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Saad Khalid SM 19SBBMC CW2 Marks 35

Q1 There was a good demonstration of understanding and explained them well although not in a
critically analytical manner. You should have also included the other three Ps and not just
restricted it to the 4Ps. You could have also justified a bit more with key examples rather than
just making a statement from a writer and then just stating your company will be adopting a
standardised or adapted approach.

Q2: Although you appear to have mentioned some few relevant points for the various stages, you
have not covered this question to the required standard. There is a bit of deviation from the
question as you have not specifically explained what Gerber will be doing at each stage of the
brand building model but you were rather focussing on what the brand has done previously. You
should note that, this should be specific to the market you are entering, as what has been done in
other jurisdictions cannot automatically be assumed to work in all jurisdictions. Also, your
understanding of the elements is very limited.

Q3. You appear to have focussed on mainly the use of internet rather than the use of other
methods. You could have also explained the concept of IMC as a way of sending consistent
messages across all channels of communication. Again, there was also no critical analysis of the
methods you are proposing. You will need to look at the other aspects of using purely internet-
based IMC although you stated initially that, the research you have carried out suggest your
target customers are able to use social media but there was no evidence of this research. Overall,
you could have also considered other methods which will be relevant to the market.

Q4. Again very limited explanation although you have identified the right indicators. You could
have for instance looked at how the organisation will employ these indicators and the potential
issues of relying on the chosen indicators. You also covered ways of improving in the future but
again, your explanation was very limited and did not address the chosen indicators well enough.


Overall good structure although the level of analysis was basic and lacked criticality and
academic rigour

Total: 35

CW3 Contribution to Discussion Board Topics

1. Role of marketing in gaining competitive advantage: full and well-referenced response
2. Market Segmentation: full and well-referenced response
3. Marketing mix: full and well-referenced response
4. Branding and integrated marketing communication: full and well-referenced response
5. Measurement of marketing success: full and well-referenced response
Total: 8/10


Strategic marketing

saad khalid 21919974

word count 2900 |

Executive Summary
The report details marketing strategies and plan for the international brand Gerber Products
Company, to enter Pakistan with their organic baby food. The concepts of standardization and
adaptation are critically evaluated before a recommendation is proposed to the company. This
leads to a proposal and analysis of the marketing mix for GERBER with 7P’s. Some examples
of other brands that have expanded well internationally are utilized to further elaborate on the
concept and suggest a marketing mix for organic baby foods. Report further entails a customer
based brand equity model for GERBER . This helped in identifying several different positive
aspects of the brand that can aid in the launch of its organic baby foods in Pakistan through its
slogan, baby face icon, 100% organic factor and sugar free factor. Furthermore, this analysis
provided the basis to effectively generate an integrated marketing communication mix for the
brand whereas direct marketing, sales promotions and advertising been elaborated for the usage.
Then proposed an integrated marketing mix utilizing the concept of AIDA model and keeping in
mind the previous research on the proposed target market. The role of technology is identified as
an integral part of IMC in the new digital era. Additionally, there is discussion around the
various methods that can be utilized to measure the marketing success as well the way how it can
be improved in future. Such includes return on investment, market share, sales targets,
conversion rate and customer lifetime values. Then a summary of the solutions to the possible
challenges and suggestions to achieve, maintain, grow market efficiency and effectiveness been

Table of Contents

Executive Summary.........................................................................................................................3
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................4
List of Figures..................................................................................................................................5
1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................6
1.1Aims and objectives................................................................................................................6
2.0 Adaptation and standardization of marketing mix.....................................................................7
2.1Standardisation of Marketing Mix..........................................................................................7
2.2Standardisation of GERBER ..................................................................................................7
2.3Need for Standardisation of GERBER ...................................................................................7
2.4 Adaptation of Marketing Mix................................................................................................7
2.5 Adaptation of GERBER ........................................................................................................7
2.6 Need for Adaptation of GERBER .........................................................................................8
2.7 GERBER Marketing Mix......................................................................................................8
3.0 CBBE Model...........................................................................................................................12
3.1 Who are you? Brand identity...............................................................................................13
3.2 What are you? Brand Meaning............................................................................................13
3.3 What about you? Brand response.........................................................................................14
3.4 What about you and me? Consumer brand resonance.........................................................15
4.0 Integrated communication mix and methods...........................................................................16
4.1 Marketing communication methods.....................................................................................16
5.0 Measurement of success..........................................................................................................20
5.1 Methods to measure success and improve in the future.......................................................20
5.2.1 Improvements....................................................................................................................23
6.0 Conclusion...............................................................................................................................25

List of Figures
Figure 2.1 East Arab GERBER products.......................................................................................8
Figure 3.1 CBBE Model................................................................................................................12
Figure 4.1 AIDA model.................................................................................................................17
Figure 5.1 Conversation rates of different campaigns...................................................................22
Figure 5.2 Customer Life Time value formula..............................................................................22

1.0 Introduction
Gerber Products Company (GERBER ) has identified there is no 100% organic baby cereal in
the Pakistan market where there is only certain percentage of organic baby food is available such
Plum Organics Stage 2 fruit and veggie baby good, Happy baby organic Yogis baby snacks,
Pedia Sure Grow and Gain Nutrition Shake (Shoppingbag, 2020). Thus, these available in
banana, pears, apple and pumpkin flavours and not in cherry (Shoppingbag, 2020). Therefore,
GERBER ’s cherry 100% organic baby cereal has competitive advantage. Thus, the baby food
market is expected to by 8.4% by 2022 and per year 3,113.6mkg is needed, whereas 12.8%
annual revenue is generated by baby food (Statistica, 2020). In countries like Pakistan where
most of the baby foods are packaged for longer shelf lives, and lack of organic food, the right
values and nutrition is missed from the children’s’ diet. This leaves a gap in the market.
Considering this gap, suggested that a well renowned company like GERBER should bring its
organic products to Pakistan. This can help fill the gap and add value to the target market’s

In these changing times, people, especially parents are becoming more and more concerned
about the health of their children. For ages, parents have been worried about the dietary
necessities of their kids and not being able to provide the right amount of nutrition because most
of the kids are selective eaters. Especially,. Most of the people with younger toddlers and babies
are millennial. This indicates that their way of communicating with brands and their way of
purchase behaviour is different. There is a shift towards healthier lifestyles especially among
millennial and younger generation. In the international market, GERBER been successful in
identifying and leveraging on this customer market.

1.1 Aims and objectives

The aim of the report is to identify the adaptation and standardisation of marketing mix in
relation to GERBER for Pakistan and to elaborate the 7P’s in marketing mix in relation to the
country. Then Customer Based Brand Equity Model (CBBE) is evaluated under the four
segments and then different marketing communication methods are analysed. From those the
suitable method for GERBER is identified. Next, ways to measure success been analysed and
the suitable method for GERBER is pinpointed. Therefore, the objective is to stance GERBER
in Pakistan with the practical aspects of marketing.

2.0 Adaptation and standardization of marketing mix
2.1Standardisation of Marketing Mix
Standardization can be defined as a general way for any international company to implement the
same marketing strategies and practices as that of their country of origin. However, as per
Schlegelmmilch (2021), with completely standardized approach, the business can be at higher
risk when dealing with standardized strategy and not considering the needs and varied tastes of
the local market. Considering a McDonald’s they franchise the business and market the products
under 12 languages (Patel, 2018). Therefore, it can be seen that McDonald’s too standardize their

2.2 Standardisation of GERBER

Standardization in GERBER is the company follows 100% organic factor and no artificial
flavors been added for the fruit category of bay cereal (Gerber, 2021). Whereas, dried real fruit
pieces are blended and the dust is mixed to the cereal. Also, the instructions and the ingredients
are printed in English on the box (AnnualReport, 2020).

2.3 Need for Standardisation of GERBER

Pakistan national language is Urdu and the main language is Punjabi (WoldAtlas, 2019). So, the
instructions and the ingredients need to be printed in Urdu and Panjabi both for the customers to
understand since many do not use English. Also Pakistan does not allow canes and plastic based
food and such due to reduce pollution as per international standards. Therefore, GERBER has to
use only cardboard box packaging with recycled cellophane package to seal the baby cereal.

2.4 Adaptation of Marketing Mix

Adaptation is when multinational companies take a more localized approach and implement their
marketing strategy in accordance with the local market (Hossain, 2015). As per Onkvisitandshaw
(2004), marketers believe that more adaptable elements are price, promotion and place in
comparison to product. Some countries have trade barrier so in that case adaption is established.
(Rosenbloom, 2010). The economic benefit of adaptation is it enhances the environmental
services. When considering McDonald’s in India beef burger is not promoted since Indians
worship the cows (Patel, 2018). Therefore, veggie burger is introduced.

2.5 Adaptation of GERBER
Adaptation is seen in GERBER when they export the products to Africa and the blueberry dried
fruit baby cereal is sent. When GERBER send the products to East Arab, bee honey is added for
baby cereal (AnnualReport, 2020). Such customization is conducted as per the local specification
and expectations to suit the culture.
Figure 2.1 East Arab GERBER products

Source: GERBER (2020)

2.6 Need for Adaptation of GERBER

According to a research by Ahmand (2017), when considering Pakistan, the locals like cherries a
lot as well as the children. Since strawberry is common, red cherry dried fruit dust could be
added to a baby cereal and provide for the Pakistani market. As mentioned in Heading 1.1 there
are no cherry fruit catered baby cereal in the market.

2.7 GERBER Marketing Mix


GERBER produces organic cereals, supplements, meals, beverages and baby formulas. It is
suggested to the company to launch their organic baby food in a variety of seasonal fruits and
vegetables and offer to meet options. According to Ritcher (1995), the most standardized
marketing mix element is product. Consumer goods use more product adaption strategy. Durable
goods are more likely to be standardized as compared to non-durable goods. Adaptive strategy is
more appropriate for goods that are non-durable (Onkvisitandshaw, 2004).
According to market survey by Gillani (2017), the product taste and flavors need to be adapted
because due to the culture differences and Islamic rules and regulations the product should be
halal but as in Gerber, no halal specifications been violated. By adaption strategy in local
manufacturing can have monthly production to maintain freshness which will be easily available
on the market shelf’s free from artificial flavors, colors and preservatives. This will enhance the
customer loyalty and relationship. It will be a more valuable choice for parents who buy
expensive imported products which are not even fresh (Rani, 2018). Thus the box size would be
227g with one-year shelf-life.

Standardization mixed with adaption is advisable for international expansion (Leonidou, 2003).
Therefore, product packaging is to remain standardized, the only addition to packaging will be
ethically the product has to be halal and halal label should be on it. There are no direct
competitors as 100% organic baby food is new to Pakistan’s market, so product standardization
by adding the hahal label after getting the certification and it is suitable to leverage on GERBER
’s international image.

Most of studies have indicated that pricing is the least standardized (Bowman, 2007). B2B
marketing uses more price standardization strategy as compared to B2B against B2C.
Competitive situation and preferences of customer are factors to be considered in order to
maintain a price differentiation and to grab the attention of the customers through competitive
pricing (Schlegelmilch, 2001).

Baby food products are imported in Pakistan so after paying much higher taxes and import duties
the prices get high but still parents prefer to pay high for their baby’s health. Considering the
target market, price is not their main concern. In fact, as per Herstner (1985), higher price is
linked to better quality. Hence, there’s an opportunity for GERBER to adopt premium pricing
for the organic baby foods. This will enable the company to maintain high end quality products
image. But with premium pricing it will be difficult to purchase by the middle income level

Bundle pricing strategy is proposed by offering complete set of meals for a day at discounted
price in comparison to buying each product solely. For example, customer can buy a normal

cereal and a cherry cereal whereas the child could have the normal one for breakfast and cheery
one for lunch which allows to balance favors. Where buy two could be provided in a discounted
rate. So such helps to cater for middle income based customers since one packet is US$1.49,
whereas the discounted rate for two will be US$3.

If the promotion is standardize by the company then the advertisement has to be globally
effective the only benefits which is obtained by standardizing is reduction in the cost and
uniform image worldwide. Maximum effectiveness can be gained by adapting the advertisement
in terms of sales and response (Sallam, 2016). In different cultures some visuals are not accepted
so adapting the local environment and language can be effective. As per Ekbar (2014), language
barrier and religious aspects should be considered. Therefore, the advertisements need to be
conducted in Urdu and Panjabi for the locals to understand well.

Adaptation is suggested to GERBER in some respects such as local advertisements to connect to

the local market in a more effective manner. However, within that localized ad the GERBER
logo, taglines and similar elements will be kept standardized to maintain the high-profile
international image as according to Ahmed (2017), research this will have a positive impact in
maintaining the high-profile image of the brand on the local market. Thus, no artificial
ingredients and sugar free factor needs to be highlighted in order to be align with the cultural
requirements of 100% organic baby food.

For developing a long term marketing strategy a major decision is a right type of distribution
channel. Distribution channels cannot be standardize as they vary in different regions. Culture
influences the distribution channels (Low, 2001). Currently, such products are not readily
available hence, all major supermarkets can be targeted for distribution. There are large
supermarkets in every upper middle class and elite class area of Pakistan like Karachi, Lahore
and Islamabad. As mentioned by Kim (2008), failure of Walmart in South Korea was lack of
logistically efficient locations as most commercial areas were already captured by South Korean
retailer. Therefore, taking such into consideration the products need to be placed at all super
markets, pharmacies and baby products retail stores.

Another important proposed distribution channel is via brand’s own e-store. As per Keller
(2006), the online shopping trend is growing rapidly in Pakistan market and according to
research this will have various benefits. Hence, delivered directly to door will be a major plus for
the brand but shipping cost will be added.


The target group are the parents of the babies from 6 months to 5 years old. Therefore, the
company should target on providing better customer satisfaction through sales and after service,
whereas the sales people need to make the impact on the customers through communication
(Assemblo, 2021).


The maximum efficiency of the product delivery needs to be maintained with reliability been
provided through the features been highlighted (Assemblo, 2021). Thus, the environment focus
should also be indicated through the packaging and sustainability is maintained through shipment
on time. for online shopping logistics and digital partnership where online chat could be
provided for the parents’ concerns to be answered (Langford, 2021). System payments and
delivery on time need to be maintained to provide reliability.

Physical Evidence

The customer should see the 100% organic internal verification seal on the box, and when the
parent opens the box the smell of cherries to be released. The products need to be displayed in
stores clearly (Assemblo, 2021). As per Langford (2021), at digital placements the website and
social media could highlight the cherry baby cereal with 3D images.

3.0 CBBE Model
In order to direct the success of a brand the Customer Based Brand Equity Model (CEEB) is
used by GERBER . Customer attitude towards the Gerber brand is evaluated as per the pyramid
whereas the brand is created from the bottom to top of the pyramid. The four steps of the
pyramid are based on questions as per the creation of M. L. Keller and GERBER will provide
answers to those in order to create its identify and to build the brand (Bhasin, 2019).

Figure 2.1 CBBE Model

Source: Annual Report (2020) and Bhasin (2019)

3.1 Who are you? Brand identity
GERBER is recognized as a highly nutritious organic baby food brand in market through Nestle
and a logo approaching appeal of the GERBER baby face is not possessed by any other
company (AnnualReport, 2020). A research revealed that mothers from different ethnicities
imagined their children having sugar free cereal and not leading towards diabetics from
childhood. Thus, it is very healthy from childhood to reduce the sugar consumption. This intense
perception guided refinement of sugar free concept to all parents which indirectly lead towards
making its equity, reliability and character stronger. Increasing the salience of brand in this
environment will boost up sales volume and consumption (Keller, 2001). High quality nutritional
baby food made GERBER earn the reputation (Consumeraffairs, 2020).The breadth of brand
awareness is moderately strong as consumers consider GERBER as a choice when considering
categories including organic baby food. The depth is strong as people consider it nutritious and
first choice when it comes to health and growth (Consumeraffairs, 2020). Therefore, GERBER
can stance themselves in the Pakistan market with their sugar free and baby face logo which
indicate cute real life baby. Sugar free highlights GERBER are food based brand and baby face
indicates the food is for children (toddlers, infants and babies). The “who” factor is provided
through such.

3.2 What are you? Brand Meaning

Brand Performance: The idea GERBER rooted in the consumer mind is to have your baby
grow with GERBER food. GERBER offers nutritious such as non-genetically modified
organisms (NON-GMO) products, free from artificial flavors and colors. They innovated
specifically in products which boost development and growth. They claim to regularly test
ingredients, in May 2006 packaging was converted to 100% post-consumer recycled materials
(Duncan, 2006). In 2005 they also replaced softening agents that included sodium chloride with
potassium chloride (AnnualReport, 2020). Although it was much expensive but health comes
first for GERBER (Governor, 2006). A toll free number is provided by GERBER so the parent
can ask any question about feeding and raising a baby. Parents get tremendous added value and
perceive GERBER as a caring company (Consumeraffairs, 2020). In Pakistan GERBER could
plan to cater for functionality, reliability, durability, and price through providing 100% organic
and sugar free factor with cherries included. When the five-year-old tries the product for first

time all these been catered could be mentioned by them since a five-year-old understands and
compares well and satisfaction is provided with cherries. So the positive opinion is developed
from word-of-mouth.

Brand imagery: the brand appears to be eco-friendly, safe and family oriented. Visuals of
mothers and happy baby are frequent throughout the website which makes the customer perceive
GERBER not only as a product but they associate with happiness and love. “Grow up with
Gerber” slogan gives GERBER an image of completely nutritious balanced diet, energetic and
healthy children among its customer (Gergerslogan, 2019). Whereas the mothers know the
nutritious in breast milk and food, such slogan indicates it is safe for the children and provides
the required level of nutrition’s. The psychological factor is created with such words printed on
the box and highlighted and customers mind is impacted to trust the brand. Therefore, it indicates
what GERBER are.

3.3 What about you? Brand response

The long lasting legacy and rich history has made GERBER become a superior brand than its
competitors (GerberHistory, 2020). Customer judge GERBER baby food on its high quality. It
is seen as the high quality organic baby food in market. (Amazonreviews, 2021). Danalac being
the competitor and parents compare the non-sugar free of Danalac against GERBER which
brings credibility for brand. (DEANBEST, 2017) Customers think of it as a market leader in
organic baby food, to achieve high quality standards and have collaborated with different
organization to regularly test products (Governor, 2006). GERBER has registered dietitians
which can help in growth and developments plans making parents to judge it as caring brand
(Consumeraffairs, 2020). Online chat with pediatricians is provided to understand about the
100% organic factor and the verification certificate is printed on the box of the products as well.
So, Pakistani parents to judge the brand in relation to 100% organic and sugar free factor where
value against other brand been highlighted through such facts.

With the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Certification for Organic foods, the
feeling of verification and trust is provided for the customers by GERBER. Thus, GERBER has
understood consumer needs and built a strong customer loyalty through products that are NON-

GMO made with natural fruits and vegetables, bringing positive consumer feelings about the
brand. As per Medical (2020), GERBER produces self-assurance, comfort and feeling of safety
in market as it gives full medical assistance. Thus, GERBER has many platforms to directly
contact them such as Social media and Website. Therefore, the Pakistani parents could view the
customer reviews in the social media platforms Danalcbaby (2021), and get the feeling of safety
and guarantee of the product been 100% organic and sugar free. Regular updates will be
conducted and publishes about the customer satisfaction. The answer for “what about you”” is
the parents will realize the validity of the product and its uniqueness through the sources and will
accept the brand.

3.4 What about you and me? Consumer brand resonance

According to Amazon (2020), customers has reviewed GERBER products above 4 star rating
and mostly have recommended to purchase it. By analyzing the reviews it is visible that 80%
loyal customers and repeat purchase is around above 70%. Customer’s reviews has shown that
they consider GERBER as their favorite brand (Amazonreviews, 2021). In the society it has
become a quality symbol and customers have affiliation with it. By introducing Australia’s’
DOTTI (2021), a personal baby expert and medically assisting the mothers with 24/7 service the
company has created a very strong bond with customers. An active engagement with the brand is
created by creating a team of registered dietitians, lactation consultants and sleep consultants
(Whiteside, 2018). These will be advertised when introducing the product to the market. With
these aspects the Pakistani mothers who are highly concern about the baby food will view such
and customer loyalty is built. Therefore, through word-of-mouth the brand is marketed within the
community. After the first purchase even the brand loyalty will be remained due to the quality
and standards. Thus, they will also include the experience and the product values to the online
platforms. Such increase the product value.

4.0 Integrated communication mix and methods
Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) plays a vital role in establishing a positive
perception of the brand and provides the effective means of communicating the right message
with the target market (Duncan, 2006). As per the 7P’s promotion, it looks into the
communication tools where different tools are used to communicate the product message to the
customers. Therefore, different form of communications are combined together to work in
harmony to create competitive advantage in marketing. For the different communication tools to
work together horizontal or vertical or internal or external or data integration is used (Dragan,

A successful implementation IMC mix can result in numerous benefits for launching organic
baby food in Pakistan such as:

 Clear brand image of GERBER as an international brand that produces locally and offers
organic and fresh options.
 Perception of international standards of satisfying local needs, hence gaining the local
market’s trust.
 Laying the foundation for future long-term strategy and success.

4.1 Marketing communication methods

The goal is to make GERBER ’s product stand-out from the clutter of alternatives. This can be
achieved if the IMC mix is implemented successfully with the AIDA approach. AIDA stands for
attention, interest, desire, and action model which is identifies the different stages a person goes
through when purchasing a product (AIDA, 2020). Thus, is consists of cost, and direct services.

1. Social Media Advertising (paid & unpaid)

Social media is considered as a key advertising platform (Arman, 2014). As per the PESTEL
analysis by Rahman (2020) shows that the target customer are highly involved in the use of
technology and especially social media. Suggestion is to promote GERBER ’s products on all
major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linked-In to generate
maximum exposure, increase local engagement and customer interaction (encourage two-way
communication) with the brand and tell the brand story (Duncan, 2006).

Paid Ads:
Paid ads on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram will ensure that the consistency
remains in the communication and people are directed to the website where they can shop online.
Furthermore, these ads can help GERBER generate leads which can be retargeted for future

Unpaid posts:
Such includes articles, fun facts, blogs, short videos etc. It is advertised by GERBER to keep the
unpaid posts on company’s social media pages more informational (Safko, 2012). Furthermore,
Google My Business page will be created to increase GERBER ’s Google Score in Pakistan.
This amalgamation can result in achieving great results with the AIDA model like below:
Figure 3.1 AIDA model

Source: Safko (2012)

As per the model the clink on the link will lead the customers towards grabbing the attention for
the prominent facts about the product such as sugar free, 100% organic, different varieties where
their interest is created by putting those facts as pop-up icons. Then the desire to purchase one of
the products is focused through customer testimonials and click on the online purchase is then

YouTube Channel:

Gerber can promote the value of organic foods, the nutritional benefits and tell its brand story
through YouTube channel. Our nutritionist and medical staff can make health videos providing
vast knowledge about Geber food. Hence, to create a strong perception and trust for Gerber
linked to health of babies.

Establish vision, priorities, competences,

needed to win tomorrow
Combine departmental plans Develop key strategies for value, innovation,
competences, attitudes
Adjust five-year sales and profit targets Convert into sales, profit and investment
and individual department strategy and plans
Characteristics of approach:
Financially driven
Market and competence-driven
Establish vision, priorities, competences,
needed to win tomorrow
Combine departmental plans Develop key strategies for value, innovation,
competences, attitudes
Adjust five-year sales and profit targets Convert into sales, profit and investment
and individual department strategy and plans
Characteristics of approach:
Financially driven
Market and competence-driven
Establish vision, priorities, competences,
needed to win tomorrow
It is well known that during the purchasing decision process, consumers are
looking for information from various sources in an attempt to identify the alternatives
existing on the market and to make up the so-called “set of evoked alternatives” from
which they will ultimately choose the optimal option. Whether it is an external search
for information, from sources such as: personal information sources (relatives, friends,

neighbors etc.), marketing sources (advertising, sales promotion etc.), public or
experimental sources, or an internal search of information, marketing communication
plays a fundamental role in guiding the consumer’s decision

2. Sales Promotion

The concept allows brands to complement their advertising with a more personalized touch. This
incorporates samples, gifts, coupons and other purchase incentives to boost the sales in the short-
term but still convey a brand image and a customer experience (Reid, 2002). For example,
McDonald’s Happy Meal comes with a kids’ toy which attracts the kids towards the brand.
GERBER can send free samples of other flavours with every purchase and a small gift such as a
baby toy, spoons or a pack of baby bibs. Furthermore, a 10% off on next purchase coupon can
also be sent to the customer to encourage repeat buying (Duncan, 2006). For example, sending a
15% off voucher on Children’s day to customers or even on their birthdays (Wishque, 2021).
The coupons by GERBER can be sent in an EDM (electronic direct mail).This method is
recommended since it is a new product to Pakistan, hence, parents will be given the opportunity
to test the product. This way GERBER can provide a customer monetary benefits with free
samples in 10g packets. Even though this is likely to boost sales in the short-term, yet it can help
GERBER establish a brand image and create customer experience which will be beneficial in
the long run. At present, any free food is highly acceptable by the society in Pakistan where the
parent even could try the taste and understand the difference.

3. Direct Marketing
This includes sending marketing and communication material directly to the customers.
However, considering the changing times there has been a shift from paper-based mail to
electronic direct mail to the spread of COVDI-19 (DMAB, 2021). This method is recommended
to GERBER since it already has a strong brand equity and research shows that brands with
strong brand equity receive a positive response from direct marketing (Anabila, 2019). However,
it is essential to understand that the message conveyed via direct marketing either compliments
or augments the communication being carried out on other channels (Steffani, 2018). Thus, e-
mail marketing, WhatsApp and SMS marketing could be conducted with all the information

included in a flyer with the website and contact number. So, the parents who are interested in
will either search in website or contact to place the orders.

5.0 Measurement of success

To measure how much marketing spending has contributed to profits GERBER can take help
from different marketing performance metrics. Businesses evaluate marketing success because
they have to determine what improvements and modifications they need in marketing mix to
boost performance (Kulkarni, 2020). Thus, selecting the right metric to measure the performance
are up to the expectation level is necessary (Andrew, 2018).Whereas quantifiable metrics are
highly recommended to keep track of weaknesses and to make improvements.

5.1 Methods to measure success and improve in the future

To measure success as per Andrew (2018), return on investment, sales target, conversation rate,
customer life time value and market share is used.

1. Return on investment (ROI)

It is the measurement of profit gained by investing in the market. As GERBER has spent on
direct marketing campaigns, commercials, advertisements and social media marketing, such total
cost is measured through the profitability metrics which is known as ROI and it is calculated by
dividing the net profit with cost of investment and multiply by 100 (Mendez, 2016). Marketing
campaigns are investment and such need to be measured to make sure the money was spent
wisely (Mansa, 2021).

This calculation can result in positive or negative percentage. If the marketing campaign do not
have positive ROI then have to cancel it (Mendez, 2016). If one of the marketing campaign
shows a 70% ROI and the other 120% ROI then the company should invest marketing budget on
the campaign with highest performance. For example, for paid social media promotions then
tracking the ROI can help to know if the social media strategy is effective. If GERBER invested
$1,000 on a marketing campaign, and it result in $2,000 in profit from sales, then can say ROI
was $1,000, or 100%. (Kucheriavy, 2020). However, the issue is it does not adjust for risks and
sometimes the expected costs are not included for its calculation due to some cost varies such as
the Facebook promotion prices varies from time to time. Such could be mitigated through adding
all the variable costs and investing through the rupee-cost averaging method for Pakistan.

2. Sales target
To calculate sales revenue and compare that with a target or previous performance, use sales
target Key Performance Indicator (KPI). Need to monitor sales performance against the targets
as it is a core occupation of sales management. GERBER should monitor sales data consisting
total sales and types of products sold. Then by evaluating the sales data the business determines
the effectiveness of marketing strategy (Ambler, 1997). For example, if GERBER look at
overall sales from the previous year which assume to be $100,000 and consider $150,000 total
sales this year, can say that the marketing plan is showing positive effect as GERBER has
gained $50000 in sales. However, sales target issue is getting a proper response from the
prospects and if the sales been targeted high at off peak time, the sales are unable to cover. The
over estimation and no response from prospects ae challenges. To mitigate such need to have
realistic targets supported via the marketing plan and having profit margins where sales could be

3.Conversion rate
The aim of conversion rate is to measure the number of people who visited a website who
converted into customers or leads (Andrus, 2020). Higher conversion rate is a sign of marketing
success. A low conversion rate indicates that your campaign needs optimizations to improve it
(Andrus, 2020). The formula for such is: Conversion rate = (conversions / total visitors) *

Figure 5.1 Conversation rates of different campaigns

Source: Annual Report (2020)

The Table 5.2 indicated Campaign 3 and campaign 4 of GERBER has the lowest conversion
rates, which means these campaigns are not much effective compared to others. Could be
calculated as 200 visiots per month provided 50 sales and the conversion rate would be 25%.
Therefore, these two campaigns need to be stopped or conduct a market research and identify the
most popular type of campaign and how they are conducted. Then implement such for
GERBER . However, there could be faults in the system and provides rate drop whereas the
analytical tracking code is not update r installed incorrectly. Such could be mitigated through
updating the account regularly.

4. Customer Lifetime Value

Customer life time value (CLV) is the representation of the total revenue which a customer will
create for the business through its relationship (Caldwell, 2021). To measure marketing
campaign success measuring customer life time value will give more realistic representation.
This is a scenario in which a customer is willing to buy more than one item over the period of
time and can be seen in a long term campaigns by tracking the customer’s sales directly from the
marketing campaigns (Kucheriavy, 2020). The calculation is provided as follows:

Figure 5.2 Customer Life Time value formula

Source: Kucheriavy (2020)

However, the issue in customers’ life time value is need to track the customers individually
through the customer journey map which is difficult for a large company. Thus, the formula
requires many variables such as the customer acquisition costs, ongoing sales and marketing
expenses, operating expenses and the cost of manufacturing. These values could vary when the
currency fluctuations occur and accurate amount is unable to identify. Therefore, such could be
mitigated through offering high end customer services, listening to customer needs and taking
actions, and providing value packed content to keep the customers engaged so the company
knows certain level of customers are maintained every month, although the customer journey
map unable to provide accu5rate information.

5.Market share
It is the most important metric and it shows how GERBER is performing in comparison to the
competitors (Anderson, 2021). Higher market share is associated with higher profitability so the
company cost position depends on its market share (Cooper, 1998). As per Anderson (2021), by
knowing the market share, a firm can calculate consumer perception towards the new
products/services, also identify the pricing strategies needed, along with promotions decisions
and other key business initiatives. Market share is a key indicator of market competitiveness, it
helps the managers to judge overall market growth or decline, identify key trends in consumer
behavior locate market opportunity and market potential. (Farmanesh, 2017). It could be
calculated by dividing the company’s revenues through sales per year by entire market revenue
through sales per year (Cooper, 1998). However, the issues are looking at one year’s data could
lead towards deceptiveness, whereas the current position will not provide a clue about the growth
and decline. Therefore, to mitigate such need to trace its real performance and view the past
year’s data. But in the case of Pakistan the market share could be compared form the second year

5.2.1 Improvements
GERBER can improve in the future by tracking relevant metrics and business goals, look at
historical data, and pinpoint any trends. Then create a detailed plan. Figure out how GERBER
can use analytics in the existing process. GERBER can increase ROI by generating more
revenues and sales; if GERBER can increase revenues and sales without an increase in cost, it
can gain profit. Another way is to reduce expenses such as the franchisors payments should not
be increased annually in a drastic manner. GERBER can improve the market share through
innovation, increase customer engagement, and build a referral program. The content is
customer-centric, so should the content strategy, understanding which types of content the
audience prefers, and how and where they want to access it. GERBER needs to regularly check
the website traffic, check the analytics figure, and then improve campaigns according to the

6.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, the report intended to achieve successful marketing strategy implementation and
measurement of GERBER in its market entry to Pakistan. In order to achieve such, the
adaptation need of GERBER is identified as cherry baby cereal need to be catered for the market,
and the standardization need is towards only providing card box packed products where the
instructions are also printed in Urdu and Panjabi. As per the 7P’s findings, the product is a cherry
baby cereal with 100% organic and sugar-free factors. The place would be urban cities
supermarkets, baby product retail stores and pharmacies. The price will have bundle pricing to
increase the number of purchases. Promotion is conducted through social media platforms with a
discounted price for the bundle. The CBBE model indicated the brand is shown through the
baby-faced icon and the slogan catering for the product as the next option for mother’s breast
milk. Then online chat with the pediatrician to identify the benefits of sugar-free aspect and the
children tasting the product and mentioning to parent the taste is very good, and they like to
spread word-of-mouth. The ICM indicated that direct marketing through SMS, E-mail, and
WhatsApp flyers are ideal for spreading information for Pakistan customers, social media
advertising through paid and unpaid ads and sales promotions during children’s day, and e-
mailing vouchers. As for recommendations, IMC needs to be measured through return on
investment, market share, sales targets, conversion rate and customer lifetime values. However,
the report was limited to 2500-word count and Pakistan and organic baby food rather than all
types of baby food. Overall, with these KPIs, the 7P’s are on track could be measured and taken
necessary actions for improvements to succeed GERBER ’s baby cereal in Pakistan. Hence,
using the right marketing strategies, tactics and approaches, it is likely that the company will be
successful in Pakistan as well.

By analyzing the above data which we have gathered we come up to the conclusion that elements
of marketing mix can be easily standardized and adapted. Marketing managers must realize its
importance as marketing research has highlighted many new approaches. Our research has
shown that Consumer goods use more product adaption strategy. Durable goods are more likely
to be standardized as compared to non-durable goods. Most of studies have indicated that pricing
is the least standardized. In our chosen country Gerber adopted premium pricing. This will

enable the company to maintain high end quality products image. Adaptation is suggested to
Gerber in some respects such as local advertisements to connect to the local market in a more
effective manner. For developing a long term marketing strategy a major decision is a right type
of distribution channel. We recommended Gerber to launch in logically efficient and commercial
areas. Gerber is recognized as a highly nutritious organic baby food brand in market. The idea
Gerber rooted in the consumer mind is to have your baby grow with Gerber food. The brand
appears to be eco-friendly, safe and family oriented. The long lasting legacy and rich history
since 1927 has made Gerber become a superior brand than its competitors. Our goal here is to
make Gerber’s product stand-out from the clutter of alternatives. We achieved this through social
media campaigns, Electronic direct marketing and sales promotion. Marketing performance
metrics such as Return on investment, sales target and market share helped us analyze the
success for our marketing strategies.


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