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Vocabulary Practice

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary word from the list:

1. The __________ issue of climate change requires immediate action.

2. The government has decided to __________ more resources to combat the rising crime rates.
3. The __________ disagreement between the two political parties led to heated debates.
4. We need to __________ the root causes of poverty to make a lasting change.
5. The company's inability to address its financial problems has led to a __________ situation.
6. The widespread use of plastic bags has __________ environmental problems.
7. The organization's mission is to __________ poverty in underprivileged communities.
8. The recent economic crisis has __________ the unemployment rate.
9. The __________ use of smartphones is changing the way we communicate.
10. The government needs to __________ strict regulations to control pollution.

Exercise 2: Match the Definition

Match the vocabulary word with its corresponding definition:

1. Contentious
2. Dire
3. Pervasive
4. Eradicate
5. Tackle an issue
6. Deploy
7. Chronic
8. Plague
9. Pressing
10. Exacerbate
11. Shine a spotlight on


A. To intensify or worsen a situation.

B. To confront or deal with a problem or challenge.

C. To distribute or utilize resources or personnel.

D. To eliminate or completely get rid of something undesirable.

E. To bring attention to or highlight a particular issue.

F. Characterized by long-lasting, persistent issues or problems.

G. Widespread and prevalent, often in a negative sense.

H. A severe, urgent, or critical situation.

I. Causing or likely to cause disputes or disagreements.

J. To affect or trouble persistently, as if with a disease.

K. Extremely serious or dreadful in nature.

Exercise 3: Complete the Sentences

Complete the sentences using the appropriate vocabulary word:

1. The __________ problem of water scarcity is a global concern.

2. The __________ between the two neighboring countries led to a border conflict.
3. The organization's mission is to __________ the issue of child malnutrition.
4. The __________ use of social media can sometimes lead to mental health issues.
5. The __________ economic conditions have forced many families into poverty.
6. The government needs to __________ strict regulations to control pollution.
7. The company's failure to address its financial problems has led to a __________ situation.
8. The documentary aims to __________ the issue of climate change and its impact on wildlife.
9. The team had to __________ additional resources to complete the project on time.
10. The disease continued to __________ the community, despite efforts to control it.
Exercise 1 Key:

1. pressing
2. deploy
3. contentious
4. address a problem
5. dire
6. exacerbate
7. eradicate
8. pervasive
9. chronic
10. tackle an issue

Exercise 2 Key:

1. I
2. K
3. G
4. D
5. B
6. C
7. F
8. J
9. H
10. A
11. E

Exercise 3 Key:

1. pressing
2. contentious
3. eradicate
4. pervasive
5. chronic
6. tackle an issue
7. dire
8. shine a spotlight on
9. deploy
10. plague

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