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Standards-Based Grading

Michael Brown, Adam Vaught, and Emily Roeder

Traditional Grading Practices
Little to no research in support.

Inequalities in grading

● Using a points system and averages

● Using zeros as a punishment
● Grading homework and other formative assignments
● Grading on a curve
● Allowing extra credit
● Grading for behavioral issues
● Incorporating teacher expectations and judgments into grades
What is Standards Based Grading (SBG)?

A consistent grading scale

based on student progress
towards mastery of state
Traditional vs SBG
SBG Grading Practices

1. A consistent 4-point grading scale is

2. Academic achievement is reported
separately from behaviors.
3. Scores are based on a body of evidence.
4. Achievement is organized and reported
by learning topic, sometimes converted
into a grade at semester’s end.
5. Students have multiple opportunities to
demonstrate proficiency.
6. Accommodations and modifications are
provided for exceptional learners.
Grading Expectations and BOE’s
Keeping the Behavior Out of Grades

● Traditional grading held biases in them

○ Behavior can shift grades up or down
○ Grades can lead teachers to have
biased views towards their students
○ These biases can follow students
through out their time in school
● Grades should be based on content
● SBG focuses on proficiency of standards

Townsley, M. (2016, June 2). What does the research say about standards-based grading?. Matt Townsley.

Marx, M. H., & Henderson, B. B. (1993). Development of inferences over elementary-school grades: IV.
affective bias as a determinant of inferences. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 31(2), 149-151.

What is standards-based grading?. TeacherEase. (n.d.).

Lehman, E., De Jong, D., & Baron, M. (2018). Investigating the Relationship of Standards-Based Grades
vs. Traditional-Based Grades to Results of the Scholastic Math Inventory at the Middle School
LevelErin. Education Leadership Review of Doctoral Research, 6.

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