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ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE SECTION VIII Rules for Construction of UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSELS 1956 EDITION REPORT OP SUBCOMMITTEE OF 01 ° THE AMERIGAN SOCIETY OF MECH 29 WEST THIRTY-NINTH STREEY [Sopseb, 105, ‘THE AMURICAN SOCIBTY OF MECHANICAL HNOIVEERS Second Prlting, Setambe, 1985 “Tied rang, May, 1057 rte a the Ute Statar of Ames Adopad by the Couue of The Amona Socksty of Meshal Raines 1025 ‘Revived T027, 1000, 190, 100% 1994 1086, 1097, ID4, 1643, 1040 104,190,182, 1050, o \S ‘The American Society of Mechanical Engincers set up a committee in 1911 for the purpose of, formulating standard rules for the construction of steam boilers and other pressure vessels, ‘This committee is now called the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee, the Commits’ function is to etalnh rales of safety governing the design, the fabrication, land the inspection during construction of boilers snd vunied pressure yesels, and to interpret these rules when questions arise regarding their intent. In formulating the rules, the Committee considers the needs of users, manufacturers, and Inspectors of pressure vessels. “The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee deals with the care and inspection of boilers and pres- sure vessels in service only to the extent of viding suggested rules of good practice as an aid to owners and their inspectors, The rules established by the Committee are rot to be interpreted as approving, recommend- ing, or endorsing any proprietary or specific design oF as limiting in any way the manufac turer's freedom to choose any method of design ‘or any form of construction that conforms to the Code rules, ‘The Bolly and Pressure Vase Committee meets regularly to consider requests for interpre- tions gnd_fevisions of the rules Inquities © must be in writing and must give full particulars in order to receive consideration. Requests for “interpretations which are of a routine nature may. be executed by the Secretary of the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee without reference £0 4 “subcommittee. All other requests are first re- ferred to the proper subcommittee for considera | tion and for recommendation of action by. the {Main Committee. ‘The action of the Main Com- ~) _ The thickness of an unstayed ellipsoidal or es ee required thickness of a. seamless hemispherical head divided by the efficiency of the head:to-shell joint. (©, The notations defined below ace used in the formulas of this paragraph: = minimum required thickness of head after forming exthsive of comosion alow. P = cesign pressure, pounds per square inch (Gee Pat, UG-21), (or maximum allow. ale working pefere for existing ves. sels, see Par. UG-58); side diameter of the head skirts or inside length of the major axis of an ellipsoidal head; or inside diameter of a cone head at the point under consider ation, measured perpendicular to. the longitudinal axisy inches (measurements to be taken before corrosion allowance is added) Dy = inside diameter of the conical portion ofa toon ad a point of ean. gency to the knuckle, measured perpen dicular to the axis of the cone, inches 5 = minum lloras ste value agen in Subsection C, pounds per square inch; E = "lowest eficieney of any jomne in the hhead; for hemispherical heads this in glade end-all ois © ‘or welded vessels, use the eficiency spec- ifled in Par, UW-12,, For riveted joints, use the eficiency spec- ified in Par: URIS, D 4 In ordes to inure that a Grighed head isnot less than the ‘minimum thickness require, eis egtomtty to one a thicker bs fo tk cae of ose sing dag he proces af iy The nck of a opening ine head with an negra ing wil thin out dae tp te Ding oper ‘Gee Par, ‘Formulas in tems of ootde dimensions and fo heads of ath opto ae penn Ba, UR oat hae 2 UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSELS For seamless heads, use E = 1, excepe for hemispherical heads furnished wit anit asks, in hich case the head-to- shell joint mast be considered L = inside spherical or crown radi, inches, = onecall of the included (apes) angle a the cone at the centerline of the head (ace Fig, UA). (2, lipid! Heads The rome hikes of a dished head of semi-ellipaoidal form, in which hralf the minor axis (inside depth ofthe head minus the skirt) equals one-fourth ofthe inside diameter of the heat skire! shall be determined bys tm agg aap or P= ME Ow) 28H — 0.2P D+02% (©) Torispherical Heads The required thick ness of a toriapherical head, in which the knuckle radius is 6 per ceat of the inside crown radius Shall be determined bys 0.885PL SE “sE- oP"? ~ossrton (©, Homispherical Heads When the thickness ofa hemispherical head does not exceed O-3S6L, or P does not exceed 0.66582, the following for. rmolas shall apply: PL asm ‘peop? =ream O © Conical Heads (Without Transition Knuckle)”"The required thickness of conical heals ‘or conical shel sections that have = half apex: angle greater than 30 degree sal be deer mined by: 1 bn PD or P= _29BIcon a (yy eos a (SE — OP) D+ L2cos@ A compression ring shall be provided when re- auired bythe rule n Par, URS. Qo) Torconca! Heads ‘Toriconical heads in which the inside knuckle radius is neither less chan, 6 per cent of the outside diameter of the head skirt nor less than 3 times the knuckle thickness shal eased whe the angle «excels 30 dares The required thickness of the kouckle sha determined by formula (8) of Pas. UA-A() in D oo Tosa ‘The required thickness of the conical portion shall be determined by formula (4) in (g) above, using Dy in place of D (see (c)). This isthe manafacare' standard hee, “Tals the ASME standard bende OENERAL REQUIREMENTS 10,000 8000 6,000- 4,000, 3,000" 2900. Design Preseure, psi 100 50 40} 30 10004800. 204 3900 “4060 WG-22) Fig. UG-31 5000 19000 20,000 Design Stress, psi, from Appropriate Table in Subsection C Fro, UGSL_ Crane ron Dereanaiera Wane Tmtoriass o” Towes Unoax Exranieat Presstne When an ellipsoidal, torispherical, hemi- apheical, conical of toriconical head eof a lesser thickness than required by the rules of this para- raph, it shall be stayed as a flat surface accord. ing to the rules of Par. UG-47 for braced and stayed flat plates. @)_ The inside crown radius to which an un- stayed head is dished shall be not greater than the 13 outside diameter of the skirt of the head, ‘The in- side knuckle radius of a torispherical head shall bbe not less than 6 per cent of the outside diameter of the skitt of the head but in no case less than 3 times the head thickness. (fA ished head with a reversed skirt may be used in a pressure, vessel provided the allowable working pressure for the head is established in vo.s2-33 seeriow vit accordance with the requirements of Par. UG-101. @) An ellipsoidal, torispherical, or torconical head which is attached tovn shell By a butt joint need not be provided with a skirt when the som: hal head ehickness does not exceed 1!/. times the fominal shel thickness, "When the nominal head thickness exceeds 1i/« times the nominal. shell thickness, a skire shall be. provided having. @ length not les than three times the nominal nead thickness, or 11/ in., whichever is smaller. When skirt is used it shall mect the requirements for Shell thickness in Par. UG-27(0, (0a) Bllpsoidal, torispherial, and toriconical heads, concave to pressure that are to be fitted inside or over a shell ap joint), shall have a skirt length of at least 3 times the nominal head thicks nes plus ¥/a ny but in no case less than fine (a), A head fora cylindrical shell may be built up of several head shapes, the thicknesses of which satisfy the requirements of the appropriate formulas above, provided that adjoining, chapes are so formed that they have a common tangent franaverse to the joine. Any taper at a welded joint, as required by Par. UW.9(e), shall be withan the boundary ofthe shape having the chinner wall (0). Dished heads of full hemispherical shape, coneave to pressure, need not have an integral skins, but where a skirt is provided for butts welded attachment the thickness of the skirt shall bre at least that required fora searnlesseylindreal shell of the same diameter. (9). If a torispherical, ellipsoidal, or hemi- spherical head js formed wich a fattened spot oF Sirface, the diameter of the fat spot shall not ex ead that permite for fat heads as given by the formula in Par. UG3, using C = 055. (@ Openings in formed heads under internal prs thal comply with the requrements of 9 UG-36 through UG-46. (A stayed jacket that completely covers a formed inner head of any ofthe types included in this parazraph shall also meet the requirements of Par. UG-A7C0) WG-33 Formed Heads, Pressure on Convex Side (@) The required thickness at the thi nest point after forming of ellipsoidal or tori= spherical heads under pressure on, the convex side (minus heads) shall be the greater of the following. thicknesses: (1) The thickness as computed by the pro- cedure given in Par. UG-I2 for heads with the pressure on the concave side (plus heads) using, 4 design pressure 1.67 times the external design ressure, assuming the joint efliciency 00 for all cases; or Ftc computed by the ap propriate procedure given in (d) or (e). When checking an existing design of anellipsoidal 4 of torispherical head to determine its maximum allowable working presury this pressure shall be determined by reversing the procedures in (1) and (2) above and using the smaller value obtained. ‘The required thickness of hemispherical heads under presre onthe convex side shall be detr- ‘mined by the rules given in (c). ‘The required thickness of conical heads under pspre on the convex side shall be determined y the rules given in ( In addition, provision shall be made for any other loadings given in Par. UG-22. Fig. UAA shows principal dimensions of typical heads. (ee Note 1, Par. UG-32(8),) (B) The notations defined below are used in the formulas of this paragraph: 4 = minimom required thickness of head after forming, exclusive of eorrosion al- owance, inches, P = external design pressure, pounds per square inch (see Par. UG-38(¢) and (D), (easimum, allowable working presre for a vessel in its operating position), for hemispherical heads, ‘the inside rating inches for ellipsoidal heads, the equivalent in- fide spherical radi taken a -KiDy for torispherical heads, the inside radius of the crown portion of the head, inches, Dy = outside diameter of the head skirt; of the outside diameter of a cone head at the point under consideration, measured perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the gone, inches (sce Os een 1 = a factot depending upon, the ellipsoi head proportions, given in Table UG- (©)_Henispherical Heads "The required thick- ness of hemispherical head having pressure on the convex side. shall be determined in the same manner a3 outlined in Par. UG-28(d) for deter mining the thickness for a spherical shell, An example illustrating the use of this procedure is sgiven in Appendix I. (Par. UA-276(0)). (@)Eilipsoidal Heads “The required thickness of an ellipsoidal head having pressure on the con- vex side, either seamless or of fuilt-up construction with bute joints, shall not be les than that deter- mined by the following procedure: Step 1; Assume a value for, Determine the ratios £4/100%, and Li/i. Step 2: Enter the left-hand side of the chart in Appendix V for the material under consideration with the value of Za/100h determined in Step 1, Step 3: Move horizontally to the line marked Sphere Line Step 4: From this intersection move vertically to the material line for the design temperature (OENERAL REQUIREMENTS (sce Par. UG-20). (For intermediate tempera. ‘ures, interpolations may be made between the lines on the chart.) Step §: From this intersection move horizon. tally to the right and read the value of B. Step 6: Compute the allowable working pres- sure P. by the following formula: B Lin Step 7: Compare Py with P. If P, is smaller ‘than P, a greater value for 4, must be selected and the design procedure repeated until a value for P, js obtained that is equal to or greater than P. An cxample illustrating the use of this procedure is given'in Appendix f (Par. UA-276(a))- (0) , Torispherical Heads, The required thick- ness of a torispherieal head having pressure on the convex side, either seamless or of built-up eon struction with bute joints shall not be less than that determined by the same design procedure as is used for ellipsoidal heads given in (@), using the appropriate value for Zi. An example illustrat ing the use of this procedure is given in Ap- pendix L (Par. UA-2/6(0). ©, Conical Heads The required thickness of a conical head under pressure on the convex side, cither seamless or of built-up construction with ints, shall not be less than that determined by the following rules: (1), When one-half of the included (apex) angle of the cone is equal to or less than 22"72 deg, the thickness of the cone shall be the same as the required thickness of a cylindrical shell, the length. of which equals the aria length of the cone or the axial distance center to center of stiffening rings (i used), and the outside diameter of which is equal to the outside diameter at the large end of the cone or section between stiffening rings (see Par, UG.28(¢)). An example illustrating the use of this procedure is given in Appendix L (Par. UA.276(@)). @),_When one-half of the included (apes) angle of the cone is greater than 221/, deg and less than 60 deg, the thickness of che cone shall be the same ag the required thickness of 2 cylindrical shell, the outside diameter of which equals the largest inside diameter of the cone measured per. pendicularly to the cone axis, and the length of Which equals an axial length that is the least of either the distance center to center of stiffening tings (if used) or the largest inside diameter of the section of cone considered (see Par. UG-28(c)).. (3), When one-half of the included (apex) angle ofthe cone is greater than G® degy the thick; ness of the cone shall be the same as the required thickness for a flat head under external pressure, P, 15 vo the diameter of which equals the largest inside Slameter of the cone (see Par, UCI). (@)_ When lap joints are used in formed head construction or foF longitudinal joints in a conical head under external pressure, the thickness shall be determined by the rules in this paragraph, ex- cept that 2P shall be vee instead of Pin the c= culations for the required thickness. (H) The required length of skirt on heads con- vex to pressure shall comply wich the provisions of Par. UG-32(),(m), and (0) for heads concave to pressure, (Openings in heads convex to comply with the requirements of through UG-46, UG-34 Flat Heads and Cover Plates The thickness of flat unstayed heads, cover plates, and blind flanges shall conform to either of the follow ing requirements: (W),, Blind ftanges conforming to ASA B16.5- 1983. of the appropriate pressure-temperature ratings and diameters as given in these standards shall be acceptable when attached by bolting as shown in Fig. UG-34(a) and (h). 2) The required thickness of fat unstayed heads, cover plates, and blind flanges, shall be calculated by the following formula, using the appropriate value for C: af oe where ¢ = minimum required thickness of plate, ‘exclusive of corrosion allowance, inches, d= diameter, or shortest span, measured as indiented’in Fig. UG-35, inches, ressare, cs per square inch vessure shall "ars. UG.36 se ro P = desi cesar UG-21 for maximum allowable working pressure for existing vessels, see Par, UG-98), ‘maximum allowable stress value, pounds per square inch (see applicable table of stress values in Subsection C), © = 0.162 for plates rigidly riveted or bolted 2 This formulas designed wo give safe reals nwoar as sieas conditions are conetoed. Greasr cknesees than ine st by he ruin my, be ery Ta cen ea ‘ass, Hor example im bole cover pate ss shown n Fg WESug) or ty, the detection of the’ plate under presure inay rellsve he pressre om the gates auficenty go renal in feaage, A furchr dpheening ofthe bles wil endo correct this condigon. Another example fo that ofa cover pla 63 Shown in Fig, UGL3AG) oF Cy, bolted vo che channel fa mulinlespaas hese exchanger, the shannel being 30 designed that the Cover plate makes the seal with partons separating the’ ever pases’ The defection of he plate under bolt {Shane eae may eee ben es contact Wid the partons and shorecreut the various pase. rsh idhnigof te fle il tendo agravate econ Fig. UO-36 SECTION Vi] UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSELS citings rege itoess oe "oie Se re Ee, TEES +H e030 (my Fio, UGH Sou Accorranie Tea 16 (OENERAL REQUIREMENTS anges or side plates, as shown eae ee in Fig. ¢ = 9.168 fringe at hea a shown in Fig. UG-34(b) where dimension 4 does not exceed 24 in., and the ratio of thick= ness of the head to dimension dis atleast equal to or greater than 0.05, € = 0,30 for fanged plates attached to ves- sels as shown in Fig: UG-34(c) by means of circumferential lap joints riveted, Welded, or brazed, and inecting all the Tequirements therefor, and where the comer radius on the inside isnotless han three times the thickness of the flange immediately adjacent thereto; and for Hanged plates with the same inside cor- ner radius serewed over the ends of ves. sels, in which the design of the threaded joint against failure by shear tension, or ‘compression, resulting from the end force ddue to pressure is based on a factor of safety of at least 4, and the threaded star a ean as rng a the eens 7 standard piping of the same diam eter. Seal welding may be used, if desizeds 0.25 for heads forged integral with or buetawelded to vessels as shown in Fig. UG34(@) and (©), where the comer radius on the inside is not less than three times the thickness of the flange imme- diately adjacent thereto, and where the ‘welding meets all the requirements for circumferential joints given in Part UW, including those for stress-relieving and radiographic examinations C = 0.50 for plates welded to the inside of a vessel ao shown in Fig. UG-34(F) and otherwise meeting the requirements for the respective types of welded vessels, including stress-relieving when required for the vessel but omitting radiographic Ceamination, ‘The size of weld sil be rot less than two, times the required thickness of @ seamless shell or less than 41.25 times the nominal shell thickness, and shall not be greater than the head thickness. ‘The weld shall be’ deposited in a welding groove with the root of the weld az the inner face of the head as shown in Fig. UG34( € = 0.50 for beveled carbon and low-alloy steel plates having a diameter, d, not ex- ceeding 18 inches, inserted into shells, pipes, or headers, the ends of which are Crimped over the bevel with the limita- tions shown. in Fig. UG-34(a). The crimping shall be done when the entire circumference of the cylinder is uni- W uc-30 formly heated to a proper forging tem- perature for the material used, For this construction the ratio fy/d shall be not less than the ratio P/S nor less than 0.03; c= 030+} for plates bolted to Hd shally, flanges or side plates in such a ‘manner that the setting ofthe bolts tends to dish the plate and where the pressure is on the same side of the plate as the Boling fang, e8 shown in Fig, UG- 34(g) and (h), where F = boltload under operatingeon- divions, pounds Ge Par, UAA7(©), ha = radial distance, from the bolt circle diameter to the diameter d, inches, H = total hydrostatic end force as defined in ‘Fable UA-S1, pounds, a= Gas defined in Table UASL, inches; C = 0.50 for plates having 2 dimension d not exceeding 18 inches inserted into vessels and welded thereto as shown in Fig. UG- 34@) and otherwise meeting the re- quirements for the respective types, of welded vessels including stress-relieving when required for the vessel but omitting radiographic examination, ‘The end of the vessel shall be crimped over not less than 30 deg nor more than 45 deg, The crimping shall be done, cold only when this operation will not injure the metal. ‘The throat of the weld shall be not less than the thickness of the flat heads € = 0.75 for plates screwed into the end of a vessel having an inside diameter d not zeroing 1 nce, 4 shown in Fig 14(), or for heads having an integral flange screwed over the end of a vessel having an inside diameter d not exceed ing 12 inches, and where the design of the threaded joint against faiur. by shear, tension, or compression, resultin from the ent” force due to pressure, is based on a factor of safety of at least 4, andthe threaded parts are at lent a8 strong as the threads for standard piping ofthesamediameter, Seal welding may be used, if desired C = 030 for plates inserted into the ends of ‘vessels and held in place by some suit- able positive mechanical-locking arrange- ments such as shown in Fig. UG-34() and ()); where all possible means of fail- ture cither by shear, tension or compres sion, due to the hydrostatic end force, are resisted with a factor of safety of 4 Seal welding may be used, if desired; wes seori0N vit = 0,30 for plates held by set bolts in line with the gasket as shown in Fig. UG. 34(m), provided the design of all holding parts against failure by shear, tension of compression, resulting from the end force due to pressure, is based on a factor of safety of at least 4, and threaded joints, if any, are at least &s strong as for stand ard piping of the same diameter. WG-35 Spherically Dished Covers (Bolted Heads)! Rules for the design of circular spheri cally dished heads with bolting flanges are given in Par. UA-6. OPENINGS AND REINFORCEMENTS* (Tvercas, ExampLes oF THE APPLICATION OP THESE RULES ARE clven in ApreNDrx L) S38 Openings jn rosmure, Vessels (a) spe of Openings ypenings in the eyline drical ot conical sections of a vessel should be cir. cular, elliptical, or obround.* All openings in formed heads shall preferably be circular, but if not circalar shall be elliptical. When the long dimension of an elliptical or obround opening ex: ceeds twice the short dimension, the reinforce. ‘ment across the short dimension shall be increased as necessary to provide against excessive distor- tion due to twisting moment. @)_In special cases, openings may be of an other shape tan those given in (1, but when they are of such proportions that their strength cannot be computed with assurance of accuracy, or when doubt exists as to the safety of a vessel wich such openings, the part of the vessel affected shall be subjected toa proof hydrostatic test ax prescribed in Par. UG-101. !curmonaye Nore Repral ces ens of aerpre veel maar, and ss spning ik te noe {Sf the nl bled type hal bem sreanged thre the are Stone holding ekment hil nat reeas al the hens Sask deve 'thall Ue erage to perme vial exonn ‘ture operand pore engagements he Rolie devices, 2"The res governing peng ta pven in ip Cole are eae oa tensa ist ened sheexincs oft ceapeience wich vewaa deagned with sacty news of f and $ Sled to the ultmatesuengt of che the rect "BS tolls lp dee Se Seal ain “suuppared waht of onsectng ying ee nt eee el Sted. "These factors shold Bo gic atenton fo wneauel ao $m or under codicon of clade "The opening made by ange or a car nore the ais fiche oe reneni eawall ohn ye Couderel an clipeloanng for Sgn parce “An around openings one whichis formed by two paral sider and ember eee 18 UMFIRED PRESSURE VESSELS (©) Size of Openings (2) Properly reinforced openings in cylindrical and, spherieal shells are not limited as to sizeand shal comply with the Provisions which follow, and with the additional provisions of Par. UAT, (2) Properly reinforced openings in formed heads need nee betimied Bs wos ie ‘hen the ning in the end closure ofa cylinder is larger than one-half the inside diameter ofthe shell is Fecommended that the closure be. made. by. conical or reversed-curve section as shown in Fig. UG.36, "or by a combination of such. shapes, using 2 cone with « kiuckle radius at, he lay tnd only or a cone with a knuckle radius at the small end only. The design of the lage diameter fend including the outer knuckle, fused shall com: ply ideal egrets ofthe ras for conical ads, Par. UCI2) oF (6) Strength and Design of Finished Openings of al lic econ ha fuceceding paragraphs apply to the finished con: Sthuetion after deduction hus been made for ma terial added a8 corrosion allowance, For desigh urposes, no metal ded as corrosion allowance nay be considered as reinforccment. 2) All openings shall be reinforced to satisfy the requirements of Pars UG-3?, except as given in (3) belo (3). Single openings in vessels not subject to rapid’ fucruttions in presure do not require Felnforcement other than that saherent in" the constriction under the following conditions: (@ Welded or brazed attachments not larger thans 3 nig seein veel shells or hen in or les 2 in. pipe size—in vessel shells or heads jons governing welded joints are given in Par. UG-87 Reinforcement Required for Openings Jn Shells and Formed Honds (a) Gener The rules in this paragraph apply to all openings other than small openings covered by Par. UG-36(c)(3),, large head openings covered by Par. UG-36(b)(2), ‘and openings in flat heads covered by Par. UG-39, Reinforcement shall be provided in amount and distribution such that the area requirements for reinforcement are satisfied forall planes through ‘the center of the opening and normal to the ves- sel surface. For a circular opening in a cylindrical shell, the plane containing the axis of the shell is, the plane of greatest loading due to pressure, (b) Design for Internal Pressure The total cross-sectional area of reinforcement, 4, required Bane Ores GENERAL REQUIREMENTS UG-37-395 lg. UG-36; Table U6-37 ¢ ¢ wf 152012 minimum Fro, UG-I6. Laxox Hao Oreainos—Ravense-Conve sup Comat Suni-Repvcen Seerions in any given plane for @ vessel under internal pres- jure shall be not less than A=dXh vwhere d = he diameter in the given plane of the finished opening in its corroded con- dition, inches, the required thickness of « seamless shell or head computed by the rules of the Code forthe designated pressure, inches, except thats (1) When the opening and its reinforce. rent are entirely within the spherical po tion ofa torispherical head, fis the thick. ness required by Par. UA(@) using fo Mi et @) When the opening is in-a cone, is the thickness required for a seamless cone of diameter D measured where the nozzle ais pierces the inside wall of the cones (3) When the gpesing and its renforee- ment are in an ellipoidal head and are lo- ‘ated entirely within a cirle the center of ‘which coincides with the center of the head and the diameter of which is equal to 80 percent ofthe shell diameter, fis the thick hess required fora seamless sphere of radius KD, where D is the shell diameter and Kiis given by Table UG-37, 4 TABLE UG37 VALUES, OF SPHERICAL RADIUS BACTOR Ki wivulen Sphecl Radius, KD: D/2h = sais ratio, Sete at Hania eran ‘pore fortes alae) 2 30 a8 tet Bie oe as top oe Bote te i i210 0.90 0.81 0.73 0.65 0.57 0.80 19 (0) Design for External Pressure (2) The re- inforgement required for openings in single valed vessels subject to external pressure need be only 530 per cent of that required in (b) where % i the wall thickness required by the rules for vessels er exerpal pear 7 2). The reinforcement required for openings in each shell of a multiple-walled vessel shall com= ply with (1) when the shell ig subject to external pressure, and with (b) when the shell is subject to Internal’ pressure, regardless of whether or not there is a common nozzle secured to more than cone shell by strength welds. (@)_Design for Alternate Internal and External Pressure Reinforcement of vessels subject, to alternate internal and external pressures. shall meet the requirements of (b) for internal pressure and of (¢) for external pressure. WG-38. Pu in Formed Heads (a) ued openings in formed heads made by snward or outward forming of the head plate shall meet ‘the requirements for reinforcement in Par. UG-37. (b). The minimum depth of flange of a flued opening exceeding 6 in, in any inside dimension, ‘hen mot stayed by an attached pipe or le, shall equal 3% oF ( + 3) ing whichever is less, where fis the required head thickness. ‘The depth of flange shall be determined by placing a straight- edge across the side opposite the flued opening along. the major axis and measuring from the straightedge to the edge of the flanged opening (Gee Fig. UG-38). (©) The minimum width of bearing surface for a gasket on a self sealing fined opening shall be in accordance with Par. UG-46(). UG-39 Reinforcement Required for Openings eine Sete nara, The roles in this aragraph apply to all openings other than s Epenings covered by Par UGS6(E}). UG-30—41; Tig. UO-38 seeTiow vItt aN bool ore Aira cent of tng Fro, UGI8 Minne Darra rox Buon or Fiveo Orewinar (b)_ Flat heads that have an opening with a dlinmeter that does not exceed one-half of the head iameter or shortest span, as defined ‘in Par. UG34, shall have a total crose-sectional arca of renfrtement aot ess than that given by the formula A= 05dx5 where d is defined in Par. UG-37 and ¢ in Par. UG.s4. (©) Flat heads that have an opening with a diameter that exceeds one-half of the head diam- ‘eter or shortest span, as defined in Par. UG-34, shall be designed as a fange in accordance with the Rules for Bolted lange Connections given in Appendix IT, (@)_As an alternative to (a), the thickness of flat heads may be increased to provide the neces sary opening-reinforcement by using 2C in place of Cin the formulas for caleulating head thickness in Par, UG-34. Except for the types of construc tion shown in (g) and (h) of Fig. UG-34, the value of 20 to be use in the formulas need not exceed 075, UG-40 Limits of Reinforcement (a) ‘The boundaries ofthe cross-sectional area in any plane normal to the vessel wall and passing through the center of the opening within which metal must be located in order to have value as reinforcement are Sesignated a the nits of enforcement for chat (b) ‘Thelimits of reinforcement, measured par allel to the vessel wall, shall be af a distance, on each side of the axis of the opening, equal to the ‘greater of the following: (1) The diameter of the finished opening in the corroded condition, (2) ‘The radius of the finished opening in the corroded condition plus the thickness of the vessel wall, plus the thickness of the nozzle wall. (©The limits of reinforcement, measured to the vessel wall, shall conform to the contour of the surface at’a distance from each surface equal to the smaller of the following: UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSELS (2) 2% times the nominal shell thickness less corrosion allowance, (2) 2%; times the nozzle-wall ehickness less corrosion allowance, plus the thickness of any added reinforeement exclusive of weld metal on the side of the shell under consideration. (@)_Metal within the limits of reinforcement that may be considered to have reinforcing value shall include the following: (2) Metal in the shell and the nozale wall over and above the thickness required to resist pressure and the thickness specified as corrosion allowance. ‘The area in che shell available as reinforcement is the larger of the values of 2h given by the formulas A= (Et = 4)a or Ay 2 (Et — 6) (t+ ty) where 4y = area in the excess thickness in shell or head available for reinforcement, square Toheh he soli E = 1 when an opening is in the solid plate or when the opening passes a cir cumferental joint in a. shell ‘or ‘cone (exclusive of head-to-shell joints); oF Tole int iency when any pare of the opening passes t any other welded joint ‘nominal thickness of shell or head, exelu- ive of corrosion allowance, inches, 4, = required thickness of the shell or head as defined in Par. UG-37(b), inches, nominal thickness of nozzle wall, exelu- sive of corrosion allowance, inches, diameter in the plane under considera tion of the finished opening in its cor roded condition, inches. 2) Metal added as reinforcement, and setal in attachment welds. ‘UG-41 Strength of Reinforcement (a) Ma- terial used for reinforcement shall have an allow able stress value equal to or greater than that of the material in the vessel wall, except that when such material is not available, lower strength ma terial may be used, provided the area of reinforce ‘ment ig increased’ in inverse proportion to, the “ratio of the allowable stress values of the two ma~ 20 terials to compensate for the lower allowable stress value of the reinforcement. No credit may be {ake forthe ational strength of any reinforce: ‘ment having a higher allowable stress value than that of the vessel wall. ) On each side of the plane defined in Par. UG-40(a), the strength of the attachment join the vessel wall and reinforcement or any two parts of the attached reinforcement shall be at least equal to the smaller of: (1) The strength in tension of the cross sec COBNBRAL REQUIRESENTS tion of the element of reinforcement being con- sidered, or ‘@) ‘The strength in tension of the area de- fined in Par, UC-37 less the strength in tension of fereinforcing area which is integral in the vessel tral as permitted by Par. UG-40(d)(1), (© The strength of the attachment joint shall be Considered for its entire length on each side of the plane of the area of reinforcement defined in Par? UG-A0. For obround openings, consider. ation shail also be given to the strength of the fittachment joint on one side of the plané trans. Yerse to the parallel sides of the opening, which passes through the center of the semicircular end Of the opening. (@ For detailed requirements for welded, brazed, and riveted reinforcement see the appro- priate paragraphs in the Parts devoted to these Sabjects (ce Bars. UW-15, UR-25, and UB-19). 1UG-42. Reinforcement of Multiple Openings (0) Whoa any to adjacent openings are spaced hea than eto ties their average ameter 80 dha hrs reinfrcnen reap the oe Shuma’ (or salary for any Langer group ol openings) shall be reinforced in accordance with Been UG with a combined reinfor=ment that hana strength equal to the combined strength of {he fenforcement that would be required for the Separate openings, No portion of the oss see- Sar hall be considered as applying t0 more than tae opening, or be evaluated more than once n'a combinod ates. (®) . When more than two adjacent openings ago ty be provided with a combined reinforcement, he nsibaarn tance between center of any two of thee openings shall preferably be at least TY, mea thet average diameter, andthe area of renoreement between them skal be at least ual to $0 percent of the total required for these fo openings. (._ When two adjacent openings as considered unde QD) havea distance between centers less than [-/ times their average diameter, no edit Eorrelefoscement shall be given for any of the neta betweon these 10 opening. (@)_ Any number of closely spaced adjacent epsngs, im any arrangement, may be reinforced Bran Sshumed opening ofa diameter enclosing all suck openiigs (@)__ When a group of openings is reinforced by a Ghar suton buteoyeded into the shell oF fea the cages of the inserted section shall be tapered preseribod in Pat. UW). (0) When chee isa series of tube openings in a pears veel and it is impractiea! to reinforce ch opening, the construction wl be accapeable frovided the ligaments beeween openings areca Eiated by the ales piven in Par, UG-3S. 2 uenti—t3 ‘UG-43 Methods of Attachment of Pipe and Nozzle Necks to Vessel Walls (a) General ‘Nozzles may be attached to the shell or head of fa. vessel by any of the methods of attachment given in this paragraph, except as limited in Par. G36, (b) Welded Connections Attachment by weld ing skall be in accordance with the requirements of Par. UW-15 and UW-16, (©), Riveted Connections Attachment by rivet ing shall be in accordance with the requirements of Pars, UR-23 through UR-25, (8) Brazed Connections Attachment by braz- ing shall be in accordance with the requirements of Bars, UB-17 through UB-19. (©) Studded Connections Connections may be mate by means of bolt studs. ‘The vessel shall Rave Ha ace machined o he ey oon 2 rafe-up ped, orn « Properly attached plate or Beciog? Dried les co be tapped shall noe pene- trate within 1, of the wall thickness from the i= Side surface of the vessel after deducting corrosion alowance less lent the mum Hicks Fequired ay above is maintained by ading metal TORRE inside surface of the vessels The threads Shall be full and clean and shall cagege the stud for a length of ac east Ii/s stua-diameters. Seudded connections shall meet the requirements for aeinforcement in Pars, UG-36 through UG-#2 and the requirements for attachment in Par tras. (® Tireaded Connections Pipes, tubes, and other threaded connections that conform to the ‘ASA standard for Pipe Threads (ASA B2.1-1945) may be sorewed into a threaded hole in a vessel Wall provided. the pipe engages the minimum Humber of threads spetsted in Table UG-43 after ‘Hace Been mae for crv the es, El wall A buileup pad or « properly attached piste of fcting may be used to provide the metal Fifckness and pumber of threads roqired in Table UGA, oF to furnish reinforcement when required. “Threaded connections larger than inch pipe size shall not be used in vessels that contain Lighids faving a flashpoint below 110°, or flammable vapors, or fainable. Liquids a€ temperacures rove that at which they boil under atmospheric pressure. : “Threaded connections larger than, S-inch pipe size shall ot be used when the maximum allow. ble working pressure exceeds 128 pal, ‘This 3- Inch pipesize testction does not apply to plog outed used for inspection openings, ed clo- Sures) and similar purposes. (®) Expanded Connections pipe, tube, oF forging may be attached tothe wall of vessd by inerthg Swough an unreinforced opening and expanding into the shell, provided the diameter hot greater than Zin, pipe size. A pipe, tnbe, ——— Wes; Tale T9 seerion vur ‘TABLE UG.45 MINIMUM NUMBER OF PIPE THREADS FOR CONNECTIONS Sie five iy otal, ney, BME Tweens 67 in plate thickness feduirahininckes 0430.61 or forging not excecding 6 in. in outside diameter may be attached f the wall of esl by ise ing through a reinforced opening and expandin into the shel panes ‘Such connections shall be: (2 Fitmly rolled in and bended or 2) Rolled in, beaded, and seal-welded around the edge of the bead ‘or @) Expanded and flared not less chan "/s in, over the diameter of the holes or (4) Rolled, flared, and welded or (3) Rolled and welded without faring or beading, provided: (@) The ends extend at least */4 in but no ‘more than #/s in. through the shelf; (b) The throat of the weldisat least %/in., but no more than */sin. ‘When the tube or pipe does not exceed 11/s in. in outside diameter, the shell may be chamfered or recessed to a depth at least equal to the thickness of the tube or pipe and the tube or pipe may be rolled into place and welded, In no case shall the fend of the tube or pipe extend more than #/s in. Beyond the shell hich tubes and srooving of shell openings in which tubes an pipe are to be rolled or expanded is permissible. cpanded connections shall not be used as a ‘method of attachment to vessels used for the proc- essing or storage of flammable and/or noxious gases and liquids unless the connections are scal Welded. UG-44 Bolted Flange Connections It is ree- ommended that the dimensional requiremenes of bolted flange connections to external piping con form to recognized standards such as:" Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, ASA B16.5-1953; ASA B16 24.1953, Brasy or Bronze Flanges and Flanged Wittings’ 150 and 300 Lb, and MSS 150 Lb. Corrosion Resistant Cast Flanged Valve, Flanges and Flanged Fittings Standard, MSS. SP-42-1953. Such flanges may be used for pres- gure-temperature ratings in accordance with the Standard, Other flanges shall be designed in accordance with the rules in Appendix I, except chat flanges Within the size and pressure ranges of the above Standards may be designed by interpolation, UG-45 Norele Neck Thickness The thick. ness of a nozzle neck shall not be less than the thickness computed for the applicable loadings in 2 es 46 8 8 so 2 wo on 0.7m 10 as See LT 2 Par. UG-22 plus the thickness added for corrosion, allowance, but in no case less than the smaller of the following: (1) ‘The required thickness of the shell or head, assuming E =", plus the design core rosion allowance. Q) The thickness of stancard-wall pipe (ASA 1B36,10-1950) plus the design corrosion allow. ance (see Par. UG-31(0)(8))- UG-46 Inspection Openings! (a) All pres sure vessels for use with compressed air, except as permitted otherwise in this paragraph, and those subject to internal corrosion, or having. parts subject to erosion or mechanical abrasion (Gee Par. UG-25), shall be provided with suitable manhole, handhole, or other inspection openings for examination and cleaning. (b)__ When provided with telltale holes comply. ing th the provisions of Par. UG.25, inspection openings as required in (a) may be omitted in vessels subject only to corrosion. This provision does not apply to vessels for compressed air, (©) Vessels under air pressure which also con- tain other substances which will prevent corro- sion need not be provided with openings for in spection only. (@)_ For vessels 12, or less in inside diameter, openings for inspection only may be omitted. (6). Vessels not over 16 in. in inside diameter, that are to be installed so that they must be dis- connected from an assembly to permit inspection, need not be provided with openings for inspection only, if, there are at least two removable pipe connections not less than 11/3 in, pipe size, ©, Vessels that require access or inspection openings shall be equipped as follows:* (2) All vessels less than 18 in. and over 12 in, in inside diameter shall have at least two hand- hates or two plugged, threaded inspection open ings of not less than 11/. in, pipe sizes 2) All vessels 18 to 36 in. inclusive, in in- qide diameter shall have # manhole o a east two randholes or two threaded pipe plug inspection ‘openings of not less than 2 in. pipe sizes “Tall dimens sven so venom which nection vetinge ae reste, ae namin "Dimensions eared tse nominal OENERAL REQUIREMENTS (8) All vessels over 36 in in inside diameter shall have a Manhole, except that those whose Shape or use males one impracticable shall have st ldaoe ewe handholes 4% 6 nor two equal open. ings of equivalent area; (@ When handholes or pipe-plug openings are Jepmitel fo agen oberg ne of s'mobnhole, one handhole ot one pipe plug open- fig ahall be in each head or in the shell near each heads {@)_ Openings with removable heads or cover plates intended for other purposes may be used in place of the required. inepection openings pro- Fided they are equal at lease to the size of the 12- Quired inspection openings (© A single opening with removable head or cover plate may be used in place of all the Sinaller inspection openingg provided its of such Size and location as to afford at least an equal ew of the inter 2) When inspection or access openings are re- yuired, they shall comply at least with the following requirements: (1) An elliptical or obround manhole shall be not less than 11 X 15 in,, or 10 X16 in. A circular manhole shall be not less than 15 in. in- side diameter. @_A handhole opening, shall be not less than 2 X 3 in,, but should be as large as is con- sistent with the size of the vessel and the location of the opening, (h) All access and inspection openings in a shell or unstayed head shall be designed in accord- ance with the rules of the Code for openings. snot eglZien threaded opening is to be used fr inspection or cleaning purposes, the closing plug cor cap shall be of a material suitable for the pres- sure and no material shall be used at a tempera ttre exceeding the maximum temperature allowed in the Code for that material. ‘The thread shall be a standard taper pipe thread except that a straight thread of equal strength may be used if ther sealing means to preven leakage are pro- ()._Manholes of the type in which the internal preore forces she cove plate agsnet 9 fat et hall havea. minimum gasket bearing tide of M/s in ® * BRACED AND STAYED SURFACES. UG-47 Broced and Stayed Surfaces (a) is inimu thicktesand maxim lone working pressure for braced and stayed flat plates and those parts which, by these rules, require saying Ate plates with Keacs o stl of Sniform diameter symmetrically spaced, shall be Calculated by the following formulas: 23 UG.46-27 a soak 0 where = 250 = P ro (2) minimum thickness of plate, exclusive a crtsion allowance inchesy = design pressure (or maximum allowable working pressure for existing vessels), pounds per square inch, 8 = maximum allowable stress value given in Subsection C, pounds per square inch, p= maximum pitch measured between straight lines passing through the centers of the staybolts in the different rows, which lines may be horizontal, vertical, c= "b or welled a d for welded stays or stays. screwei through plates not over "/ in. in thick ness with ends riveted over, © = 22 for welded stays or stays screwed through plates over /u in. in thickness with ends riveted over, G = 255 for stays screwed through plates and fitted with single nuts outside of plate, or with inside and outside nuts, omitting washers, C = 2.8 for stays with heads not ess than 1.3 mes the diameter of the stays screwed through plates or made a taper fit and having the heads formed on the stays before installing them, and not riveted over, sid heads being made to have true bearing on the plate, C = 3.2 for stays fitted with inside and ont- side muts and outside washers where the diameter of washers is not less than 0.49 and thickness not less than f. (b)_ The minimum thickness of plates to which stays may be applied, in other than cylindrical or spherical outer shell plates, shall be */u in, except for welded construction covered by Par. UW-19. (© If a stayed jacket extends completely around a eylinrfal or spherical vete, of com pletely covers a formed head, it shall meet the Fequirements given above in (a), and shall also meet the applicable requirements for shells or heads in Pars. UG-27(c) and (d) and UG-32, (@)_Tfa flat plate not less than */sin. in thick: ness is strengthened with a securely riveted dou bling plate covering the fall arcaof the stayed sur- face and having a thickness of not less than #/s 4, then the value of ¢ in the formula shall be three fourths of the combined thickness of the plate and doubling plate but not more than 1'/, times. the thickness of the plate, and the value of C given above may be increased 15 per cent. (©) When two plates are connected by sta and but one of these plates requires staying, the "| UO-47-53; Fig. UGH? SECTION VIL Dotfess than Nae mle eles. 4 entre ksi Tongbaf geese te 103 PU of Saye Ooe2 T Not less then ft F 6226 on fae, cel pot (as tr BERS t Bio, UGA Acorrranie Propoxmions ron Exot oF "Tunovon Stave Value of C shall be governed by the thickness of the plate requiring senying (© Acceptable proportions for the ends of through stays with washers are indicated in Fig UGH (g, The masini pitch shall be 84/4 in for welded stays and for screwed stays. with ends Tveted over. i) When the staybolting of shlls is unsym- uel by reson of eefotence wpe bes ses Gr other construction, iis permissible to conser the load carried by each staybole as the area ca, tulatod by taking the dstance from the eanter of the spacing on one side ofthe bot to the eenter of the spacing on the other side, UG-£8 Staybolts (a) The ends of staybolts or stays serewed through the plate shal extend beyond the plate not less than two threads when installed, after which they shall be riveted over ‘or upset by an equivalent proccss without exoes. five scoring of the plates, or they shall He feted with threaded nuts through witch the bolt or Stay shall extend. (b). The ends of ste stays upset for thread- ing shal be fully annealed. (© Requirements for welded-in staybolts are given in Par. UW-19. UG-49 Location of Staybolts (a) The dis- tance from the edge ofa staybelt hole toa straigit line tangent tothe edges of the tivet holes Tay he aubatieated for p for staybolts adjacent to the riveted edges bounding « stayed surface (0) When the edge of a fat stayed plate is flanged, the distance from the center of the outers most atays to the inside of che supporting flange Shall not be greater than the pitch of the staye pls the inside radius of the flange. UG-50 Dimensions of Stapbolts (@) The required area of astaybolt at its minimum cross fection and exclusive of any allowance for corro- sion shall be obtained by dividing the load on the ‘The chread ninimam eros section ig ually a¢ the root of the on staybolt computed in accordance with (b) by the aliowable stress value for the material used, as five jn Sobseeion C, and multiplying the rele 7 1.10. (b) Load Carried by Stays The area sup- ported by a stay shall be computed on the basis of the full pitch-dimensions, with, 2 deduction for the area occupied by the stay. . The load ear- ried by a stay isthe product of the area supported by the stay and the maximum allowable working pressare. (@) Stays made of parts joined by welding shall be checked for strength’ using a joint efi ciency of 60 per cent for the weld, LIGAMENTS in BO, Eigament, (a) ‘The. symbols wed in the formulas and charts of this paragraph are defined as follows: page ‘P ~ longitudinal pitch of tube holes, inches, 2; 5 wat length of igament inches ” = diagonal pitch of tube holes, inches, 2 = diameter df tae heey ine n= number of tube holes in length ps. (®) When @ cylindrical shell is drilled for ‘mbes in a line parallel to the axis of the shell for substantially the full length of the shell as shown in Figs. UG-53.1, UG-53.2, and UG-53.3, the efi. ciency of the ligaments between the tube holes thal be determined as follows: (1) When the pitch of the tube holes on every row is equal (see Fig. UG-S3.1), the formula 24 ficiency of ligament (2) When the pitch of tube holes on any one row is unequal (as in Figs. UG-3.2 and UG-53.3), the formula, cc mes (2) The strength of ligaments between tube holes measured circumferentialy shall beat least 50 per cent ofthe strength of ligaments of similar dimensions taken in line parallel to tie axa of the eylindcical shell. (@)_ When a cylindrical shell is riled for tube holes so as ta form diagonal ligaments a8 shown Fig. UG.534, the eficiency of these ligaments shail be thatglven by thediagram in Fig. UO-53.5 ‘The pitch of tube hols shall be measured either en the fae plate belore rolling, or on the middle Tine of the plate after rolling "To wse the diagram in Big, UG.S3.5, compute the value of p’/m and also the eficiency of the longitudinal feament. Next find in the diagram the vertical line corresponding to the longitudinal efficiency of the ligament and follow this line i GENERAL REQUIREMENTS vertically to the point, where it intersects, the Giagonal line representing the ratio of p'/pu ‘Then project this point horizontally to the fet, and read the diagonal efficiency of the ligament on the scale at the edge of the diagram. ‘The shell thickness and the working pressure shall be based on the ligament that has the lower efficiency. (©) When tube holes in « cylindrical shell are arranged in symmetrical groups which extend, distance greater than the inside diameter of the shell along lines parallel to the axis and the same spacing is used for each group, the efficiency for ne of the groups shall be not less than the effi- Giency on which the maximum allowable working presstre is based. (The average ligament efficiency in a cylin. drical shell, in which the tube holes are arranged along lines parallel to the axis with either uniform fr nonuniform spacing, shall be computed by the following rules and shall satisfy the requirements of both? (1), Fora length equal to the inside diameter of the shel for the position which gives the mini- mum efficieney, the efficiency shall be not less than that on which the maximum allowable working pressure is based. When the diameter of the shell exceeds 60 in. the length shall be taken as 60 in. in applying this rule; ‘The rule fn his pargeaph apy t ligxmenta botween tube hole and at Single opeiag‘Thoy muy ge Tower idence in sce eases thay then for aymmetrel groupe Shick extend s datencegrnter han the ine diameter of {ho hala sorered in (0s When tis coco the eceniea computed by the lca nder@) hall govern Fro, UGS Exiurue or Tone Sracnva wine Pires o” Hours Havas iv Eveny Row UG-S3-855 Migs. UE-S3.1884 @)_ For a length equal to the inside radius ‘of the shell for the position which gives the mi rum efficiency, the efficiency shall bo not less than 80 per cent of that on which the maxinum allowable working pressure is based. When the radius of the shell exceeds 30 in. the length shall be taken as 30 in ia applying this rule. (@) For holes which are not in line, placed longitudinally along a cylindrical shell, the above rules for calculating efficiency shall hold, except that the equivalent longitudinal width of a diag- onal ligament shall beused. Toobtain the equiva- Tent width, the longitudinal pitch of the two holes having a diagonal ligament shall be multic lied by the efficiency of the diagonal ligament. The efficiency to be used for the diagonal liga. rents is given in Fig. UG-53.6. (h) Examples illustrating the application of fberues in this paragraph ate given In Appendix 'UG-54 Supports (a) All vessels shall be so supported and the supporting members. shall be arranged and attached to the vessel wal in such 2 way a8 to provide for the maximum imposed loadings (sce Par. UG-22). (b) Appendix G contains suggested rales for the design of supports. UG-S3 Lugs for Platforms, Ladders, and Other Attachments to Vessel Walls (a) ’ Lugs or clips may be welded, brazed, riveted, or bolted to the outside or inside of the vessel to support ladders, platforms, piping, and attachment of in- sulating jackets, ‘The material of the lugs or clips need not conform to the specifications for the ma- Fro, UG-S32 Exams or Tuan Sractvo warm Perot oF Hiouss Urequa mx Evsay Secoxo Row o 8 Longitedinal fine ———~ Fic, UG-533 Exaueus or Tuas Seuctxo wera Prrest or Hours Vanviwo tw Eveay Secon sora Tua Rave LongHticinalline—e- io, UG-584 Exanrus or Tua Sractta sworn Tons Hotes on Diacowar taxes | Uo-5876; Fig, VOSS section vin terials to which they are attached or to.a material specification permieted in the Code, but if attached to the vessel by welding shall be of weldable qual- ity (see Pars. UG-6(d), UG-11(6), and UW.S{a)). ©) External piping connected to a pressure yestel ahold Be Inve so as not co oromtes the vessel wall FABRICATION UG-75 General The fabrication of unfired pressure vessels and vessel parts shall conform to the general fabrication requirements in the fol. UNFIRED PRESSURE. VESSELS for Fabricasion given in the applicable Parts of Subsections B and C 0-76, Cutiog Plates and Other Stock (@) Plates, edges of heads, and other parts may ‘cut to'shape and size by mechanical means such as Rchining, shearing, grinding or by oxyaen of fare cutting. After oxygen cutting, all sag an detrimental discoloration of material which has een molten shall be removed by mechanical ‘means prior to further fabrication or use. (b)__Ends of nozzles or manhole necks which are fo fomain onwelde! inthe completed vie lowing paragraphs and to the specific requirements may be eut by shearing provided suficient addi- 7 ke Me wl IC 7 é 0 a vt tS E 26 eB 8 8/5/38 8 8 i i 35 30 50 <6 Longitudinal Efficiency, Per Cent Duscaax vox Deremanarion o” tas Eprictsxcr o” Lowe Huss wt Crunwonreat Tope 5 70 eo 3o AL aw Dracomat Lioness Barwany Tosa OBNERAL REQUIREMENTS Pig. U6-83.6 125 120 al Cent sa eee p'= Diagonal pitch et= Diameter of tube hole B i Efficiency Referred to Longitudinal Section of Solid Plate, Per ° 0 0 5 1 15 2 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 Angle of Diagonal with Longitudinal, 0, Degrees Fro, UG-S36 Dizonan vox Derenaawna Ervietzwer or Discomat Leases tt On ‘0 Ownane Equnvatso Loxcs- "ruben Eevcerency " 7 vo-%6-80 section vin tional material is removed by any other method that produces @ smooth finish, (©), Exposed inside edges shall be rounded (grinding permitted) to a radius of at least 1/s in. a3 shown in Fig. UW-16.1 or may be chamfered at 45 deg to at least Yar in. fat. UG-77 Plato Identification (a) Plates for pressure parts preferably should be laid out so ‘hat when the vessel is completed one complete set of the original identification markings required in the specifications for the material will be plainly Visible. In case these markings are unavoidably ut out, one set shall be accurately transferred by the pressure vessel manufacturer toa location where these markings will be visible on the com. pleted vessel. ‘The markings shall be such that they can be Teadily distinguished from the plate manufacturer's markings... ‘The inspector. need not witness the transfer of the marks but shall satisfy himself that it has been correctly done. (®)_ To guard against the formation of inc tent cracks in steel plates less than '/« in. in thick ness and nonferrous plates less than #/s in. in thickness, the plate manufacturer's markings shall be transferred in some manner other than by deep die stamping. Very light die stamping may be used if identifiable until final test and acceptance ofthe vessel by the inspector. Any other method, acceptable to the inspector, which will identify the material may be used. (© When stecl plates under sin. or none ferzous plates under ¥/s in, are formed into heads 36 in. of less in diameter, the marking require. ments of pte specifications may be stencled in cone place with the manufacturer's name and test identification number. The mill certification of the physical and chemical requirements of this material, in conjunction with the above modified marking’ requirements, shall be considered sulfi- cient to identify these heads, WG-78 Repair of Defects in Materials Minor defects in material may be repaired provided proval of the inspector is frst obtained for the method and extent of repaire, - Defective material that cannot be satisfactorily repaired shall be rejected, UG-79 Forming Sheli Sections and Heads (@) Ali plates for shell sections and for heads shall be formed to the required shape by any proc css that will not unduly impair the physical prop- erties of the material. (b) Ifthe plates are to be rolled, the adjoining edges of longitudinal joints of cylindrical vessels shall first be shaped fo the proper curvature by preliminary rolling or forming in order to avoid having. objectionable fat spots along: the com- pleted joints (see Par. UG-80). 28 UNFIRED PRESSURE VESSELS UO-80 Permissible Out-of-Roundness of Oy- lindsical Shells (a) Internal Pressure The shell ofa completed veel shall be substantially found. ‘The eifference between the maximum aud minis ‘mum inside diameters at any cross section shall not excecd one per cent of the nominal diameter 4¢ the cross section under consideration, “The diameters may be messured on the fnside or out. side of the vessel. If measured’ on the outside the diameters shall be corrected for the plate thickness a¢ the eros section under considerston Gee Tig, UG80.). When the ross section passes. through an opening the permiscible difference in inside ciame: ters given shove may be increased by two per cont ofthe inside diameter ofthe opening. TFor vessels with longitudinal {ap joints che permissible difference in inside diameters may be Increased by the nominal plate thickness (©), External Pressure ‘The shell ofa compleced vessel t0 operate under external pressure shall Incet the following requirements at any erosssec- Sone (1). The out-ofroundness limitations pre- scribed in (2). (2). “The maximum plus-or-minus deviation fromthe true circular form, measured radially on the outside or inside of the vessel hall not exceed the maximum permissible deviation ¢- obtained from Fig. UG-80.1, Measurements shal be made from a segmental circular template having. the design inside oF outside radius (lepending upon where the measurements ace taken) and a ciord Tength equal to twice the are length obtained frem Big W692" The value af esl be determined (@) For vessels with but joints, ts the nomi- ral plate thicenes, less corrosion allowances (Gy "Hor vessels with longitudinal lap fois, 15 the nominal plate thickness and the permis. sible deviation is (+ 4) . (@. Where the shell at any cross sction is race of plates having diferent thicknesses, the nomial hice ofthe thinnest plates (©) Measurements shall be taken on the sur- face of the base metal and not on welds or other raised parts of the materi (The dimensions ofa completed vessel may be broughe within the requirements of this paras raph by any process which will not impair the Strength of ehe material (©, Sharp bends and fla spots shall not be permitted unless provision is made for them in the Sesign. (Vessels fabricated of pipe may have per: miscible variations in diameter (metsured. Out. Side) in accordance with those permitted under the specification covering its manufacture.

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