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Development of a Hybrid Protocol using Opportunistic Access and

Multi-Objective Opportunistic Auto Rate (MOAR) Transmission in


Kumaara Ganapathi N, Rahul N Bhimakari, Rithvik M U

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
National Institute of Technology Karnataka
Surathkal, Mangalore, India
+91-9008524825, +91-94838 49803, +91-7975701729,,
February 19, 2024

1.1 How does the proposed hybrid protocol address the challenges posed by the
dynamic nature of wireless environments and the variability in channel conditions?
The proposed hybrid protocol aims to seamlessly integrate opportunistic access and Multi-Objective Oppor-
tunistic Auto Rate (MOAR) transmission within the existing CSMA/CA framework. Utilization of multiple
communication strategies is possible through this integration. This enables the protocol to adapt effectively to
changing environmental conditions. The Dynamic nature of wireless communication is a serious problem, to
address this one of the core features of the hybrid protocol is its ability to dynamically adapt to the dynamic
nature of wireless environments and varying channel conditions, by continuously monitoring channel conditions
and network loads, the protocol can adjust its transmission strategies in real-time to optimize resource utiliza-
tion. It identifies idle resources within the network and leverages them opportunistically to enhance spectral
efficiency and overall network performance. This leads to more efficient use of the available spectrum and higher
data throughput, even in challenging conditions. Ultimately, the integration of opportunistic access and MOAR
transmission within CSMA/CA framework results in improved overall network performance. The protocol can
achieve higher throughput, reduced latency, and increased reliability, even in dynamic and unpredictable wireless

1.2 What specific mechanisms does the hybrid protocol employ to mitigate the
hidden node problem and ensure reliable wireless communication?
The protocol utilizes CSMA/CA as the underlying access method, which helps nodes sense the medium before
transmitting data. By listening for carrier signals, nodes can determine if the channel is busy and defer trans-
mission to avoid collisions. The protocol incorporates the RTS/CTS mechanism to address the hidden node
problem. Before initiating data transmission, a node sends an RTS frame to the intended recipient. If the recip-
ient receives the RTS frame successfully, it responds with a CTS frame, indicating clearance to transmit. This
exchange ensures that all nodes within range are aware of the ongoing communication, reducing the likelihood
of collision caused by hidden nodes. To overcome limitations in physical carrier sensing. Virtual carrier sensing
allows nodes to estimate the channel status based on past transmission experiences and information exchanged
through control frames. The protocol can better detect hidden nodes and avoid collisions by leveraging virtual
carrier sensing. The protocol enhances node awareness by maintaining information about neighboring nodes
within the network. Nodes periodically exchange beacon frames containing network information, including their
presence and capabilities. To further mitigate the hidden node problem, the protocol implements a dynamic
back-off mechanism. Nodes adjust their back-off timers based on the observed network activity and the pres-
ence of neighboring nodes. This adaptive approach helps nodes avoid collisions by dynamically adjusting their
transmission schedule to minimize the likelihood of overlapping transmissions.

1.3 How does the hybrid protocol leverage opportunistic access to idle resources
to enhance spectral efficiency?
The hybrid protocol dynamically allocated resources based on the availability of idle channels and network
demand. When idle resources are detected within the network, the protocol opportunistically utilizes them for
data transmission. This dynamic allocation ensures that the available spectrum is efficiently utilized, maximizing
spectral efficiency. In addition to opportunistic access, the protocol employs adaptive transmission strategies to
optimize spectral efficiency. It continuously monitors channel conditions, such as signal strength, noise levels,
and interference, and adjusts parameters accordingly. By dynamically adapting transmission rates and power
levels based on the prevailing channel conditions, the protocol minimizes spectral wastage and maximizes data
throughput. The protocol also integrates MOAR transmission strategies, which enable nodes to adapt their
transmission rates based on multiple objectives. To identify idle resources and opportunistically access them,
the protocol may employ collaborative spectrum sensing techniques. Nodes within the network cooperate to
detect and gather information about available spectrum bands, enabling efficient utilization of idle resources.
The hybrid protocol promotes efficient spectrum sharing among nodes by dynamically allocating spectrum
resources based on demand and network conditions. Through mechanisms such as channel bonding, frequency
hopping, or cognitive radio techniques, the protocol optimizes spectrum utilization, minimizing interference
and maximizing spectral efficiency. Overall, by intelligently leveraging opportunistic access to idle resources
and employing adaptive transmission strategies, the hybrid protocol enhances spectral efficiency in wireless
communication networks. Through dynamic resource allocation, adaptive transmission techniques, collaborative
spectrum sensing, and efficient spectrum sharing, the protocol optimizes the utilization of available spectrum
resources, leading to improved network performance and enhanced spectral efficiency.

1.4 What strategies does the protocol employ to optimize Multi-Objective Auto
Rate (MOAR) transmission?
The protocol adjusts transmission rates based on real-time network conditions, optimizing throughput while en-
suring reliable communication. QoS (quality of service) prioritization, different objectives are prioritized based
on Quality of Service requirements, balancing latency and throughput as needed. Adaptive channel access,
channels with low interference and high signal strength are dynamically selected for transmission, minimizing
collisions and maximizing successful data transfer. Intelligent queue management and packet scheduling pri-
oritize critical data transmission, minimizing latency and congestion. Nodes exchange feedback on previous
transmissions to adjust parameters such as packet size and modulation, optimizing performance in real-time.

1.5 How does the proposed hybrid protocol aim to evaluate its effectiveness and
performance in real-world scenarios?
The protocol intends to conduct extensive testing and evaluation in various real-world scenarios to assess its
performance comprehensively. The protocol plans to measure key performance metrics, including throughput,
latency, and resource utilization, to gauge its effectiveness. Throughput measures the amount of data transferred
per unit of time, latency assesses the delay in data transmission, and resource utilization evaluates the efficiency
of resource allocation within the network. In addition to measuring its own performance, the protocol will
compare its results against existing CSMA/CA approaches and other relevant protocols. This comparative
analysis provides valuable insights into the relative strengths and weaknesses of the hybrid protocol compared
to established methods, helping validate its efficiency and effectiveness. The protocol will incorporate feedback
from the evaluation process to iteratively refine and optimize its design. Insights gained from real-world testing
will inform further development efforts, helping enhance the protocol’s performance, reliability, and adaptability
over time. Overall, through a combination of thorough evaluation, comparative analysis, scalability testing, real-
world deployment, and iterative refinement, the proposed hybrid protocol aims to demonstrate its effectiveness
and suitability for practical deployment in diverse wireless communication scenarios.

2. Literature Review
2.1 Research Paper 1
Title : Performance Study of CSMA/CA Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network [1]
Authors : S. U. Rehman, S. Berber and A. Swain

The paper begins by giving a quick review of the CSMA/CA protocol and some of its components, like the
size of the contention window and the backoff exponent. The effect of these factors on protocol performance
is then discussed in terms of packet delivery ratio, end-to-end delay, and energy efficiency. The paper suggests

a new optimization strategy based on the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm and also point out
certain shortcomings of current parameter optimization approaches.

The PSO algorithm or Particle Swarm Algorithm is one kind of algorithm that has been inspired by nature
to find optimal solutions in solution space. It is a stochastic optimization technique that uses a number of
particles or agents. These agents are for a group called Swarm which moves around in the search space looking
for the best solution. The authors utilize simulated studies across diverse network topologies and traffic scenar-
ios to evaluate the CSMA/CA protocol’s performance. Their findings indicate that the suggested PSO-based
optimization algorithm outperforms alternatives in terms of packet delivery ratio and energy efficiency. Addi-
tionally, they analyze the protocol’s sensitivity to various network characteristics, demonstrating its robustness
across diverse scenarios. However, the paper exclusively focuses on the performance of CSMA/CA in wireless
sensor networks, omitting discussion on ad-hoc or mobile networks. Furthermore, the proposed PSO-based
optimization algorithm may exhibit high computational complexity, particularly in larger network topologies
and under heavier traffic loads.

2.1.1 Pros and Cons

• The researchers claim that the proposed algorithm can be implemented with machine learning algorithms to
improve energy efficiency and packet delivery ratio.
• Since it implements a complex model, it introduces the need for high computational power, which makes it
difficult to implement larger network topologies and traffic loads.

Figure 1: Throughput gain of MOAR for random complex topologies [2]

2.2 Research Paper 2

Title : MOAR: A Multi-channel Opportunistic Auto-rate Media Access Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks [2]
Authors : V. Kanodia, A. Sabharwal, and E. Knightly

In this paper, the authors introduce Multi-channel Opportunistic Auto Rate (MOAR), an enhanced MAC
protocol tailored for multi-channel and multi-rate IEEE 802.11 wireless ad hoc networks. MOAR aims to lever-
age the presence of frequency diversity inherent in multiple frequency channels by opportunistically adjusting
channels to enhance data transmission rates. The key idea behind MOAR is to allow mobile nodes to dynami-
cally switch to alternative frequency channels when the signal to noise ratio on the current channel is deemed
unfavorable. This enables data transmission at potentially higher rates. Given the characteristic of IEEE 802.11
channels, where channel separation exceeds the coherence bandwidth, the authors highlight that different chan-
nels experience independent fading. Consequently, they assert that nodes opting to switch channels have a
high probability of encountering improved channel conditions on alternative frequency channels. However, each
channel switch entails resource expenditure for channel measurement, as the quality of different channels is

Figure 2: Throughput analysis for the different opportunistic access models in 2.3 [3]

not known beforehand. Therefore, we develop an optimal skipping rule for MOAR that correlates PHY layer
channel conditions with a MAC rule, enabling nodes to determine the ideal number of channel skips based on
average channel conditions.Figure 1
shows the throughput gain of MOAR over OAR [4] for random complex topologies.

2.2.1Pros and Cons

• Using an extensive set of ns-2 simulations the authors concluded that MOAR achieves a consistent gain in
throughput of 20% to 25% over current state-of-the-art multi-rate MAC protocols.
• They also devised an optimal stopping rule for MOAR to balance the tradeoff between the time and resource
cost of channel measurement/channel skipping and the throughput gain available via transmitting on a better
• MOAR occurs after the contention of channel access that is still conducted with traditional non opportunistic
approach: equal probability access. It exploits the time diversity and frequency diversity of a node, not the
user diversity of a network. [3]

2.3 Research Paper 3

Title : Opportunistic Random Access in CSMA/CA-Based Wireless Networks [3]
Author : J Balasubramani

The author begins this paper by giving a brief review of CSMA/CA and related mechanisms like rts/cts,
opportunistic scheduling, and opportunistic transmission protocols like OAR [?]and MOAR [4].To exploit user
diversity that refers to the difference in channel conditions among users, he introduces and evaluates three
opportunistic access schemes that exploit user diversity in the CSMA/CA. These schemes enable the user with
the best channel condition to have the largest probability of accessing the shared channel, but do not starve
the users with poor conditions. The 3 schemes proposed by the author are: overlapped contention, segmented
contention and normal distribution based contention. In the overlapped contention approach, all users have
contention windows starting from zero but with different upper bounds based on channel conditions. In the
segmented contention approach, the upper bound of the contention window for better channel conditions is set
lower than the lower bound for worse channel conditions, resulting in non-overlapping contention windows. In
the normal distribution-based contention approach, the back-off interval is determined using a normal distribu-
tion with appropriate mean and standard deviation values within the contention window. These algorithms are
also improved to ensure temporal fairness and prevent users with poor channel conditions from experiencing
starvation. The proposed three opportunistic schemes were also derived and compared analytically between
overlapped contention and segmented contention to prove that the proposed opportunistic scheme performs
better than the original CSMA/CA scheme. With extensive experiments on the NS3 network simulator, he
was able to show that the proposed opportunistic access significantly improves the network performance in
throughput, delay, and jitter. Figure 2 plots the throughput performance when one client changes its bit

rate each time to imitate the changes of channel conditions. The X-axis represents the different bit rates and
the Y-axis represents the throughputs of opportunistic access algorithms and the original one in the CSMA/CA.

2.3.1 Pros and Cons

• Extensive NS-3 simulations conducted by the author shows that the proposed opportunistic random access
schemes can significantly improve the network performance in throughput, delay, and jitter over the current
CSMA/CA in IEEE 802.11 networks. In particular, the overlapped contention scheme can offer 73.3% and
37.5% throughput improvements in theinfrastructure-based and ad-hoc networks, respectively.
• Nodes with high bit rates tend to possess smaller contention windows, escalating the probability of multiple
nodes selecting identical back-off values and resulting in heightened collision rates. Although the binary expo-
nential back-off mechanism can mitigate collisions, it incurs reduced network efficiency due to the wastage of
channel resources.
• During performance evaluation in a 5-hop chain network with varied bit rate patterns, the opportunistic
access approach exhibits inferior performance, particularly in scenarios where bit rates decrease along the trans-
mission path or when high bit rates are prioritized early on. This performance discrepancy arises because the
opportunistic access method transmits more packets in the initial hops, inducing congestion and subsequent
packet loss downstream. Moreover, when the user diversity is light, opportunistic access does not significantly
differ from original access. Additionally, unlike MOAR, the opportunistic access method fails to exploit the
time/frequency diversity of a node.

2.4 Conclusion
In conclusion, both methods(CSMA/CA with opportunistic transmission and CSMA/CA with opportunistic
random access) aim to improve the performance of wireless networks by taking advantage of the varying con-
ditions of wireless channels. However, their approaches and the specific mechanisms they use to achieve this
are different. MOAR demonstrates a consistent gain in throughput of 20% to 25% over existing multi-rate
MAC protocols, while the opportunistic access schemes show substantial improvements, with the overlapped
contention scheme offering up to 73.3% and 37.5% throughput enhancements in infrastructure-based and ad-hoc
networks, respectively. This suggests that while MOAR provides a consistent increase in throughput, oppor-
tunistic access solutions can yield even greater improvements, particularly in scenarios where channel conditions
vary significantly.

3. Proposed Solution
3.1 System initialisation
3.1.1 Protocol Configuration: Nodes are programmed to operate using the hybrid protocol, which integrates
opportunistic access and Multi-Objective Opportunistic Auto Rate (MOAR) transmission within the existing
Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) framework. This configuration ensures
that all nodes in the network adhere to the same communication protocol, facilitating interoperability and
seamless communication.
3.1.2 Parameter Initialization: Upon activation, each node initializes various parameters essential for com-
munication. These parameters include:
Transmission Power: Nodes determine the appropriate transmission power level based on factors such as dis-
tance to neighboring nodes, signal attenuation, and desired coverage area. Optimal transmission power ensures
reliable communication while minimizing energy consumption and interference.
Carrier Sensing Thresholds: Nodes set carrier sensing thresholds to detect the presence of other nodes or ongo-
ing transmissions in the vicinity. Adjusting these thresholds allows nodes to effectively sense the medium and
avoid collisions.
Contention Window Sizes: Nodes configure contention window sizes, which dictate the duration of the random
backoff period before attempting transmission in case of contention. Optimizing contention window sizes helps
mitigate collisions and improves overall network efficiency.
3.1.3 Environmental Adaptation: Nodes adapt their parameters based on environmental conditions such as
signal interference, channel noise, and network congestion. Adaptive algorithms may be employed to dynami-
cally adjust transmission power, carrier sensing thresholds, and contention window sizes in response to changing
environmental factors, ensuring robust and efficient communication in diverse scenarios.
3.1.4 Synchronization: Nodes synchronize their internal clocks and timing mechanisms to facilitate coordi-
nated communication within the network. Synchronization ensures accurate timing for channel access, data

transmission, and reception, minimizing timing discrepancies and enhancing overall network reliability.
rough outline given in flowchart figure 3

Figure 3: outline of system initialisation module

3.2 Opportunistic Access Module:

3.2.1 Continuous Monitoring with CCA Techniques: Nodes employ Clear Channel Assessment (CCA)
techniques to continuously monitor the wireless medium for idle resources and CCA also involves sensing the
energy levels on the channel to determine if it is clear or busy.Through CCA, nodes can detect periods of inac-
tivity in the channel where no ongoing transmissions are detected. These idle periods represent opportunities
for nodes to access the channel for their own transmissions. A brief idea of cca technique is given in figure 4
3.2.2 Opportunistic Access to Idle Channels: Upon detecting idle channels through CCA, nodes oppor-
tunistically access these resources for data transmission. Opportunistic access allows nodes to seize the available

Figure 4: A schematic of deep CCA, consisting of two deep networks learned so that the output layers (topmost
layer of each network) are maximally correlated. Blue nodes correspond to input features (n1 = n2 = 3), grey
nodes are hidden units (c1 = c2 = 4), and the output layer is red (o = 2). Both networks have d = 4 layers.

Figure 5: Outline of Opportunistic access

idle slots in the channel without the need for prior coordination and also by capitalizing on idle resources, nodes
can avoid unnecessary waiting periods and transmit their data more efficiently, leading to improved throughput
and reduced latency.
3.2.3 Distributed Coordination Mechanism: The protocol employs a distributed coordination mechanism
to facilitate opportunistic access and mechanism enables nodes to coordinate their access to idle channels in a
decentralized manner, without requiring centralized control or coordination . Figure 6 gives a brief comparison
between centralised,decantralised and distributed networks.Nodes may use contention-based mechanisms such
as random backoff or contention window adjustment to resolve conflicts and ensure fair access to the channel
among competing nodes and by distributing coordination responsibilities among nodes, the protocol enhances
scalability and adaptability, making it suitable for dynamic and heterogeneous wireless networks. Various con-

Figure 6: Centralized vs Decentralized vs Distributed Networks

Figure 7: Illustration of Contention Window

tention window adjustments are illustrated in 7

rough outline given in flowchart figure 5

3.3 Multi-Objective Auto Rate Transmission Module:

3.3.1 Dynamic Transmission Rate Adjustment: The MOAR transmission module dynamically adjusts
transmission rates based on the prevailing network conditions and objectives. This adaptation allows nodes to
respond to changes in channel quality, traffic load, and other environmental factors in real-time. By dynami-
cally optimizing transmission rates, the module aims to achieve the best possible balance between competing
objectives, such as maximizing data throughput while minimizing latency and energy consumption.
3.3.2 Utilization of Feedback Mechanisms: To inform the rate adjustment process, the MOAR module
utilizes feedback mechanisms to collect information about channel quality and network performance. This feed-
back may include metrics such as signal-to-noise ratio, packet loss rate, and round-trip time. By continuously
monitoring network conditions and collecting feedback, the module gains insights into the current state of the
network, enabling informed decisions regarding transmission rate adjustments.
3.3.3 Algorithms for Rate Optimization: Algorithms inspired by ”MOAR: A Multi-channel Opportunistic
Auto-rate Media Access Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks” by Kanodia, Sabharwal, and Knightly are employed to
optimize transmission rates based on the observed network conditions.These algorithms consider various factors,

including channel conditions, traffic patterns, and quality-of-service requirements, to dynamically adjust trans-
mission rates.By leveraging sophisticated optimization algorithms, the MOAR module can adapt to changing
network dynamics and achieve efficient utilization of available resources.

3.4 Hidden Node Mitigation Module:

3.4.1 Employment of RTS/CTS Mechanisms: The protocol utilizes Request-to-Send / Clear-to-Send
(RTS/CTS) mechanisms as a proactive measure to mitigate collisions caused by hidden nodes.When a node
intends to transmit data, it first sends out an RTS frame to the intended receiver, indicating its intention to
transmit and reserving the channel for communication.Upon receiving the RTS frame, the intended receiver
responds with a CTS frame, confirming the availability of the channel and notifying other nodes to refrain from
transmitting during the reserved time.By establishing this two-way handshake mechanism, RTS/CTS helps
prevent collisions between hidden nodes, ensuring more reliable communication.
3.4.2 Exchange of RTS and CTS Frames: Nodes exchange RTS and CTS frames to establish clear com-
munication channels and avoid interference from hidden nodes.The RTS frame includes information about the
sender’s intention to transmit, the duration of the transmission, and the receiver’s identity.Upon receiving the
RTS frame, the intended receiver responds with a CTS frame, acknowledging the request and indicating its
readiness to receive data.This exchange of frames allows nodes to coordinate their transmissions and avoid
collisions, thereby enhancing the reliability of data transmission.
3.4.3 Utilization of Virtual Carrier Sensing Techniques: Virtual carrier sensing techniques are employed
to enhance the accuracy of channel assessment and mitigate interference caused by hidden nodes.Nodes use vir-
tual carrier sensing to monitor the wireless medium for ongoing transmissions, even if they cannot directly detect
signals from hidden nodes.By analyzing the activity on the channel and interpreting the RTS/CTS exchanges,
nodes can infer the presence of hidden nodes and adjust their transmission behavior accordingly.This enhanced
awareness of hidden nodes allows nodes to make more informed decisions about channel access, reducing the
likelihood of collisions and improving overall network performance.

3.5 Performance Evaluation Module:

3.5.1 Measurement of Key Metrics:The module measures key performance metrics such as throughput,
latency, and resource utilization to evaluate the effectiveness of the hybrid protocol.Throughput refers to the
rate at which data is successfully transmitted over the network, providing insight into the protocol’s overall
capacity.Latency measures the delay experienced by data packets as they traverse the network, indicating the
responsiveness and efficiency of the protocol.Resource utilization assesses the efficiency with which network
resources such as bandwidth and transmission channels are utilized, highlighting areas for optimization and
3.5.2 Analysis of Performance Metrics:Performance metrics collected by the module are analyzed to
identify patterns, trends, and areas of improvement within the network.Through statistical analysis and data
visualization techniques, the module provides insights into the behavior and performance of the hybrid protocol
under different operating conditions.By examining performance metrics over time and across various scenarios,
the module enables researchers to understand the protocol’s behavior and performance characteristics compre-
3.5.3 Comparative Analysis Against Existing Approaches:The module conducts comparative analysis
against existing CSMA/CA approaches to validate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed hybrid pro-
tocol.By benchmarking performance metrics against established standards or alternative protocols, researchers
can assess the relative performance advantages and limitations of the hybrid protocol.Comparative analysis pro-
vides valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed solution, guiding further optimization
efforts and informing protocol design decisions.
3.5.4 Validation of Protocol Efficiency:Through performance evaluation and comparative analysis, the
module validates the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed hybrid protocol in meeting the desired objec-
tives.By demonstrating improvements in key performance metrics such as throughput, latency, and resource
utilization, the module substantiates the protocol’s suitability for practical deployment in real-world wireless
communication scenarios.Validation of protocol efficiency enhances confidence in the proposed solution and
provides a basis for decision-making in protocol design, optimization, and deployment.

[1] A. S. S. U. Rehman, S. Berber, Performance analysis of CSMA/CA algorithm for wireless sensor network,, [Accessed: 18-02-2024] (2010).

[2] E. K. V. Kanodia, A. Sabharwal, MOAR: a multi-channel opportunistic auto-rate media access protocol for
ad hoc networks,, [Accessed: 18-02-2024] (2004).
[3] J. Balasubramani, Opportunistic Random Access in CSMA/CA-Based Wireless Networks, https:// (2013).

[4] A. S. E. K. B. Sadeghi, V. Kanodia, OAR: An Opportunistic Auto-Rate Media Access Protocol for Ad
Hoc Networks, OAR An Opportunistic Auto-Rate
Media Access Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks, [Accessed: 18-02-2024] (2005).

**** END ****


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