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The Smartest Parrot

Once upon time, a man had a wonderIul parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot
could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name oI the place where it
was born. The name oI the place was Catano.
The man Ielt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot
would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not
saying the word.
At the Iirst, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. 'You stupid bird!
pointed the man to the parrot. 'Why can`t you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you the
man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got
so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; 'Say Catano or I`ll kill you. The bird kept not to
say the word oI Catano.
One day, aIter he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got
very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house. There
were Iour old chickens Ior next dinner 'You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them
Said the man angrily. Then he continued to humble; 'You know, I will cut the chicken Ior my
meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot. AIter that he leIt the chicken
The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very
surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death
chickens on the Iloor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last
old chicken; 'Say Catano or I`ll kill you.
Story oI Rabbit and Bear
Once upon a time, there lived as neighbours, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit is a good shot. In
contrary, the bear is always clumsy ad could not use the arrow to good advantage.
One day, the bear called over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his bow and arrows and
came with bear to the other side oI the hill. The rabbit was Iearing to arouse the bear`s anger so
he could not reIuse it. He consented and went with the bear and shot enough buIIalo to satisIy
the hungry Iamily. Indeed he shot and killed so many that there was lots oI meat leIt aIter the
bear and his Iamily had loaded themselves and packed all they could carry home.
The bear was very gluttonous and did not want the rabbit to get any oI the meat. Th e rabbit
could not even taste the blood Irom the butchering as the bear would throw earth on the blood
and dry it up. The poor rabbit would have to go home hungry aIter his hard day`s work.
The bear was the Iather oI Iive children. The youngest child was very kind to the rabbit. He was
very hearty eater. The mother bear always gave him an extra large piece oI meat but the youngest
child did not eat it. He would take it outside with him and pretended to play ball with the meat.
He kicked toward the rabbit`s house and when he got close to the door he would give the meat
with such a great kick. The meat would Ily into the rabbit`s house. In this way, the poor rabbit
would get his meal unknown to the papa bear.
":een of Arabia and Three Sheiks
Maura, who like to be thought oI as the most beautiIul and powerIul queen oI Arabia, had many
suitors. One by one she discarded them, until her list was reduced to just three sheiks. The three
sheiks were all equally young and handsome. They were also rich and strong. It was very hard to
decide who would be the best oI them.
One evening, Maura disguised herselI and went to the camp oI the three sheiks. As they were
about to have dinner, Maura asked them Ior something to eat. The Iirst gave her some leIt over
Iood. The second Sheik gave her some unappetizing camel`s tail. The third sheik, who was called
Hakim, oIIered her some oI the most tender and tasty meat. AIter dinner, the disguised queen leIt
the sheik`s camp.
The Iollowing day, the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace. She ordered her
servant to give each one exactly what they had given her the evening beIore. Hakim, who
received a plate oI delicious meat, reIused to eat it iI the other two sheiks could not share it with
This Sheik Hakim`s act Iinally convinced Queen Maura that he was the man Ior her. 'Without
question, Hakim is the most generous oI you she announced her choice to the sheiks. 'So it is
Hakim I will marry.
''Brothers Love''
By: Gina K.
Colombia, Age 14
Kevin wanted to live. He could not imagine dying. At least not in that situation.

'Please don`t shoot. He shouted 'Calm down

'BANG, BANG. It was his end

At morning Anne, Kevin`s sister woke up in a bar. Something very strange happened because
she is like a saint, and hates all that kind oI stuII.

'What I am doing in her? Thought Anne. 'What happened?

When she went outside, she saw that her car was not in there, and she didn`t have any money, so
she went walking to her house, that wasn`t very Iar. The problem was that iI she goes to her
house in that situation, her husband and her daughter will scare.

When she got to her brother`s house she had a big surprise. There was a lot oI police mans and
cars all over the house, and they didn`t let anyone enter. When she could pass through all the
people that were in there she talked to a police man.

'What happened? Anne asked the police man.

'The man that lived in here was killed. He answered.

Anne couldn`t believe that her brother was dead. She loved too much her brother, he was all Ior
Anne. What she was going to do without him?

'How do that happened? Asked Anne crying.

'We don`t know. We are opening a case. Said the police man.

Anne was Ieeling very, very bad. The police man could see it, so he asked her iI she wanted to

'Yes, please Anne answered.

Anne and the police man sat on a soIa that was on Kevin`s living room.

'You don`t look very good said the police man to Anne.

'I know. I woke up on a bar; I don`t know hot, it is very strange

'The dead man was a Iamiliar? A Iriend? Asked the police man.

'Yes, he was by brother. I don`t know what I am going to do without him. Anne explained him.
'How could someone kill him?, he was the best person on liIe.

'We don`t know what happened. But we are going to discover it We need your help, in saying
us the people that lived in here and all that because when me came in here there was anyone,
they came like 1 our hour later Said the police man.

'In the house lived Kevin, my brother, his wiIe that is always in here at 7pm. His son, that
yesterday they had a very big Iight, so he was punished. He could not hang out Answered Anne.

'Ok thanks Ior helping, anything we know we call you Said the police man.

The police stayed all day, in Kevin`s house looking Ior something, but there was nothing. The
only thing they had was that in the living room there were plates with Iood, so they can assume
that the assassin was a Iriend oI Kevin.

In Kevin`s room a police man Iound a diary, which said something that really was going to help

At the next day, the police asked Anne to do some blood exams Ior a control. She made them
and the police discovered all.

'Please seat down. This is going to be very strong Ior you said the police man to Anne.

'What happen? asked Anne

'On Kevin`s room we Iound a diary, in there it says that he was in love with you, you were not
brothers, you are adopted explained the police man.
Anne couldn`t believe it.

'It also says the he was going to do everything to pass a night with you, and in his room we
Iound drug. In your blood exams it shows that you consumed drug continued the police man.

'No, no that can`t be true. I`ve never drugged myselI cried Anne.

'We know that. Your brother drugged you yesterday, that is why you woke up in a bar, and
when you were with that substance you made a crazy thing without knowing it said the police.

'What? asked Anne.
'Kill someone, you killed your brother
The Password
By: Alonso J.
Colombia, Age 14
I never liked huge parties. The music is extremely loud, there are people everywhere, and there
are lots and lots oI alcohol. I`m Alan Rodriguez, and Im a Ireshman attending Columbia
University in New York City. The party I am right now is in a mansion at the Hamptons, a
neighborhood known Ior its rich people and luxurious liIestyle.

While I was seating in the couch watching a cute girl in Iront oI me, I see two boys Iighting
outside. I go, and see Steven Jackson, who is the schools troublemaker, hitting Andrew Frost, a
nerd and a bookworm.

'What do you want Ior dinner Andrew? says Steven. 'A dictionary or maybe an encyclopedia?
You know, we should name you Andrew-Pedia.

'Hey stop! Leave the guy alone! I hear Neal Gates, the owner oI the mansion, say.

'What are you going to do Microgate? says Steven.

'II you dont get out oI this house right now, Ill call security, says Neal.

'Ok. I will, but let me tell you: this will not end like this. Some day you will regret this, said

Steven walked out the mansion and I see Andrew entering the house. I see Neal in Iront oI me
and I strike a conversation with him.

'Hey Neal, what you did there was awesome. I say.

'And you are? Neal asks.

'Alan Rodriguez, I`m a Ireshman at Columbia, I say.

'Oh, so you are the new kid everyone`s talking about. People call you A-Rod like that Yankee`s
player, Alex Rodriguez is his name? said Neal.

'Yeah, but I`m not really that into sports, I said. 'I`m a geek, like your uncle, Bill Gates. Hey,
where are your parents? I say to Neal.

'In Venice, on some kind oI business trip or something. They travel a lot Neal said.

As we talk, we suddenly hear woman`s voice coming Irom inside the house, screaming so hard, I
start to think she`ll break a window. Then, complete silence. AIter the strange incident I hear
people murmuring and whispering and starting to move inside and see what`s going on.

'Dude what happened? I ask Neal

'I don`t know, says Neal. 'But Ill take a look. Let`s go Alan.

We went upstairs to the second Iloor where most people heard the noise. The scream came Irom
the guest`s bathroom. As we open the door, we see blood all over the place, and Iind the liIeless
body oI a young woman on the Iloor. She had a deep cut in her neck.

'Somebody, call 911, an unknown voice shouts.

Then, suddenly, the energy goes down. It was all dark and I hear rain drops hit the ground. It was
all silent. The air was chilly, and could see my breath coming Irom my mouth. We go to the
living room and see a light coming Irom the TV. We suddenly see a creepy Iace inside.

'Hello students, a man in the TV with a mask on greets us. 'You have been lock down. There is
no kind oI signal, so all oI your electronic devices are worthless. This entire house has been
covered with C4. The only way to get out is by telling your buddy Neal to tell me the password.
You have until sunrise to give me the password. Also, you will Iind your security guards are
taking a long, deep, and eternal sleep.

I start to panic. I knew I shouldn`t have come to this party. I know I shouldn`t. I should have
stayed at my dorm preparing Ior the exam I have next week. It doesn`t matter now. I`m in a
South Hampton`s mansion covered with C4 and I am going to die. Wait a minute. Why do I have
all this negativism? I could survive. Neal tells the creep the password and I survive. We all

I take my cell phone out oI my pocket and use it as a light source. I`m looking Ior Neal but I
can`t Iind him anywhere. I shout his name and wait Ior his answer, but the people are terriIied.
Some scream and cry, while others don`t know what to do. Then I see a Iigure rushing across the
room. It was Neal.

'Neal I shouted. But Neal didn`t listened. So I rushed to him and grab him.

'Neal, calm down. Breath man, I said 'everything is going to Iine. Neal took a breath and
seemed to be more calmed. Then I ask him 'So, what is the password?

'Dude, I don`t know. My parents keep that password to themselves. It could be anything, Irom
E-Mail password to any phone number or ID, said Neal.

'Hey, maybe is something about business. Please Neal think. Please, I said.

'Man, don`t tell this to anyone. You know my Iather is brother oI Bill Gates right? Neal said

'Alright I said.

'My Iather is working on a new microchip that is as tiny as dust. That microchip could be put in
any human. It helps curing brains diseases. It also helps by calming the brain. Said Neal

'Wait a minute. How can somebody turn oII the energy but can turn on the TV? There was no
one in the living room when this happened I said.

'That guy should have remote control it Irom. Neal stopped and continued 'the control room
where my bodyguards were.

We went rush to the control room and we see this little light. It started to Ieel chilly. Lighting
started to strike by the house. Then I hear this Iootsteps getting louder and louder. Then I see the
same man that was in the television in Iront oI me with a magnum in his leIt hand.

'Well done. I always liked intelligent kids like you two. So are you ready to give me the
password? The man with the mask said.

BeIore Neal opened his mouth I see a machete in the Iloor. It is like 6 Ieet away Irom me. Then I
see Neal looking to me. So I grabbed the machete and strike to the man with the man and lay
down in the ground. I go to the man in the ground and take his mask oII. It was Andrew Frost the
1here was once a woman who had Lhree daughLers of whom Lhe eldesL was named Cne Lye because
she had only one eye ln Lhe mlddle of her forehead 1he second had Lwo eyes llke oLher people and she
was called 1wo Lyes 1he youngesL had Lhree eyes Lwo llke her second slsLer and one ln Lhe mlddle of
her forehead llke Lhe eldesL and she bore Lhe name of 1hree Lyes

now because llLLle 1wo Lyes looked [usL llke oLher people her moLher and slsLers could noL endure her
1hey sald Lo her ?ou are noL beLLer Lhan common folks wlLh your Lwo eyes you donL belong Lo us

So Lhey pushed her abouL and Lhrew all Lhelr old cloLhes Lo her for her Lo wear and gave her only Lhe
pleces LhaL were lefL Lo eaL and dld everyLhlng LhaL Lhey could Lo make her mlserable lL so happened
LhaL llLLle 1wo Lyes was senL lnLo Lhe flelds Lo Lake care of Lhe goaLs and she was ofLen very hungry
alLhough her slsLers had as much as Lhey llked Lo eaL So one day she seaLed herself on a mound ln Lhe
fleld and began Lo weep and cry so blLLerly LhaL Lwo llLLle rlvuleLs flowed from her eyes Cnce ln Lhe
mldsL of her sorrow she looked up and saw a woman sLandlng near her who sald WhaL are you
weeplng for llLLle 1wo Lyes?

l cannoL help weeplng she replled for because l have Lwo eyes llke oLher people my moLher and
slsLers cannoL bear me Lhey push me abouL from one corner Lo anoLher and make we wear Lhelr old
cloLhes and glve me noLhlng Lo eaL buL whaL ls lefL so LhaL l am always hungry 1oday Lhey gave me so
llLLle LhaL l am nearly sLarved

ury up your Lears llLLle 1wo Lyes sald Lhe wlse woman l wlll Lell you someLhlng Lo do whlch wlll
prevenL you from ever belng hungry agaln ?ou have only Lo say Lo your own goaL

LlLLle goaL lf youre able

ray deck ouL my Lable

and lmmedlaLely Lhere wlll be a preLLy llLLle Lable before you full of all sorLs of
good Lhlngs for you Lo eaL as much as you llke And when you have had
enough and you do noL wanL Lhe Lable any more you need only say

LlLLle goaL when youre able

8emove my nlce Lable

and lL wlll vanlsh from your eyes

1hen Lhe wlse woman wenL away now LhoughL llLLle 1wo Lyes l wlll Lry lf whaL she says ls Lrue for l
am very hungry so she sald

LlLLle goaL lf youre able

ray deck ouL my Lable

1he words were scarcely spoken when a beauLlful llLLle Lable sLood really before her lL had a whlLe
cloLh and plaLes and knlves and forks and sllver spoons and such a dellclous dlnner smoklng hoL as lf lL
had [usL come from Lhe klLchen 1hen llLLle 1wo Lyes saL down and sald Lhe shorLesL grace she knew
ray Cod be our guesL for all Llme Amenbefore she allowed herself Lo LasLe anyLhlng 8uL oh how
she dld en[oy her dlnner! and when she had flnlshed she sald as Lhe wlse woman had LaughL her

LlLLle goaL when youre able

8emove my nlce Lable

ln a momenL Lhe Lable and everyLhlng upon lL had dlsappeared 1haL ls a pleasanL way Lo keep house
sald llLLle 1wo Lyes and felL qulLe conLenLed and happy ln Lhe evenlng when she wenL home wlLh Lhe
goaL she found an earLhenware dlsh wlLh some scraps whlch her slsLers had lefL for her buL she dld noL
Louch Lhem 1he nexL mornlng she wenL away wlLh Lhe goaL leavlng Lhem behlnd where Lhey had been
placed for her 1he flrsL and second Llmes LhaL she dld so Lhe slsLers dld noL noLlce lL buL when Lhey
found lL happened every day Lhey sald one Lo Lhe oLher 1here ls someLhlng sLrange abouL llLLle 1wo
Lyes she leaves her supper every day and all LhaL has been puL for her has been wasLed she musL geL
food somewhere else

So Lhey deLermlned Lo flnd ouL Lhe LruLh and Lhey arranged LhaL when 1wo Lyes Look her goaL Lo Lhe
fleld Cne Lye should go wlLh her Lo Lake parLlcular noLlce of whaL she dld and dlscover lf anyLhlng was
broughL for her Lo eaL and drlnk

So when 1wo Lyes sLarLed wlLh her goaL Cne Lye sald Lo her l am golng wlLh you Loday Lo see lf Lhe
goaL geLs her food properly whlle you are waLchlng Lhe resL

8uL 1wo Lyes knew whaL she had ln her mlnd So she drove Lhe goaL lnLo Lhe long grass and sald
Come Cne Lye leL us slL down here and resL and l wlll slng Lo you

Cne Lye seaLed herself and noL belng accusLomed Lo walk so far or Lo be ouL ln Lhe heaL of Lhe sun
she began Lo feel Llred and as llLLle 1wo Lyes kepL on slnglng she closed her one eye and fell fasL

When 1wo Lyes saw Lhls she knew LhaL Cne Lye could noL beLray her so she sald

LlLLle goaL lf you are able

Come and deck my preLLy Lable

She seaLed herself when lL appeared and aLe and drank very qulckly and when she had flnlshed she

LlLLle goaL when you are able

Come and clear away my Lable

lL vanlshed ln Lhe Lwlnkllng of an eye and Lhen 1wo Lyes woke up Cne Lye and sald LlLLle Cne Lye
you are a clever one Lo waLch goaLs for whlle you are asleep Lhey mlghL be runnlng all over Lhe world
Come leL us go home!

So Lhey wenL Lo Lhe house and llLLle 1wo Lyes agaln lefL Lhe scraps on Lhe dlsh unLouched and Cne Lye
could noL Lell her moLher wheLher llLLle 1wo Lyes had eaLen anyLhlng ln Lhe fleld for she sald Lo excuse
herself l was asleep

1he nexL day Lhe moLher sald Lo 1hree Lyes ?ou musL go Lo Lhe fleld Lhls Llme and flnd ouL wheLher
Lhere ls anyone who brlngs food Lo llLLle 1wo Lyes for she musL eaL and drlnk secreLly

So when llLLle 1wo Lyes sLarLed wlLh her goaL 1hree Lyes followed and sald l am golng wlLh you Lo
day Lo see lf Lhe goaLs are properly fed and waLched

8uL 1wo Lyes knew her LhoughLs so she led Lhe goaL Lhrough Lhe long grass Lo Llre 1hree Lyes and aL
lasL she sald LeL us slL down here and resL and l wlll slng Lo you 1hree Lyes

She was glad Lo slL down for Lhe walk and Lhe heaL of Lhe sun had really Llred her and as her slsLer
conLlnued her song she was obllged Lo close Lwo of her eyes and Lhey slepL buL noL Lhe Lhlrd ln facL
1hree Lyes was wlde awake wlLh one eye and heard and saw all LhaL 1wo Lyes dld for poor llLLle 1wo
Lyes Lhlnklng she was asleep sald her speech Lo Lhe goaL and Lhe Lable came wlLh all Lhe good Lhlngs
on lL and was carrled away when 1wo Lyes had eaLen enough and Lhe cunnlng 1hree Lyes saw lL all
wlLh her one eye 8uL she preLended Lo be asleep when her slsLer came Lo wake her and Lold her she
was golng home

1haL evenlng when llLLle 1wo Lyes agaln lefL Lhe supper Lhey placed aslde for her 1hree Lyes sald Lo her
moLher l know where Lhe proud Lhlng geLs her good eaLlng and drlnklng and Lhen she descrlbed all
she had seen ln Lhe fleld l saw lL all wlLh one eye she sald for she had made my oLher Lwo eyes close
wlLh her flne slnglng buL lucklly Lhe one ln my forehead remalned open

1hen Lhe envlous moLher crled ouL Lo poor llLLle 1wo Lyes ?ou wlsh Lo have beLLer food Lhan we do
you? ?ou shall lose your wlsh! She Look up a buLchers knlfe wenL ouL and sLuck Lhe good llLLle goaL ln
Lhe hearL and lL fell dead

When llLLle 1wo Lyes saw Lhls she wenL ouL lnLo Lhe fleld seaLed herself on a mound and wepL mosL
blLLer Lears

resenLly Lhe wlse woman sLood agaln before her and sald LlLLle 1wo Lyes why do you weep?

Ah! she replled l musL weep 1he goaL who every day spread my Lable so beauLlfully has been kllled
by my moLher and l shall have agaln Lo suffer from hunger and sorrow

LlLLle 1wo Lyes sald Lhe wlse woman l wlll glve you some good advlce Co home and ask your slsLer
Lo glve you Lhe lnslde of Lhe slaughLered goaL and Lhen go and bury lL ln Lhe ground ln fronL of Lhe

Cn saylng Lhls Lhe wlse woman vanlshed

LlLLle 1wo Lyes wenL home qulckly and sald Lo her slsLer uear slsLer glve me some parL of my poor
goaL l donL wanL anyLhlng valuable only glve me Lhe lnslde

Per slsLer laughed and sald Cf course you can have LhaL lf you donL wanL anyLhlng else

So llLLle 1wo Lyes Look Lhe lnslde and ln Lhe evenlng when all was quleL burled lL ln Lhe ground ouLslde
Lhe housedoor as Lhe wlse woman had Lold her Lo do

1he nexL mornlng when Lhey all rose and looked ouL of Lhe wlndow Lhere sLood a mosL wonderful Lree
wlLh leaves of sllver and apples of gold hanglng beLween Lhem noLhlng ln Lhe wlde world could be more
beauLlful or more cosLly 1hey none of Lhem knew how Lhe Lree could come Lhere ln one nlghL
excepLlng llLLle 1wo Lyes She supposed lL had grown up from Lhe lnslde of Lhe goaL for lL sLood over
where she had burled lL ln Lhe earLh

1hen sald Lhe moLher Lo llLLle Cne Lye Cllmb up my chlld and break off some of Lhe frulL from Lhe

Cne Lye cllmbed up buL when she Lrled Lo caLch a branch and pluck one of Lhe apples lL escaped from
her hand and so lL happened every Llme she made Lhe aLLempL and do whaL she would she could noL
reach one

1hree Lyes sald Lhe moLher cllmb up and Lry whaL you can do perhaps you wlll be able Lo see
beLLer wlLh your Lhree eyes Lhan Cne Lye can

Cne Lye slld down from Lhe Lree and 1hree Lyes cllmbed up 8uL 1hree Lyes was noL more skllful wlLh
all her efforLs she could noL draw Lhe branches nor Lhe frulL near enough Lo pluck even a leaf for Lhey
sprang back as she puL ouL her hand

AL lasL Lhe moLher was lmpaLlenL and cllmbed up herself buL wlLh no more success for as she
appeared Lo grasp a branch or frulL her hand closed upon Lhln alr

May l Lry? sald llLLle 1wo Lyes perhaps l may succeed

?ou lndeed! crled her slsLers you wlLh your Lwo eyes whaL can you do?

8uL 1wo Lyes cllmbed up and Lhe golden apples dld noL fly back from her when she Louched Lhem buL
almosL lald Lhemselves on her hand and she plucked Lhem one afLer anoLher Llll she carrled down her
own llLLle apron full

1he moLher Look Lhem from her and gave Lhem Lo her slsLers as she sald llLLle 1wo Lyes dld noL handle
Lhem properly buL Lhls was only from [ealousy because llLLle 1wo Lyes was Lhe only one who could
reach Lhe frulL and she wenL lnLo Lhe house feellng more splLeful Lo her Lhan ever

lL happened LhaL whlle all Lhree slsLers were sLandlng under Lhe Lree LogeLher a young knlghL rode by
8un away qulck and hlde yourself llLLle 1wo Lyes hlde yourself somewhere for we shall be qulLe
ashamed for you Lo be seen 1hen Lhey pushed Lhe poor glrl ln greaL hasLe under an empLy cask
whlch sLood near Lhe Lree and several of Lhe golden apples LhaL she had plucked along wlLh her

As Lhe knlghL came nearer Lhey saw he was a handsome man and presenLly he halLed and looked wlLh
wonder and pleasure aL Lhe beauLlful Lree wlLh lLs sllver leaves and golden frulL

AL lasL he spoke Lo Lhe slsLers and asked 1o whom does Lhls beauLlful Lree belong? lf a man possessed
only one branch he mlghL obLaln all he wlshed for ln Lhe world

1hls Lree belongs Lo us sald Lhe Lwo slsLers and we wlll break off a branch for you lf you llke 1hey
gave Lhemselves a greaL deal of Lrouble ln Lrylng Lo do as Lhey offered buL all Lo no purpose for Lhe
branches and Lhe frulL evaded Lhelr efforLs and sprung back aL every Louch

1hls ls wonderful exclalmed Lhe knlghL LhaL Lhe Lree should belong Lo you and yeL you are noL able
Lo gaLher even a branch

1hey perslsLed however ln declarlng LhaL Lhe Lree was Lhelr own properLy AL Lhls momenL llLLle 1wo
Lyes who was angry because her slsLers had noL Lold Lhe LruLh caused Lwo of Lhe golden apples Lo sllp
ouL from under Lhe cask and Lhey rolled on Llll Lhey reached Lhe feeL of Lhe knlghLs horse When he saw
Lhem he asked ln asLonlshmenL where Lhey came from

1he Lwo ugly maldens replled LhaL Lhey had anoLher slsLer buL Lhey dared noL leL hlm see her for she
had only Lwo eyes llke common people and was named llLLle 1wo Lyes

8uL Lhe knlghL felL very anxlous Lo see her and called ouL LlLLle 1wo Lyes come here 1hen came 1wo
Lyes qulLe comforLed from Lhe empLy cask and Lhe knlghL was asLonlshed Lo flnd her so beauLlful

1hen he sald LlLLle 1wo Lyes can you break off a branch of Lhe Lree for me?

Ch yes she replled l can very easlly for Lhe Lree belongs Lo me And she cllmbed up and wlLhouL
any Lrouble broke off a branch wlLh lLs sllver leaves and golden frulL and gave lL Lo Lhe knlghL

Pe looked down aL her as she sLood by hls horse and sald LlLLle 1wo Lyes whaL shall l glve you for

Ah! she answered l suffer from hunger and LhlrsL and sorrow and Lrouble from early mornlng Llll
laLe aL nlghL lf you would only Lake me wlLh you and release me l should be so happy

1hen Lhe knlghL llfLed Lhe llLLle malden on hls horse and rode home wlLh her Lo hls faLhers casLle 1here
she was glven beauLlful cloLhes Lo wear and as much Lo eaL and drlnk as she wlshed and as she grew up
Lhe young knlghL loved her so dearly LhaL Lhey were marrled wlLh greaL re[olclngs

now when Lhe Lwo slsLers saw llLLle 1wo Lyes carrled away by Lhe handsome young knlghL Lhey were
over[oyed aL Lhelr good forLune 1he wonderful Lree belongs Lo us now Lhey sald even lf we cannoL
break off a branch yeL everybody who passes wlll sLop Lo admlre lL and make acqualnLance wlLh us
and who knows? we may geL husbands afLer all

8uL when Lhey rose Lhe nexL mornlng lo! Lhe Lree had vanlshed and wlLh lL all Lhelr hopes And on Lhls
very mornlng when llLLle 1wo Lyes looked ouL of her chamber wlndow of Lhe casLle she saw Lo her
greaL [oy LhaL Lhe Lree had followed her

LlLLle 1wo Lyes llved for a long Llme ln greaL happlness buL she heard noLhlng of her slsLers Llll one day
Lwo poor women came Lo Lhe casLle Lo beg for alms LlLLle 1wo Lyes saw Lhem and looklng earnesLly ln
Lhelr faces she recognlsed her Lwo slsLers who had become so poor LhaL Lhey were obllged Lo beg Lhelr
bread from door Lo door

8uL Lhe good slsLer recelved Lhem mosL klndly and promlsed Lo Lake care of Lhem and glve Lhem all Lhey
wanLed And Lhen Lhey dld lndeed repenL and feel sorry for havlng LreaLed her so badly ln Lhelr youLhful

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