 3,400 MPa and elastic
based inorganic pastes typically available for fiber-based strength- modulus of 240 GPa. Normal strength concrete was used for the
ening applications. pull-off tests for the inorganic matrix-to-concrete interface and
flexural tests of FRIP-strengthened concrete beams. The concrete’s
28-day cylinder strength, splitting test tensile strength, and elastic
Experimental Program modulus were 30.7 MPa, 3.2 MPa, and 25.6 GPa, respectively.

Mix Proportions
The test program consisted of three phases to enable a comprehen-
sive understanding of the following: (1) material properties of All the inorganic pastes compared had the same compressive
the different inorganic pastes, including workability, pot life, com- strength of 45 MPa. Dai et al. (2013) conducted a series of tests
pressive strength, and flexural strength; (2) mechanical properties to understand the relationship between compressive strength and
of FRIP composites, including the bonding properties with dry mix proportions for each type of inorganic paste to optimize mix
fiber sheets in different inorganic pastes and the tensile properties design and the mechanical properties of the FRIP composite. Based
of different FRIP composites; and (3) performance of FRIP bonded on that study, Table 2 summarizes the mix proportions used for the
systems, including bonding properties of different inorganic matri- research reported in this paper.
ces with the concrete substrate and flexural performance of FRIP-
strengthened concrete beams. Specimens and Test Methods
The flow/workability of the inorganic pastes was determined using
the minicone slump flow test. A small cone with an upper diameter
The raw materials used in the research reported in this paper
included dead burnt magnesia, monopotassium phosphate, boric
acid, and FA for the MPC-based paste; light burnt magnesia,
FA, and magnesium chloride (MgCl2 ) for the MOC-based paste;
OPC, MK, FA, slag, and latex for PMM; and slag, water glass,
and matakaoline for the geopolymer. The dead burnt magnesia
and light burnt magnesia were bought from Jinan city, Shandong
province, People’s Republic of China (P.R.C.). Monopotassium
phosphate is a chemical reagent in a white grain crystal form,
manufactured by the Guangzhou Reagent Factory, P.R.C. The mag-
nesium chloride used was a hygroscopic hexahydrate (MgCl2 ·
6H2 O) crystal with a purity of 98%, imported from Israel. Water
glass, which was used to activate the slag cement, came from
Tianjin city, PRC, and its modulus (i.e., SiO2 =Na2 O ratio) was
adjusted to 1.4 by adding NaOH solution. Type 1 portland cement
with a specific surface of 3,519.5 cm2 =g and a specific gravity of
3.15 was used to produce the PMM. Polymer-modified mortar also
Fig. 1. Unidirectional dry carbon fiber sheet (Munir et al. 2013, with
incorporated latex polymer (i.e., styrene butadiene rubber with 37%
permission from the Japan Concrete Institute)
solids) purchased from SIKA Hong Kong. Quartz sand passing

© ASCE A4013011-3 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2014, 18(3): A4013011

Table 2. Mix Proportions of Four Different Inorganic Pastes
Mixing components
Paste type Dead burnt magnesia Monopotassium phosphate Borax FA Water-to-binder ratio
MPC 1 1 0.10 0.60 0.60
MOC Light burnt magnesia FA MgCl2 solution MgCl2 concentration
1 1 1.2 22° Baume
GP Slag MK Water glass, SiO2 =Na2 O ¼ 1.4 Water-to-binder ratio
1 0.50 0.20 0.60
PMM OPC MK and slag FA Latex, SBR Water-to-binder ratio
0.80 0.05 þ 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.30
Cement∶sanda = 1∶1 by weight
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Note: FA = fly ash; GP = geopolymer; MOC = magnesium oxychloride cement; MPC = magnesium phosphate cement; PMM = polymer-modified mortar; and
SBR = styrene butadiene.
The diameter of the sand particles was less than 0.6 mm.

of 36 mm, a lower diameter of 60 mm, and a height of 60 mm was each type). All test specimens were demolded 24 h after casting and
used. The diameter of the circle of cement paste, which then flowed cured at a temperature of 25  2°C and relative humidity of
over the horizontal glass plate (Fig. 2), was measured. The pot life 55  5%. The tests were conducted after 7 days of curing. After
of each inorganic paste was determined using Vicat needle tests in the pullout tests, the bond strength of a fiber sheet was calculated
accordance with ASTM C191-08 (ASTM 2008a). The compressive by dividing the maximum exerted pullout force by the surface area
strength of the different inorganic pastes was determined from tests of the fiber sheet embedded in the matrix.
of 30 × 30 × 30-mm cube specimens. For each type of mix, three The tensile strengths of the FRIP composites in accordance with
identical specimens were prepared. The flexural strength of each the different inorganic matrices were evaluated using flat coupons
type of organic paste was determined using prism-shaped speci- (Fig. 4). A layer of dry fiber sheet was sandwiched in each coupon.
mens of dimensions 40 × 40 × 160 mm, in accordance with ASTM Three 3-mm thick dumbbell-shaped coupons were prepared for
C348-08 (ASTM 2008b). each of the four types of inorganic paste. The two ends of the cou-
Pullout tests were performed to evaluate the bond performance pons were impregnated with epoxy to avoid local failure at the
of dry fiber sheets impregnated with different inorganic matrices. ends of the specimens before failure of the central part. Fig. 4
The inorganic matrices were prepared in the form of a 70.7 × shows the dimensions of the coupons. All of the tensile tests were
70.7 × 70.7-mm cubes with one layer of dry carbon-fiber sheet em- also conducted after 7 days of curing using a universal testing
bedded at the center (Fig. 3). To exert uniform stresses in the fiber machine. A displacement rate of 1.0 mm= min was applied.
sheets during pullout, the portion of the dry fiber sheet outside the Pulloff tests were conducted to compare the tensile concrete
inorganic matrix was impregnated with a two-part epoxy matrix, substrate bond strengths of the different inorganic matrices with
for which the ratio of resin to hardener was 2∶1 by weight. The their epoxy counterpart (Fig. 5). The concrete substrate was
bond strength depends on the length of the fiber sheet embedded prepared using 100 × 100 × 100-mm cubes. The bonding area be-
in the matrix. A fixed embedded length of 55 mm was adopted for tween the inorganic pastes and concrete substrate was 50 × 50 mm.
the research reported in this paper. A total of 12 specimens were The concrete substrate surface was prepared using a needle gun to
prepared for the four different types of inorganic pastes (three for expose the coarse aggregates. A 5-mm thick layer of inorganic
paste was then applied to the concrete substrate and cured for
36 mm

60 mm

60 mm Fig. 3. Pullout of dry carbon fiber sheets in different inorganic pastes

(Munir et al. 2013, with permission from the Japan Concrete Institute)
FRP grip FRiP composites FRP grip

65 mm 80 mm 65 mm

Fig. 4. Flat tensile coupon of FRIP composites (adapted from Munir

Fig. 2. Measurement of flow et al. 2013)

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J. Compos. Constr., 2014, 18(3): A4013011





Flow (mm)


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Fig. 5. Pulloff tests of the inorganic paste-to-concrete interface 0


21 days. Later, a steel block was glued to the inorganic layer with Fig. 7. Flow comparison of different inorganic pastes
epoxy resin. Tests were performed 28 days after the application of
the inorganic pastes. In total, 15 specimens were tested.
The bond performance of FRIP composites and concrete pastes because of its small and spherically-shaped grains (Ding and
substrate was evaluated through flexural testing of the FRIP- Li 2005; Chau et al. 2009). Fig. 7 presents a comparison of the flow
strengthened plain concrete beams subject to four-point loading rates of different inorganic pastes for the given mix proportions.
and with a 150-mm constant moment zone (Fig. 6). A total of Magnesium oxychloride cement paste shows the greatest flow,
18 concrete beams were prepared. Three were unstrengthened whereas geopolymer shows the least flow. The low flow in the case
reference beams, three were strengthened with epoxy-based FRP of slag-based geopolymer may be due to the inclusion of a high
composites, and the remaining 12 were strengthened with four percentage of MK, which reduces the activation of aluminosilicate
different FRIP composites. The concrete beams had a test span (Bernal et al. 2011). The flow of MPC seems to also be appropriate
of 450 mm and a 150 × 150-mm cross section. They were cured for a bonding adhesive applied to vertical members and the soffits
in water for 28 days after casting and each beam had a 30-mm of beams and slabs. A small variation in water content for MPC
deep notch at its midspan to reduce the flexural capacity of the (e.g., 3% of the binder amount by weight) only marginally affects
unstrengthened beams (to magnify the strengthening effects). paste strength but noticeably improves flow (Dai et al. 2013). The
The bonding surface of the concrete beams was also treated using flow of PMM lies between that of geopolymer and the MOC and
a needle gun to expose the coarse aggregate. A layer of inorganic MPC pastes.
paste was then placed on the concrete surface, next by a layer of dry
carbon-fiber sheet with a width of 120 mm, and then by another Properties of Inorganic Pastes: Pot Life
layer of inorganic paste for surface-finishing. The subsequently
formed FRIP composites were about 3-mm thick. The conventional The pot life is a very important inorganic-paste parameter. The
wet layup technique was adopted for the epoxy-based FRP paste should remain workable throughout the time of application
strengthening system. All strengthened concrete beams were left and should gain substantial strength at the end of the operation.
in air for 28 days at 23  2°C and 75  5% relative humidity before Different inorganic pastes have different pot lives and there are dif-
testing to allow for curing of the FRIP composites. ferent factors affecting the pot life of different inorganic matrices
(Fig. 8). The MPC paste has the shortest pot life because of the
furious acid/base reaction between magnesia and phosphate solu-
Results and Discussion tion (Hall et al. 2001). In the research reported in this paper, boric
acid has been used as an additive to prolong the pot life of the MPC
paste up to 22 min, which seems to be short (Fig. 8). Efforts are
Properties of Inorganic Pastes: Flow
The workability of different inorganic pastes is mainly influenced
by water content. Higher flow is associated with higher water con-
tent (Wang and Scrivener 1995; Ding and Li 2005; Ohama 1995;
Dai et al. 2013). Fly ash also helps improve the flow of inorganic
Pot life (minutes)

150 150 150


FRiP Thickness 3 mm 120

400 150
500 1
All Dimensions in mm MPC MOC PMM GP

Fig. 6. FRIP-strengthened plain concrete beams Fig. 8. Pot life comparison of different inorganic pastes

© ASCE A4013011-5 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2014, 18(3): A4013011

Compressive strength (MPa) 50

Pullout strength (MPa)

40 1.2

20 0.6
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0 0.0

Fig. 9. Compressive strength of different inorganic pastes Fig. 11. Pullout strength of fiber sheet in different inorganic pastes

being made by the writers to maximize the pot life of MPC by ad- The greater flexural strength of MOC paste may be because it fea-
justing the magnesia-to-phosphate ratio, fineness of the magnesia tures a combination of amorphous and crystalline microstructures.
powder (Ding and Li 2005), and addition of CaCl2 without com- Its needle-like microstructure also improves compaction properties
promising the strength properties. (Dai et al. 2013). The greater flexural strength of PMM is due to the
The pot life of an MOC paste is very high (i.e., 3–7 h) depending addition of polymer as well as the presence of high-density sand
on the concentration and quantity of MgCl2 solution (Misra and particles. The flexural strength of MPC paste is less than that of
Mathur 2007). A higher concentration and content of MgCl2 lead PMM due to its more brittle nature (Péra and Ambroise 1998).
to a longer pot life and vice versa (Chau et al. 2009). A geopolymer The slag-based geopolymer showed the least flexural strength of
also has a relatively short pot life (i.e., 35–50 min). A higher con- all the inorganic matrices.
tent of water glass leads to a faster reaction rate, resulting in early
setting of the geopolymer. In the case of PMM, the pot life is nearly
Properties of FRIP Composites: Pullout Strength of
the same as that of an OPC paste (i.e., 80– 180 min). Metakaoline
Dry Fiber Sheets
can be added to the mortar to accelerate setting and enhance
mechanical properties. The pullout strength of fiber sheets in an inorganic matrix is a very
important and decisive parameter affecting the performance of the
formed FRIP composite. A greater pullout strength indicates good
Properties of Inorganic Pastes: Compressive and bonding between the fibers and matrix in addition to effective
Flexural Strength mobilization of the fiber strength in the composites. Fig. 11 pre-
The compressive strength of all the inorganic pastes was similar sents the pullout strength of a dry carbon-fiber sheet set in different
to its designated value. In accordance with the mix proportions inorganic pastes. The MPC matrix provides the largest pullout val-
(Table 2), the 7-day compressive strengths for all the inorganic ues and the geopolymer matrix the smallest. The MPC and MOC
pastes were 45  2 MPa (Fig. 9). However, their flexural strengths, pastes exhibit a similar performance whereas PMM is slightly
which give an indication of tensile strength, varied significantly inferior, probably because of the granularity of the paste, which
from 1.41–8.64 MPa (Fig. 10). The MOC paste has the greatest adversely influences the impregnation of the dry fiber sheets by
flexural strength, followed by PMM, MPC paste, and geopolymer. the paste. Overall, the slag-based geopolymer matrix exhibits brittle


Flexural strength (MPa)

Tensile strength (MPa)


4 800


2 400

0 0

Fig. 10. Flexural strength of different inorganic pastes Fig. 12. Tensile strength of different FRIP composites

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Fig. 14. Failure modes observed in pulloff tests

Properties of FRIP Composites: SEM Analysis

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses were conducted on
different inorganic matrix-based FRIP composites to study their
Fig. 13. Scanning electron micrographs of different inorganic matrix- microstructures. Of particular interest were the impregnation prop-
based FRIP composites: (a) MPC; (b) MOC; (c) GP; (d) PMM erties, microstructure of the different inorganic cement-based
matrices, and interaction between the fibers and matrix. Scanning
electron microscopy analyses were performed at 28 days after
air curing at a temperature of 23  2°C and relative humidity
behavior to the greatest degree and the worst bonding-performance
of 70  5%.
with a dry fiber sheet.
Fig. 13 represents SEM micrographs of the four different FRIP
composites, which show very different microstructures, penetration
Properties of FRIP Composites: Tensile Strength of characteristics, and fiber-matrix interactions. The MOC-based
FRIP Composites paste achieves the best fiber impregnation among all composites
The tensile strength of FRIP composites may best indicate their tested, followed by MPC paste and PMM, whereas the geopolymer
structural strengthening effect potential in many cases since the matrix penetrated the least. The greater impregnation of MOC and
fracture of the FRIP composites commonly signifies the onset MPC pastes might be the result of their greater flow ability. The
of failure in a FRIP strengthened structural system. Fig. 12 shows dense and acicular microstructure of MOC and MPC matrices also
the tensile strengths of FRIP composites with different inorganic help to increase the interlock and friction between the fiber fila-
matrices. The tensile strength was obtained by dividing the ultimate ments and matrix materials [Figs. 13(a and b)]. These explain well
tensile load by the nominal cross-sectional area of the fiber sheet why relatively large fiber-sheet pullout strengths and the large ten-
(fiber sheet width × fiber sheet nominal thickness). The differen- sile strengths of FRIP composites were achieved in the cases of
ces due to the type of inorganic matrix in the tensile strength of MOC and MPC pastes. The SEM micrograph of a GP-based FRIP
FRIP composites correlate well with the differences observed in composite showed the smallest degree of matrix impregnation into
the pullout tests described previously. This is not surprising the fibers as well as the weakest interaction between the fiber and
because the tensile strength of the FRIP composite is influenced matrix [Fig. 13(c)]. The greater shrinkage property of the geopol-
by the interaction between the fiber sheet and matrix material, ymer paste may be the reason for this result. The PMM micrograph
and subsequently the uniformity of stress in the fibers. The largest showed a relatively coarse matrix microstructure [Fig. 13(d)] due to
FRIP composite tensile strengths were seen in the MOC and MPC the inclusion of sand. However, there is good fiber and matrix
matrix cases. Slag-based geopolymer was the worst performer. integrity [Fig. 13(d)].

Table 3. Pull-Off Test Results

Adhesive Sample Ultimate Pull-off Average pull-off
type number load (N) strength (MPa) strength (MPa) Failure mode
Epoxy 1 9,895 3.96 3.70 Concrete fracture
2 8,959 3.58 Concrete fracture
3 8,894 3.56 Concrete fracture
MPC 1 3,351 1.34 1.17 Partial concrete and matrix fracture
2 2,855 1.14 Fracture in matrix
3 2,596 1.04 Fracture in matrix
MOC 1 2,595 1.04 1.09 Fracture in matrix
2 2,591 1.04 Fracture in matrix
3 2,956 1.18 Fracture in matrix
GP 1 612 0.24 0.27 Debonding at concrete-matrix interface
2 729 0.29 Debonding at concrete-matrix interface
3 671 0.27 Debonding at concrete-matrix interface
PMM 1 8,987 3.60 3.29 Partial concrete and matrix fracture
2 8,526 3.41 Partial concrete and matrix fracture
3 8,158 2.87 Partial concrete and matrix fracture

© ASCE A4013011-7 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2014, 18(3): A4013011

mode because the pastes were of a smaller tensile strength than the
material of the concrete substrate.

Performance of Bond between FRIP Composites and

Concrete Substrate: Flexural Performance of FRIP-
Strengthened Concrete Beams
Fig. 15 compares the load-deflection curves of FRP and FRIP-
strengthened concrete beams with those of the reference beams.
Since the scatter between the three identical beams for each test
parameter is small (Table 4), Fig. 15 displays the results for only
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one representative specimen for each parameter tested. For the

MPC, MOC, and PMM-based FRIP strengthening cases, the load-
carrying capacity is about 2× that of the reference beam. However,
Fig. 15. Flexural test results of reference and strengthened concrete for the geopolymer-based FRIP strengthening system, the load-
beams carrying capacity is only 27% greater. All the FRIP strengthening
systems are significantly less efficient than the epoxy-based FRP
strengthening system, in which the load-carrying capacity is 3×
that of the reference beam. Further efforts are needed to optimize
Performance of Bond between FRIP Composites and the performance of inorganic pastes in improving the mobilization
Concrete Substrate: Pull-Off Test Results of the full capacity of the strengthening fibers. The FRP-
The tensile bond strength between the concrete substrate and dif- strengthened concrete beams exhibit the best deformability perfor-
ferent inorganic matrices was determined through pull-off tests mance, whereas geopolymer-based FRIP strengthening systems
(Table 3). Different inorganic pastes lead to different failure modes have poor levels of deformability. FRIP-strengthened concrete
and failure strengths. The epoxy adhesive bonds the best with con- beams failed by fiber pullout in the cases of MPC paste, MOC
crete, with failure occurring in the concrete itself as was expected paste, and PMM, but by fiber breakage in the geopolymer case.
(Fig. 14). Among the inorganic adhesives, PMM bonds the most
successfully with the concrete substrate with failure occurring
partly in both the concrete and matrix (Fig. 14). Magnesium phos- Conclusions
phate cement and MOC come next, with fracture occurring within
the inorganic pastes. Geopolymer exhibits the smallest bonding A comprehensive test program has been conducted to evaluate
strength, with failure occurring at the adhesive-concrete interface the performance of four typically made inorganic pastes based on
(Fig. 14). Polymer-modified mortar might be the best performer MPC, MOC, GP, and PMM. The evaluated performance include
because of factors such as the addition of polymer (latex) as the the material properties of the pastes, mechanical properties of FRIP
adhesion promoter (Ohama 1995), compatibility with the concrete composites based on the pastes, bond performance of fiber sheets
substrate because of its similar cement-based reaction product, and cast in the four pastes, and tensile and shear bond strength of the
inclusion of sand. The latter increases the toughness of the PMM four FRIP composites with concrete substrates. Given the similar
paste and prevents fracture within the matrix. The MPC and MOC compressive strength of the four inorganic pastes within the context
pastes also showed good bonding with the concrete substrate but of the adopted mix proportions, the following conclusions can be
failure eventually occurred as matrix fracture. This was the failure drawn from the test results:

Table 4. Results of Flexural Test on Concrete Strengthened with Different Composites

Specimen Failure Maximum Maximum Average maximum Average maximum Strengthening
Beam type code mode load (kN) deflection (mm) deflection (mm) load (kN) effecta (%)
Reference R-1 Flexural 17.1 0.107 0.099 16.8 0
R-2 Flexural 16.5 0.098
R-3 Flexural 15.6 0.091
GP GP-1 Flexural 21.7 0.164 0.155 21.2 27
GP-2 Flexural 19.9 0.132
GP-3 Flexural 22.1 0.169
PMM PMM-1 Flexural 36.0 0.395 0.404 33.5 100
PMM-2 Flexural 34.0 0.466
PMM-3 Flexural 30.6 0.351
MOC MOC-1 Flexural 35.6 0.615 0.570 34.3 105
MOC-2 Flexural 35.2 0.526
MOC-3 Flexural 32.2 0.568
MPC MPC-1 Flexural 37.1 0.549 0.508 34.6 106
MPC-2 Flexural 33.7 0.495
MPC-3 Flexural 32.9 0.481
Epoxy FRP-1 Shear 55.2 0.979 1.018 53.3 218
FRP-2 Shear 53.0 0.989
FRP-3 Shear 51.9 1.087
Load increase as compared to the reference beam.

© ASCE A4013011-8 J. Compos. Constr.

J. Compos. Constr., 2014, 18(3): A4013011

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